Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Report (E-35, Hassanabdal – Havelian Expressway, Package – I, II & III) March 2016 PAK: National Trade Corridor Highway Investment Program (NTCHIP) Tranche – II & III Prepared by National Highways Authority for the Asian Development Bank. NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its agencies ends on 30 June. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This Bi-annual environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Environmental Impact Assessment March 2016 PAK: National Trade Corridor Highway Investment Program – Tranche II & III Revised/ updated March 2016 Prepared by National Highways Authority for the Asian Development Bank CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 22 March 2016) Currency uni – Pakistani Rupees (PRs) PRs1.00 = $0.00954 $1.00 = PRs104.724 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description ADB Asian development Bank APHA American Public Health Association APs Affected Persons ASRs Air Sensitive Receivers ASTM American Society of Testing Materials AKM Avenue Kilometer BOD Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand BDL Below Detection Limit BHU Basic Health Unit OC Degree Centigrade CC Construction Contractor CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor CO Carbon Monoxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand dB (A) Decibel DCR District Census Report DC Design Consultant DD Deputy Director DO Dissolved Oxygen EA Environmental Assessment EALS Environment, A forestation land and Social EE Environmental Engineer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan EPA Environment Protection Agency EPD Environment Protection Department EPO Environmental Protection Ordinance ESR Environmental Sensitive Receiver FCC Forest Conservation Committee GHG Green House Gases GOP Government of Pakistan GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HSIP Highway Sector Improvement Programme IEE Initial Environmental Examination Km kilometer KKH Karakoram Highway LAC Land Acquisition Collector MVES Motor Vehicle Examiners NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards NESPAK National Engineering Services Pakistan NHA National Highways Authority NOx Nitrogen Oxides NGO Non Governmental Organization NOC No-Objection Certificate NSR Noise Sensitive Receiver NSL Natural Surface Level NTC National Trade Corridor OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PAPs Project Affected Persons PEPA Pakistan Environmental Protection Act PNCS Pakistan National Conservation Strategy PEPC Pakistan Environmental Protection Council PM Particulate Matter PPC Pakistan Penal Code PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund REA Rapid Environmental Assessment RE Resident Engineer ROW Right of Way SC Supervision Consultant SOx Sulfur Oxides SRSP Sarhad Rural Support Programme SSEMP Site Specific Environmental Management Plan TA Technical Assistance TSS Total Suspended Solids UC Union Council UCC Upper Chenab Canal USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency WHO World Health Organization NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its agencies ends on 30 June. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Table of Contents Environmental Impact Assessment of Hasanabdal – Havelian Section of E-35 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Hasanabdal – Havelian Section of E-35 Table of Contents List of Abbreviation i Table of Contents ii SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background 1-1 1.1 Scope of Study 1-2 1.2 Study Objectives 1-3 1.3 Requirement of EIA Study for the Proposed Project 1-3 1.4 The Proponent and Consultant 1-4 1.5 Study Team 1-4 1.6 Study Approach & Methodology 1-5 1.6.1 Study Approach 1-5 1.6.2 Methodology 1-5 1.7 Components of the Report 1-9 SECTION 2: POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORKS 2.1 General 2-1 2.2 Government Environmental Policy and Legal Framework 2-1 2.2.1 National Environment Policy, 2005 2-1 2.2.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 2-1 2.2.3 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Regulations, 2000 2-2 2.2.4 National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS), 2000 2-4 2.2.5 Cutting of Trees Act, 1975 2-5 2.2.6 The Antiquities Act, 1975 2-5 2.2.7 Land Acquisition Act 1894 2-5 2.2.8 Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 2-5 2.2.9 Explosives Act, 1884 2-5 ______________________________________________________________________________________ EPHE Division/NESPAK i March, 2016 Table of Contents Environmental Impact Assessment of Hasanabdal – Havelian Section of E-35 2.2.10 Highways Safety Ordinance, 2000 2-5 2.2.11 Motor Vehicle Rules, 1969 2-6 2.2.12 Regulations of Mines and Oil Fields and Mineral Development Act, 1948 2-6 2.3 Environmental Assessment Guidelines 2-6 2.4 Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2-7 2.4.1 ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 2-8 2.5 Administrative Framework 2-9 2.5.1 National Highway Authority (NHA) 2-9 2.5.2 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak EPA) 2-10 2.5.3 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Forest Department 2-10 2.5.4 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department 2-10 2.5.5 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Department 2-11 2.5.6 District Environment Offices 2-11 2.5.7 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) 2-12 SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 3.0 General 3-1 3.1 Objectives of the Proposed Project 3-1 3.2 Location of the Project Area 3-2 3.3 Project Administrative Jurisdiction 3-2 3.4 Project Implementation Schedule 3-2 3.5 Cost of the Project 3-3 3.6 Components of the Project 3-3 3.7 Geometric Design of the Proposed Road Project 3-4 3.8 Civil Works 3-5 3.9 Traffic Forecast 3-6 3.9.1 Traffic Projection for Package-I & II 3-6 3.9.2 Traffic Projections for Package-III 3-8 3.10 Construction Materials 3-9 3.10.1 Barrow Soil for Embankment 3-9 3.10.2 Borrow Material for Sub Base 3-9 ______________________________________________________________________________________ EPHE Division/NESPAK ii March, 2016 Table of Contents Environmental Impact Assessment of Hasanabdal – Havelian Section of E-35 3.10.3 Water 3-11 3.10.4 Asphalt, Reinforcement and Cement 3-12 # Description Page 3.11 Construction Camps 3-12 3.12 Manpower Requirements 3-12 3.13 Construction Equipment 3-13 SECTION 4: DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 4.0 General 4-1 4.1 Physical Environment 4-1 4.1.1 Topography and Drainage 4-1 4.1.2 Geology and Soil 4-3 4.1.3 Climate 4-4 4.1.4 Air Quality 4-7 4.1.5 Noise 4-8 4.1.6 Surface Water and Groundwater 4-10 4.1.7 Hydrology 4-14 4.1.8 Seismicity 4-14 4.1.9 Agriculture and Crop Pattern 4-14 4.1.10 Landuse 4-16 4.1.11 Industrial and Commercial Activities 4-16 4.2 Biodiversity and Natural Resources 4-16 4.2.1 Flora 4-16 4.2.2 Fauna 4-19 4.2.3 Endangered Fauna 4-22 4.2.4 Critical Habitats 4-22 2.2.5 Modified Habitats 4-23 ______________________________________________________________________________________ EPHE Division/NESPAK iii March, 2016 Table of Contents Environmental Impact Assessment of Hasanabdal – Havelian Section of E-35 4.3 Socio-Economic Environment 4-23 4.3.1 Socio-Economic Survey of Project Affectees 4-24 4.3.2 Consultation and Participation Process 4-24 4.3.3 Baseline Information 4-25 4.4 Gender Issues and Analysis 4-31 4.5 Culture and Tradition 4-32 4.6 Public Concerns Regarding the Project Execution 4-32 4.7 Community Health and Safety 4-33 4.8 Physical Cultural Resources 4-33 SECTION 5: ALTERNATIVES 5.0 General 5-1 5.1 Zero Alternative ‘No Project Option’ 5-1 5.2 Alternative-II ‘Other Transport Modes’ 5-2 5.3 Alternative-III ‘Construction of an Expressway (E-35)’ 5-3 5.4 Alternative-IV ‘Alignment through Taxila M-1 to Chechian Interchange’ 5-3 5.5 Comparison Analysis of Alternatives 5-4 5.6 Overview of Alternative Analysis 5-8 SECTION 6: ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 6.0 General 6-1 6.1 Environmental Sensitivity Map 6-2 6.2 Pre-Construction/Design Phase 6-2 6.2.1 Topography 6-3 6.2.2 Land Acquisition and Resettlement 6-3 6.2.3 Changes in Land Value 6-3 6.2.4 Social Issues 6-3 6.2.5 Physical Cultural Resources 6-5 6.2.6 Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management 6-6 ______________________________________________________________________________________ EPHE Division/NESPAK iv March, 2016 Table of Contents Environmental Impact Assessment of Hasanabdal – Havelian Section of E-35 6.2.7 Air Quality and Noise Level 6-6 6.2.8 Solid Waste Management 6-7 6.2.9 Excavation of Earth 6-7 6.2.10 Public Utilities 6-8 6.2.11 Change in Hydrologic Regime 6-8 6.2.12 Loss of Agricultural Land 6-8 6.2.13 Surface and Ground Water 6-9 6.3 Construction Phase 6-9 6.3.1 Topography 6-9 6.3.2 Soil 6-10 6.3.3 Blasting 6-11 6.3.5 Physical Cultural Resources 6-12 6.3.6 Construction Camps/Camp
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