BULLETIN HISTORICAL 50CIETY MONTGOMERY COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA ^ORRisrowN S2>!IERY CO PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT ITS ROOMS 18 EAST PENN STREET NORRI5TOWN,PA. APRIL, 1953 VOLUME vin NUMBER 4 PRICE ONE DOLLAR Historical Society of Montgomery County OFFICERS Donald A. Gallager, Esq., President George K. Brecht, Esq., First Vice-president Fos'mR C. Hillegass, Second Vice-President David E. Groshens, Esq., Third Vice-President Eva G. Davis, Recording Secretary Helen E. Richards, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. LeRoy Burris, Financial Secretary Lyman a. Kratz, Treasurer Mrs. LeRoy Burris, Librarian TRUSTEES Kirke Bryan, Esq. Mrs. H. H. Frangine Donald A. Gallager, Esq. HbrbertH. GAnser Kenneth H. Hallman Nancy P. Highley Foster C. Hillegass William L. Hires Mrs. a. Conrad Jones Hon. Harold G. Knight Lyman A. Kratz Franklin A. Stickler Mrs. James I. Wendell Mrs. Franklin B. Wildman, Jr. Norris D. Wright THE BULLETIN of the Historical Society of Montgomery County PublishedSemi-Anrmilly—Octoher andApril Volume VIII Apeil, 1953 Number 4 CONTENTS Early Land Transactions of Montgomery County v,v •.. Charles R. Barker 257 Detective Work Among the Banners Hannah Benner Roach 272 Neighborhood News and Notices (Compiled) 804 Deaths in the Skippack Region (Compiled) 318 Nineteenth Century Real Estate Offerings .. (Compiled) 334 Notes and Queries 846 Editorial 348 Reports 349 Publication Committee Mrs. LeRoy Burris Jean E. Gottshall Charles R. Barker, Chairman 255 Early Land Transactions of Montgomery County Charles R. Barker (Continuedfrom page 127) 1700-1705 57. DEED, 3 mo. (May)-6-1700. Robert Roe, Chelten ham, county Philadelphia, yeoman, to Thomas Rutter, said county, blacksmith. £ 80 silver. Pa. money. One moiety of 200 acres "in or near the said Cheltenham Township," which he purchased of Edward Shippen and wife Rebecca, 7-6-1698; adj. Jacob Tellner, "the other moiety sold to one Meredith Dauis," Humphrey Morrey; cont. 100 acres. Wits.: ffrancis Cook, Mary Cook, Daniel Howell. Ack. in Court held at Philadelphia, 5 September 1700. Rec. 9-7-1702. Book C 2, vol. 3, p. 190 58. DEED. 4 mo. (June)-17-1700. Thomas Farmer," Philadelphia, gent., son and heir of Jasper Farmer, jun., and wife Katherine, late of Philadelphia, deed., to David Harry, late of Radnor in the Welch Tract, but now of county Philadelphia, yeoman. Whereas, said Jasper Farmer, jun., bought of William Penn, Proprietor and Governor, 5000 acres of land in the name of his father, Major Jasper Farmer and his brother Richard Farmer and himself, and said William Penn, by patent dated 11-31-1683, granted to Major Jasper Farmer and his sons Richard and Jasper the said 5000 acres by the Throughout this deed, the clerk who did the recopying has mis spelled the name as Harmer, probably mistaking the antique form ff for fl. 257 258 bulletin of historical society of Montgomery county name of Farmer's Town, being part of the land called by the Indians Umbilicamence, in county Philadelphia, paying one English silver shilling or value in com current per 100 acres, one moiety thereof belonging to Major Farmer, and one quarter each to said Richard and Jasper Jun. And said Major Farmer, by will dated left his estate to wife Mary and son Edward." And said Mary purchased said Richard's quarter from Thomas Webb (who had purchased it from Richard) [Book E 2, vol. 5, pp. 156, 174] and said Jasper Farmer, Jr., before he arrived in this Province, died intestate, whereupon his estate passed, Ys to his wife (the said Katherine), for life, and the other % to his children, Thomas Farmer (who took a double share), Elizabeth and Katherine (all in their minority); and said Katherine (widow of Jasper Farmer, Jr.), and said Mary made division of said 5000 acres, whereupon the western most quarter (1250 acres) fell to said Jasper Fanner, Jr., which was laid out by the Surveyor General, being bounded by Skoolkill and William Markham, whereupon said Kath erine became possessed of said 1250 acres, and married Christopher Billop, and obtained a patent for said land dated 10 April 1690, and afterwards died without issue by said Billop, after which said 1250 acres fell to said Thomas Farmer as only son and heir of said Jasper Farmer, as also of his mother said Katherine Billop. Now said Thomas Farmer, who has secured his sister Katherine (his sister Elizabeth being dead) for £214, Pa. money, conveys to said David Harry the said 1250 acres, except 50 acres which said Thomas is to convey to one John Welsh. Wits.: Saml. Richardson, Edward Harmar (?), David Lloyd. Ack. in County Court of Philadelphia, 26 June 1700. Rec. 2 June 1724. Book F 4, p. 225. 59. DEED POLL. 12 December 1700. Jane Jelson, now of county Philadelphia, spinster, the only surviving daugh- • EARLY LAND TRANSACTIONS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY 259 ter and heir of Joel Jelson, late of Barton Regis, county Gloucester, near Bristol, England, haberdasher of small wares, deed., to Rees Frees, county Philadelphia, yeoman. Whereas, William Penn, Proprietor and Governor, by patent under hands of his late Commissioners of Property, dated 6-10-1687, confirmed to said Joel Jelson a piece of land in county Philadelphia, adj. Nicholas Moore and South ampton township; cont. 245 acres; also, 5 acres in Liberties of Philadelphia, adj. George Shire; in all, 250 acres; being said Joel Jelson's purchase in England, granted by a war rant from Commissioners of Property dated 10-20-1684, and laid out by Surveyor General's order, 27th of the same month, to William Dillwyn on behalf of said Joel Jelson [Patent Book A, p. 228] by which patent, and deeds of lease and release, dated 28/24 September 1681 [Book B, vol. 2, p. 228] said Joel Jelson became seized of said 250 acres, which descended to said Jane Jelson as only surviving daughter and heir. Now since it is proven by Joshua Nichols that said Jane Jelson is the only child now living of said Joel Jelson, there fore she and said William Dillwyn, for £ 13, Pa. money, convey to Rees Frees said 250 acres. Wits.: Sam'l Cart, Dad Lloyd, John Moris, Aurelius Hoskins. Ack. in County Court of Philadelphia, 9 January 1700. Rec. 7 August 1731. Book F 5, p. 281. 60. DEED. 4 February 1701. John Barns, city Philadel phia, tailor, to Everard Bolton. £ 50 silver. Pa. money. Tract in county Philadelphia, adj. Thomas Hudson (being a cor ner of Denis Rochford), and Sarah Dilwyn, late Fuller; cont. 281 acres 52 perches. Same which William Penn, Esq., Proprietor and Gover nor, on 3 December last, granted to said John Bams. Paying one English silver shilling per 100 acres. 260 bulletin of historical society of MONTGOMERY COUNTY Wits.: Jacob Taylor, Thomas Hollingsworth, lasac Taylor. Ack. 5 March 1701. Rec. 28 August 1740. Book G 1, p. 128 61. DEED. 6-5-1701. David Harry, Radnor township in the Welsh Tract, yeoman, to William Lawrence, city Phila delphia, tailor. By indenture dated 4-17-1700, Thomas Farmer, county Philadelphia, gent., granted to said David Harry 1250 acres, in county Philadelphia, part of 5000 acres called Farmer's Town, belonging to Jasper Farmer, Sr., deed., late father of said Thomas. Now witness that said David Harry, for & 116 silver, Pa. money, conveys to said William Lawrence part of said 1250 acres, adj. David Williams, said David Harry, Lumly Wil liams, William Dickinson; cont. 400^ acres. Wits.: Robert Heath, John Oxley, Richard Heath. Ack. 7 October 1709. Rec.—[no record found] Book E 5, vol. 7, p. 358 62. DEED. 30 December 1701. Thomas Fairman, Shaxaraaxon, county Philadelphia, gent., to John Morris, county Berks, yeoman. By lease and release, 3/4 July 1682, William Penn, Proprietary and Governor, granted to Thomas Harly, London, Esq, 5000 acres to be laid out in Pennsylvania, after whose decease the same descended to Thomas Harley, Esq., son and heir, who, by deed poll, 15 August 1699, granted same to said Thomas Fairman, who, by deed poll, 1 December 1701, for £ 250, Pa. money, to be secured to him, granted to said John Morris 2500 acres of said 5000 acres. By five warrants from the Commissioners of William Penn, dated 8 December instant, the said 2500 acres was laid out to said John Morris near Gwynedd township, along line dividing Philadelphia and Bucks counties, adj. Robert Fairman and vacant land. EARLY LAND TRANSACTIONS OP MONTGOMERY COUNTY £61 3 Now said grantor, for £ 250, conveys said premises. Wits.: Sam Carpenter, Jno. Budd. Pro. 14 September 1708 by said witnesses. Rec.—[no record found'.] Book E 5, vol. 7, p. 85 63. DEED. 6 February 1701/2, Francis Rawle, Phila- adelphia, merchant, and Elizabeth ffox, same place, widow, only surviving execx. of James ffox, her late husband, deed. 5 shillings. Pa. money. Tract in Plymouth, on river Schuylkill, adj. Philip Price, David Harris, Isaac. Sheffer, "said ffox and John Bevan;" cont. 1017 acres. Part of 2500 acres which William Penn, Proprietary and Governor, by lease and release, 12/13 March 1685, sold to said ffrancis Rawle, who sold 500 acres thereof to Nich olas Pearse, who sold same to Edmond Cartlige, of Darby, county Chester, yeoman, as per deed from said Rawle and Pearse, 4-19-1696 [Book E 3, vol. 5, p. 1.] And said ffrancis Rawle sold 500 acres more of said land to said Cartlige, 6-29-1696 ["same book, page 2."] Which said parcels, laid out for 1000 acres, are part of 5327 acres 79 perches called Plimouth township granted to said ffrancis Rawle and Elizabeth ffox by patent, 12 August 1701. [Patent Book A, vol. 2, p. 55,] [etc.] Wits.: Nicholas Pease, John Stevens, Lumley Williams. Ack. in Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, 5 March 1701.
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