This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com BARVAR THE BRADBURY TRIO: COMPRISING THE New Golden Chain, New Golden Shower and New Golden Censer, MAKING TOGETHER THE LARGEST AND MOST USEFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMN AND TUNE BOOK! THE BY WILLIAM B. BRADBURY. Published by BIGLOW & MAIN, No. 425 Broome Street, (Scrcwiou TO ViS. B. BIUDIU'RY.; IYISOX, BLAKEMAIT, TAYLOR & CO., 138 k 140 GRAND STREET AND FOB SALE BY BOOKSELLERS GENERALLY. PREFACE. It is now generally acknowledged that no one agency has added so much to the interest folt by children in our Sunday Schools as singing; and the Golden aeries, commencing with the GOLDEN GUAM, was among the first to claim the popular attention in this interesting and elevating exercise. The new impetus which this popular work gave to Sunday School singing, made a demand for now books, and in due time the CHAIK was followed by the GOLDEN SHOWER, and finally by the GOLDEN CENSER. Millions of them were sold in a short time, and when the electrotype plates were worn out, and it became necessary to make new ones, the books were revised and improved. In this volume the three volumes are presented under a new name; and we do not hesitate to pronounce "The BRADBURY TRIO " the largest, most complete, and in every way most desirable Sunday School Hymn . and Tune Book in the world. It contains many Hymns and Tunes that will never wear out, and it will long hold its place in the front rank of Sunday School Songs. It will be observed that we have retained all the pieces of the NEW GOLDEN TRIO, except a few in the CENSER which were of but little use for Sunday School purposes, while wo have added several that will materially enhance the value of the collection. We have also changed the folios to the head of the page, which will be found more convenient. SUPERINTENDENTS AND LEADERS PLEASE NOTICE. To use the BRADBURY TRIO with the NEW GOLDEN TRIO, it will be necessary between pages 127 and 254 to add 2 to the folio at the top of the page — for example: Page 130 in the BRADBURY TRIO is page 132 in the NEW GOLDEN TRIO; and from page 253 to 378, add 4, as page 260 of BHADIJURY TRIO will be found on page 264 of NEW GOLDEN TRIO. THE PUBLISHERS. Inttrcd , ..r.llne to Actof Cougrvn. In the je«r 1870, bj Amu E. BuDimitY, In the Clerk1! oBee of the United SUM Dlrtrtol Court for the DUlrict of New Jersey. tyCOPY-RIGIIT NOTICE.jH The Mctao and POXTBT of nearly every pieee in thii work is corr-mnn OHT VBOPKRTY and "Entered acourdiut( to Act of Congress." No penwn, therefore, has a right to priui riut in uny form, or for '/ ',< jvrpon wbatticT, either u-trdt or mum, without first obtaining permission from the author. If hymno or tunes are desired for Sunday School Anniversaries or for any other purpose, such permission mrut met be obtained, otherwise the person nstog them trespasses against the laws of copy-right, makes ' liable, and will bo held accountable. THE GOLDEN CHAIN. C. M. I 1ST | 23 CRORCS. bftft-^ -j J" 4 ^ =J '-f1- -j 1*-| ^F= . / How sweet and heavenly is the sight, When those that lore he Lord \ \ In one an oth - er's peace delight, And so fill- fill hi •y. f li • ?— f i r f r r 1 *— £-g^C - ,ft „ »•"•• * f- f ' bz^^ I fc -I 1^— *=i=£zj*±L t— a= Prai«« .*. theM. Lord,•*-• *-• Praise JL ye the +. XTy.Lord, Hal - le - la - jah, Hal- le - lu - jah, Praise ye the Lord. ? — a- 1- =p fl O cuy we-feel each brother's sigh, S Let love, ID one delightful itrcaui. 4 Love U the OOLDIH CH AtX that biudfl Ami with him bear a part ; Thruugh every bnaom flow , Tlie happy touti above ; May fiorrowi flow from eye to eyv, L«t UDIOD tweet, and dear f And Ue'a an heir of heaven who flnda And .toy from heart to heart, lu every action, glow. Bib bosom glow with love. the Lord, *«• , Praise the Lord, & Prate the Li.rd, fco. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. C. M. Arr.lbrtU.mA. I I . i I Ito^^gp^^yjjj^^ /"~| I I j f- I [ , l_^_i i H /•*** Ts^~iy 1. Tho Saadav-jfhoul, that bWd pl.i.-e. Oh! I would rather shy Withi] ill vaUi a child i.f praet, Thaa i^nd HIT toon ii plaj. Choral. — The Sunday-school, the Sunday-school, Oh ? 'tit the place 1 lore, For there 1 lean tht gdden rule Which lead) to joy! a • tnrc. i- -CT. *.M. &3 zt — -i — h*-^-13- -• ^ 1 — I ( 2 Tie there I U-trn thftt JCMUS ilicd Then let oar grateful tribute rise, •1 And welcome then the Su For viDQcn iuch as 1 ; And MOD gs of pratve be ffiren We'll read. nrnl sing, and j'ray. Oh ! what bus all the world beside, To Him who dwells above the ckies, That we may keep the golden rule, That I should prise so high. For vucli a bleuing given. And never from it stray . WELCOME TO THE SABBATH. H. M. is &->. ^.r^. I •*• ). 'Welcome delightful morn ; Sweet day of sacred rest, I hall thy kind return ; Lord^caketliewmomeDtiiblMt, ^ & FULL CHO. From IOT deiire* and fleeting toji. \ TheD welcome, thrice welcome, Yes, welcome delightful morn. I B.mr to reach Im - mor - til joys. / I 5 Theu welcome, welcome, welcome, Yes. WELCOME TO THE SABBATH. Conclude. 2 Now may the King deuceud. 3 Descend, celestial Dove, And fill hit throno >i ,•"»•••, With Hit thy quickening Thv sceptre, Lord, extend, Disclose a Saviour's lore, WMIe saints ml drees thy face : And bless the sacred honm : Let •inner i feel thy quickening word, Then shall my soul new life obtain, And learn to know and fear the Lord. Nor Sabbatt.s be enjoyed in rain. SUNDAY-SCHOOL RECRUITING SONG. Us. w* B. BUHT.T. V i-;.i: ..A-. IM.V Qrjicx. Word* by the Author of " / want to lit OK angtL" / L Tt ttr dear SuDdar-ithool there cn»lit msiiy to cone. Who upend Sunday wanderi«» or triffiij it home ; \ 1 1 I'll try total; one, er I'll try to'brin;; tiro. In, ill thit [Omit / I can, I'n determined to di / 1 GodUod newtiof»iit illall tlwtlw peopltpeoplt whowho livelive iiii tliiitliii place,place, ToTo hearhear ufuf hishis goodneu,goodnwi, »dsad joinjoin inin hiihii pniwpniie ;; \\ 'm derailed to A). V 80 I'll try to bring one, or III try to bring two, Ve>,jU tkal [Omit } lean, I'm M Owe or more ftoyx, (7ir/j and Boy*, or tieo Girl* alone. FUI.L CF10. _N_JS_i 5 I'll try to bring one, I'll try to bring two, Yw, «ll lh«t I c*n, I'm d« • termlned to do. 9 Let me think ; are there none of the dear ones at home, 5 (Jut there in the lot where I-pass every day. The lar|<e, or the little, who never have come T How many speml Sabbath in frolic or piny ! «»h. 1*11 beg and I'll coax, try for on*, try for (UH>, If I could but get one of those boys, now, or two, Yes, all that I can, I'm determined to do. To come here next Sabbath, what good it might do. 4 My c<mMne and playmates, who live tu this street, 6 Perhaps up to heaven some day I may jro ; I :i Halt them to come, the nrxt time th.it Ye mt^t; What jrlnry nn<1 blesHednesa then I shall know! \Vhn knows bat Aiimng them I'll gvt one, or *uwt Bat I want in that glory that many may sbure,— For all that I can, Via determined to do. That onn, two, yee, all I can tuav may 1*6 tbero* 6 " I RISE TO SEEK THE LIGHT." C. M. D. 1, I saw a lit-tlebladeofgrass, Just peeping from the sod, Andaskeditwhy it sought to pea sBe- ..-?: ,-f- E*: =!-<—* ,j u„« \ r* I ~~ • -~ yond ita present clod? ; seemed to raise its ti - ny head, All sparkling, fresh and bright, And J. JVJ J" I Is ' fc— I N I S ' ' L dl~ •F— 'P- — f ^- ^ Vr- 1 k— . .. I N f» fy-y?. — n .. - ^ . , -- ^ &.. J — ft f+ i>, \~ wond'ring at the question, said, "I ri«e to seek the light, I rise, I rise, I rise to seek the light." I rise, I • i •. I rise, I rise. " I auked the eagle why his whig 8 I asked my aoul, what means this thirst To ceaseless flight was given ; For something yet beyond, As if lie spuro'd each earthly thing What means this eagerness to bnrat And knew no home but heaven? From every earthly bond ? He answered, ns he fixed his It answers, and I feel it glow I' i. .!".w !i-i nt the sight, With fires more warm, more bright, Upon the sun's meridian blaze. " All ia too dull, too dnrk below, "I rise to seek tlit light " I rife to peek the light," COME, CHILDREN, RAISE YOUR VOICES HIGH. I COMB, children, ralsf yimr voices high. 2 Yew. we will gladly Join our lays 3 Thee loud husanna? to our King, Your Saviour'* loft proclaim.
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