t » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Jan. 13, 1984 LOOK FOR THE STARS. McCai/anagh offers South-East match Weather weakens] Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get \. safety legislation goes Into overtime "^strong econohfy better results. Put a star on your od and see what a ... page 10 ... page 15 ... page 4 'k difference it mokes. Telephone 643-2711, Mondoy-Fridoy, 8:30 g.m. to 5:00 p.m._______^ ___ _ Light snow likely, Manchester, Conn. Excessive abbreviations Condominiums 32 Condom inium s 32 Buildlna/Controctinfl S3 Misc. for Solo abbreviate results! Be then partly sunny Saturday, Jan. 14, 1984 ^ Automotive sure readers understand ••••••••e— o—eeeoeeee ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••A your ad by avoiding ab­ — Sge page 2 Single copy: 25<t breviations. 643-2711. fEanrlfratrr M m l h DESIGN KITCHENS by J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, IND ROU SPECIAL Cars/Tnicfcs for Sale 71 WELLSWEEP vanities, fotmlco, Wilson 2V/t width, rag. .25«, art, Corlan counter tops, now 2 lor .30* Half-Size Classic kitchen cabinet fronts, 139* width, reg. 2 lor .25*, 1974 TOYOTA CORONA complete woodworking now 3 tor .30* CONDOMINIUMS MUST b* picked up at the — 4 door, 4 speed. Body 400 NORTH MAIN ST. MANCHESTER service, custom made Manchester Herald Office good shape, runs well, furniture, colonial repro­ ,BeFORCJ1an«_ONyfj__ new engine parts. $2000 or Moslems ductions In wood, 9 varie­ best offer. Call 646-9589 Fully Applianced Kitchens, W/Cus- ties of hardwood and offer 4pm, ask tor Mark. veneers NOW IN STOCK Court must set tom Wood Cabinetry, Choice of Carpet Call 649-9658 or evenings, 1976 CJ-S JEEP — New & Vinyl Floors, Andersen Windows, 289-7010. EXCELLENT QUALITY hard too, plus soft too. fire on IVz ^ t h s . Individual Basements, SEASONED HA'RD- Runs ■ excellent. Many I Elecric Radiant Heat. Convenient to CARPENTRY WORK — WOOD — Oak - Maple - new parts. Asking $5000. Shopping, Recreation & Bus Line. Alterations, new work Hickory. $85/cord. Two Call 643-5135, Ext. 169, and repairs. Call David, cord minimum. Cut, split between 4:30pm - 12 mid­ Marines Prices StaM^SSS.SOO^. 643-8996. new death date and delivered. Call 649- night, ask tor Frank. 1831 anytime. Bv David Zenlan LEON CIESZYNSKI 1976 PONTIAC LEMANS By Dan Lohwasser Circuit Court of Appeals Judge J. result is surely insensitive, if not United Press International BUILDER — New homes, 12" G.E. TV — Black and — Automatic, 6 cylinder, United Press International Dickson Phillips in Richmond, Va. ghoulish," he said. additions, remodeling, white. AC/DC with a ligh­ 2(door. Only 23,000 miles. Justice Thurgood Marshall, said BEIRUT. I.ebanon — Druze OPEN HOUSE rec rooms, garages, kit­ The Supreme Court vote was 5-4 ter cord. Bought 11/82. $2,200. One owner. Excel­ RALEIGH, N.C. - The U.S. and both sides had sharply-worded he found the "court's haste Moslem snipers fired on a school chens remodeled, ceil­ Retails for over $100, will SAT. & SUN. 12-4 PM lent condition. Coll 643- Supreme Court vacated triple opinions. The majority, opinion, outrageous." bus carrying Christian children 4 ings, bath tile, dormers, sell for $60 Firm. 646-7473. 7160. roofing. Residential or murderer James W. Hutchins' signed by Justice Lewis Powell, "What is incredible about this, Friday and their Shiite Moslem court's decision is that five commercial. 649-4291. FLEXABLE FLYER — 5 1979 MONTE CARLO — stay of execution an hour before his said "federal courts should not allies unleashed heavy attacks (We offer affordable housing: without ft. long. Used 3 times. $40. Sliver, vinyl root, air, Classified Ads. death warrant expired Friday, but continue to tolerate — even in members of the court have voted to against U.S, Marines in Beirut's ANCHOR ELECTRICAL Call 646-2218. stereo, V-6, new brakes, the state Supreme Court gave him capital cases — this type of abuse vacate Judge Phillips' stay with­ worst outbreak of violence this { sacrificing quality. Stop by and com- CONTRACTORS — Do new muffler. $4900. Call a new lease on life. of the writ of habeus corpus. out even reading his opinion or year. fully considering respondent's de­ State-run Beirut radio said the I pare!} any size or type of work. PARTIALLY. SEA­ 649-8355. Hutchins' attorneys raced to the "A pattern seems to be develop­ fense of the stay." bus driver, shot,in the head and Fully Insured. Free esti­ SONED HARDWOOD, North Carolina Supreme Court the ing in capital cases of multiple mates. Call 647-0293. critically wounded, lost control of down 4 months, 4 ft. 1976 PONTIAC SUNBIRD minute they received word of the review, in which claims that could lengths, $65 a cord. Fresh "In all candor, if there is an the vehicle, which careened into a — Automatic, power U.S. Supreme Court's action. have been presented years ago, OHM^ND & KEHOE, cut hardwood, 4 ft. steering, sunroof. Good abuse of federal power in this ditch, injuring three of the esti-’ The state court agreed ^ 5:20 are brought forward — often in a INC. -^^^ustom kitchen lengths, $60 a cord. Free condition. Must Sell! matter, it is to be found in our own muted 21) children aboard. PnERMAN BLDG CO. p.m., 40 minutes before his'death piecemeal fashion — only after the and bath renovations, ad­ delivery. Two cord min­ $1500. Call 649-3118. chambers," he said. In other violence, both Druze and 649-9404 647-1340 647-0080 warrant expired, that under North execution date is set or becomes ditions, wood, vinyl, imum. Call 749-2476. Hutchins, 54, won a stay six Shiite militiamen fought bitter Carolina law the stay granted imminent," Powell said. aluminum siding. Fully COULD BE CLASSIC — hours before he was to have been battles with Lebanese troops, insured. Coll 742-5986. Hutchins early Friday morning Joining in the decision to allow MEN'S EXCELLENT 1967 Buick Electra Con­ the execution to proceed were executed Friday morning by lethal including a street battle that pitted CLOTHING — Shirts, vertible. Needs work. ahtomatically entitled him to a injection for killing two sheriff's ROBERT E. JARVIS — Chief Justice Warren Burger and pro-Iranian Shiite militiamen neckties, pants, sport Has new top. $400. Call new execution date. deputies and a highway patrolman against French and Lebanese Building and Remodeling lockets, shoes, coats. Justices Harry Blackmun, Wil­ 646-3871 after Spm, Thurs­ during a drunken rage May, 31. soldiers. Aportmonts for Rent 42 Aportmonts lor Ront 42 Specialist. Additions, Lexington Tal lor Shoo, 73 day and Friday; Satur­ 8322 to all home Thus his case was sent back to liam Rehnquist and Sandra Day Au sun 1979. garages, roofing, siding, Birch. Coll 643-8651. day 9 to 3. McDowell County, where he killed O'Connor, No casualties were reported kitchens, bathrooms, re­ two deputy sheriffs and a highway Four justices angrily dissented Hutchins' death warrant expired among American and French MANCHESTER — Three MANCHESTER — Cheer­ placement windows- CARLI NOIL BURNER— BUICK REGAL, '78 — subscribers who patrolman in 1979, for a hearing on from the court's action, with at 6 p.m. EST, and prison officials peace-keepers, but two Lebanese room heated apartments. ful 1st floor, 5 rooms, 2 / doors. Call 643-6712. Model 100 CRD, with cod Two door, automatic, ac, A casual shirtdress for the the execution date which must be Justice William Brennan, a long­ were prepared to go through with civilians were killed and 17 others No appliances. Security. bedrooms, cellar stor­ cell. $100. Call 649-8386. powersteerlng, power- half-size figure with easy- set: 'not less than 60 days'' from the time foe of capital punishment, his executfhn by lethal injection wounded during two hours of Phone 644-2426, 9 to 5 age. $450, no utilities. brakes. Excellent condi­ fitting raglan sleeves. have something date of the hearing. calling the court's action "ghoul- apparently as late as .5:30 p.m. shelling on the Christian sector of weekdays. Security. Call 643-6777, Roofing/Siding 54 HOSPITAL COMMODE tion. Must be'seen. Call No. 8322 with Photo- The U.S. Supreme Court — ish,'' and ''simply Hutchins would have been the Beirut, police said. 643-6457. Guide is in Sizes 12‘/2 to ••••••••••••••••••••••• — In excellent condition. 649-5189(evenings). which rejected Hfutchins' appeal incomprehensible.'' first person executed in North Elsewhere in the capital, uniden­ FOUR ROOM APART­ Hardly used. Asking $50. 24'/j. Size 14' .', 37 bust, 2''z to sell for less tified motorcycle-borne gunmen — ••«•••«•««««»««»»«»« yards 60*inch. Wednesday — had the case all day "The most disturbing aspect of Carolina since 1961 and the 12th in MENT — No appliances. BiDWELL HOME im­ Call 643-4942. VW, 1982 RABBIT — the court's decision is its ... rush to the United States since the Su­ using handguns fitted with si­ $240 per month, plus utili­ Friday before issuing, at 5:15 p.m., J Homes for Rent 43 provement Company — White, regular gas, 2 Patterns available only ,«tt1an $99.00 an order vacating the stay issued judgment. When a life is at stake, preme Court lifted its execution lencers shot and wounded the wife ties, $300 Security dep­ UCONN Seal Needlepoint Roofing , siding, oitera- door. Good condition. in sizes shown. early Friday morning by 4th the process that produces this ban. of a French diplomat, police said. osit. No pets. Phone 643- tions, additions. Same Kit for pillow or wall $4700. Call 647-8494 after They escaped and she was hospi­ 4751, 4 to 8pm. TO ORDER, sand $2.00 for each HOUSE — Enlarged number for over 30 years. hanging. Reg. to $45, sell Spm, and wee'kends. pattern, plus SOC for postagi and talized in "satisfuclory" condition.
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