V 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10,194f The Weather Foroenot of U. S. Westhez Bn.eau LVB Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Clrcnlation For th* Month of Jnnnary, 1948 Fair and continued moderately cold tonight; TSiesday inereaalng times it seemed that one of th^m I’loiidinr** with moderate tempera­ Private, First Claae, Joseph G. was sure to hit the fellow. >■ Principal Speaker South Church Oil Burners 9,063 tures. But he kept up the footwbrk in Mitchell, of Battery C, 216th Field Member of tbe Audit About Towu Artillery Battalion, was promoted Heard Along Main Street the middle of the strsst for quite and a while—at least It feemed Uke BeroM oC Oteeulutlons to his present prade from private Union Service Manchester-^A CUy of Village Charm A. fl«v*rtl r»llro*d and bui fur- recently. He Is with the 35th In­ And on Some of Mancheater*» Side Streets, Too quit* a tims. Passing car drivers Furnaces touch Uckati have been left at the fantry Division in Luxembourg. cussed and pedesttjans remarked (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENW His wife, Mrs. Julia Mitchell, lives that the fellow acted like a craxy A Few Still Available. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1945 huiineat olllca of The Herald, 13 Every *o oftin we develop • pet v who you took It from I am a aerv- msn. After a wbile the man went All Local Protestant (Claaslfled Adverttstng on Page 8) atreet. for lines serving at 10 Depot Square. He was form­ k family and VOL. LXIV., NO. 112 peeve. One thing that Irritates u* 1 ice man a wife with along heedless of the remarks of Churches to Comhine RACKLIFKE OIL CO. Hartford to Fort Devcns, Maas. erly employed by the Lydall and you juat might as well have taken the autoista and the stares of the Foulds Paper Company. *0 that If* our pet peeve of the mo­ TeL Hsrtfoid 7-8M1 They are available for the first ment has to do with Juke boxe*. it from a soldier at the front lines pedestrians. Tomorrow Evening. 898 Maple Avenue — Haitfoid service men to ask for them. They We like 'em and we hate 'em. We as that’s where the head of our One of the curious who had seen Canada^g First Army Guns Open Up are offered by Master Sergeant R. Private First Class. Louis P. like ’em when they provide our house happens to be. To me you’re the man’s actons went to the mid­ Bober River Crossed All local Protestant churches are K. Unders. of 208 Parker street. Ponticelll. whose wife. Mrs. Mar­ favorite tune and we hate 'em the lowest kind of people and just dle of the street when tUe traffic Canadian Troops tha Ponticelll. lives at 99 Home­ when they’re playing the tune we as bad as our enemies who are had let up. He looked around ex­ combining In the union service of stead street, is a member of a moat despise. But the peeve en­ causing this war. I f * people like pecting to find some spot mysteri­ worship at the South Methodist 1 searchlight team with a Ninth Air ters the picture when we drip in you who should be put in the front ously possessed of electrical activ­ church tomorrow evening at 7:30 ASHES and RUBBISH ity that would make a man step Defense Command Unit in France. a nickel to hear Frankie Carle lines. The wives that are left be­ o’ lock, sponsored by the Manches­ REMOVED These teams man huge Search­ massage the ivories a s. Frankie so hind are soldiers too don’t forget around as had the fellow who had Push Past Kleve; to Dresden; attracted so much attention. Soon FILMS On Way lights that guide^ all types of air­ smoothly can, and some stinky at and mighty good onee even though ter Ministerial Association. The TELEPHONE 89«?2 craft from Flying Fortresses to a nearby table, who can’t sing or we aren’t given credit for it. We're the inquisitive person saw what principal speaker will be Rev. DEVELOPED AND can’t whistle, starts to sing or had caused the commotion. PRINTED small P-51S in for a safe landing. fighting right along with our men. There, imbedded in the snow-ice, Elden Mills, pastor of the West GAVELLO & E. SCHULZ whistle so you just don’t hear I certainly hope you have indiges­ Hartford Congregational cbqrch. City Devastated what you’ve paid your money to was a Shiny 2.5-cent piece. Evident­ 24-HOUR SERVICE I Miantononioh Tribe No. 68. I. tion and that every mouthful ly the fellow going through mo­ usic will be furnished by the hear. Maybe this is the basis of hurts. combined junior and adult choirs Breslau Is Encircled O R M will hold its regular a plot for a yam entitled "Tbe tions was trj-ing to work the coin Film Deposit Box Thank you out of the packed snow with his of the participating churches un­ meeting in Tinker hall Monday Juke Box Murder.” It could very Mrs. S." At Store Entrance. American Fourth Divi- Uf^^cd evening at eight o’clock sharp. shoes. He certainly evaluated his der the direction of G. Albert Pear­ well\ be. \ chances with skiddy roads and son. Mrs. David Bennett, organist sion Clears H alf» of ® Konev Forren 2 Bridge- LECLERC Although the State War Coiin- careless drivers at no more than a of the North Methodist church Women Put The • ogarct phgblem continues Major Road Junction Greek Strife | beadtt at Bunzlau FUNERAL'HOME FUKNAC'E BKPAIKINO .to be just that, t^^hile it bothers tll has emphatically stated that, quarter. I We don’t know whether Kev. Theodore E. Palmer will give a abort organ recital at KEMP'S Act Promptly despite the progress of the war, the quarter is still there or not). the opening of the servics and OH BlIKNEB SEBVIUE i habitual smokers, it rows to be Of Pru^m Behind Sieg­ And Nortb of Sagan; 23 Main Street For Fnll Information Call , even more difficult for the dealer., certain branches of the state de­ Rev. Theodore E. Palmer, paator George G. Ashton, organist of the Within Grip fense organisation will not be We've heard about boys and of the Emanuel Lutheran church, South Methodist church will play fried Line; Flood Wa­ To Join Bank Seen Settled /biikov's Right Wing Phnne 52fi9 VAN CAMP BROS. ! Mos't dealers try their level best to girls of the romantlr age belrfg 1 be fair, but they feel that they abandoned, we do hear consider­ will be the principal speaker at the the hymns. ters Hall Two Armies. 18 Yeanr Experience! should Uke care of their regular able criticism of the maintenance "stood i;p ”, or. at least, that’s the annual W’orld Day of Prayer serv­ Order Of Service* O f Himmler Peiielrates Botb Sidefl TEI.EPHONE 8«44 of certain air raid warning func­ term we heard used if one or the ice. Friday, February 16, in the Th# complete order of service By Protocol customers first. Roosevelt Calls on Con Of I.ake Nortb of Free Inspection*! Just the other day a group of tions. One of the particular other fails to keep a date. But we chapel o i the South Methodist follows: Bulletin! British- young men in working clothes functions coming under criticiara have never heard of a boy or girl church. Music will be in cljarge Case Memorial (Dhlmea KNOFLA gress to Carry Out Pyrilz lo Menace Rear went into one store that sells Is the sounding of air raid alarm teing "stood up ” by mail—not, any of Mrs. David Bennett, organist of Organ Preludes: Paris, Feb. 12— (iT>)— Kleve, Negotiations Siiecessfiil- Every Female in Reich smokes when it has them. The^ Miens, or rather the testing of rate, until the other dav. the North Methodist church "Little Prelude and Fugue in D northern anchor of the Sieg­ Agreements for World 4 Of SlarganI Today. asked for a certain brand of ciga- this apparatus. It would seem A cute little girl we know got More than twenty women of the Minor .........................J. S. Bach BROTHERS ly Conclinleil With Made Liable for Aux­ American Club an envelope through the mail the fried line, was captured today Economic Cooperation A REMINDER! rets and were told there were none. that such sirens arc now beyond Protestant churches in town will "What God Ordains is Right" . by the Canadian First Army. Signing of Agreement iliary Service With They left the store, but chaiued usefulne.ss. 'Uher day, properly addrMsed. have a part in the service the .......................Slgfrld Karg-Elert General Contractora Bulletin! to be standing ouLsido and just a Thi.s eoliiinn has received a .'.tamped and the stamp duly can­ theme of which is from Peter, 1 "Now Thank We All Our God” . .. The city of 20,000 lies 12 Washington, Feb. 12—(/P)-^Cau- I London, Feb. 12.— When You Need More celled. hut the envelope contained To Bring Peace. Peoples Army iSoiv. .short distance from the entrance number of Ictteis and card* com­ •’That Ye Should Show Forth the ....................... Slgfrld Karg-Elert Jobbing and miles west of Nijmegen, tlonlng that the future "IS full of I Rielsko. a (.erman bastion 27 BINGO when they noted other fellows go­ plaining of the testing of sirens not a bit of a letter. There wasn’t Pralaes Of Him Who Hath Called “Berceuse" ...CTlarence Dickinson starting point of the Canadi­ promise and danger.".
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