y ' ■ \ V\ 'W\. ■' \ \ V' '' V'- 'v^ \_ ' . ■■A'' ■ - ; \ \ . >. \ . \ THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 A , 5 PAOIO TWENTY-BIGHT Average Dally Net Preaa Ron \.. 1 a W a i The iS9anrl;i?Bt?r Et»ni«g ralb By* TIm Week HUM ' Fair and Colder tonlCht with v!'’ j ^ Jamiary 14, i m low In 30a. Tomorrow fair, high , ■ ( -j St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. about n. eunday'aoutlook — be- ' ---n) ' j Manchester Harold Brown, 01 Copper St. About Town oonUng Cloudy. fv - DISCHARGED TESTER- 15,890 Hospital Notes DAY: MiChael S. Dvorak, 203 The regular Friday night I W her^^pu SAVE on Mimeherter— ^ i t y of Village Charm Mountain R d.; Donald F. Hahn, bingo game sponsored by | 137 SChool St; Mrs. EMe F. Campbell CounCil, KofC at the v n trmo hocSs VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 160 M A N C ir^ E R , CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1970 (TTawlllrf AdvacliataMr ea Faee n > PRICE TEN CENTS MwBMdUita Cue 8«ini- JiamM, 73 Creatwood D r.; KofC home will not be held | (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) prtvato, BOOB'S p.in., ond 4 p.m. Theodore C. Wlnot, 14 Bralnard tomorrow. i pJB.1 potVBto rooms, 10 a.m.> P i.; P^wnklln Prague, Oohim- Easter Accessories! S B jn ., OBd 4 p.m.-S p.m. tala; Mra »iy «lB P. Goehrtng, Girl SCout fTroop 613 wlU oon- Vodlati■Most .Aurents sllowod 43 EmZy Dr., RookviUe; Robb duCt a bake sale Saturday start «0gr ttaae oxoo^ noon*S p.m .; F. Goehrtiv, 86 WhMe St; Ing at 9:30 a.nu at the S e o » Few Pilgrtms sdMrs, S p.m.-S p.m. Jaanea A. BaCkus, East Hart­ RoebuCk Store at Mhnohester | Teamsters Break Off Sstt Sorvloe: 10 s,m.-S p.m., ford. Shopping Parkade. v'- - In Jerusalem 4 pjB.'S p.m. Alao, Mrs. Jean F. Brown, Warn iBtsBslvo Core and Coronary Starrs; Andrew L.^ Daniel A. Full Goapel Christian BVtiow- JERUSALEM, (AP) — Osior Immediote fiunlly only, and Todd J. MUer, Noith ship, Iniberdenomlnational, Will New Fashion Contract Negotiations C3iiistian pllgiiiiM, fewer In aByttmo, limited to five mln- oovenby; Henry E. Crandall, hold a prayer aervloe tongght numbers than hi reCent 118 Summer S t; Mra. Evielyn at 7:30 at Orange Hall. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Teamsters union an­ years, walked the tnidltiw- Moteml^: Fathers, 11 a.m.- B. TurktogtCn, 676 Center St Watches nounCed today national ContraCt talks with the truCk­ al Good Friday roittm/ot lSi4B p.ni., and OtSO p.m .4 Alao, Rusaek C. Baabero, 88 The Oo-ed Ghrlatlan Growth ing industry have deadloCked and negotiations have Chiirt’s Journey to the jMB.; others, S p.m.*4 p.m., and Doane St.; Marcda A. Hanson, Oroig) of North United Method­ broken off. ----------- =---------- :---------------- Only a, few 1houaB^td pU- 3 Unten.P*.; Mrs. Mary M. Will Olio p.m.>S p.m. ist Churd) will meet tonight at “Negotiationa for renewal of grtms and tourists partiCi­ Age lim its: 10 In maternity, SChoteky, 36 OrlawCM St; 8:30 at the ChurCh. the rMttonal fkwight agroement pated in the Bipiual proCes- U In other areas, no limit In Sebeatlan M. OonlglUJone, Eart Each have reaChed an Impasse on eion along winding Via WASHINGTON (AP) sell sorvloe. Hartford; Mra. Mary Longoi, 9 Registration for the YWCA I 8.80 monetary and Certain loCal Kidnaped Dolorosa — fttreet of Sorrow Wakait S t, RoCkviUe; Kennetii With one-fourth of the air spring session of Claases may .wortdng Conditions,” said — In the I^ y City of Jeru­ H. Wdls^ Broad Brook; The very latest designs in ususual Cases and araffiC Controllers in the H m administration reminds be made tomorrow from 9 a.m. Ihamteni ACting Prealdont salem. / Arnold D. Oovey, Stoma; Mka. bands! Gold tone metal cases, Swiss move­ Eaat and Midwest off the vtsltors that with oonstruCtlon ta I p.m. at the Community Y, Franh-< E. BHtaslmmons of the Paraguayan The/|nx>oesslon begaln at a aader way, parking spaCe Is Carolyn TMdepeiUgti, 40 ments. sChpdl beUeved by the faith­ job, the nation’s airlines Oloott S t ; Dosnenlo A. Oam- 79 N. Main St., either in person | balhs Covering some 436,000 limited. Visitors are asked to «K by phene. truCk drtve>8 aCroas the Coun­ ful to be the sito of the pris- wam^ to^y of inCreasing bear with the liospltal while the panelli, 1107 Ellington Rd., try. \ Still Missing <m where Christ was sen­ delays in Easter weekend paridBg problem exists. South Windsor; Mrs. Mhrgue- Ladies' Stretch Gloves tenCed to death, and flnlah- rtto Cormier, 44 George Dr„ Se c o n d Congregational I H w Current natibnsi ContraCt travel. ClMirCh wiUt observe Maundy I «oCpir«a at midnight BUENOS AIRBS (AP) ed aeveral hundred yards Cotton and nylon, one size " ‘nte olritaes are consoUdat- Patients today: Vn 'Venton. ThtBWday tonight at 8 with a Fitaalmmona' announCement Anonymoua triephone CallerTi away at the ChurCh of the Also, Mrs. Donald Horan and fits all. White for Easter. Holy SepulChre, and took tag schedulss and reanenglng ADKCTITED y e s t e r d a y : Tenehrae ServiCe Cuid Holy | 9 9 ^ VWIIWCam e alter unionUinugl negoUallU|(ULUiMjrH AAMAAtold 0VVm«Maeveral aK7W0|Wb|#V4newapapera 0 ^«Majearly son, S7A M t Vernon Apta., about 96 minutes. flight patterns ao os to mtahnisa EranCla H. Barry, Hamden; Communion. Thuraday rejewted a three-year today that the Notional tibera- the taconveidence to their pse- SVanois A. BouCher, 80 PrinCe­ Rookvnie; Mrs. Erwin Hyaon TMs was the third Good Jin. end dauglttar, 114 Rajohel Induatry offer to raise wagea and tii^ .Front had exeCuted kld- Mngers,” said Stuart Tipton, ton St.; John A. Brown, 1383 Cottou Noveilty Gloves Friday pilgrimage sinCe Jer­ Rd.; Mrs. Armand Linder end Mnge benefits by nearly $1 per nagM'Pdraguayan Conaid Wal- usalem was united under Is­ president of the Air Tranaport Sullivan Ave., South Windsor; hour. demar SanChez and dumped his Aaeoclailon a group rapresant- Harold F. BuMen, East Hart­ daughter, RD 3, Manoberter; SCalloped edge shorties with rael rule in the wake' of the Mrs. John ReynoMs Jr. and Fttaabnunons said he has noti- body Into the itdaicbetdo river, 1967 Middle East war. Ing all the scheduled air lines. ford; Crystal M. Burrows, Bast contrasting stitching. 1.99 ftod the Labor Department and No body had /been found after "Bcoausc of the sddlUonal daughter. Box Mt. Rd., BoMonL In jirevious years, when Hartford; George L. Ohagnot, 24 the Federal Mediation Servtoe five hours of sklndtving aitd laiavel over this busy Bastsr Emerson St.; Brian E. Connol­ this seCtion of Jerusalem of the tareakoff of negotiations, <toaggilng,, and It was beUeved was Jordanian territory, the wwekend and beoauae the strike ly, 648 Keeney St.; Thomas W. whiCh prevtoualy had been re- the Calls were hoaxes, of some air traffic controUers Dinbar, 21 Phoenix St.; Contractor Suit proCession InCluded thou­ ported prooeedli^ smoothly Slnpe SanChez was Mdnsjped sands of Arab Christians w81 ataw the aysbem down, trav- lihureen Flanagan, 48 N. BIm ■inCe talks opened last Jan. 7. Tuesday, poUoe and newsmen elera mutt expect some deisy.” St. Hits Suburban Nyloln Tricot Bra Slip and the Ceremony took eev A |l.7B0,000 aittaohmient has DeapUe the announCement of have reCeived more than 30 trie- eral hours. SinCe the war, A call Thursday Mght by the Also, Hormcut W. Ooggin, New mini or short lengths, the deadloCk the union stUl did ijAone caUs and oommuiUquea Profesalonal Air Traffic Oontrol- East Hartford;' Rosemary been made on property owned however, most Arab Chris by Suburban Development Ooep. the ultim ate in fit and not announCe plans for a strike attributed to the Liberation dans have stayed away. Isn Oigantsatton (PATCO), for Haraburda, Glastonbury; Mrs. authorimllan vote among the Front, a tearorist organization a nationwide walkout asemad to Sara Lange, 148 Bissell St.; Mrs- of Hartford, inCluding property Com fort White nude, lemon; One man wiio haa aeen the workers Involved. formed test year by dtasident have Ettle effect on the number liUlan D. Lavlgne, 96 Center on Qaidand St in MaftChester. sizes 32 to 38,A,B,C- 3.99 proCession for 26 years said A epokeaman for Suitnirben A union sourCe said It would membeen of the pro-MosCow Ar- It was the smallest toumout a t oontroUers a tt the Job. Nor St.; Mrs. Margie J. MacDdnald, taJee ”a Couple of days” to take genUne Comnujnist party, dkl a telegram from toe govem- 01 Deepwood Dr., Wapplng; said txxlay th a t sa far as be EXTRA EFFORT he Could remember. No-Iron Half Slip a nationwide strtke vote if one ACCording to some of these ment to each absent controUer Emeat O. Mendes, U Essex St.; understands, Julian Cohen, a At our agenCy “P.S.—Per- An XstejeU offiCial from the were Called for. announCements, SanChez was to Ministry of Tourism said woawlng of "prompt action" for RaChel M. Meserve, 62 Amott genierail oontraotnr from Mssear ■onal ServiCe” i« your ai- N ylon triCot, dainty laCe -■ Rd. ebuaetta, is Claiming in suit suranCe of proper proteC­ In announCing the turndown be exeCuted at 8 e-m. today, hds more than 2,006 pilgrims unexcussd sbseaices. tion. Whether it’s planning trim. Mini and short lengths., I Thursday lUgM, the undon snid body dumped dn the RlaChuelo, were in Jerusalem to parti­ There were 286 abeantees out Also, Otto NelsCMi, 24 Church Uwt he was not paid for oon- Many styles/colors. S>1,L. St; lita. Marion S. Pitmen, 32 tzaotlng serviCeB rendered tn your program, updating negotiations Would resume to- and managers of all U.8.
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