Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Vol. XVI. No. 2ft. WATERTOWN. CONN* JUNE 2S, 1t». TWO DOLLARS PER VIM BOARD OF FINANCE ELECTED GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERS- I IMPORTANT WEDDINO TO TAKE LAWSON REUNION THE END OF THE GOLD RUSH LOCAL NEWS ARY | PLACE JULY 12th RAINBOW In an election where only M votes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson en- A were cast Watertown's new finance The home of Arthur G. Beach of wedding of great interest to War- tertained about 100 guests at their Many from Connecticut Joined the board were elected to office on last John L. 8cott, A. W. Barton and Main street was the scene of a hap- tertown people will take place at home on Sunday at the first family FertyNiners In the Mad Race Wees- get together held in seven years. ward But Few Returned with Any- Saturday. The polls were opened Wm. B. Reynolds beld a meeting py celebration on but Friday when Christ church on July 12, when Miss in the Town Ball and awarded the The guests started to arrive early in thing to Show for Their Trouble from 8 ajn. to 5 pjn. As there waa the golden wedding anniversary of Elisabeth Buckingham, daughter of Contrart for constructing- a sewer the day and spent an enjoyable time This spring, when tri-motored mon- • to be no contest for office the towns- Mr. Beach's parents, Ex-Supt of Wa- Mr- »nd Mrs. Charles Buckingham of renewing acquaintances, and rela- oplanes have erased toe, distance people did not, take an Interest in on De Forest street to Baivatore De Stmone of Waterbury tor a •urn of terbury police. George M. Beach and, De Forest street will become the tionships. between Connecticut'* the proceedings to any great extent. brid 115.400J00. There were aeven bid* Mrs. Beach was celebrated, there. « of Nelson A. Howard. Jr., of A dinner was served in the gym- capitoi and the City Golden Myron Wheeler, Alfred Bradshaw submitted by contractors and all The festivities were held out on the Pasadena. Calif, nasium with long tables being set Gate except for 31 hours on the and frank B. Hickox, Republicans, •even bidden were very close in Guests were present from Osalning. 'smooth highway of the air," and lawn which was attractively lighted The ceremony will be performed prospectors leisurely smoking cigar- and T. J. Kelly, Frank Relnhold and their figures for the cost of the Job. al 5 N. Y.. New York city. Hartford. John L. Beach, Democrats, wen with colored lights. In the center of o'clock in the afternoon by Rev. Thomaston, Plymouth, Terryville, ettes in de luxe offices stake invisible The sndessful bidder has done con- l elected to membership of the newly siderable contract •work for the the lawn was a table graced by a °«» « Cunningham of 6t. John's XNaugatuck, Croton. N. Y., Water- claims in the "gold rush of the air." created board of finance. ten church, Stamford, and a former well- bury and Watertown. a million dollar exhibition of sculp- large wedding cake made by John kn0Wn resident of Watertown. Fol- ture in San Francisco reminds of The board of finance will probably Strict SH Among those who attended were: Connecticut's Forty-niners, and of tSy Work on of Waterbury, a brother^ln- lowing the ceremony a lari Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graham, Mrs. fee sworn in immediately and hold sewer wffl start at once and on com tion will take place at the home of the most hazardous as well as col- a meeting in the near future. S. Johnson, Beverly Graham, Arthur orful of the gold rushes which have the bride's parents. Johnson, Lucille Johnson, Eleanor The first selectman of the town the new highway I Miss Buckingham will have as her every now and then made a bright r being a bouquet of GO red Johnson, Dorothy Anderson, Alice stab in the history or our country. will be a member ex-offlcio of the weather seTln. * ' matron or honor Mrs. Edwin Rey- Brlnkman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry board and shall preside at all meet-j buds which was presented to nolds of Dayton, Ohio, and her maid In the yesterday that was 81 years Mrs. H. H. Camp of the Lltchfleid IM r and Mrs Beach by the j^ Qf Brinkman and son, Allan Lawson, Ings at which he is present, but of honor, her sister. Miss Harriet Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawson, Mr. ago a Connecticut Forty-niner, Collis shall have no vote except in case of Road is spending a month visiting u/aterbury. ' Anne Buckingham. The bridesmaids P. Huntlngton, began, in a canvas relatives in Castiie, Maine. and .Mrs. William Luddy, Mr. and a tie. The town clerk will be clerk The guests began to arrive about will include a younger sister, Miss Mrs. George Schlosser, Mr. and Mrs.tent store in Sacramento, to pile up Joseph Hanningof New York city'three in the afternoon and continued of the board and at all meetings of Nancy Buckingham, a cousin, Miss William Dolan, W. L. Baker, Vivian the fortune which, today, in the gift the board four members exclusive spent the week end at bis home oa throughout the evening. .A program I'eggy Buckingham or the Green, of $1<XI.000 from his heir and step- Highland Avenue. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest John- of the chairman of the board shall which included many excellent MISH Virginia Cutler or Greenwich, son, Irving Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. son, has made this. exhibition of constitute a quorum. The concur- Milton McCleary of Echo Lake speeches was held on the lawn be- Miss Annette Dedrich of Albany, N. H. Houseknecht, Howard House- 1200' pieces of American sculpture rence of three votes will be neces- road is spending the summer at ginning at 9 o'clock. Among the V.. Miss Barbara Wallace of Spring- knecht. Jr., Raymond Houseknecht. from 3'Mt studios free for six months sary for the transaction of business. Keeseville, N. Y. speakers were Lieut. D. J. Lahey, field,Mass., Miss Ruth Wales of Os- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Quinn, Don- to exhibitors and the public. The board Will hold such regular and Mayor Francis P. Gullfoile. Rev. sinlng. N. Y., Miss Mary Hunter Mal- Harvey Crowell of Avon was a re ald Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vincent, From countless hill towns and val- special meetings as may be advisa- cent visitor with friends in town. John N. Lewis, Hon. John H. Cas- son or New York, and Miss Elizabeth Mrs. Mahlon Houseknecht. Clara ble at any time upon giving at least sidy, Hon. William E. Thorns, A. N. Fulton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ley hamlets in this land of steady Tlenham, Alice Benham, Mr. and Mrs. habits, on hearing of gold found in 24 hours' notice to each member of W. Shirley Fulton or Hillside avenue, H. I. Carl, Harry Carl, Helen Carl, the meeting. - Waterbury. ' , ' ' Sutter's mill race on the Sacramen- mer Russell Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph to River, went men to join the all- The clerk of the board will issue Francis Xavier's church in Water- Mr. Howard will be attended by Rchlosser. Mrs. Miller, Mrsi A. You- dlson. 'bury. world sports event known as "The a call for a special meeting either Weiherbee Black of Rye, N. Y., as matz, Shirley Youmatz, Henry You- Gold Rush of M9." Py the fireplaces Be ttB of Mayor Gullfoile presented Mr. and at the direction of the chairman of vl8ltl g heu r 1 j best man, and the ushers will in- niatz. Mrs. Alma Lawson, Mr. and in many a white-clapboarded colonial at Mrs. Beach with a purse of ogld, the I™? " 5 ' V*™ * ••hide John de Forest Buckingham, Mrs. Percy Vincent. Milton Vincent. farmhouse, today considered as gold the board or upon written request of i Yonkers, New York, I gift of Waterbury friends. Other any two members thereof. I a brother of Miss Buckingham, John Orin Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Axel J. mines by collectors of antiques, wa» Raymond Boden is erecting a new girts of money and flowers were also Orwuy, or Winchester, Mass*., Anderson, Mr. and" Mrs. John S. The board will hold a public meet- home on - the Middlebury road. • received. eil over the report that by pick- eie. Iiavid Linsey of Wilmington, Del., Johnson, John Frank Johnson, Mr. ing nuggets of free gold from the ing not less thn two weeks before Robert Vail has the contract for the, Mr. Beach who was born in Goshen Frederick Hixon of Pasadena, Calif.. and Mrs. John Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. the annual town meeting at which erection of the building. roots of bushes or by digging in the' 71 years ago and Mrs. Beach who 'Benjamin Cutler of New York city, John Brinkman, Mr. and Mrs. Peter stream beds of Sierra Nevada rivers time itemized estimates of the ex- ami Robert Patterson of Dayton Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave A. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton or was born in Cornwall Bridge 69 years and washing the sand from particles penditures of the town for the en- visitors Ohio. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Doyle, Winsted were recent at ago were married- at Cornwall of gold in §. common pan or wash- suing fiscal year shall be presented Mrs. E. G. Bridge. They have two sons, Arth- Olive, Doyle, Beatrice Vincent, Mad- the home of Mr. and MISH Buckingham is a graduate or bowl, fortunes could be made quick- and. will hear all persons who may Norton of the Middlebury road.
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