Hip No. Con signed by Pamela Ginnings Hip No. 1 RABBITY ANN SI 94 1 Sor rel Mare 1997 By Yawl SI 96 ............... Dash For Cash SI 114 Really Rapid SI 94 Yawls Rab bit SI 99 ..... 2946308 Shine On Bunny SI 90 ....... Oh Shiney SI 99 RABBITY ANN SI 94 New Candy SI 86 X545682 Merridoc SI 102 ............. Tiny’s Gay SI 106 Oak Creek An nie ....... Spar kling Tip SI 85 X404975 Jour ney’s Dream TB ......... Fa ther John Gay Jour ney By YAWLS RABBIT SI 99 (1990). Stakes win ner of $136,564, Mr Jet Moore S. G3 , etc. Sire of 45 start ers, 32 ROM, 1 stakes win ner, earn ing $388,866, in clud ing RAB BITS RAIN BOW SI 102 (12 wins, $234,294, West Texas Sun Coun try Fut. G1 , West Texas D. G1, etc.), Rab bit Fe ver SI 93 (2 wins, $11,058, 3rd Hard Twist S. [R], etc.), Yawl Watch Me Sail SI 91 (2 wins, $17,859), Get away Rab bit SI 98 (3 wins, $13,653), Da Rab bit SI 99 ($11,378), Ima Rapid Rab bit SI 99 ($11,3005), Yawls Bunny SI 92 ($7,945), Blaze In Rab bit SI 97 ($7,154), etc. 1st dam: OAK CREEK AN NIE (1987), by Merridoc. Un placed. Dam of 5 foals, 5 to race, 2 ROM, Lit tle Diamondette SI 90 (f. by The Adamas). Win ner at 2, $4,973. (Fi nal ist: Clovis Clas sic Fut. [R] G3 ). Rabbity Ann SI 94 (f. by Yawls Rab bit). Win ner, see be low. 2nd dam: JOUR NEY’S DREAM TB, by Fa ther John. Un placed. Dam of 10 QH foals, 7 to race, 2 ROM, Chickettas Dream SI 86 (f. by Chick’s Deck). Win ner, to 4, $1,547. Dam of Angelswatchin Overme SI 88 (f. by Beduino TB). 2 wins, at 3. Dam of An gels Dashin SI 101 (f. by Send Cash). 2 wins, to 4, $9,501, 3rd Har ris County H. [R]. Kiptys Jour ney (f. by Kiptys Charger). Unraced. Dam of Kipty Joan (f. by Johnny Vittoro). Un placed, to 3. Dam of BAYOU CASH SI 101 (g. by Dash ing En coun ter). 8 wins, to 4, $58,369, Sound of Sum mer D. G3 , John Alleman Me mo rial S. [R], Delta 400 S., Miss Polly Clas sic, Me mo rial Day S., 3rd Bayou City H., Lou i si ana Cham pions Day Clas sic G2 . (Fi nal ist: Lou i si ana QHBA Fut. G1 ). East Hi-Point 3-Year-Old Gelding. 3rd dam : GAY JOUR NEY, by *Ole Fols. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 win ners, Se rene Scene. 4 wins, to 7, $13,112. Mark’s Jour ney. Win ner at 4, $4,346. 4th dam: CHACONA, by *Royal Charger. Placed, to 3, $2,950. Dam of 12 TB foals, 9 to race, 7 win ners; 1 QH foal, 1 to race, Rose Of Car mel. 3 wins at 3, $5,596.Dam of Carmella Rose ($49,388); granddam of Carmaville ($64,333). Huddy’s Wish. Win ner at 3, $2,461. Dam of Lib erty Wish SI 96 ($18,077); gran dam of Two Wishes SI 93 ($7,841). Race Re cord: One win, 2 times 3rd, at 2. Earned $3,648. Bred to Fast Deb o nair for her first foal, last ser vice March 31, 2000. (BE - LIEVED TO BE IN FOAL). Trans ported Cooled Se men . Par ent age Ver ified Hip No. Con signed by Robicheaux Ranch, Inc. Hip No. 2 STREAKIN MIKE SI 82 2 Sor rel Gelding 1998 Streakin La Jolla SI 99 ....... Streakin Six SI 104 Bot tom’s Up SI 82 Mr Jess Perry SI 113 .... 3145646 Scoopie Fein SI 99 ........... Sinn Fein SI 98 STREAKIN MIKE SI 82 Legs La Scoop SI 95 3705184 Vittoro SI 101 ............... Three Oh’s SI 100 Oh Hannah SI 93 ....... Chargette 2227951 High Hannah SI 80 ........... Arbmahla High TB Hand i cap Hannah By MR JESS PERRY SI 113 (1992). Cham pion twice , stakes win ner of 12 races in 21 starts of $687,184, Texas Clas sic Fut. G1 , Texas Clas sic D., etc. Sire of 70 ROM, 10 stakes win ners, earn ing $2,079,870, in clud ing FEA TURE MR JESS SI 101 (4 wins, $392,222, Rain bow Fut. G1 , etc.), STREAKIN JESS PERRY SI 102 ($261723, Lou i si ana QHBA Fut. [R] G1 , etc.), HOL LY WOOD PERRY SI 108 ($145,016, Mardi Gras Fut. G2, etc.), HEZ NOT TOO SHABBY SI 104 (3 wins, $123,103), CASH TO THE FRONT SI 104 (5 wins, $114,777), etc. 1st dam: OH HANNAH SI 93 (1980), by Vittoro. Win ner at 3, etr MND 250 yds :13.49. Dam of 9 foals, 5 to race, 3 ROM, Sub ur ban Perry SI 97 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Win ner to 3, 2000, $8,079. Streakin Sub ur ban SI 86 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). 2 wins at 2, $2,870. 2nd dam: HIGH HANNAH SI 80, by Arbmahla High TB. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $6,790. Dam of 3 foals, 3 to race, 1 ROM, Oh Hannah SI 93 (f. by Vittoro). Win ner, see above. Cardecka Two (c. by Cardecka). Placed at 3, $1,216. 3rd dam : HAND I CAP HANNAH, by Hand i cap. Un placed. Damof 7 foals, 4 to race, 2 ROM, High Hannah SI 80. 3 wins, see above. Hand i cap Beau . 3 wins at 2 and 3, $6,652. Hand i cap Sugar. Unraced. Dam of Hand i cap Vittoro SI 82. 2 wins at 3, $2,110. 4th dam: FLAPPER’S CHICK, by Red Chick W. Un placed in 2 starts.Half-sis ter to Chicaro Dandy Slone SI 85 ($2,052, 2nd Ea gle Pass Fea ture. Sire). Dam of 12 foals, 5 to race, 2 ROM, Flap per’s Sugar SI 85. 2 wins at 3. Dam of Flap pers Bee SI 83. Win ner at 4. Plains Natl Bank. Placed at 2. Some Kinda Anaqua. Unraced. Dam of 2 ROM, Some Kinda View SI 89. Win ner at 3 and 4, $1,094. Spark Bug SI 81. Win ner at 4. Luckiest Kinda Jet. Win ner at 2. Race Re cord: Once 2nd at 2, 2000. Earned $1,259. Par ent age Ver ified - Ac credited Lou i si ana Bred - Bleeder Hip No. Con signed by Maui Farms, Agent Hip No. 3 FOR OPENERS 3 Gray Gelding April 9, 1998 Dash For Cash SI 114 ........ Rocket Wran gler SI 97 Find A Buyer TB Mr Eye Opener SI 106 ... 2958279 Bedawee SI 92 .............. *Beduino TB FOR OPENERS Ought To Go SI 96 3755081 Three Oh’s SI 100 ........... Three Chicks SI 100 Oh Mickey Go SI 112 .... Oh My Oh SI 100 Calm Breeze Deck ........... Roy Deck SI 85 Breezy Mae By MR EYE OPENER SI 106 (1990). Stakes win ner of $202,978, West Texas Fut. G1 , etc. Sire of 247 ROM, 27 stakes win ners, earn ing $4,864,938, in clud - ing EYESA SPE CIAL SI 107 (3 wins in 4 starts, $1,006,595, All Amer i can Fut. G1 ), EYES A SCREAMER SI 106 ($122,060, Mile High Fut. G2 , etc.), ANNEOPEN SI 99 ($114,608, Oklahoma Bred Fut. [R] G3 , etc.), MR MOON STREAKER SI 105 ($94,097, Amer i can Airlines Mex ico Chal lenge G3 , etc.), KINDA LIKE RUFFUM SI 97 (5 wins, $77,019, Black Gold 350 Fut. etc.), etc. 1st dam: OH MICKEY GO SI 112 (1976), by Three Oh’s. 2 wins at 3, $3,610, ntr EUR 400 yds :19.64. Dam of 15 foals, 11 to race, 10 ROM, SWEETTEMPTION SI 96 (f. by Pie In The Sky). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $46,589, Black Gold 300 Fut.- 3rd Div., Black Gold 330 Fut.- 3rd Div. [R]. Dam of An gels Ef fort SI 92 (f. by Spe cial Ef fort). 3 wins at 2 and 4 , $3,938. Dam of EYE AM THE BEST SI 97 (g. by Mr Eye Opener). 7 wins in 9 starts at 2, 2000, $74,025, Kan sas Fut. G2 , Shebester Fut. G3 , Kan sas Jack pot Prep Fut. [R] G3 , Fair Meadows Ju ve nile. Hot Timebank SI 98 (c. by Timebank TB). Win ner to 4, $18,854, 3rd Gillespie County Fair Fut. G3 . An gels Quick Dash SI 97 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2000, $17,181. (Fi nal ist: Manor Downs Lassie Fut. G2 , Rheudasil H. G3 ). Sweet Lies SI 92 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $16,435. ( Fi nal- ist: Black Gold 300 Fut. [R] G3 ). PIE SIX SI 99 (c. by Pie In The Sky). 2 wins at 3, $23,166, Jayhawker D. G3 , ( Fi - nal ist: West Texas D. G2 ). Lawn Party SI 97 (f. by Spe cial Ef fort). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $12,074, 3rd Black Gold 350 Fut. 2nd Div. [R]. ( Fi nal ist: Red Earth H. G3 ). Sun Splashed SI 84 (f. by Spe cial Ef fort). 2 wins at 3, $4,158. Dam of 3 ROM, Lot tery Pick SI 107 (g. by Pie In The Sky). 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2000, $50,810, 3rd Speedhorse Gold Cup Fut. [R] G3 , ntr FMT 250 yds :13.19. Pie Seven SI 106 (g. by Pie In The Sky).
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