• . \ '-t :•&- - WltAMk I.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Thursday. May 5,1977 FIEA MART SET ...... SERVICES An outdoor Flea market will HELFPYANTEP bT held on the jrounds-Tirf-- Await Moms u School. Clark, Saturday from £ VfV M,*Q\t4jwJ 1MW1WI«*>P, »T«W CHRONICLE OSSSIFllD EVENING* TELLER . Custom made and instilled. Your ?a.m. to 4 p.m.Rain date is.. become mothers this Mothers Up to -1 d.Vys a' week from ) :45 'to 7 msteritl or mine. Also •• draperies May 14. • : ' Day will be presented with Call 276-6000 •., p m plu;. iiit'l 'lay Saturday. Ideally rehung, repaired, '•""'deled; natural autumn haze mink ' Compare our low prices. Ow lor •. Open Weekdays: 9-5 suited lor college student: who ytoles from the award-winning isneafperson.ible and capable of frMMfMto.232-4551. SERVICES -fur'fashion collection'of the Deadline: Tuesday 3 p.m. handlmp. detailed • financial- FNTERTAINMfcNJL Flemington Fur Company, transactions Call Kenllworth State Bank. -272-4500. ___ •_ MAGIC WITH THE FEMININE TOUCH. MISCELLANEOUS Flemington. • \ Children's and adult ^shows. CLBANEp - In what has , become a Serving Cranford^ Keriilworth and Garwood HOMEMAKER - HEALTH AIDE • M/F; traditional- part of the Reasonable rates. 388-5276. w 84 NO 19 Published Every Thursday Eatn a" state certificate., as a 382-4837. RUBBISH REMOVAL "Mother's Day celebration, .•...- .•-'••.•'. •..•.„'..'. :. Thursday, May. 12.1977 .__. :,/•>'"•„ •Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 15 CENTS A TftEAT f OR MOM homemator-healtn' aide. Training call Flemington, Fwa-Wtil-honor—-— V- - free, daily part-time work. Flexible both the youngest and the An Eat-In Kitchen .. , . *•'.' CHAIN UNKFENCE . •'"' John Borden •'•' hours. Cil\ "weekdays,. 9-4,. '233; 1 oldest woman who gives birth A 8eamed Ceiling in the-Dining Room! 3113: 9guagevinylwire-A'.5'.6 -75cente' . ( - Z/^-pJT"».. ^^ -__^^ .^U or> Sunday. ' . A SUnroci'm! ' sq It installed. C»llaHer6 p.m. 381:. v MECHANIC (experienced) nPiiiG Four Bedrooms! n, kne^TirjgirVcerTter wlih " Any woman who becomes a MOWER'S PLACE IS IN THIS HOME;. HELPER (experienced) . OMIJE1_ Term papers typed. lor rooting, siding and insulation. .—-• Call Diane at 272-7294 contained several kidney dialysis patients iningto Fur , ''Call-for an appointment today.. ALUMINUM SHOWROOM Call Union County Insulation Co. iW^k. It was first trip and overseas treatment ^oyf 8 gprtdk St., Brande Asks ROOFING AND Sl New Art Exhibit 2760133. who nnot leave home'areas where treatment machines Feimington, N. J. 08822. ; Porch and Patio Enclosures ~ ~ CHIMNEYS: ...._, , Vertification^thahatt ththee chUd Pai. ngsb'v T.~ "SECRETARRETARY '.Leaks, roots, leaders and gutters Agency Will sponsor pernlce Wm.st Part-turn!. Cjjniora • nealih Jalousies Awning Windows.., /masomas6nu «yrkvwjrK; ..sump-sump , pumpspumps, ani,fHer to HawaSj and itsdjdl.ysis t&CIIIjtieson Aug iriAU W^W mw -^rtmrn —•» —^ -m*m w v * p r • department. Salary commensurate the name of the hospital and MEMBERS OF CRANFORD BOARD. WESTFIELD BOARD AND UNION with ability and experience. Equal Nuprine Replacement the doctor and the 'mother's ..COUNT* MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM. PAINTING • DBCORATING date of birth sh'otiia be Opportunity f.mployer. Contact Windows, AFS Miss Bonnell 2/6-8900. Conceit T& Storm and .,„.,'Shamey vocalist, stay in Lrantord, where — Mayor Barbara Brande has joining Kemlworth in court persons on the parkway use adjoining the rest area._She is difficult..because of over- already existing flooding REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON needed Screen Combinations musical group, ,will . banjo anil: guitar live with a local family and called upon the N.J. Depart- action to restrain the parkway the rest area and adjoining added that .parkway users lapping jurisdiction between condition in the area." ^Realt lor active Crwlord . Office.- Full Combination Doors-25 Styles • Saturday nifiht in a - Tne""concert ' attend the high school." ~ ment of Transportation to shut widening. private property to answer the come to locar homes in theState arid local police. • "Our citizens are also " lime, Licensed person only. cS oreignstucfent exchange fund Tickets are available at the down the Tall Oaks rest area ;: The mayor said the town- call of nature and for other, •vicinity "at all hours-of the ' Brande maintained the rest concerned about, the obvious .'.. lX56NbRih) UNION • 'Transferred employee makes this I. IF ETIMIALU Ml NUM THOMHSKOTATiS >, door Jor $l;50. For additiona] area is unnecessary because it increase-in the noise lev'e^and-. ad ' necessary/." Alt replies Experienced 3) years palntingDntl" of the American JHalAS >frHthe -AFS ^rpup^un? on the {JardenJState-Par^way. ship is refraining .from improperly'purposes,''; the day and '"night" seeking '.' ' i*- . , • air and sight pollution due to CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY O7O16 ' confidential. VICTOR DENNIS, 2 decorating. Interior and exterior ^ Randolph Hall pf thiJetwritine g the cost, of spori-' in Cranfqrd, and to halt work litigation "in hopes this mayor wrote. "All of this, assistance or the use of; a js within 300 feet of the North Alden SU Cranford. 27Q-7618. using Dutch Boy paints.. Free Crajiford United Methodist soring students from: other, on the parkway widening until matter can be amicably ad- crgates an unsightly and telephone. * Ave.'parkway exit where gas the increase in the number pf 272-4020 '•'•". stations, rest rooms and vehicles generated by- the 102 South Ave. W. 276-3205 Estimates. Fully Insured. Church from 8:30 to 11. The.countries ,during;~a onetyear, an envirpnmeiiitaT^inipact justed." unsanitary condition, and the •Attracts Undesirables' CALL ANYTIME 399-2873 study is made. Brande labeled the Talluse of the property for such phones are available. additional lanes'," Ms. Brande FOR SALE Home Improvcrtients public is inVited. : ,. The mayor Complained fy wrote.,: — -—•>—''}' ~- " -' CRANFORD Seven local- musicians are In a letter to Transportation Oaks area on the south side of purposes involves indecent The niaypr told Sagner that PAINTING - Interior: and exterior. Call. To Husband the parkway "a public and Smbaprassingexposure." thearea "attracts undesirable Sagner that the parkway The, mayor said the-»park- No Job Too Small 276-5774: featured in the group; which WiUiafy O'jpibhnfiU and Commissioner. Alan Sagner, expansion "will also increase way widening will bring the ~ MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL specializes in melodyi har- Ms. Brande said the township nuisance." Ms.' Brande charged that persons who use it- for. a TriE TARNISHED SWAN - George Sabintv$fr of W.Patrolman Edward Zar- parkway users permit their variety of improper pur- the. stormwatex runoff from southerly Iane*l2 feet closer to Owner Transferred , , . • '•' "• Antiques & Collectibles . .1 ree tstimates ' WATERPROOFING mony; vocals,, and light West EJnd North Plainfield, is bringing residents' com- "'"There are no toilet .or • Ninht 'Appointments ... zecki, y dofis *.r> usp private property poses.". She said enforcement the parkway and aggravated homes in the immediate area. Well maintained home.'Country attoospherc .formal dininR room 521 Elizabeth Ave. E.-, Linden has been remanded to Union plaints to the DOT ..before; telephone facilities; and \tiilly Insured _ ' WWfeRPROOFING • large ca't-in kitchen with double oven, copper plumbinR, 4 bedrooms ,,. • , Mon. 6 Weaves. 6,58 p.m. Home basements. ,ii>d dt;p. '• • TutiS. JSTSSt. 2-6p.m. • General Mdntenince Co. _=. or by appointment, 527-1709 j EDRICH REMODELING 25 years experience. v W R0SElU : •''; • 5yearwarrawy. • i mer, guitarist and vocalist; »»F». RENTAL 23RD ANNUAL BASKING RIDGE 789-1219 - 381-7885, Steve Eckler lead .guitarist. • 4 bedroom Coton.al.;near trjnsporlatiOn.schools and shopping. Can ANTIQUES' SHOW AND SALE Bill Meyer,'bass player, and VOLkSW A«iFN ' Methodist Church," Finloy Ave., bLBX-. WINDOW CLEANING _ be used tor p-fjBtessional use. Bushing Ridge, "N.^ May 1.2, 12 MASON WORK WINDOW CLEANING noon lo 10 p.m.; May 14,11 a.m. to WATERPROOFINGand LOST - WHITE, TAI)|AN9 BLACK CAT. plite ^ ^ couple are '&"*''!. T^'thl "tar 900 E. Elizabeth Ave ins Every School ' ' 5 p:m:°X6 distinguished exhibitors Private homes. Profes$ional work at Century 21 . REPAIRS, inden 486-4200 Plans are underway, to NationalAnnl •. SchooCnrinnl Y'ltnnlLunch* _^_ . .. •*•« -v>Livingstot n School for a' •ottering quality china, clocks, lowest rat.es. Fully insured. :S»fiM^ainK \o selective fc&$ $<& Mrs! While current guidelines % -- silver, ' lurniture," etc. $1.5Steps0 , walks.p^tios, drains Excellent references. 233-5104 or implement &• school lunch Program. specifying the circumstances summer youth center. He said' D.S. Kuzsma Realty donation. Free child care, luncheon 233-9340. -„... : DR 9-5272. AsmdrRm. 3 pqtty According to Detective gabino's;life,. ,; . , prograrti next Septenlber in Hot lunches now* are offered under ,which elementary the program would.be similar ''and'.snack bar available. • Call 174J5J0 Bradburry, . '-., ,-;':'...',. •'• the four public schools that at the high school and the two pupils may stay in school for to that offered last summer at m 115 JVlUn Street currently, do not have one, middle schools.- and baglunch will be scrapped, Brookside School, which BOATS according to a report by Marc lunches are provided,at parents will be asked to notify "went quite well." Bei'nstein F'. Bernstein, assistant Livingston and Lincoln X. REALTOR 272-8337 8 FT. DINGHY,,, .mahogany trim, the principal of whether their said the town has indicated it cars the way we superintendent for business, Schools. The four remaining would supplyjrVore
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