which fawcam* a Suburban Publishing Corp. n#wtpop«r on July 2, 1964 An Official Nawspopar For Tha City * f Lindan 07036 PwMl«H*4 la«K Thwrodtty by Swbufbwt PvfctisHinf Corp. tuf»cripfi«n Rate 11.00 Yearly N.J.. THURSDAY, O C T Q K R 30, 1975- Second Ctest Poetooe Paid ot Linden, N J ending for Assembly Very low turnout expected to vote By STEVE McMANUS with i bribery indtetment banging over Um, An exceptionally quiet election campaign won the Democrirtfc primary in June without will conclude on Tuesday when Under voters party support. He and Thomas Deverin of go to the polls and express their preference for Carteret are favored to retain their Assembly two Assembly seats and five council positions. seat* in the 21at District of Unden, Winfield, There are also three freeholder berths on the Carteret and Elizabeth. line and several referenda, including the Republican challenger* for the legislative controversial Equal Rights Amendment for posts are Beatrice Bernzott, of Unden who lost women. to Gregorio for mayor by almost 4,00# vote* last i The League of Women Voters has issued its. year, and Manuel Fernandez, an Elizabeth stand on the bond issues; see separate story businessman below on this page Analysis of the referenda The only item to spark debate in the cam­ appears in today's commentary section, page paign was Bernzott’a repeated requests for four.) Gregorio to step down from his mayor’s job Polling places will be open from 7 a m. to 8 because of the indictment. When the issue bgfe p m . but low turnouts are expected throughout surfaced at council meetings, Edwt fJ the state Last year, about 12,800 of the city’s Murawski, president of the governing b< / '-.1 21,556 registered voters turned out for the been Gregorio’s defender, d e c la ifijE ^ H H ■wv v/// . r mayoralty race somebody is innocent until proven g trifi^ ^ B T JOHN GREGORIO EATRICE BERNZOTT TOM DEVERIN MANUEL FERNANDEZ Mayor John Gregorio, entering this election that another indictment, of a technical n H H | DEM—ASSEMBLY REP.-ASSEMBLY DEM.—ASSEMBLY REP—ASSEMBLY was already dismissed. In the heavily-Democratic district, it would take a rock-bottom turnout of voters plus all Republicans coming out to produce a close race -o -o - THE WARD RACES aren't so cut and dry, but Democrats again must rate as favorites. The Second Ward was seen as the closest battle, where Louis Roberts, Democrat, is facing George Handley, Republican. When Councilman Joseph Locascio resigned the post in January, it created a vacancy that remained until June, when Roberts won his party’s primary and was appointed hy council to the governing body Being in that position, meeting and working with ward residents, Roberts has gained a decided advantage over his opponent. Handley was thrown off the Alcohol Beverage Control Board last year in a partisan conflict and could capitalize on a "m averick" attitude that elected Locascio. the lone council Republican for years, four times Elsewhere, Councilman James Watson of the Fourth Ward, Democrat, is challenged fay Joseph Colvin, who was an tu b hour replacement for Mary Chappell on the GOP (Continued en page *) GEORGE HANDLEY J AMES WATSON JOSEPH COLVIN RICHARD t ANAVAN RE P.—2ND DEM,—4TH R E P — iTH DEM.—1STH LWV opposes bond issue for transportation The League of Women Voters of New Jersey has announced its opposition to die MOO million transportation bond issue reports Mrs Norma Grossman, president, linden LW V Mrs. Grossman said that a recent directive received from Dorothy Powers, president of the League of Women Voters of New Jersey has stated "The LWV believes that some projects which the transportation hood Issue would finance are needed, and must eventually be built On balance, however, the projects and programs in this issue gjftgct a ‘business’ as usual' ap­ proach to transportation i t a time when it is imperative to conaider the government’s role in this area in light of energy, social and economic costs. What is needed is an integrated plan for transportation which reflects the need to reduce vehicular traffic by up to 9S percent in order to meet air pollution standards and in­ creased energy casts....People must have an alternative to their cars.” JOSEPH BARTHS ADAM GOMULKA FRANK LI1 “ H ie bond issues are being promoted as a DEM.—0TH means to generate jobs. LWV does not believe that job* should be the primary consideration in capital spending. Furthermore, high-way construction is not the most efficient way to Trio held for jury produce job* With a given amount of money, ■mnsM i m m jM u um b gan.b i t prwEpMti huwj aiMgyimgaponnng ontwi education, health services, housing etc., than The Roselle Park councllwoman Who ELECTED AS AN independent in her (The list apparently does not include receipts on highways,” the LWV reports. face drug counts recently called for per uqdta.,distribution of tome munfcipaitties through utility companies, community, Miss McKenney prepared a list of from the new generating station. Public Ser­ Mrs. Grossman states that the League alto trees receipts from public utilities hasn’t let up but w e’ll ameer knew unless we try,” she says. county municipalities and the money they vice Electric and Gas Company says its gross questions the appropriatness of paying for ftto California brothers and an Edison in her efforts; in fact, she’s prepared facts and “ W ife fe e drastic cutbacks in federal, gtate and would get if gross receipts were distributed. receipts taxes for 1075 will be 17,003,496 ) buses with bond money. "It does not make Union County. county revgauee M local governments, It Her 1^74 figure for Linden receipts was listed at senae to pay over a M or 10 year period for Gregorio said that reshttnts of Linden are of fee gras ^IW W M W Bnnes.iiw a taft even running behooves each and every municipal of­ *4,308,452, with just *773,934 b e « retained btaea when the optimum a ven ge age for-a entitled to the fiscal gains from industry, e, but related ficeholder to aressfOr a ksm Overdue overhaul under a new formula. For Linden: a loss of fleet is seven years.” commenting, “We’ve suffered." qwrSSp g ^ jyu jrjsya ^ the idea, wife *3,812,51*. "Many of the propoeed moss transportation projects may have merit, but do not yet have official iu ^ J otm S S rtfS Igai^Ttte U m M tta fc .M)M h * W nnfsto live In an kl- Recreation office evaluation. We would remind fee voters feat, hi ^jarM .jggg-agi m ug *«h U* smotaaj the past, bond iaouee feat have been approved *** far fee flra department before adequate overall planning has tah e j Scott said he wet staying at the has dances today » R t i-w4fe *te brother .ami a. The Linden Halloween Parade Committee, In conjunction wife the Linden Recreation Department, will sponsor three Halloween for the Baatit wtU assemble at 8:30 p m) on dances today. The dancer o n open to Linden Auto Acddont Tabb school students sad youths who attend parochial or private samols and reside In MMaaeMiretetoOcLM iat rt at 7 pm . and the Une of W S .rtMiattteOct.lt MM * areatat ftep fee Osar •gtefeetfeMtaalareate NartMKQtetfa threat fetta W femEere. 1 -' ]Mdm in Mind1 to te RicnitMl 8 p.m.aad' tSpfetteaotbetween 4taS^m t o k H t fS 2-Thursday, October 30, 1975-LINDEN (N.J.) LEADER Belnick unit 'Malicious' case against detective <50 m eet on charged in eburt Linden Police Detective John K lm sk The annual membenidp meeting of the Tadd of Hodgkins Disaaaa, a cancer of the !ymj recently filed suit in Superior Court Charging a Belnick Hodgkins Diaaaae Foundation will be gland* at the a f t of IS, AB monies raised L„ 19-year-old Elizabeth youth, whom Kbnak had held next Wednesday at * p.m. at the Stonewall the Foundation |o directly toward t|>e Four arrested nearly a year before, arid Ms father Savings gnd Loan Association, 701 N. Wood dation's research project headed by Dr. with malicious prosecution. ave., it was announced by M r, David Zitomer, Rauaen. Kimak arrested Raymond Maatapetar Jr., board member. The Belnick Family absorbs all operating 19, on June 18,1974, when the youth and several Dr Aaron Hausen, director of the Foun­ expense* of the Foundation, and all donations friends were celebrating their graduation dation’s research program which he conducts are tax deductible. Anyone wishing to join may from Linden High. School M ints peter was contact Mrs. Belnick at 4*6-7396 at the Ml. Sinai School of Medicine in New York charged with a disorderly person count for City, will be giieat speaker, along with Dr. John rowdiness, the detective said. Zabriskie, a professor from Rockefeller According to reports, the boy's father ad­ University, who has been collaborating with Battleship group vised his son to file a complaint against Kimak the Cancer Research Program aupported by in municipal court, and on July 22,1974, Kimak the Foundation. They will explain the progress was charged with atrocious assault and bat­ that is being made with the funds that is being reunion Saturday tery The following day, the detective waa sent to them, and what new developments have Paul Wieser, vice-president of the USS North arrested while on duty, booked and finger­ been achieved in cancer research The public is Carolina Battleship Association, has an printed at headquarters.
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