).934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5253 Service, to rank as such from the dates set opposite their Amend the title so as to read: "Joint resolution requiring agri­ cultural or other products to be shipped in vessels of the United names: States where the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or any other Mason V. Hargett, February 16, 1934. instrumentality of the Government finances the exporting of such Cassius J. Van Slyke, March 3, 1934. products." Erwin W. Blatter, April 4, 1934. Mr. SNELL. Will the gentleman yield? Russell Thomas, April 6, 1934. Mr. BLAND. I yield to the gentleman from New York. The above-named officers have passed the examination Mr. SNELL. As I understand from the gentleman's state- required by law and the regulations of the Service. ment, these amendments are entirely agreeable to the gen­ PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY tleman from New Jersey [Mr. LEHLBACH] and the other MARINE CORPS members of the minority on the committee? Maj. John Marston to be a lieutenant colonel in the Mr. BLAND. At a meeting that was held, at which a Marine Corps from the 20th day of March 1934. quorum was present, Mr. LEHLBACH, Mr. GIFFORD, and Mr. Capt. William B. Croka to be a major in the Marine Corps EDMONDS were there, and possibly some other members, but from the 20th day of March 1934. I remember distinctly these three gentlemen were present First Lt. George L. Hollett to be a captain in the Marine and voted to concur in the amendments. Corps from the 12th day of March 1934. Mr. SNELL. It is a unanimous report? First Lt. Herbert S. Keimling to be a captain in the Marine Mr. BLAND. It is a unanimous report. Corps from the 20th day of March 1934. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Second Lt. Frank H. Wirsig to be a first lieutenant in the gentleman from Virginia? Marine Corps from the 12th day of March 1934. There was no objection. / Second Lt. John S. Letcher to be a first lieutenant in the The· Senate amendments were agreed to. Marine Corps from the 20th day of March 1934. SETTLEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Mr. BOYLAN. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Chairman of the Committee on Claims, I ask unanimous consent to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES take from the Speaker's table the bill <H.R. 257) to author­ FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1934 ize full settlement for professional services rendered to an officer of the United States Army, with Senate amendments, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and concur in the Senate amendments. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.D., offered The Clerk read the title of the bill, with the following the following prayer: Senate amendments: Infinite and eternal God, Thou who didst call the uni­ Line 3, strike out "Secretary of War" and insert "Secretary of verse into being, ordered its forces, and started its creations, the Treasury." Lines 5 and 6, strike out " the appropriation ' Medical and Hos­ bear with our infirmities. As Thou art the source of all pital Department, 1929 ' ", and insert " any money in the Treasury wisdom, the inspiration of all good thoughts and noble en­ not otherwise appropriated." deavor, nurture in us willing minds and . understanding Mr. SNELL. Will the gentleman yield? hearts. We praise Thee that it is Thy goodness that calls us to rejoice rather than to complain, to accept humbly and Mr. BOYLAN. I yield to the gentleman from New York. to use righteously Thy unspeakable blessings; lift u8, Mr. SNELL. Will the gentleman explain what this bill is gracious Lord, to that high level from which our hearts and where it came from? shall move irresistibly toward righteousness. O God, grant Mr. BOYLAN. This is a bill that we passed for the relief that we may never be caught in the uncontrolled eddies of a major in the Regular Army who was suffering from a of unrighteousness. Almighty God, expand and enrich rare disease which incapacitated him from active service. our national ideals, direct our country in the solution After being treated in all the Army hospitals, including the of its unsolved problems, and dispel all earth-born clouds Walter Reed Hospital, with the permission of the War De­ wherever they cast a shadow. Amen. partment he underwent an operation at the hands of a pri­ vate surgeon which cost $1,000. The result of this operation The Journal of the proceedin6S of yesterday was read was to restore his usual health, and he is now in active and approved. service performing his duties. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Mr. SNELL. This is a claims bill that has been considered A message from the Senate, by Mr. Horne, its enrolling by the Senate? clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, without Mr. BOYLAN. Yes; and it has come back with a Senate amendment, a bill of the House of the following title: amendment. H.R. 8573. An act to provide for the complete independ­ Mr. BLANTON. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to ob­ ence of the Philippine Islands, to provide for the adoption ject, this involves the payment of $1,000 to an outside sur­ of a constitution and a form of government for the Philip­ geon for this private operation? pine Islands, and for other purposes. Mr. BOYLAN. Yes. Mr. BLANTON. Does it involve anything else? EXPORTATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Mr. BOYLAN. No. That is all. Mr. BLAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Mr. BLANTON. What did the Senate do with the bill? take from the Speaker's desk House Joint Resolution 207, Did they enlarge upon the matter? requiring agricultural or other products to be shipped in Mr. BOYLAN. No. The bill provided that this was to vessels of the United States where the Reconstruction Fi­ be paid out of the hospital allowance for the year 1929. nance Corporation or any other instrumentality of the Gov­ Mr. BLANTON. It is immateria..l which fund this comes ernment finances the exporting of such products, with Senate out of, because, after all, it comes out of the Treasury of amendments, and concur in the Senate amendments. the United States. May I say that this has been considered by the Commit­ Mr. BOYLAN. Exactly, but the Senate saw fit to amend tee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. the bill in that respect. The Clerk read the title of the bill with the following Mr . .BLANTON. It does not affect the rights of any other Senate amendments: person except the one officer? Line 4, after " Corporation ". insert " or any other instrumen­ Mr. BOYLAN. Absolutely no one else. tality of the Government." Mr. SNELL. There is no precedent established by this Line 5, after "agricultural", insert "or other." bill? Line 8, strike out "United States Shipping Board .. and insert "Shipping Board Bureau." Mr. BOYLAN. No, indeed; in fact, I may saiy that the bill Line 9, after "Corporation", insert "or other instrumentality was approved by the War Department, which is very un­ of the Government." usual. 5254 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 23- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the in the minority to a large extent now exist. We think we gentleman from New York? have made a record of achievement. We do not come up There was no objection. here on the floor of the House and prate about it, but it is The Senate amendments were agreed to. sufficient to say that we have saved the taxpayers of this PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Nation thousands and thousands of dollars by careful scrutiny and investigation of the matters that come before Mr. MAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that us. immediately following the completion of the business on the Among its many duties, the committee has jurisdiction Speaker's desk tomorrow morning I may be permitted to over the House restaurant. On June 2, 1921, 4 years before address the House for 10 minutes. I entered Congress, Mr. Clifiord Ireland, Republican chair .. Mr. GOSS. Are we going to be in session tomorrow? man of the Committee, from the State of Illinois, intro .. Mr. BYRNS. Yes. duced a resolution in the House, which was unanimously Mr. MAPES. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, passed, placing the House restaurant under the Committee I think the House should know what the gentleman is going on Accounts. Prior to this time it had been operated as a. to talk about. very unsatisfactory concession. For the last 12 fiscal years Mr. MAY. I expect to talk about one of two things. I this restaurant has been operated at an average net annual shall talk about cotton and tobacco or I shall present to the deficit of $25,961.72. There are many reasons why there House a few remarks on the subject of a bill which I intro­ should be a loss. The entire set-up is practically for one duced at the last session of the Congi·ess providing for sub­ meal, and naturally the overhead expenses are large. Since sistence homesteads. April 15, 1933, and up to this hour, we have operated this The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the restaurant without a loss and with a profit of approximately gentleman from Kentucky? $50. [Applause.] Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I object. In testifying before the Appropriations Committee, I said Mr. BANKHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I do not often make a the foil owing: point of no quorum, but the gentleman from North Caro­ To summarize, we have been able to make this record with the lina [Mr.
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