Th e Nutcracker PAGE 10-11 Volume 15, Issue 1 • January 2019 The Official Newspaper of the Osage Nation new post at the Wah-Zha-Zhi of the Flower Moon: The Osage Osage boys win big at Health Center as its new CEO Indian murders and the birth OKWA Novice State and Chief Medical Officer and of the FBI,” toured the Osage Championships in Tulsa gave an update on construc- reservation with the Nation’s Deacon Hendren, Leigh- tion plans for a new facility. ambassadors. They toured the ton Shaw and Levi Hendren three Villages, met with Osage won the 2018 Oklahoma Kids Dr. Ron Shaw resigns from elders in Fairfax for interviews Wrestling Association Novice the Fifth Osage Nation 2018 and were guests of honor at an State Champions. Congress to take post with Osage meal. ON Health Services Year in Review Dr. Ron Shaw resigns from Stillwater Public Library the Fifth Osage Nation Con- qshowcases “Killers of the Flower Moon” with Osage gress to accept a new post at events and discussions the Wah-Zha-Zhi Health Cen- Four Osages File for The Stillwater Public Li- ter as its new CEO and Chief candidacy seeking brary held events highlighting Medical Officer. Executive Branch office The 2018 election season the Osage Nation for a month was underway and four candi- and invited many citizens from dates for Principal Chief and the Nation to speak and give Assistant Principal Chief filed presentations. their candidacies. Another wind project may Fourteen Osage families be on the horizon for Osage receive free refurbished County Dell computers for Pitched as the second larg- JANUARY est wind energy project in the Christmas Osage Nation opens a new world, Wind Catcher Energy The Osage Nation Police Domestic Violence Shelter Connection is a joint effort Department gave out 14 refur- and PRT facility among Chicago-based Inve- bished Dell computers as part After nine months of con- nergy, Southwestern Electric of its continued partnership struction, the Osage Nation Power Company and the Pub- with the nonprofit PC Power’s opened its new domestic vio- lic Service Company of Okla- North Pole Computer Project. lence shelter and Primary Res- homa. idential Treatment facility for women escaping abusive living FEBRUARY Young Osage singer wows MARCH conditions or needing help for Imperative Entertainment crowd at Good Morning Osage women and girls substance abuse. executives honored and America studio honored at Wak’on Owatsi overwhelmed by Osage Ten-year-old Ava Rose A group of organizers led by Construction on new tour and culture Johnson took the mic at ABC’s Dr. Moira RedCorn put on a Wah-Zha-Zhi Health Imperative Entertainment, Good Morning America studios weekend event that included a Center planned for 2019 which bought the rights to Da- in New York City and wowed See YEAR IN REVIEW Dr. Ron Shaw accepted a vid Grann’s bestseller “Killers the crowd. —Continued on Page 13 SCOTUS to consider Osage Wind case on Jan. 4 Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton Osage News The U.S. Supreme Court will start 2019 by weighing whether to take up an appeal tied to a controversial Osage County wind farm project. According to court records, Osage Wind LLC v. Osage Min- erals Council has been official- SHANNON SHAW DUTY/Osage News ly scheduled for consideration OJ and Caron Littlecook received a free refurbished Dell computer as part of the Supreme Court’s from the North Pole Computer Project which gives computers to fam- Jan. 4, 2019, conference. ilies at Christmas. If at least four justices vote at the conference to grant cer- tiorari, then the case will be File Photo Osage family grateful for scheduled to go before the full Supreme Court. their response to an amicus ing with the Osage Minerals The conference schedul- brief from the Office of the Council and rejecting claims outpouring of support in ing order comes one day af- Solicitor General. that the council had no stand- ter attorneys for Osage Wind, Earlier in the month, the ing to intervene in the case. wake of devastating house fire Enel Kansas and Enel Green U.S. Solicitor General’s of- fice filed an amicus brief sid- See SCOTUS Shannon Shaw Duty Power North America filed —Continued on Page 4 Osage News OJ and Caron Littlecook entered the Osage Nation Police Second Osage language app ‘Sonny Department the morning of Dec. 20 hand-in-hand. They were there to pick up a free refurbished Dell computer from the Goes to School’ now available North Pole Computer Project which gives computers to fami- lies at Christmas. They were one of seven families to receive Benny Polacca a computer this year from the ONPD. Osage News The Littlecooks, who live in Skiatook with their five chil- dren and new puppy, were in good spirits despite the fact A second Osage language app is now available for that their house, and everything inside, was destroyed by download to both Apple and fire just six days before. The fire started in their 15-year-old Android devices. son Cody’s room. The room is positioned in the middle of the Osage language learners four-bedroom home, on the back side of the house. can follow along with “Son- “I was expecting to see one burnt room, but no. Everything ny Goes to School” to see and else was ruined,” Caron Littlecook said. listen to more words and sen- “There’s nothing left of Cody’s room, he lost everything. He tences to further expand their lost all his dance clothes, everything.” knowledge of the language use. The Littlecooks were gone for the evening to a basketball The interactive app takes us- Screenshot tournament in Pawhuska. Their oldest daughter Olivia, 13, See APP The second Osage Language app is ready for download. Search for “Son- See FIRE —Continued on Page 4 ny Goes to School” in your App Store. —Continued on Page 4 INSIDE THE OSAGE NEWS FOLLOW THE OSAGE NEWS ONLINE Stuke Resigns from Osage LLC . 2 Culture Column . 15 • Breaking news at osagenews.org Relations Improving Between Minerals Council and BIA . .. 3 Classifieds . 16 • facebook.com/osagenews Mother and Daughter Honored . .. 5 Community . 17 • twitter.com/osagenews Amity Bevard: From Student to Teacher . 7 Obituaries . 18 • flickr.com/osagenews 2 January 2019 Osage News • osagenews.org Standing Bear poses questions to AG Patsy Stuke resigns about health and education funding from Osage LLC Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton the combined $7.91 million in Osage News appropriations for those pro- grams were approved as part board; Standing Bear Principal Chief Geoffrey of ONCA 18-48, a multi-de- Standing Bear has asked the partment omnibus bill. attorney general’s office for The published eligibility cri- appoints Mark Goad constitutional clarity regard- teria for Head Start, WELA, Shannon Shaw Duty ing funding priorities. the Education Department’s Osage News In a memorandum dat- tutoring voucher program, the ed Dec. 6 obtained by Osage Summertime Achievement Patsy Stuke is the lat- News, Principal Chief Stand- Reward and the College En- est board member to re- ing Bear requested an official trance Assistance Program sign from the Osage LLC opinion from Attorney General do not have residency restric- board of directors. Holli Wells on two questions tions, with the latter three According to her Oct. involving Article XVII of the explicitly made available to 16 resignation letter, she tribe’s constitution. Osage students nationwide. said it had become appar- Article XVII lays out the The tutoring voucher pro- ent to her that she was no tribe’s obligations to provide gram provides up to $3,000 longer effective as a board for the health, safety and edu- per student per academic member for Osage LLC. year. The College Entrance She served as Treasurer. cation of its citizens, with par- Osage News Assistance Program, which Osage News ticular emphasis on children “My concerns have been The Osage Nation Constitution. covers fees associated with and elders. ignored with regard to Patsy Stuke is the latest board the ACT, SAT, test prepa- The first question is wheth- management of the com- member to resign from the Osage Among the education offer- ration programs, Advanced er Article XVII creates a con- panies. It seems relevant LLC board of directors. ings potentially impacted by Placement exams and college stitutional mandate for the that we should be seeking such a distinction is the tribe’s application fees. The Summer- to bring a general manager on board. However, my sugges- tribe to prioritize funding for Higher Education Scholarship time Achievement Reward, or tions for advertising or searching in that regard have been programs and services that program, which is available STAR, provides financial aid ignored,” she wrote. “Other board members are currently address at least one of the ar- to Osage citizens nationwide. to academically gifted junior making decisions regarding hiring of personnel. Our staff ac- ticle’s four sections, such as The first 2019 budget to get high and high school students countant recently quit, and it is my understanding that the the Health Benefit Card and approval during the 2018 to participate in summer en- office manager will soon no longer be with our organization.” the Elder Nutrition Program Tzi-Zho Session, Congress richment activities. She wrote that she was advised that other board mem- over other programs that do appropriated $8.1 million However, enrollment in bers had engaged a contractor and a new temp agency hire, not have an explicit connection for the scholarship fund on Osage Nation-backed JOM which was not through the tribal hiring process even though to one of the article’s sections, Sept.
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