T h e C i t y Re c o rd O fficial Publication of the City of Cleve l a n d June the Nineteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Six Mayor Containing PAGE Michael R. White City Council 3 The Calendar 49 President of Council Board of Control 49 Jay Westbrook Civil Service 53 Board of Zoning Appeals 53 Clerk of Council Board of Building Standards Artha Woods and Building Appeals 54 Public Notices 55 Public Hearings 55 Ward Name City of Cleveland Bids 55 1 Charles L. Patton, Jr. Adopted Resolutions 2 Robert J. White and Ordinances 56 3 Odelia V. Robinson Committee Meetings 107 4 Kenneth L. Johnson Index 107 5 Frank G. Jackson 6 Patricia J. Britt 7 Fannie M. Lewis 8 William W. Patmon 9 Craig E. Willis 10 Roosevelt Coats 11 Michael D. Polensek 12 Edward W. Rybka FIRST-CLASS MAIL 13 Gary M. Paulenske U. S. POSTAGE PAID 14 Helen K. Smith CLEVELAND, OHIO 15 James Rokakis Permit No. 1372 16 Patrick J. O'Malley 17 Timothy J. Melena First Class Mail 18 Jay Westbrook 19 Joseph J. Zone 20 Dale Miller 21 David M. McGuirk RECYCLE...........................Save the Future Pr inted on Recycled Pap e r. Council Cares DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS CITY COUNCILÐLEGISLATIVE Park Maintenance and Properties ÐRichard L. Silva, Acting Commissioner, President of CouncilÐJay Westbrook Public Auditorium Ð E. 6th & Lakeside. Wa r d Na m e Re s i d e n c e Recreation Ð Michael Cox, Acting Commissioner, Room 8 1 Charles L. Patton, Jr... 2986 Ripley Road 44 1 2 0 Research, Planning & Development Ð M. Fallon, Commissioner, Burke 2 Robert J. White .. 3760 East 126th Street 44 1 0 5 3 Odelia V. Robinson.. 3448 East 123rd Street 44 1 2 0 Lakefront Airport 4 Kenneth L. Johnson .. 2948 Hampton Road 44 1 2 0 DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ÐTerri Hamilton, Director, 5 Frank G. Jackson .. 2327 East 38th Street 44 1 1 5 3rd Floor, City Hall. 6 Patricia J. Britt .. 12402 Britton Drive 44 1 2 0 DIVISIONS Ð Administrative Services Ð Terrence Ross, Commissioner. 7 Fannie M. Lewis.. 7416 Star Avenue 44 1 0 3 Neighborhood Services Ð Festus Cassels, Commissioner. 8 William W. Patmon .. 867 East Boulevard 44 1 0 8 9 Craig E. Willis .. 11906 Beulah Avenue 44 1 0 6 Neighborhood Development Ð Terri Hamilton, Commissioner. 10 Roosevelt Coats.. 1775 Cliffview Road 44 1 1 2 Building & Housing Ð Lisa Thomas, Commissioner, 5th Floor, City Hall. 11 Michael D. Polensek .. 17855 Brian Avenue 44 1 1 9 DEPT. OF PERSONNEL AND HUMAN RESOURCES Ð Joseph Nolan, 12 Edward W. Rybka .. 6832 Indiana Avenue 44 1 0 5 Di r e c t o r , Room 121 13 Gary M. Paulenske.. 1020 East 61st Street 44 1 0 3 14 Helen K. Smith.. 3016 Carroll Avenue 44 1 1 3 DEPT. OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Ð Christopher P. Warren, 15 James Rokakis.. 4685 Dornur Road 44 1 0 9 Director, Room 210 16 Patrick J. O’Malley.. 6111 Brookside Drive 44 1 4 4 DEPT. OF AGING Ð Rm. 122, Susan Axelrod, Director 17 Timothy J. Melena .. 6109 West Clinton Avenue 44 1 0 2 18 Jay Westbrook .. 10513 Clifton Boulevard 44 1 0 2 COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD Ð Room 11, Jackie R. Whitner, 19 Joseph J. Zone.. 3323 West 130th Street 44 1 1 1 Acting Director; Mayor Michael R. White, Chairman ExÐOfficio; Mary 20 Dale Miller .. 4300 West 143rd Street 44 1 3 5 Adele Springman, ViceÐChairman; Councilmen Michael Polensek and 21 David McGuirk.. 17101 Amber Drive 44 1 1 1 Edward Rybka, City Council Representatives; Louise Boddie,Jr., Muqit Clerk of CouncilÐArtha Woods, 216 City Hall, 664Ð2840. Abdul Sabur, Clifford Savren, Henry Simon, George S. Smilnak, Harry First Assistant ClerkÐSandra Franklin. Taketa, Timothy Cosgrove. MAYORÐMichael R. White LaVonne Sheffield-Turner, Chief of Staff,Executive Assistant for Policy CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ð Room 119, Freddie J. Fenderson, Ba r r y Withers, Executive Assistant for Administration President; James J. Marniella, Vice President; Donna K. Nelson, Secretary; Judith Zimomra, Executive Assistant for Service Timothy J. Cosgrove, Member. Kenneth Silliman, Executive Assistant for Economic Development SINKING FUND COMMISSION Ð Michael R. White, President; Patricia Richard Werner, Executive Assistant for Governmental Affairs. St o k e s , Asst. Sec’y.; Kathryn Burrer Hyer, Director; President of Council Linda Willis, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity Jay Westbrook. DEPT. OF LAW Ð Sharon Sobol Jordan, Director of Law, Room 106; Karen E. Martines, Law Librarian; Criminal BranchÐJustice Center, 8th BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Ð Room 516, Valerie Schwonek, Ch a i r m a n ; Flr., Court Towers, 1200 Ontario Dona Brady, ViceÐChairman; Anna Chatman, Paula Phillips, Tony Carolyn Watts-Allen, Chief Asst. Prosecutor Petkovsek, Anthony Costanzo, Sec’y. Steven J. Terry, Chief Counsel BOARD OF BUILDING STANDARDS AND BUILDING APPEALS Ð Ro o m DEPT. OF FINANCE Ð Kathryn Burrer Hyer, Director, Room 104; Carlean 516, J. F. Denk, Chairman; J. Bowes, S. K. Birch, Alternate Members Ð D. Alford, Manager, Internal Audit Cox, P. Frank, E. P. O’Brien, Richard Pace, J.S. Sullivan. Exec. Sec’y. DIVISIONS Ð Accounts Ð A. Schneider, Commissioner, Room 19 City Treasury Ð Mary Christine Jackman,Treasurer, Room 115 BOARD OF REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS Ð Law Director, Sharon Sobol Assessments and Licenses Ð John Hunt, Commissioner, Room 122 Jordan; Pres. Finance Director, Kathryn Burrer Hyer, Director Sec’y. Purchases and Supplies Ð William A. Moon, Commissioner, Room 128 Council President Jay Westbrook. Printing and Reproduction Ð James D. Smith, Commissioner, 1735 Lakeside Av e n u e BOARD OF SIDEWALK APPEALS Ð Henry Gu z m án, Service Di r e c t o r ; Taxation Ð Nassim Lynch, Tax Administrator, 1701 Lakeside Avenue Law Director, Sharon Sobol Jordan, Councilman Roosevelt Coats. Financial Reporting and Control Ð Keith D. Schuster, Controller, Room 18 BOARD OF REVIEW Ð (Municipal Income Tax) Ð Law Director, Sh a r o n Information Systems Services Ð Martin Carmody, Acting Commissioner, Sobol Jordan, Utilities Director, Michael Konicek; President of Council, Jay 1404 E. 9th St. We s t b r o o k . DEPT. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Ð Michael Konicek, Director, 1201 Lakeside CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Ð Room 501 Ð Hunter Morrison, Director; Av e n u e Rev. Albert T. Rowan, Chairman; Todd W. Schmidt, Vice Chairman Thomas DIVISIONS Ð 1201 Lakeside Avenue Water Ð Julius Ciaccia, Jr., Commissioner D. Corrigan, Anthony J. Coyne, Lawrence A. Lumpkin, Gloria Jean Water Pollution Control Ð Darnell Brown, Commissioner Pinkney, Councilman Edward W. Rybka. Utilities Fiscal Control Ð M. Blech, Commissioner CLEVELAND BOXING AND WRESTLING COMMISSION Ð Robert Jones, Cleveland Public Power Ð Nagah M. Ramadan, Commissioner Chairman; Clint Martin, Mark Rivera. Street Lighting Bureau Ð Frank Schilling, Acting Chief. MORAL CLAIMS COMMISSION Ð Sharon Sobol Jordan, Kathryn Burrer Hyer, DEPT. OF PORT CONTROL Ð William F. Cunningham, Jr., Director, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, 5300 Riverside Drive; Councilmen James Rokakis, Jay Westbrook. Cleveland Hopkins International Airport - Stephen Sheehan, Commissioner BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS Ð Ralph R. Carpinelli, Burke Lakefront Airport - Michael C. Barth, Commissioner Chairman; Marion J. Long, Anton J. Eichmuller, Samuel Montfort DEPT. OF PUBLIC SERVICE Ð Henry Guzmán, Director, Room 113 J. Gilbert Steele, Laszlo V. Kemes, Secretary. DIVISIONS Ð Waste Collection and Disposal Ð Larry Hines, Commissioner, BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS Ð Joseph Gyorky, Chrm.; 5600 Carnegie Avenue. Streets Ð Randell T. Scott, Commissioner, Room 25 Ben S. Eulinberg, Martin J. Kilbane, Jozef Valencik, Martin Gallagher, Engineering and Construction Ð J. Christopher Nielson, Acting Laszlo V. Kemes, Secretary. Commissioner, Rm. 518 CLEVELAND LANDMARKS COMMISSION Ð Room 519 ,________, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Donald L. Haskins, Commissioner, Harvard Director; R. Schanfarber, Chairman; Paul Volpe, Vice Chairman; Robert Ya r d s Architecture Ð Kenneth Nobilio, Commissioner, Room 517 Keiser, Secretary; Judge Lillian Burke, James Gibans, Hunter Morrison, Kenneth Nobilio, Theodore Sande, Randall Shorr, Shirley Thompson, DEPT. OF PUBLIC HEALTH ÐRobert O. Staib, Director, Mural Building Councilmen Craig E. Willis and Helen K. Smith. 1925 St. Clair Avenue. DIVISIONS Ð Health Ð Juan Molina Crespo, Acting Commissioner, Mural CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL COURT JUSTICE CENTERÐ1200 ONTARIO Building, 1925 St. Clair Avenue CENTRAL SCHEDULING DEPARTMENT Environment Ð Carolyn Wallace, Acting Commissioner, Mural Building, JUDGE COURTROOM ASSIGNMENTS 1925 St. Clair Avenue Ju d g e Co u r t r o o m Correction Ð Thomas Hardin, Commissioner, Cooley Farms, 4041 NorthÐ field Road Presiding and Administrative Judge Larry A. Jones 13 C Judge Ronald B. Adrine 15 A DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY Ð William M. Denihan, Director. Room 230. Judge Salvatore R. Calandra 13 A DIVISIONS \ Police\ Rocco Pollutro, Chief, Police Hdqtrs. Bldg., 1300 Judge Colleen C. Cooney 14 A ||||Ontario Street Judge C. Ellen Connally 15 C Fire Ð Robert M. Derrit, Acting Chief, 1645 Superior Avenue Traffic Engineering & Parking Ð David Ritz, Commissioner, 2001 Payne Ave. Judge Mabel M. Jasper 14 D Dog Pound Ð John Baird, Chief Dog Warden, 2690 W. 7th Street Judge Mary E. Kilbane 12 B Emergency Medical Service Ð Bruce Shade, Commissioner, 2001 Payne Judge Kathleen A. Keough 12 C Av e . Judge Ralph J. Perk, Jr. 14 B DEPT. OF PARKS, RECREATION & PROPERTIES Ð Oliver B. Spellman, Judge Raymond L. Pianka (Housing Court Judge) 13 B |||Jr., Director, Cleveland Convention Center, Clubroom A, 1220 E. 6th St. Judge Angela R. Stokes 14 C DIVISIONS Ð Convention Center & Stadium Ð James Glending, Judge Gerald F. Sweeney 13 D |||Commissioner, Public Auditorium, E. 6th and Lakeside Ave. Judge Robert S. Triozzi 12 A Property Management Ð Vernon Robinson, Commissioner, ||||E. 49th & Harvard Earle B. TurnerÐClerk of Courts, John J.
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