Bull. Min. Res. Exp. (2018) 156: 41-66 BULLETIN OF THE MINERAL RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION Foreign Edition 2018 156 ISSN: 0026-4563 CONTENTS Holocene activity of the Orhaneli Fault based on palaoseismological data, Bursa, NW Anatolia Bulletin of the Mineral .......................Volkan ÖZAKSOY, Hasan ELMACI, Selim ÖZALP, Meryem KARA and Tamer Y. DUMAN / Research Article 1 The neotectonics of NE Gaziantep: The Bozova and Halfeti strike-slip faults and their relationships with blind thrusts, Turkey ......................................................................................................... Nuray ùAHBAZ and Gürol SEYøTOöLU / Research Article 17 Neotectonic and morphotectonic characteristics of the Elmali basin and near vicinities .............................................................................................................ùule GÜRBOöA and Özgür AKTÜRK / Research Article 43 Syn-sedimentary deformation structures in the Early Miocene lacustrine deposits, the basal limestone unit, Bigadiç basin (BalÕkesir, Turkey) ..................................................... Calibe KOÇ-TAùGIN, øbrahim TÜRKMEN and Cansu DøNøZ-AKARCA / Research Article 69 The effect of submarine thermal springs of Do÷anbey Cape (Seferihisar - øzmir) on foraminifer, ostracod and mollusc assemblages .................................. Engin MERøÇ, øpek F. BARUT, Atike NAZøK, Niyazi AVùAR, M. Baki YOKEù, Mustafa ERYILMAZ, ........................................ Fulya YÜCESOY-ERYILMAZ, Erol KAM, Bora SONUVAR and Feyza DøNÇER / Research Article 89 Palynology of the KÕlçak formation (Early Miocene) from Central Anatolia: Implications for palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironments .................................................................................................... Nurdan YAVUZ and ùükrü Sinan DEMøRER / Research Article 119 Mineralogical ¿ ndings from manganese deposits in the Artova Ophiolite Complex, Derbent-Eymir area, Yozgat, Turkey ....................................................................................................................................................Nursel ÖKSÜZ / Research Article 139 Research and Exploration Petrographic and palynological investigations of Sinanpaúa (Afyon) Miocene coals .......................................................................................................................................................Elif AKISKA / Research Article 153 Separation of geochemical anomalies using inverse distant weighting (IDW) and concentration-area (C-A) fractal modeling based on stream sediments data in Janja Region, SE Iran ............................................................................................Marzieh HOSSEøNøNASAB and Ali Akbar DAYA / Research Article 169 Use of Moran’s I and robust statistics to separate geochemical anomalies in Juirui area (Southeast China) ........................................................................................................................................ Tien Thanh NGUYEN / Research Article 181 Assessment of souil liquefaction using the energy approach ...........Kamil KAYABALI, PÕnar YILMAZ, Mustafa FENER, Özgür AKTÜRK and Farhad HABIBZADEH / Research Article 195 Determination of predominant site period of loose terestrial units (Caliche) by microtremor measurements ...................................................................................................................................................KÕvanç ZORLU / Research Article 207 The Hydrogeological investigation of Plajköy spring (ElazÕ÷) ........................................................... Özlem ÖZTEKøN OKAN, Atahan GÜVEN and Bahattin ÇETøNDAö / Research Article 223 Characterization and dewatering of borax clayey tailings by mono- and dual-À occulants systems .......................................................................................................................................... Nuray KARAPINAR / Research Article 239 The Naúa intrusion (Western Anatolia) and its tectonic implication: A joint analyses of gravity and earthquake catalog data ........................................................................C. Ertan TOKER, Emin U. ULUGERGERLø and Ali R. KILIÇ / Research Article 249 http://bulletin.mta.gov.tr Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Notes to the Authors ........................................................................................ 261 Neotectonic and morphotectonic characteristics of the Elmali basin and near vicinities Şule GÜRBOĞAa* and Özgür AKTÜRKb aGeneral Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Marine Research Department, Çankaya/Ankara. orcid.org/0000-0002-5225-5895 bAkdeniz University, Department of Geological Engineering, Antalya. orcid.org/0000-0001-7703-5779 Research Article Keywords: ABSTRACT Elmalı basin, active fault, Elmalı Basin, which consists of the Elmalı county and some villages, approximately 120 km far morphometric analysis, SW Turkey. from Antalya city, is one of the recent depositional areas in the extensional neotectonic region of southwestern Turkey. The basin provides signifi cant data for the understanding of the geological evolution to record from the basement to recent depositional units. For this reason, these kinds of structures are used to determine the deformations phases for the evolutionary history of basin for- mation. In the content of the study, following applications have been investigated: (a) mapping of the area and structures in 1/25.000 scale, (b) information about deformation and tectonic activity along the basin margin faults, (c) the distribution of peak ground acceleration (PGA) in case of an earthquake with 6.5 magnitude and (d) morphometric analyzes of the basin to understand the tec- tonic uplift by using the digital elevation model. The new results combined with existing data imply that the Elmalı Basin has a number of deformation structures and active faults on both western and Received Date: 09.12.2016 eastern sites of the basin. Depending on the morphometric indices, western side of the basin created Accepted Date: 28.09.2017 higher uplift ratio compared with the eastern side of the basin. 1. Introduction why the study area is in the II. Degree earthquake zone. The most critical point here is that there is no The study area Elmalı basin and its near vicinities detailed investigation in the study area up to now and is the recent depositional area inside the border of probably many geological data are expected to be Antalya city (Figure 1). In the regional aspect, the available because of the existence of recent deposits. area is located on a controversial area where the Eventually, both the recent sedimentation features and evolution of Taurus and Isparta Angle have different the existence of deformation structures indicate some geological history, the initiation of recent tectonic clues the necessity of detailed investigation in the area regime and type of tectonic regime. As it is known during the fi rst fi eld excursion. from the principals, recent depositional areas are the main target to investigate the tectonic records. In order In this research, three main objectives are to understand the recent tectonic and deformational considered. First one is the stratigraphic and tectonic structures, previous discussions are also summarized characteristics of the basin fi ll. 1/25.000 scaled briefl y. geological map of the study area containing the unit boundaries, boundary relations and deformation Although the Elmalı basin is located on the II. structures are examined and mapped. The second Degree earthquake zone (AFAD, 1996), there is no objective is to calculate the expected peak ground active fault according to Map of Active Faults in acceleration (PGA) values derived from a possible Turkey (Emre et al., 2013) (Figure 1). Although the earthquake. The values area calculated to provide lack of active fault in the area, there are historical foreground data for future hazard and risk maps. and instrumental earthquakes around here that is The last one is the morphometric analyzes to obtain * Corresponding author: Şule GÜRBOĞA, [email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.399090 41 Bull. Min. Res. Exp. (2018) 156: 41-66 Figure 1- Location map of the study area (red border indicates the target area). information about the uplift ratio resulted from the Early Pliocene (Poisson, 1977; Akay and Uysal, 1985; tectonic activity of the basin margins by using the Kissel and Poisson, 1987; Robertson, 1993; Piper et digital elevation model. al., 2002; Poisson et al., 2003). The Elmalı Basin is a recent depositional area Moreover, Isparta Angle is issued for controversy located in the western wings of Isparta Angle, within about the initiation age of the neotectonic period the western Anatolian extensional neotectonic region. and the type of recent tectonic regime. A group of Due to its location and current position, it has great scientists think that this structure is still active and importance to understand the geological evolution of deformed by compression regime (Akay and Uysal, the region (Figure 1). 1988; Boray et al., 1985; Barka et al., 1995; Yılmaz et al., 2000; Poisson et al., 2003; Kelling et al., 2005; Studies involving the structural data of the Alçiçek et al., 2006), on the other hand others argue neotectonic period around Elmalı and its vicinities that it is under the control of the extensional tectonic are very limited in the literature. In addition, there regime characterized by normal faults (Koçyiğit, are
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