A new Todea from New Guinea with remarks on the generic delimitation in recent Osmundaceae (Filices) E. Hennipman INTRODUCTION The identification ofsome thousands of ferns from New Guinea by the late Dr A. H. G. few Alston (1940) resulted in the description of but comparatively new species. His that the fern flora of well conclusion, New Guinea ‘is now fairly known’ may be right in but continuous after his a general way, collecting performed paper was published of proved the existence of many more novelties. One of these is a new species Todea, dates back a representative of the Osmundaceae, a primitive family of ferns, which to the Palaeozoicum (Hirmer, 1938). A recent study by Hewitson (1962) about the comparative morphology of the living Osmundaceae inspired me to make some remarks on the delimitation of the other recent genera. I. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES Todea — papuana Hennipm., spec. nov. Fig. I. A Todea barbara (L.) Moore, cui valde affinis, differt rhizomate erecto brevi (ut in Osmunda invenitur), frondibus c. 75 cm tantum longis, textura crassiore, pinnulis basalibus fertilibus ovato-triangularibus, 10—20 mm longis, basi c. 6 mm latis, i.e. 2—4-plo longioribus quam latis. Todea barbara rhizomate (sub)arborescente frondibus maioribus fertilibus texturaque coriacea, pinnulis basalibus lineari-lanceolatis, plus quam 4-plo longioribus quam latis, quam in Todea papuana semper angustioribus plerum- que longioribus instructa. bank NEW GUINEA. Terr, of New Guinea. Morobe Dist.: Edie Creek, steep, grassy above creek, 2135 m, 23-9-1964, Sayers NGF.21247 (A, BRI, CANB, K; L, type; LAE). Rhizome about 6 wide terrestrial, erect, short, cm (persistent stipular regions included). Petioles cm shorter than the near the base c. near the tufted, c. 30 long, lamina, 9, apex covered with 3 —4 mm thick, brownish, whenyoung brownish, woolly hairs, glabrous when mature. narrowed towards the with 2 Stipular region c. 5 cm long, base, firm, brown lateral in the A cross-section wings which are strongly prolonged upper part. shows half-way up the stipular region a central cilinder of brownish sclerenchyma, in which tissue an arch-shaped leaf-trace surrounded by ground with many irregularly scattered, blackish sclerenchyma strands on both sides of the trace, the brownish wing with strands of many flabellately arranged the same type. Lamina 35—45 by 20—25 cm, when widest below or about the middle, bipinnate, texture thick, living pale green above (Sayers' field note), brown when dried, glabrous on both sides. Veining open, 105 No. 106 BLUMEA VOL. XVI, I, 1968 with the of two of the lower — detail of pinnules Fig. 1. Todea papuana. a. Habit, x 1/3; b. pinna sporangia cross-section about the removed, X 1; c. detail of stipular region, X ½; d. half-way up stipular region = leaf- = = sclerenchyma strands, t (c cilinder of brownish sclerenchyma, g ground tissue, s = blackish view of the f. surface view of trace, w = wing); e. spore, proximal (only part projections drawn); view. the projections; g. id., lateral (From type.) E. Hennipman: A Remarks delimitation Osmundaceae new Todea & on generic m 107 costa and costule raised on both sides, lateral veinlets immersed, up to two times branched, reaching the margin, visible in dried material. Pinnae with the apical part pinnatifid, middle widest 20—22 pro leaf, up to 55 mm apart, pinnae no—130 by 25 —35 mm, of basal below the middle, articulated to the rhachis, stalk pinnae up to 5 mm long. Pinnules closely placed, basal ones 10—20 by c. 6 mm, widest near the base, often some- the what falcate, wholly adnate or slightly constricted especially at basiscopic side, subentire margin (near the base) to crenate, apex acute to obtuse. Terminal segment c. 5 cm lower surface of the long, triangular, pinnatifid. Sporangia acrostichoid, on the veinlets of conform pinnae, the apical part of pinnae and lamina devoid of sporangia, without the stalk stalk annulus situated in the 350—550 p. long, 150—250 p. long, upper part of the outline sporangium. Spores trilete, whitish, in proximal view c. circular, 40—55 p., the with many small projections all over the outer surface except scars. Note. The spores are variable in shape, sometimes looking even deformed. According to Hires (1965) this is also found in fresh, unmounted spores of other Osmundaceae. II. REMARKS ON THE DELIMITATION OF THE GENERA OF LIVING OSMUNDACEAE The and presence of fossil Osmundaceae, particularly abundant in the Rhaetic Jurassic led Kidston and and strongly resembling the living ones (Walton, 1958) Gwynne- Vaughan (1907) and Hewitson (1962) to a detailed study of their morphology. The first two authors concentrated mainly on the fossil Osmundaceae, but pictured anatomical well. Hewitson's detailed based features of seven living species as study was on nearly studied all the living species. He concluded that of the anatomical characters 'only one, that in the leaf be reliable of the sclerenchyma disposition bases, appears to enough to characterize species, subgenera and genera'. Hewitson therefore proposed this character to be included in species descriptions. He also stated that 'morphological and anatomical the naturalness of three in the Osmunda observations support subgenera genus and suggest that Leptopteris could be included within the genus Todea’. the of the in the leaf base of Todea had be So disposition sclerenchyma papuana to with and This compared that found in T. barbara, Leptopteris, Osmunda. was easy as fine of this almost all Hewitson's fig. 7 gives drawings pattern in the species he examined. of made about the of dried Cross-sections T. papuana half-way up stipular region material softened in polyvinyl lacto-phenol (its properties were discussed by van Brummelen, 1967), have already been described and figured above (Fig. id). Sections made near the base were devoid of the blackish sclerenchyma strands inside the cilinder outside the the the of brownish sclerenchyma; cilinder, in tissue of wing, only a few strands found. the other made the of the were On hand, sections in upper part region showed just below the geniculation, many more sclerenchyma strands than there were be made to seen in sections about half-way. Besides, also a few-celled thick layer of these blackish sclerenchyma cells covered the abaxial side of the central cilinder. The and the of distribution of the dark strands thus presence pattern sclerenchyma show considerable variation depending on the place where the sections are made. Hewitson does indicate the of but made about not place sectioning, I assume they were half-way. with that found In comparing the disposition of the sclerenchyma in Todea papuana Hewitson's in T. barbara (see fig. 7J) we notice that in T. barbara strongly developed side of sclerenchyma on the adaxial the trace is lacking. According to Hewitson this is also the difference between T. barbara and Osmunda subgenus Plenasium. This difference between the of barbara and that of and Osmunda pattern T. T. papuana subgenus Plenasium is in it of fact very slight. Moreover, seems to me no importance, as the drawing of BLUMEA VOL. XVI, No. I, 1968 108 T. barbaragiven by Kidstonand Gwynne-Vaughan (I.e., pi. VI fig. 7) does show strongly developed sclerenchyma on the adaxial side of the trace. The disposition of the scleren- chyma in the stipular region is too variable to be ofmuch importance in distinguishing Todea and Osmunda subgenus Plenasium. In Leptopteris, however, the situation is somewhat different (Hewitson's fig. 7K—M). from Todea 'in inside of die and band It differs lacking sclerenchyma ring by having a of sclerenchyma on the adaxial side of the leaf trace.' Hewitson's that alone be decisive for It is also opinion anatomy cannot uniting Leptopteris and Todea. His suggestion was in fact based on the 'gross morphology' of the fronds. there characters which In my opinion, however, are gross-morphological are notably between without different these two genera. Leptopteris has thin leaves of filmy habit stomata and with but few scattered sporangia. Furthermore, the annulus is situated the stalk of the Todea has thick leaves with near sporangium. coriaceous or many crowded in The annulus is situated in the sporangia together (as Osmunda). upper part of the sporangium. the data his informative From given by Hewitson in very paper, supplemented by found in it that Todea and Osmunda those Todea papuana, seems probable to me are related than either of these with mutually more closely Leptopteris. Nevertheless, I fully with those who these three agree pteridologists recognize genera (Copeland, 1947; would it Holttum, 1949). In case one prefer to accept two geneia, seems to me more unite Todea with Osmunda than unite proper to (Thunberg, 1800; Brown, 1810) to Todea with Leptopteris (Hooker, 1842; Allen, 1961; and suggested by Hewitson). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to Dr H. O. Sleumer for the preparation of the Latin diagnosis and to Mrs J. W. B. Stapert-ter Braak for the correction of the English text. REFERENCES ALLAN, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand I. Wellington. ALSTON, A. H. G. 1940. Undescribed ferns from New Guinea. J. Bot. 78: 225—229. R. 1810. florae Diemen. BROWN, Prodromus Novae-Hollandiae et insulae van London. of the Ascobolus and Saccobolus BRUMMELEN, J. VAN. 1967. A world-monograph genera (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia Suppl. I. COPELAND, E. B. 1947. Genera Filicum. Waltham. Mass. Ann. Mo. Bot. I. FIEWITSON, W. 1962. Comparative morphologyofthe Osmundaceae. Gard. 49: 57—92, pi. HIRES, CLARA S. 1965. Spores. Ferns. Microscopic illusions analyzed. I. Milburn, N.J. HIRMER, M. 1938. Fossile Filicinae. In: VERDOORN, F. (Ed.), Manual of Pteridology. The Hague. Biol. HOLTTUM, R. E. 1949. The classification offerns. Rev. 24: 267—296.
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