ANDRZEJ BALlNSKI BRACHIOPODS AND CONODONTS FROM THE FRASNIAN OF THE D~BNIK ANTICLINE, SOUTHERN POLAND (plates 1- 23) Abstract. - The stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian of the D ebnik a rea (Cracow region, southern Pol and) is revi sed and the con odont st ratigraphy of the area establi shed for the first time . The Frasnian brachiopods comprise 38 species and three subspecies o f seven orders. Tw o species, Corbicularia cracoviensis sp. n. and Bergalaria guerichi sp. and one subspecies, Calvinaria albertensis minor subsp. n., are new. Twelve species are recognized for the first time in Poland: Barroisella campbel/i, Schizophoria iowaensis, Parapugnax schuchert i, Calvinaria albertensis albertensis, C. variabilis athaba scensis, Caryorltynchus tumidus, Anatrypa a/tico/a, Desquamatia (Seratrypa) oneidensis, D. ( Neatrypa) ve/ikaja, Iowatrypa markovskii, Spinatrypa (Spinatrypa) semiluk iana a nd Tenticospirifer cyrt iniformis. The Spiriferida (16 species) and the Rhynchonellida ( 10 species and 3 subspecies) are the groups most abundantl y represented. Seven local bio strati­ graphic ran ge, partial range an d assemblage zones of brachi op ods are recognized a nd , from the associated conodonts, co rrelated with the standa rd co no do nt zo nes . The Frasnian platform con odonts belong to four stratigraphically im­ portant genera [Ancyrodella, Icriodus, Palmatolepis and Polygnathus} and 27 species. CONTENTS Page Introduction . .. 4 Acknowledgements 4 Abbreviations used 5 GENERAL PART Geographical and geological sett ing. 6 Central and northern outcrops 6 Southern outcrops ... 11 Stratigraphy 15 General remarks . 15 Brachiopod zones . 16 Conodont zones and boundaries of chronostratigraphic units 22 SYSTEMATIC PART Brachiopods . 25 General remarks . 25 Conodonts .. .. 73 General remarks . 73 References .. .. 82 Explanations of plates 1-23 85 Plates 1-23 INTRODUCTION The main object of the present study was to revise the braehiopods described by G URI CH ( 1903) from the Debnik area (Cracow region, southern Poland) and to correl ate the ranges of the brachiopods with the standa rd conodont zones. The Devonian strata of the Debnik anti­ cline have been of interest to geologists since the early part of the eighteenth century (reviewed by RUTKOWSKI 1928 and SIEDLECK I 1954). However, ZARI.; CZNY ( 1889, 1894) was the first to make a general survey of the area. His works were followed by G URICH'S (1903) detailed strati­ graphical division of the Devonian. In his monograp h GURIC H included a description of the brachiopods and associated fauna, distinguishing several new species and varieties. JAROSZ ( 1918, 1926) continued studies on the Devonian with a revision of GURI CH'S stra tigraphical scheme. This was not received without criticism (RUTKOWSK I 1928, CZARNOC KI 1935). Sub­ sequent studies on the Oevonian of the Debnik anticline (SIEDLEC KI 1954; KLIM EK and Ko­ SZA RSK I 1955 ; ZA1 J\CZKOWSKI 1964, 1968) have introduced no significant changes to G URI CH 'S and JAROSZ'S scheme. Recently Nowmsxr ( 1976) has revised the Ta bulata. This paper on the Fras nian brachiopods and conodonts of the Debnik anticline together with the earlier author's report (BA LINS KI 1977) completes the first stage of studies begun in 1971. The next stage will include a revision of the Famennian brachiopods and conodonts. It is hoped that this study will assist correlation of the many deep borings in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The present lack of such data poses considerable problems in determining the stratigraphy of the Upper Oevonian of that area (ZAKOWA 1965 ; SL6sAR Z and ZAKOW A 1975 ; CHO ROWSKA 1975). Brachiopods and conodonts described in this paper are housed at the Institute of Paleo­ biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, abbreviated ZPAL: Bp XX III (bra­ chiopo ds) and C VIII (conodonts). ACKNOWLE DG EM ENTS The author is most grateful to Professor GERT RU DA BIERNAT (Institute of Palcobi ology, Warsaw) for aiding his studies and for reading the paper. Thank s are also due to Dr. K. B01­ KO WSKI (Geological Institute, Sosnowiec), Or. J. TRAM MER (U niversity of Warsaw) and Or. R. A. ARAK ELAN (Institute of Geological Sciences, Erevan, USSR) for their constructive discussion of stratigraphical aspects of the study. The writer is also indebted to Professor E. A.IVANOVAand Dr. G. A. AFANASYEVA(Paleon­ tologicalInstitute, Moscow), Or. M. S. ABRAMYA N (Institute of Geo logical Sciences, Erevan), Dr. R. T. GRATSYANOVA(Institute of Geo logy and Geo physics, Novos ibirsk) and Or. A. 1. LJA­ SHENKO (VNIGN I, Moscow) for discussion on the brachiopods and for aid and advice during his stay in the USSR. Special thank s are extended to Or. R. GOLD RI NG (University of Reading) for critical reading the General Part and alterat ions to the English of the script. Line drawin gs are by Mrs. M. BUDZYNSK A, Mrs. D. SLAW IK and the author; microphoto­ graphs of conodonts were taken by Mrs. M. RAD ZIKOWSK A and photograph s of brachiopods by the author himself. SEM micrographs have been made at the Electron Microscopy Labo­ ratory of the M. NENCKI Institute of Experimental Biology in Warsaw. FRASN IAN llRACHJOPODS AN D CONODO NTS FROMS POLAND 5 ABBREVIATIONS USED Abbreviations used In the tables of dimension s of brachiopod shells: Aa - a pical a ngle Cvv - con vexity of ped icle valve HArvv - height of the interarea of ped icle valve Ldv - length of brachial valve It - length of the ton gue of ped icle valve L w - length of pedicle valve Nb/l - number of co ncentr ic strips per I mm nea r the a nterior margin Nc/I - nu mber of capillae per I mm near the anterior ma rgin Nr /5 - number of co stae per 5 mm near the a nterior margin Nr/IO - number of costae per 10 I11m near the anterior margin Nr /fo - number of costae on fo ld Nr/su - number of costae o n sulcus Sha - shoulder an gle T - thick ness of shell W - width of shell wfo - width of fold nea r the a nterior margin wsu - widt h of sulcus nea r the a nterior marg in Andrzej Balinsk i Polsk a Ak ademia Nallk Z aklad Palcobiologii A I. Zwirk i i Wigllry 93 02-089 Wars::all'a January, 1977 GENERAL Pl\RT GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Paleozoic deposits of the environs of Debnik district form a not very extensive anti­ cline, modified by faults and being of intrusive origin (ZAJJ\CZKOWSKI 1968). It forms part of the Debnik anticline, connected structurally with the north-eastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The oldest deposits, outcropping in this area, are Middle Devonian dolomites and limestones. The Upper Devonian is developed as marly or, less frequently, dolomitic limestones, containing a fairly abundant and diverse fauna. The Devonian deposits are overlaid by Carboniferous', Jurassic and Quaternary sediments. The outcrops of the Devonian rocks are irregularly distributed over an area of about 8 sq.km 23 km west of Cracow. The village of Debnik is situated in the middle of this area (fig. I). Central and northern outcrops (fig. 1) In the central part of the area the most important Frasnian outcrops are the Main Carmelite quarry (now connected with New Tumidalski's quarry), a quarry above Rokiczany Dol ravine and a small quarry (also called Old Tumidalski's quarry), now largely infilled. In the northern part, the most important Frasnian outcrops are in the Rokiczany Dol ravine and several tranches dug to the north on the slopes of Zarnowka Hill. Famennian and Carboniferous rocks outcrops occur north of Zarnowka Hill and adjacent to Zarnowczany Dol ravine. The Main Carmelite quarry (fig. 2) This quarry is one of the oldest and largest Devonian outcrops in the Debnik area. Much of the section profile (fig. 2) is of bedded, dark biopelmicrites, which are slightly marly and generally poorly fossiliferous, locally known as the "Debnik marble". A few layers in the lower part yield stromatoporoids, tetracorals, gastropods and ostracods but only exceptionally, brachiopods iCrurithyris jurkowicensis BALINSKI). Fossils are more frequent in the upper part, particularly gastropods with less numerous, stromatoporoids, tetracorals and pelecypods. Brachiopods are represented primarily by Des­ quamatia ( Seratrypa) oneidensis (BEDS) (a layer containing the LK-2 conodont sample) and, in the uppermost part of the section, by Spinatrypina (Spinafrypina) sp. D. (S.) oneidensis occurs in only one layer about 50 cm thick with the greatest number of its specimens at the F RASN IAN BR,\CIIIOPO])S AN D CON ODON TS " RO M S PO LA N D 7 4 N I o kr·l \ \ \ J I \I ) \ I \ \ I I\ i" ,II \ '\ ~~I CZATKDWICE iBIK Z- VI E Z- I r I ~ Z - X V I \ '~8 '\ Z- XV Z- pal "0 Z- bi s ~~ ~ ~ Z- II A Z-tent ",,--:;-~~--+----_ _,L.~---..j l 1.\ ~ ~ Z- XI 11 0 Z-XI II; t-v " ....:·r.. r " 11 Z- XIV) Q) ~ " ,,~e WS .!~ Z - V II Z- IXO 0- \ c~ Z - I V ~=Z; = ":<D 6V ~ Z- VI II \ z- xrB 110 z-xrr ~ U Quar ry above ! : ~\ 1 Ro ki czany D 6 ~ ravi ne ~ ~ ~;~o r b IJ / '/ 0: 0 /'" 100 ~ 1 100 N f----1 "\ 11 _ / -==--===--=f=---j=====-..:=:!!==~~=========~ Fig. I A - Genera l map of Pola nd (t he a rea presented in fig. IJ indica ted by ar row). IJ- Ske tch-map of the Debni k a rea encl osing secto rs C, D and E studied in details. C, D an d E - Sketc h-m ap s of the Frasnia n (b lack circl es) a nd Famennian (light circles) trenches and quarries. A NDRZU B:\L1 i\:SK J 35- -e t e r v g N : ~ o ~ s; C • a ~ c ,.,a ~ , .~ u ~ v , c c ~ ·0 c ~ ~· c u c ·0 -" ~.
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