Raaco Organization

Raaco Organization

Name: __________________________________________ Japanese Infantry/Ordnance/Vehicles E 42-4-8 E 2-3-8 Leader Hero ELR: 4-4-7 >3-4-7 > 3-3-6 BH: Fanatic 10 THH MMG HMG 1 Leader 1 4 -4-7 1 2-3-7 LMG ELR: 3-4-7 > 3-3-6 BH: 4-4-8 9 2 3-4-7 2 1-3-7 Armor Radio FT DC ELR: 3-3-6 BH: 4-4-7 Leader Sniper C 3-3-6 C 1-2-6 Leader dm ELR: Broken 1-2-6 BH: 3-4-7 Small 8 Light SW LATW ? / CX Large ? Mtr Inf 2-2-8 INF Type 2 KA-MI Type 1 Type 98 Type 1 Type 92 Type 95 Type 3 CHI-HE KE-NI HO-NI I-KE HA-GO 1-2-7 MTR KA-CHI Type 2 KE-TO Type 94 Type 89A ART Aircraft CHI-RO Type 1 Eng Veh. FB GA Type 89B Type 95 HO-KI SS SO-KI Type 91 AA Trucks Type 92 Type 94, 95, 97 Type 97A CHI-HA AC Type 98 Type I Type 97B Type 92A SHI-KE Type 97A Type 97B CHI-HA Type 92B HO-HA AT TE-KE Chinese Infantry/Ordnance/Vehicles E 41-4-7 E 2-3-7 Leader Leader ELR: 3-4-7 > 3-3-6 BH: Fanatic 10 9 MMG HMG 2 1-2-6 E 5 -3-7 E 2-2-7 LMG ELR: 3-3-7 > 3-3-6 BH: Fanatic 1 3-3-7 2 1-2-7 Leader Leader FT DC ELR: 3-3-6 BH: 4-4-7 8 7, 6 C 3-3-6 C 1-2-6 2-2-7 dm ELR: Broken 1-2-6 BH: 3-3-7 Armor Hero SW Radio AT ? / CX Large ? Leader Sniper Lt. Mtr AT FB 44 M3A1 Type 22 Jeep 120 T-26 TU SC 150 MTR ART 2 ½ ton 84, 105, 150 PSW BA-20 M3A3 M4A4 221 AA BA-6 Stuart recon 222 VCL M1931 Carrier FB ART 75 A L3/35 B 37 Mk VI C Hens 33 39 ART 76 Pz IA Vickers MkE German Infantry/Ordnance E 52-4-8 E 2-3-8 Leader Leader ELR: 4-4-7 > 4-3-6 BH: Fanatic 10 7,6 MMG HMG 2 1-2-7 E 4 -6-8 E 2-4-8 LMG ELR: 4-6-7>4-4-7>4-3-6 BH: Fanatic 1 41-6-7 1 2-4-7 Leader Armor DC Light ELR: 4-4-7 > 4-3-6 BH: 4-6-8 9 Leader Mtr 2 4-4-7 2 2-3-7 2-2-8 dm ELR: 4-3-6 BH: 4-6-7 Leader Hero SW FT Radio C 4-3-6 C 2-3-6 8 Sniper ELR: broken/disrupted BH: 4-4-7 2 E 6 -5-8 SS E 3-4-8 SS 85-3-8 ELR: 5-4-8>4-4-7>4-3-6 BH: Fanatic Assault 3-3-8 ATR PSK E 42-6-8 SS E 2-4-8 SS ?/CX Eng. MTR ELR: 4-4-7>4-3-6 BH: Fanatic 3 1 52-4-8 SS 1 2-3-8 SS 8 -3-8 SS 3-3-8 RCL INF ELR: 4-4-7 > 4-3-6 BH: 4-6-8 AT 2 4-4-7 SS 2 2-3-7 SS 28 Large ELR: 4-3-6 BH: 5-4-8 85-3-8 37 AT AT ? 3-3-8 E 83-3-8 E 3-3-8 SS 40 75 88 Assault 50 76 128 ELR: 2 half squads BH: Fanatic Eng. German Tanks/Halftracks/Armored Cars/Trucks Panzer I Panzer IV AA ART ART Pz Pz PzJg PzJg I E, F1, F2 20 75 150 38t 35t Tiger 105 170 III/IV Panzer II Panzer IV H, J SdKfz Marder Marder Panzer III Panzer V Kfz 1 2 I, II III D, F, G D. G 1/20 7 11 Panzer III Panzer VI AA JgPz IV sIG JgPz H, L, N E, B 37 IV (L) JgPz Kfz 4 IB 38t L/70 V Panzer IV StuG III 88 Kfz 13 II Flamm VI A, C, D B, G, G(L) 38t SPW 250 StuH 42 PzA Captured SPW French Tanks StuIG SPW B-2, 39H, FT-17, 38H, 35-S, 35-R 250/1, 250/sMG, 250/7 StuPz II Russian 221 IV III/IV 33 T-34 231 KV-1 222 French TD, SPA SPW 250 Sturm- LRS Pz 39R, PzJg 39R, GSW 39H 250/8, 250/9, 250/10 KV-2 Tiger SdKfz Italian Tanks/StuGs SdKfz SPW 251 7/1 SPW SPW M15/42, P26/40, 75/18, 75/34, 251/1, 251/sMG, 251/2 10/4 232 233 105/25, 75/46 6/2 10/5 SPW 251 FlaK IV Aircraft Mobel 251/9, /10, /16, /21, /22 FlaK FlaK Trucks SPW SPW /20 234 234 /37 38t LKW Aircraft SPW French 1/2 3/4 S307 French Infantry/Ordnance/Vehicles E 41-5-8 E 2-3-8 Leader Leader ELR: 4-5-7 >4-3-7 BH: Fanatic 10 9 MMG HMG 1-2-7 1 4-5-7 1 2-3-7 LMG ELR: 4-3-7 BH: 4-5-8 G 4-3-7 G 2-2-7 Leader Leader ATR DC ELR: Broken/Disrupted BH: 4-5-7 8 7, 6 ? / CX Large ? 2-2-8 dm Armor SW Radio Lt. INF ART Trucks Hero Sniper Peugeot 202, Citroen 23, Leader Lt. MTR 75, 105, 155 Renault AGR2 Personal Carriers Brit S-35 Latil TAR, Laffly S15T, Valen- FCM Laffly S20TL, Laffly V15V AA AT tine 36 AMD Armored Cars H-35 Free H-39 20 cv TOE, 50 AM, 80 AM, 35 French vehicles AM C-K AA trucks INF Dodge P19 R-35 Cam de, Ac de FT-17 MTR SC APCs SPA, TD Trucks Somua Renault UE, Lorraine 38L Ac de 75, Laffly W15T B1 bis D1 C-K P17 Lorraine 37L, Carrier AC MCG AMR 33 AMC 29 U.S. British AMR 35 R-40 D2 Unic Free French vehicles 1/2 inch Free French P107 Allied Minor Infantry/Ordnance/Vehicles E 41-5-8 E 2-4-8 Leader Leader ELR: : 4-5-7>4-3-7 BH: Fanatic 10 9 MMG HMG 1-2-7 1 4-5-7 1 2-3-7 LMG ELR: 4-3-7 BH: 4-5-8 C 4-3-7 2 2-2-7 Leader Leader FT Radio ELR: Broken and Disrupted BH: 4-5-7 8 7, 6 DC Sniper ? / CX Large ? dm 2-2-8 Armor Hero SW LATW Light AT AA Leader Mtr ART Yugoslavian ART Vickers C2P 80, 85, VCL MkVI T-32, M3 variants, AEC ART 120 TKS Edw C4P T-13II T-15 100 ACG1 155 TKS (L) Ejw T-13 III Italian 75 L5/30, L3/35, L6/40, M13/40 Peugeot VCL ART AA trks 1918 De-Dion B M1936 French INF Nimbus FT-17, R-35, H-35 105 wz.29 PF621L CTLS-4 Ursus 302T AC APCs M36 Trucks 7TPdw wz.34 I M3A1 SC, C-K P17, C-K P19 VCL 7TPjw Taczanka M38 Marm- Jeep MTR wz.34 II M39 Herr III American Infantry/Ordnance E 73-4-7 E 3-3-7 Leader Hero ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic 10 LMG RCL 3 Leader E 6 -6-7 E 3-4-7 MMG ELR: 6-6-6 >5-4-6 > 5-3-6 BH: Fanatic 9 1 63-6-6 1 3-4-6 Leader Radio FT DC ELR: 5-4-6>5-3-6 BH: 6-6-7 7, 6 Sniper 2 52-4-6 2 2-3-6 Leader HMG ELR: 4-3-6 BH: 6-6-6 8 Armor Path- 2 ATR INF C 5 -3-6 C 2-2-6 Leader finder ELR: broken/disrupted BH: 5-4-6 M 73-6-8 M 3-4-8 P/2 41-4-7 ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic ELR: 3-3-6 BH: Fanatic Dm 2-2-8 BAZ 43 M 63-6-8 M 3-4-8 P/2 2-3-7 SW ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic M 52-5-8 M 2-3-8 P/G 3-3-7 1-2-6 BAZ 44 ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic ELR: Broken/Disrupted BH: 4-4-7 2 M 2-4-8 M 4 -5-8 P/G 1-2-6 Lt ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic MTR 2-2-7 BAZ 45 ? / CX Large ? AT Guns M3A1 37, M1 57, M5 76 American Ordnance/Vehicles MTR M2 HT M3 GMC M1 81, M2 107, T25 155 LTV DUKW AA M3 HT M21 GMC LTV (A)4 12.7, 37, 40 T20 HMC (A) 1 AA M3A1 HT M5A1 MGMC M4 76, 90 LTV4 M16 MGMC DD ART M3 MMG M8 LTV 2 75, 105 M3 HMG M20 LTV Jeep ART M4 MC T8 sc (A) 2 GPA 114, 155, 203 M4A1 MC M3A1 sc 2 1/2 ton M4A1 M2A4 M5A1 POA-CWS M26 Jeep M4 M4A3 Truck FB 120 76W M3A1 H1 M10 Satan FB 150 M4A3 M36 M8 3/4 Ton 7 1/2 ton M4A1 75W M3 LT M24 M36B1 HMC Truck Truck M4 Dozer M4A3 M4 (105) T1E3 M18 M4A2 76W Crab M7 M12 1 1/2 ton M4A3 M3 M4A3 FB 100 M4A2 (L) HMC GMC Truck E2 Lee (105) British Infantry/Ordnance/Vehicles E 62-4-8 E 3-3-8 Leader Leader ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic 10 9 MMG HMG 2 1-2-7 E 4 -5-8 E 2-4-8 LMG ELR: 2 broken HS BH: Fanatic 2 FT 1 4 -5-7 1 2-4-7 Leader Leader ELR: 4-4-7>4-3-6 BH: 4-5-8 8 7, 6 DC 2 4-4-7 2 2-3-7 2-2-8 dm ELR: 4-2-6 BH: 4-5-7 Armor Hero SW Radio Sniper G 4-3-6 G 2-2-6 Leader ELR: broken/disrupted BH: 4-4-7 AA ? / CX Tetrarch Grant Lee Stuart I A10 Mk VIB Locust Mk 1A Mk VIC AT Guns Large ? Mk VI AA CS A13 ATR A9 Mk I Stuart III Centaur ART IV 75, 84, 88 PIAT A9 CS Mk II CS ART Comet 94, 114, 140, 152, 183 Lt.

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