Student Publication of Youngstown College VOL; XII—No. VII YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1!, 1940 PRICE: 5 CENTS Bull" Rosselli | <Iolanthe, Cast akes AllOhio J Announced By OridTeam Doctor Stearn , -.Tony "fiuH"vRpsseUI, Youngstown I>rv Stearns has announced the College's agressive' guard, 'kicked cast for* the-Gilbert and Sullivan.' ,tr^d£t)ph In the face when he became opera "lolarithe" to be presented by the first, freshihari ever: to receive the Youngstown college music de^ ; a berth on the Associated Press All- partment'in January or february; Ohio' Grid:Team. • ; The opera^ satirizes the English, no• Thirty-six. college: icoaches, ..thirty- bility of the earlier era.. ; six scribes and' thirty-six -officials'' Th'ecast selections are as follows: were, responsible for the' selection. vThe>Lord Chancellor will be-sung The procedure utilized in the selec• by Phil di Piero, Strepbon by Robert tion was to award places to the play• Walton, Earl of Mauntgrarat ;by Jos*- ers who secured the largest propor• sph Costarello, Earl of Tollollerby tion of votes-from the three influen• James Miller, Private Wa.llis of the tial groups. The ssociated Press . Guards 'by George Kalivas, Queen of served in the capacity of .ballot tabu• the Fairies by Arlene Jones, "Phyllis lator for these men. by Olga Musiychuk, and lolanthe" by .Tony's play, was so. conspicuous, , Wilma Cannon. Three fairies named so impressive, that only one candi• Celia, Leila, ajid Fleta will be char• date acquired more ballots than he. acterized by 'Annette Fox, Marion To rate this high recognition Ros• Bascom, and Iris Bletso, respectively. ^ selli has had to hurdle mgny ob- The chorus of fairies wilt contain . stacles. Height,. tradition, playing the voices of Mary Campbell, Elaine on a young, growing, conference- Dobrescu, Eleanor Donnas, Sue Ed• uuattacihed school, and accustoming wards, Alice Faust, Adelaide ^inne- himself to a' new mode. of play in a gan, Esther Hill, Althea Holz, Bri- new environment were the big.ones. gitta Holztraeger, Norma Jones, Lil• . - A perpetual thorne in the sid6s lian Lisky, Hilin Luszcz, Eleanor Me- of;enemy ..ball-carriers,. Tony display• Closky, Irf>is McGarry, Ruth Nelson, ed a defensive charge, that defied and Mildred Rody. anyone.to equal it in savage ferocity. The Peers, or men's .chorus, are ' At the-snap of the - ball. he sprang Orris Bacon, Howard Blair, George under, over and 'between-the oppos• Bobosh, Douglas Bimner, Claude ing linemen, rumibling, onward like Clingan, Frank Grist, El. S. Long, the bull for whom lie :was named iu- William Mathews, Nick Palchefsky, t(t. the. enemy's.,'bacfcfield, where he Anthony Raggazino, Eddie Rose, smeared many a back for ignomin• Robert Rott, Joseph' Ruberta, Joseph ious, losses. On offense, he pulled Schmotzer, and Anahony Stevens. .out of the line and cleared the path for Yo Co's "backs.with a crashing * • * effectiveness. He hag the will to win and, the desire to be excellent., H.e is a great Faculty Make For team dan, a great spirited fighter, Glad Season though short, he carries a powerful <b;ody into evey play. This year's Tilings to bo glad about this success .will not curtail, any. of his Christmas: effectiveness for later, years. That we have a group of ambitious- : •Th0- faculty of Yo- Co also take - lor-Youngstown students who are great pride in promulgating, that making a go of the Booster Club. Tony • is. also ah exemplory scholar, That President Jones knows most a gentleman and a very interesting 1 of us by name, and never;fails to personality. ' Here's to bigger arid speaks to us. Most of the students better. years, .Tony.;.. at Ohio State don'f know tSeft:presi^ • • • dent, even'-by. sight. -That Pop .Bare/ after sp^ndinr,; ^ gram years; in the Psychology department,!'' can.still write good poetry. usic Department That Mrs". S&mans can be at",bncp The sixth consecutive broadcast «. fit"" so friendly, Interesting, and digni• fied, as befits a dean of women. of;the regular Sunday evening hour The swirl, of Christmas .. .. wonder• Tom Barrett, and Mary Ann Vaschak Bascom,Phil De Piero, Suzanne Archie Shoup, "Jean Belleville, Rita ice just In the zest of the oc- t . was presented by the Music Depart• That the lounge hasn't been closed ful sounds swa^h andrutlc of add a holiday touch to a campus Jones, and Bill Matthews sing tid• Vaschak and Marion Steadman casion .. ,. no school for weeks .. .. ment of Youngstown college on De• taffeta and chiffon .. .. Eddie Rose ' scrunchy pine .. .. blazing firesides • at all this year, and no threats foaye- ings to Miss .Flint.. the secretive Editor Jean Sause brushes the; snow .. Dick Hellman, Eddie Ostrow,ski, cember 8 and featured Olga Parfen- and Coupee Patrick dance through with nuts and Dicken's Christmas yet toeen issued by student council. wrapping of tissue paper .. .. ..pres• off.the Jambar office•window ledge Margie Davis, Don Rylanded, Stu chuk, violinist, and the college chap• the festive season of glamour parties Carol Music .. „ .. Through That a Ph.D. in chemistry prefers : I el- choir under the direction of -Dr. crunch white snow .. bright the windows by Youngstown college ents hidden in closets Pete and wishes Merry Christmas on be- O'Hara, Cleo Chelekis, Archie Shoup, > to be called Mrs. i! Henry -v." Stearns. .. • red globes at the dime store for carolers^ .Jimmy Miller, Marian Penguin rates a box of prettily tied half of student publications .. .. .. and Kitty Jaczko pose their snow- That Professor Bunn, even tho he . Miss Parfenchuk, /a junior, pupU Christmas trees .. .. .. Don Rylander, -Edwards,* Joe \ Costavello, Arlene fish cakes from Chuck Kollman, gay haPpy spirits go skidding'on the ,balh3 at photographer Bob Saunders. fires the casts at least onceevery pro• of Professor .Alvin Myerovich, open• duction, still has the perseverance ed the program by playing "Chacon- Penguin Shower For Proxy MISTLETOE and HOLLY to try another. nav by Vital i. She was accompanied I-R Club Receives Professor Reid. .by Miss. Elva Myerovich Sororities and fraternities Debate Team The mistletoe is gemmed;with pearls, That Mr. Dykema, is teaching;,the. .v.:,Th6 college c3iapel.choir under the Six New Books played Santa to President Jones Red berries bath the holly. Blacklist Chaucer course. last Tuesday by presenting him . Remember all ye modest girls, direction of Dr. Henry V. Stearns, Announcement of the receipt of six J. Students wJio^ lack sufficient That 'Mr. Wolff is with us this with penguins of all sfbape and The mistletoe is gemmed ^with pearls, presented from the Y., M. C. A. In recent books on foreign afiairs from self-control to remftiii attentive Christmas. size. And when It liangs abovo your curls, song the traditional story of Christ• the Carnegie Endowment Fuud was throughout' «• cliapol program," That Harold manages to get every• The "Peteys" will be -added Schedule Away with melancholy! \ mas. They sang the cantata "Childe made at last Wednesday's meeting of 2. Those who Iiavc no regard for thing done, no matter how 'much, to his already famous collection The mistletoe is gemmed iwlth pearls, Jesus",- -by Joseph W. Clokey aitd the International Relations Club. The Youngstown college debate closed doors and frequently walk there is to do. '. •; ; • ;Hazel Jean Kirk; Olga Musiychuk, • of this little bird. team opened a series of intercollegi• Red 'berries hath the holly. • • The Carnegie Endowment donates into chapel late. That Miss Fredericks always leta Sylvia :DeBartolo and Mary Campbell ate debates last night when the to the club a selection of books each 3. The many students who seem to us use her office, when we ask. * * • ; Youngstown team met the Kent State. Since mistletoe is 'hard to find., were featured as soprano soloists, fall and spring on condition that they / Man-lot, -'Commonwealth ; or Anar- . dread chapel so much that they are That the college is getting better and ;Rabert Walton and Joe Costar- be maintained as a. separate collec• university team before the Massilion We do not needit, Mollie. tihy"; Saerchinger, "The Way Out of ivilling to i-isk losing several hard publicity in the local paper. - elto, baritone soloists. tion of books for use by ' the . club high school student body. The ques• O do, I beg of you, be kind War."; Shetwelt, "What Germany earned credits. That the Chapel programs are so; • Miss Margaret Evans, bead of the members. 'In addition -the Foreign tion for debate was "Resolved, that Siuce mistletoe is hard to find, Forgot'",' Viton, "Great Britain, An 4. Tho fwv persons who liavo not much Improved. • -i •Art Department, will speak at the Policy Reports and the Fortnightly the Powers of the .Federal Govern• Pretend that you are color-blind, Bmpire in Transition". yet learned that It is not proper to That we have Dr. Stearns and htt; rnext broadcast on-December 15. • . Summary of International Events are ment Shall be Increased." Marilyn And kiss fieneath this holly. Inconnection with iho discussion applaud a religious sennpn. music. periodicals subscribed for by: the McGonlgal and Edward Leeson, mem• Siuce mistletoe is hard to find, of the Far Eastern situation; copies 5. There ai-o also a fjew who try That Greek relations are friend-- • * * Club. • , bers of the team, Pauline Church, We do not need; it, Mollyi. -..Athens CoUegev.iij chartered under of a recent speech by Undersecretary manager, and Professor John A, Mc- to catch «i> on somo much needed Her. , • . ' ••• The now books on -foreign policy the X*nverslty.:of rthe State of New of State Sumner Welles-and the Ger• Corkle, debate coach, went to Massil• = : i Thomas A. Dgly wleeii during ehupel.
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