The ULTIMATEALMANAG of WORLDBEER RECIPES A PracticalGuide for the ProfessionalBrewer to the World'sGlassic Beer Styles from Ato Z by HorstDornbusch with Sponsorship& TechnicalEdits by .r(ail- BARrH-HAAsGUlll{w Publishedby CerevisiaCommunications P.O.Box 719 WestNewburV, MA 01985 USA Copyright@ Horst Dornbusch, 2010 All rightsreserved. Without limiting the rightsunder the copyrightreserved above, nopart ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in or introducedinto a retrievalsystem, or transmitted,in anyform or by anymeans (electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise),without the priorwritten permissionof the copyrightowner of thisbook, at the addressabove, except by a reviewerwho mayquote brief passages in a review. Printedin Bamberg,Germany SBN:978-0,9844449-0-8 L0987654327 fSB N : 978-0-98 44449 -O-8 ||ilililililil|]ilil|ltililriltiilfl Disclaimer:The recipes in thisbook are based on the author'sand technical editors'combined international brewing experience stretching over several decades.They have also benefitedfrom the technicalexpertise and resourcesavailable within the three sponsorcompanies, the Barth-Haas Group,SCHULZ Brew Systems, and the Weyermann@Malting Company. The recipesare thoroughlyresearched to ensuretheir authenticity.However, becauseclassic beer styles have evolved as part of the livingbrewing past, the authorand technical editors freely and cheerfully admit that theremay be other equallylegitimate interpretations of the brew-historicalrecord. Therefore,style specifications, appropriate ingredients, and brew-technical proceduresare alwayssubject to interpretationand debate.The recipes presentedhere are purposefully adapted for a modernbrewery operation, that is, for technologicallyadvanced SCHULZ systems as well as for top- qualityWeyermann@ malts and Barth-Haas hop products. They are intended for use by professionalbrewers, who understandthe particular characteristicsand capabilitiesof their brew equipment.Depending on specificlocal brewerysetups, the recipeparameters may need to be adjustedto fit existingphysical and technologicalconditions. Therefore, thoughthe recipeshave been designed with the outmostcare, neither the authornor the technicaleditors can warrant the successof eachand everv recipein eachand everybrew houseand cellarconfiguration under all conditions. Iable of Contents RecipeIndex 7 BeerStyles in Appendix 10 Acknowledgements LI Forewordby Dr.Wolfgang Stempfl 13 Aboutthis Book .................. L4 AboutMalt L6 Color.................. L7 MoistureContent 18 Extract%DBFG/%DBFG ................. 18 Protein.............. 19 Kolhoch Index 19 Homogeneity 19 Friability 20 Hortong lndex (VZ 45 "C) 20 Diastatic Power fLintner) 20 ConversionTime 20 Viscosity(Malt) 2L AboutMashing 22 Mash Viscosity. 22 Enzymesand Temperatures 23 Single-Ste p Infusion Mashing 25 Mu lti-Step Inlusi on Moshing 25 DecoctionMashing 25 ExtractElliciency 27 GristWeight 28 Gravities 2a pH-Volue 29 Alcohol.............. 30 Brewingwith Sugar........ 31 Brewing with Honey 32 AboutHops 34 Pe|1ets............... 35 T-90/T-45Pellets 35 Hop Substitutions 35 Hop Specilications 37 Hop Utilization 39 Bitter, Flavor, Aromd Hops: Definitions 39 Bitter Unit Colculations 40 "Down-Streom"Hop Products 4L AboutWater 44 BrewingLiquor Arcund the Wo d 43 AboutYeast 47 AboutBrew Systems .................. 48 Configurdtionond Layout 4a BrewSystem Quality Variables ......................... 49 Brew Systemsfor the Future 50 TheECO-Burner 52 What's a StyleAnyway? 53 Beer Stylesand ThefuIngredients 55 Aboutthe sponsors .................... 55 Bdrth-HaosGroup ....................,.. 56 SCHU LZ Brew Systems .................. 57 Weyermann6Speciolty Malting Compdny....,.......... 58 UnitConversion Table ................. 50 101Recipes of the World'sClassic Beer Styles A - Z 61 Appendix:The World's "Minor" BeerStyles A - Z .................... 23L Aboutthe Authorand Technical Editors 244 The ULTIMATEALMANAC ofWORLD BEER RECIPES Recipelndex AbheyAIe Du bbe1 ................................. 64 AbbeyAle Triple...................-... -....-. 66 Altbier, Diisseldorl 58 Altbier, Westphalian ......,,,,,,,..... 69 AmherAle, American .......,,,,,....,,,,,,......,, 7L Amber Ale, English .........,,,...... 72 BarleyWine, English & Ame can......,.,,,,......,.. 74 Berliner Weisse 76 Biire blanche(see Wit Beer)..,,,,........, 227 Biire de garde,,,, 78 BiEre de mars, Alsatidn ......... 80 Biire de mars, Belgian (seeLambic) t52 Biire de printemps(see Biire de mars,Alsotion) ...... 80 Biire de saison 82 Bitter, Best....., 84 Bitter, Extra Special ........................,,, 85 Bitter, ordindry 88 Blond Ale, American 89 BlondAle, Belgia n .............................. 90 BlueberryAIe, (see Fruit Ale, American) .........,,...... L26 Bockbier ...,,,.......,, 92 Brdggot 94 Brown AIe, Americon ......,,,,,,....,,,,,......,., 96 Brown Ale, Belgion ......... 97 Brcwn Ale, Northem English 99 Brown AIe, SouthernEnglish 100 California Common 101 Cassis(see Kriek) LM 103 LO4 105 Ddrk Ale, Belgian LO7 DorkAIe, English...... 109 Dinke1hier,,....,,............. 110 Doppelbock ........ LLz LL4 Double lPA, American (see Imperiol lPA, Americdn).. 140 Duhhel (seeAbhey AIe, Dubbel) 64 Dunkel, Bdvdfidn 115 Dunkel,Bohemian .................. 118 Dunkelbock.......... L20 Dunkelweizen...... L22 L24 Emmehie r (seeDin kelbier) ......... 110 ESB(see Bitter, Extro Special)............ 86 Faro (see Lambic) L52 Festbier(see Oktoberfest/Miinen), 160 Fra mboise (see Kriek),,,,,.....,, L44 Froagh (see G ruitbier) ..,..,...... L32 Fru it AIe,Ame rica n,..,,................ L26 The ULTIMATEALMANAC of WORLDBEER RECIPES Golden Ale, Bel gia n ..................... L28 6ueuze (seeLambic) L52 Gose,Leipziger 130 Gruitbier......,,, L32 HestherAle (seeBrcggot) 94 Heleweizen(see Weissbiei 22L Helles (German/Munich) ........................ L34 Honey Beer (see Broggot) 94 lceBeer ............,,, 135 lndia Pole Ale, Americdn 136 lndia Pale AIe, English !37 lmpefidl lPA, American 140 Kellerbier 741 Kiilsch..................... 143 Kriek 144 Lager,American . t46 Lqger, Americdn Light 147 Loger,Americdn Premium L4a Ldger, EuropeanAmber L49 Ldger, Eurcpean Light 150 Ldger,European Red 151 Ldmbic L52 Moibock ,,, 155 Malt Liquor...........,.......,, L57 Mild Ale (English) 159 Oktoberfest/Miirzen 160 Old Ale 153 Oud Bruin (seeBrown Ale, Belgian), 97 Pale Ale, Americon ............ L64 Pale AIe, English,,,................., 156 P€che(see Kriek) ...... 744 Pils/Pilsener,German 168 Pilsner,American t70 Pilsner,Classic .... L7L Pilsner,Czech, Modern (l) ............ L73 Pilsner, Czech, Modern ( ) L74 PilsneL Czech,Modern L75 Porter, ga|tic,,,........, L76 Porter,Clossic ..,, L77 Porter, Dry L78 Porter, Germon L79 PorteL London 181 Porter, Robust taz Puh Wheot,American L84 PumpkinAle 185 Rauchbier ta7 Red Ale, Flonders 189 RedAle, lrish 191 Roggenbier L92 RyeAIe, Americdn L94 Sqhti 195 TheULTIMATE ALMANAC of WORLDBEER RECIPES Schwarz bi er, Fra n con i d n 198 Schwa n bi er, Thu ri ng i a n 200 202 ScoftishAle ,,,...,,, 205 SmokedAle. Americo n,,,,,..,,,.....,.............. zo7 SpeltBee r (seeDin kel bie r)................,, 1t1 SteamBeer@ American (see Calilornia Common) ......,........ 110 208 153 StockAle (seeOld Ale) .............................. 153 Stout, Belgian ,,,, zLO 2L2 Stout,Irish,,,...... 2L4 Stout, Odtmeal .. 2L6 2L7 Stout, Sweet ....... 2L9 TrappistAIe (seeAbbey AIe) ............. 54 Triple(see Belgian Abbey Ale, Triple).................. 66 ViennaLage r...,,,,,.....,, 220 WienerLoger (see Vienno Loger) .. 220 Wee Hedvy (see Scotch Ale) 202 Weisshier.......,,,,.......,. 22L Weizenbier(see 22L Weizenbock 22t Wei zendo ppl ebo c k ( seeWe ize n bock) 223 Weizeneisbock(see Weizenbock). 223 225 Witbier/hiire blanche 227 ZoigIbier ........................ 228 Zwickelbier,,,,,,.... 230 The ULTIMATEALMANAC of WORLDBEER RECIPES BeerStyles in Appendix Alster/Alsterwasser Li6geSaison American Wild Ale LouvainPeeterman Wit Biobier Molzbier Black&Tan Mead Lo Blonde van Vlaonderen Millet Beer BroyhonBeer MolassesBeer ConadionAle Mumme ChampagneAle MusaBeer Chicho Near-Beer ChocolateAle/Lager 6kobier ChristmasBeer OrganicBeer Diiitbier L'Orged'Anvers Diesel Potatobeer Diest Potsd a m e I Stan g e n - Bi e r D nnbier QuinooBeer Eblulum Radler/Radlermass Erntebier RiceWine Festbier Russ/Russ'n G'frorns Saki GingerBeer Schlehenbier Gluten-FreeBeer Shandy Griitzer Bier SorghumBeer Grozet SourBeer Griinkernbier SpicedBeer lopenbier Steinbier KdmutBeer TexosBock Kelir Triple Bock Kelpie Urbock Keutebier Utopias Koumiss Uytzet des Flandres Kriiusenbier weihnachtsbier Kvass WeiPi Landbier Zoeg of Tirlemont Leichtbier The ULTIMATEALMANAC of WORLDBEER RECIPES Foreword M un ich-G rdfelfing Bavaria,Germany March2010 Globalizationismaking the worldone, impacting every field of humanendeavor. Brewingis no exception.With beer,brewing ingredients, and brew systems shipped aroundthe globe,with breweducation offered on a globalscale, and with our ability to "build"any type of brewingwater anywhere in the world,beer styles that were oncethe provinceof distinctbeer cultures within clear geographic boundaries, have now becomeuniversal. Today, a brewerin the UnitedStates, ltaly, Norway, or Canadamay brew a Belgian-styleAbbey Ale just aslikely as a brewerin Belgiummay brewan lrish-styleStout or a German-styleBock. Beer styles that haveevolved graduallyover centuries are now taken as jumping-off points by innovative,modern brewersto createwhat isprobably the greatestglobal beer variety ever, which is a gloriousth ing
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