-."""'.'lr••·'" ·- f l~, - Te:nple Beth E:l 10 7o or chard Ave . Providence, R. I , THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. XLVI, No. 32 OCTOBER 19, 1962 16 PAGES Convict Four Leaders Golda Meir Says Disarmament Of British Neo - Nazis Necessary Goal In Middle East LONDON - Colin Jordan, leader of the neo-Nazi British In Address To United Nations National Socialist Movement, UNITED NATIONS, N .Y . - problems by negotiation and was sentenced to nine months' A call upon the United Nations conciliation. We are prepared to M-Day Plans - Shown checking over the nearly complete Imprisonment today and denied to consider a temporary " freeze" put this into practices in the plans for M-Day are, left to right, Mrs. Irving C. Goldfarb and bail pending appeal. of all "explosive international dispute in which we are involved He and three others were issues which might erupt into with our neighbors. Mrs. Sydney W. Lohman, co-chairmen, and Mrs. Martin Mil­ war," was issued here before a ler, chairman. M-Day, the annual house-to-house solicitation found guilty under the Public Calls for Disarmament Order Act. plenary session of the UN Gen­ for funds for the Women's Division campaign of the General eral Assembly last Tuesday by "As we have done in the past, Jewish Committee, will be held on Sunday, Oct. 28, in the The four were tried in con­ we call again upon the Arab nection with a political organ­ Mr. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Greather Providence area. Minister . states to agree to complete dis­ ization known as Spearhead. armament with mutual inspec­ The group's national secretary. Addressing the 109-member tion covering all types of weap­ body in her first major address John Tyndall. 26, was sentenc­ ons and to accept the method G JC Women's Division ed to six months. The assistant of this year's session. and, as­ of direct negotiations as the national secretary, Denis Pirie. serting that disarmament is the only means for solving a ll dif­ 23, and the research officer, Ro­ "keynote" of the Assembly's ferences between them arid Is­ current general debate, she told Plans For Annual M-Day land K err-Richie. 42 , each got rael." three months. the delegates that such a With the Women's Division chairmen. at Temple Beth "freeze" would enable the world As far as Arab-Israel disputes 1962 campaign of the General David. A Jury convicted the men on to direct all its efforts "toward are concerned, she emphasized two of four charges of training Jewish Committee run n Ing Broad and Elmwood, Mrs. achieving that most vital and the Assembly must see the "bas­ ahead of last year, plans are Maurice Schwartz, chairman, and equipping the members most cherished goal of disarma­ ic problem" as "the denial by being completed for the final and Mrs. Leonard Y . J ewett. of Spearhead ln such a manner ment." the Arab states of Israel's right major event, M-Day, of the co-chairman, at the Jewish as to arouse "reasonable appre­ Meanwhile. however, she told to exist ." If this attitude were division 's annual fund-raising Community Center on Hamil­ h ension" that they were being the Assembly firmly. "As long to change. she affirmed, "and drive. ton Street. employed for the use or dis­ as Arab belllgerency continues if the Arab states and Israel Washington Park, Mrs. Lou­ play cf physical force for pro­ M-Day. the intensive house­ Israel will take all n ecessary were to discuss their differences ls Strauss, chairman. and Miss moting a political object. to-house solicitation for con­ measures to be capable of pro­ at the conference table in a tributions to the annual cam­ Dora Sherman, co-chairman. at tecting itself." frank and open manner. I am paign - will be held Sunday , the home of Mrs. Max Levin. positive that solutions could b e Oct. 28. 27 Fisk Street. Hebrew Day School "My government." she assert­ found on all the specific is­ ed, "rejects war as a means of Mrs. Martin Miller, M-Day Cranston. Mrs. Roy Lehrer. sues." chairman; Mrs. Robert Baker To Hold Open House settling disputes. From the day cha,irman. said that for the "Year after year," she recall­ and Mrs. Martin I . Dittelman An open house will be held that the State of Israel was es­ sake of efficiency, and top re­ ed. "Israel has come to this associate chairmen. and Mrs. at the new Providence Hebrew tablished my government h as sults. eight centers have been rostrum with one demand - Sam Adelman. Mrs. Albert Co­ Day School. 450 Elmgrove Ave­ called for settling all outstand­ set up for the day. peace between it and its Arab hen. Mrs. Leonard H . Summer, nue. on Sunday evening. Oct. ing differences by direct n ego­ neighbors." 1 The chair men of the areas and Mrs. Robert Kudish. co­ 21 from 8 P.M. to II P .M. The tiations. We do not rest content and the meeting places are East chairmen. at the Cranston J ew­ new school, which has an en­ with calling upon the great pow­ Will Defend Itself Side, Mrs. Arthur Rosen and ish Center. rollment close to 225. contains ers to find a way to disarma­ ment and ,o settle outstanding But Israel will. in the absence Mrs. H arry T . Davis, chairmen, Warwick. Mrs. Milton Filler. 13 classrooms, including a fully or peace. take the necessary and Mrs. Melvin L. Zurier and chairman. at Temple Beth Am. equipped science room, arts and steps to protect itself, she as­ Mrs. J. Sidney Shepard, co­ Barrington, Mrs. Eli Gross, crafts room, a combined library serted. Referring indirectly to chairmen. at the J ewish Com­ chairman. and Mrs. Nath aniel and chapel. first aid room. and the recently-announced decision munity Center on Sessions R osner, co-chairman. a multipurpose auditorium. by the United States to permit Street . East Providence, Mrs. A. Lou­ The Providence Hebrew Day the sale of defensive ground to NortJ End, Mrs. Alex H. Good· is Rosenstein. chairman. School is the only school of its a ir missiles to Israel sh e reject­ blatt. chairman, and Mrs. Mor­ Mrs. Miller said that a ll work­ kind in Rhode Island where He­ ed the Arab objections to that ris Lecht, Mrs. Nathan Izeman ers will report to their respec­ brew training is given along U.S.-Israeli arrangement. and Mrs. Hyman B. Stone, co- tive meeting places at 9 A.M . with secular education. "Thus." she pointed out, "it is ironic that when Egypt amas­ ses a fleet of heavy bombers Four New Rabbis Join Providence Congregations and when President Nasser pro­ Four new rabbis have Joined the formation of several adult derstanding of Judaism and claims that his rockets will be the Jewish congregations of classes and the addition of some to develop youth as J ews and able to hit any place south of Providence this fall, and this, teen-age activities, as well as by good Americans." Beirut-that-is Israel-an Egyp­ says Rabbi Saul Leeman of the the first publication of a The congregation of Temple tian spokesman should com­ Cranston J ewish Center, and monthly bulletin. "The High Beth Israel is in a state of plain loudly from this rostrum president of the Rhode Island Holidays," says Rabbi Solnica, transition since it is in an area when Israel is acquiring mis­ Rabbinical Association, is "a gain "gave a strong indication of a from which the younger genera­ siles which can be used solely and benefit to the entire reli­ favorable response to the call tion is moving to the suburbs, for protection against attacks. gious life . .and spiritual forc­ for revitalized action in ortho­ but Rabbi Robert Layman feels es in the community." Rabbi dox Judaism .. Although Or­ that much can be done, not Leeman adds that the Rabbini­ thodox Judaism was stymied a only to keep the older m(¥llbers GJC Contributions cal Association "rejoices in wel­ few years ago because of the of the congregation interested coming the four colleagues Into lack of strong and youthful but also to attract new mem­ To Speak - Dr. Felix G. Stand At $440,000 our midst and trusts that their leadership, a more youthful, bers. Fleischner, consultant in Ra­ The total contributions to stay will be a long, fruitful and modern and serious approach to One method of attaining this diology, Peter Bent Brigham the 1962 campaign of the Gen­ productive one." Judaism," has been taken in object, he feels, is through adult Hospital, Boston, Mass., Em­ eral Jewish Committee now The four rabbis are Rabbi recent years. education courses. eritus Clinical Professor of stands at $440,000. Hershel Solnica of Congregation Rabbi Rubel has become the The members of the congre­ Stanley Grossman, Initial Shaare Zedek, Rabbi Robert spiritual leader of Temple Beth gation, he says, are very friend­ Radiology, Harvard Medical Gifts chairman, said that while Layman of Temple Beth Israel Sholom Just as it is completing ly and eager to take advantage School, will give the 15th an­ this figure represents a sub­ who replaces Rabbi Morris the building of its temple. of the services offered. nual Dr. Isaac Gerber Oration stantial increase over the Schusshelm who retired last The congregation and Rabbi As assistant rabbi at Temple on Wednesday at 8:30 P.M., amount pledged last year by year; Rabbi Charles M. Rubel Rubel are planning an active Emanu-El, Rabbi Joel Zaiman in the Miriam Hospital Audi­ of Temple Beth Sholom, and program in adult education as will be in charge of the United the same persons, there can be torium.
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