CLEANINGjAN DDY EJJN G For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing serv TO PUT ON needed flesh take INFORMATION tee send parcels to us. We pay return Doctor postage. Information and prices gives Pierce's upon request. Golden Medical Dis- DEPARTMENT ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS covery. By Commercial Information furnished free Established 1890 Portland restoring of charge. Catalogues supplied and com DOORS AND WINDOWS the normal action of mercial inquiries cneerruiiy answere. rlprnno-pr- l write any firm oeiowi do it now, wTltarTsernr-otrblSorsT- the Fleasa Mention This Piper When Aiiiwtrlni Thess AdTertlsrasiits. Ing, Paintr Glass, and Builders' Hardware ART LEATHER GOODS direct at wholesale "prices. Write foi ' it builds the flesh up Leather Legglns, Traveling Bags, Trunks, prices before buying. Heacock Saab & to safe and healthy you Must sell your Portland Leather Co., 226 Washington. Door Co., 212 First SL.Portland. n If LIBERTY or VICTORY ARTlFTCTAtTtEETH SPECIALIST Btftridard prompt bonds sell to us. you can EMBROIDERING AND PLEATING ' If buy more LIBERTY Dr. E. C. Rossman, 367 Journal Bidg. Accordion, Side and Pleating, bonds-bu- Sunburst ft ly, pieasaniiy ana BONDS or VICTORY from us. We buy and sell Two of the most homelike AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT Hemstitching, Buttons Covered, Braiding, at the New York market hotels in Portland, located la Address C. W. Goodsman, Llnnton, Or. Chain Stitching, Buttonholes. K. Stephan, naturally. The GOVERNMENT AND MUN1CIPAI RONn the heart of the shopping and BOILER WORKS New Repairing Pittock Block. weak, emaciated, Wks, 4 Main Write for descriptive circular and booklets. theater district. All Oregon East Side Boiler East Water thin, pale and puny stop BRAZING. WELDING A. CUTTING Accordlan and Box Pleating. Button Electric trains at the Northwest Welding & Supply Co., 38 1st Bt and Pleating Shop, 6o9 Royal Bidg. are made strong, plump, rosy, MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Seward Hotel, the House of H'r Buildim, 309-1- 1 Stark Street PORTLAND, HMJESjJWOOUAjCA and robust. Nothing so effective Morris OREGON Cheer. Excellent dining room Fern wood Dairy pays cash for butterfat VepaynigTiestprTu in connection. The Hotel Cor- CREAMERY - Quotation. Kahn Bros., 195 Front St as a strength-restor- er and flesh-mak- er. nelius, of Welcome, Willamette Dairy, Buyer of Milk, Cream the House ana we pay caan, 4sa ay in is only two short blocks from union Oregon Creamery for Eggs, Cream 130 2nd Over 900 Portland Homes for Sale. See In everything that's' claimed the Seward. Our brown buses Frank L. McGuire, Ablngton Bidg. CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DESIGNS in purify- meet all trains. Rates $1.50 Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St MACHINERY for the "Discovery" and up. DANCING EVERY NOON A EVENING Send us your inquiries for anything- lc ing the blood, and building up the ever consider that Buying Oriental Cafe. Chinese-America- n Kitchen - &g2&Ztei m yu W. C. Culbertson, Prop. Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging is Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND SawmllL Contractors' Equipment, Loco flesh and strength it reliable. "Ask the Man who Owns One" The Best is the Safest Policy DEFORMITY APPLIANCES motives, Boilers, Kugines, Crushers, Kan K. E. Karlson & Co., 462 Burnslde St. etc. V.. D.i:.C.J9 Cable. Belting, Burke Machinery Co. nic iuu naiiMicu: ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS 528 Railway Exchange Bidg., Portland, Or BUSINESS COLLEGE Stationers, Portland, Ore. is the biggest most perfectly equlppeo At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon Training School In When Chilly Or FARM PJUhlTSANpWALLJPAER Buslaess the North Nightii Mon, LOANS rest yourself for a higher position Three Sun. Tues. Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th Write us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co., Fit Four Matinees: Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. St 186 First St., Portland. with more money. Permanent positions Out-of-Sort- s, FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION our MATINEES-I- Sc to NICHTS-I- Sc to J1.25 Feeling usurea uraauates. 75c. Geo. Beta & Son, 97 Williams Ave. PERSONAL Write for catalog Fourth and Yamhill FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS SAWYTInLONELYTforn Portland FRED DUNDEE Drink Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. me; best and most successful "HOME FURNACES. CORNICE A ROOFING MAKER"; hundreds rich wish marriage CYLINDER Machine soon; strictly confidential; most reliable, Hunting New Pearl Beds. Motor ; Car Repairing & Works Grand Metal Works, E. & Either one of our three Sheet Id Davis years of experience; description free GRINDING Portland, Oregon. FOREIGN ESTATES, INHERITANCES, "The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Bui The pearl fishermen of the Orient winter favorites BONDS AND COLLECTIONS 666, Oakland, California. Trans-Atlant- Estates and Cnedit Co., and of the South sea are hunting for ztsr cnamueroc uom. uig. roriiana, ur. PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER DO iOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL T.T.B. Hea5ilg1itsnrellm new beds of pearl oysters. The de- 286 Alder StrUt. Portland, Oregon. liARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING lights $1.60 each. PartB nickeled. Hard mand for pearls is so great and the Alder Will rent you a room for $1.00 per day, or a room ware reflnished. California Plating Wks. Hotel M. & F. so with bath for $1.60 to $2.00 per day? The Drink That Garage, 2l8tand"waihlngton Sti Cor. 2nd and Salmon 8ts. fisheries are being worked contin Stimulates Multnomah Hotel Oarage, dand Ankeny. uously that new pearls do not; have Commercial Garage, E. 11th and Burnslde. PUJMmjGPLUJVIBW WeaTiTiuppiy you with any kind oi time to grow. GUARANTEED REBUILT plumbing supplies at wholesale prices Ship Your Cream to Rum-On- a TYPEWfl TERS We will gladly estimate cost of any Job Oregon 94-- Typewriter Co., 6th St Write for prices. Efficiency on the Farm. STARK-DAVI- S CO., Has Everything HARD WOOD FLOORING MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. Elsman Hardwood Floor Ca889 E Wash. 0 4th St., Portland Farmer (to new help) "Why do you but Alcohol Oak-Le- Hardwood Floor Co., 231 E. WANTED FIR PITCH always ring the small bell after ring ri, . PORTLAND loin Bi., We buy Fir Pitch in any quantity East Side Hardwood Floor Co.. Inc. Highest market price. Payment on de ing the regular dinner bell?" Irish Highest Prices Accurate Tests Correct Weights 410 Moonshine E. Burnslde. livery. Write for schedule of prices on cook "That's to call the children.' HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED pitch and equipment Northwestern Tur A good place to Bat and Live Well. Boston Transcript. A. E. Hurwltz, Optometrist 226 First Bt Sentlne Co., 861 East Ninth St, Portland, Remarkable 50c luncheon at noon. It's the Flavor Hemstitching, Buttons Plaiting BAB'S RESTAURANT Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m., 828 Stark St. Covered, All Three Are a. f. nanoorn, ma Aiaer si. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR Drinks That Cheer OLMES COLLEGE We help" the! al)pearancXcT''"wo7n "conditions on BUSINESS Skin prices and market o Comfort Baby's Write us for H Portltaid, Oregon now. Twenty-tw- Inch switch or transforma- Enter Position S2.45. Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc Celro Kola Co., when competent Catalogue free. tion, value $7.00, price Page & Son Portland, Oregon 400 to 412 Dekum Bidg. Same Suits cleaned, S With Cuticura Soap Forty Years in the Location. Sole Mfgs. THE TAILOR. 1.25 WELDING & BRAZING Portland, Oregon JOY We uay return Postage. Teffe?slmT)elcTwl!Td 104 Fourth St., Portland, Ore lng of Boilers and Farming Implements. And Fragrant Talcum AGATE 189 3914. Pre-W- MAN P. OF JEWELRY Columbia St., Phone Marshall Where Your Money Has Its ar Value DISTRIBUTORS 102 Grand Av Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. J. A. Lakln, wholesale, retail. No. 48, 1920 Blumauer A Hoch Portland, Ore. MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pins Sta. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Gray, McLean A Percy. .Portland, Ore. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works North Coast Products Co. NURSERIE3 Wn, Aberdeen, RussellviuV Nursery, R. F. D. 1. Washington and Fifth Sts., Portland, Orejon Western Syrup A Mfg CcTacoma, Wn. Gray, McLean A- - Percy... Seattle, Wn. Benedict Nursery Co., 186 E. 87th N. Wn. Room with Bath Privilege, $1.00 up. Shumway A Gay Everett, NURSERY STOCK Belllngham Candy Co. Belllngham, Wn. Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. Gray Mfg, Co Spokane, Wn. Room with Private Bath, $1.50 up. PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerleas Produce Co., 175 Front St. ) Ship us your Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Eggs, maes t. rroauce i:o., zvg wasa pu LIBERTY BONDS and UNLISTED HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. WLM1 J. H. Lehmann, Prop. 1984 East HtarK STOCKS ON ANY MARKET Railway Exchange Builning. yuasu PYORRHEA DENTISTS mtssasxvvwwws Smith Long Service, 810 Bush & Lane Bl The Oregonian and Al- Sixth street opposite REALTORS der street opposite Meir & Frank's. The Best Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark Bt Cafeteria Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee SAFES FIRE AND BURGLAR Make the next ?L and Pastry a Specialty. Norrls Safe It lock up., ios una l SHEET METAL & RET1NNING WORKS Union Avenue Metal Works, 411 Union Ave. cigar taste better shipped DIRECT "to us gets CO Cream WINDOW SHADES SUNSET CREAMERY HIGHEST POSSIBLE price But if sold Peake. The Shade Man. 428 Alder St of your R T R EAT ED T. S. TOWNSEND. Pres. & Mgr. to a CREAM STATION, a part CANCE and expense. Lowell M. Jones, At, D,, 312 Morgam mag. 281-8- First Street. profit goes toward paying station ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Best Italian Restaurant on Pacific Coast GreorAriTfTdam catering to American connoisseurs that for Catalog. 201 2nd St., Portland. PROGRESS demand the best. Delicious cooking and ACCORD"! AN' PLEATING after homelike. Cor. 1st and Stark, Portland. Welcome Ranchers EriTfV'andTwxleatlnsTliSin RESTAURANT 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 85"4 Fifth street Portland. smoking BISSINCER & CO., Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Wool Pullers BRAZING A WELDING WORKS V Largest on Coast. 148 - 164 North 18th St, P.
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