H6954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 5, 1997 The concurrent resolution was agreed entirely strangers. Nationalities and could be reached. None of the first res- to. citizenship aside, there were mothers cue personnel ever gave up hope of sav- A motion to reconsider was laid on and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons ing lives. As if unsatisfied with the toll the table. and daughters, aunts and uncles, on human life, the crash of Korean Air f friends and neighbors who were coming Flight 801 also claimed the life of an home or looking forward to a visit. Air Force volunteer who suffered a ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, Guam is a small community and a heart attack while assisting at the SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 significant number of our population crash site. Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- were touched by the loss of someone Mr. Speaker, America can be proud of mous consent that when the House ad- known to them in some way. Among its men in uniform, men and women in journs today, it adjourn to meet at the dead, eight were returning Guam uniform, who were stationed on Guam. 12:30 p.m. on Monday next for morning residents of Korean descent. And The Navy, on whose property the crash hour debates. among the survivors, there were four occurred, the Air Force, the Coast The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there returning home. Guard, the Guam National Guard, and objection to the request of the gen- Last December I had the pleasure of the U.S. Army all responded quickly, tleman from Texas? sitting with Mr. Kenneth Kim of professionally, and compassionately. There was no objection. Tamuning as his daughter, Yuri Kim, The U.S. Army delegation was com- f was being sworn in as an officer of the posed of airline crash investigators American Foreign Service. Yuri's first from the Army Central Identification DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR assignment is at the U.S. Embassy in Lab in Hawaii who just happened to be WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON Beijing. She traveled to Guam, first to on Guam to examine a World War II B± WEDNESDAY NEXT await word and then to mourn the 29 crash site. Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- death of her mother, Jane, who was Men and women from nearly every mous consent that the business in among the passengers of that ill-fated department and agency of the Govern- order under the Calendar Wednesday flight. ment of Guam rallied to meet the cri- rule be dispensed with on Wednesday Mrs. Jane Wha-Young Kim was ac- sis, either as professionals or volun- next. tive in community service affairs and teers. The Guam Fire Department, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there served as president of the Guam Ko- Guam Police Department, Guam Air- objection to the request of the gen- rean Women's Association. She was port Authority, Office of Civil Defense, tleman from Texas? laid to rest on August 18, 1997, and is Departments of Mental and Public There was no objection. survived by Kenneth, Yuri, and her son, Health, Public Works, Parks and f Yong Sae. The Kim family will carry Recreation, Labor, Corrections, Youth on and I, along with their friends, will Affairs and the Energy Office, the Gov- SPECIAL ORDERS offer solace as best as I can. ernor's office, all allocated equipment, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under The Dahilig family has also been se- supplies, and personnel to meet the res- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- verely affected by this tragic event. cue and treatment efforts. uary 7, 1997, and under a previous order Mr. Mike Dahilig of the village of Guam's business community also of- of the House, the following Members Dededo, his sons, Richard and Michael, fered their full support. From Con- will be recognized for 5 minutes each. his father-in-law Young Min Kim and tinental Airlines to small businesses his many brothers and sisters are mak- f like a McCrory Store, Little Future, ing preparations to inter Mike's wife Boonie Dog Designs, numerous estab- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Joung-Ok and their 1-year-old son lishments offered their time and en- previous order of the House, the gen- Mitchell. ergy. Churches of every religious de- tleman from Florida [Mr. GOSS] is rec- I want to express to them again and nomination, nonprofit, civic organiza- ognized for 5 minutes. to all the families of Korea Air Flight tions, and educational institutions lent [Mr. GOSS addressed the House. His 801 our deepest condolences. Whether their support. remarks will appear hereafter in the to respond to the ravages of typhoons As a result, the Guam Chapter of the Extensions of Remarks.] or earthquakes, the people of Guam American Red Cross was able to deliver f have always pulled together as a com- more than 9,000 meals to crash site munity and worked cooperatively to KOREAN AIR FLIGHT 801 TRAGEDY workers and offer nearly 2,000 grief sup- attend to one another's needs. port encounters in the 7 days following The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a In the early hours of August 6, our the crash. No one likes to point out previous order of the House, the gen- abilities were challenged to the maxi- that this is an opportunity to see the tleman from Guam [Mr. UNDERWOOD] is mum, but I stand proudly today to say community work together, but the peo- recognized for 5 minutes. that civilian and military personnel ple of Guam certainly could be proud of Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, and volunteers from all sectors of our their effort. while the rest of the Nation has turned community joined forces, not merely Mr. Speaker, I include the following its attention to other matters, we on as a consequence of training and func- for the RECORD: Guam are still reeling from the after- tion but in the spirit of kindness and AUGUST 11, 1997. math of the worst air disaster in our is- compassion. His Excellency KIM YOUNG SAM, land's modern history. By 6 a.m. on the morning of the President, Republic of Korea, Presidential Pal- On August 6, 1997, at approximately crash, more than 500 civilian and mili- ace, Seoul, Korea. 1:42 a.m. Guam time, a Korean Air Boe- tary rescue personnel were on the site, YOUR EXCELLENCY, The courage, strength ing 747 enroute from Seoul to Guam which is in plain view from the road- and stamina of Asian-Pacific people in times crashed into a hill 3 miles short of the side on Nimitz Hill but unaccessible by of adversity are legendary. Sadly, we know runway at the airport. The jumbo jet motorized vehicles. Rescue personnel, that the great people of the Republic of Korea must again call upon these inherent carried 254 people, 228 of whom have carrying what equipment they could qualities to bear the terrible tragedy of the perished. The last victim of flight 801 manage, clambered down a steep ravine loss of Flight 801. In this, we, the people of was Mr. Chung Yong-hak, who died on and up the other side. Desperately try- the Territory of Guam, join you in pain and September 3 while being treated at ing to reach survivors, they trekked sorrow, and offer this message of hope: we Brooks Army Medical Center in San for a mile and a half through mud and have unfaltering confidence in the legacy of Antonio, TX. swordgrass. the Korean people to triumph over adversity. I rise today to express the people of To reach the crash site, bulldozers Together, we shall attend to the painful and Guam's condolences to the family and widened a narrow utility road leading difficult tasks at hand; together, we shall en- dure this tragedy; and together, we shall friends of the crash victims. We shared to a navigational beacon just yards grow stronger in respect and friendship. their pain most intimately, not only from the crash site. Additionally, On behalf of all the people of Guam, we because it was on our soil but also be- cranes were utilized to lift debris and send our deepest and most heartfelt condo- cause the people on that plane were not wreckage so that victims and survivors lences to you, the families and friends of all.
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