Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1980-81 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 2-12-1981 The thI acan, 1981-02-12 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1980-81 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1981-02-12" (1981). The Ithacan, 1980-81. 16. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1980-81/16 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1980-81 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca College Vol. 50/No. 14 Ithaca. NPw York February 12, 1981 ByEv!~hre~~- Acr~,2~ Members Resign Three executive board mem- nell approached him and told bers of the Ithaca College him that he saw two ushers Bureau of Concerts (BOC) of- smoking a joint. Connell said he ficially resigned from their asked Satz to ask Harry Fran- positions on Tuesday, Jan. IO. zheim to check on the situation. This resignation was due to what According to Satz, Connell the three describe as "an ac- asked him to tell Franzheim to cumulation of events that have ·kick out the two ushers. lead us to vent our frustrations." In accordance with the The resigning members: policies and procedures for David Satz, chairperson of ushers, which was written earlier BOC; Mark Burg, chairperson in the year by Franzheim and of media and advertising and okayed by Connell, Franzheim Harry Franzheim, chairperson explained that he had two op­ of personnel and security have tions in dealing with the ushers. issued this joint statement, "We The ushers could have been are resigning due to incidents asked to leave at the point of in­ which occured during and fraction or they could be following the David Bromberg reprimanded and later san­ concert that made the shit hit the ctioned (i.e. asked not to work fan." for BOC in the future). "Under According to Satz, Burg and the circumstances of two sold. Franzheim, tensions have been out houses, in the interest of the building between them and their safety of the audience, I could advisor, Matt Connell, assistant not justify dismissing two of my director of campus activities, for ushers. However, I did some time. Connell stated that reprimand them at the point of he recognized a personality con- infraction and asked them never flict between the three and him- to work at another concert," people coming to the Strand, . "We recognize that pot is chairperson of the Student Ac­ self, but hoped it could be said Franzheim. that would have been incon­ illegal and that Matt has to tivities Board (SAB), "The in­ resolved through discussion "A while later, Matt pulled ceivable," said Franzheim. protect the interests of the cident has been blown-up. among the members rather than me aside, outdoors, and "At no time did I tell Harry school, but he went about it the There has been a lot of misinter­ making it a public issue. threatened me with my job if I that his job was in jeopardy. I wrong way. We're protesting his pretation." Shaw was not of­ The Bromberg incident began didn't ask the two ushers to leave told him that he was placing treatment of Harry, but we also ficially aware of the resignations about one hour before the first then and there. With 2000 himself in a position where his feel that for an extension of until Wednesday morning, when job could be in jeopardy," said Campus Activities, he is creating he received a note from the three Connell. apathy through his actions," informing him of their decision. According to Satz, Franzheim said Satz. "Now, I'll sit down with the . approached him after Connell Although there was talk of rest of the Board of Directors of allegedly threatened his position. resignation since the actual oc­ SAB to evaluate the situation. Satz said that he then went to curence at the concert, the There are a million different Connell and said, "If Harry's resignations of Satz, Burg -and alternatives, but that's not for expendabfc, so am I," Connell Franzheim were not made of­ me to dec.:ide," said Shaw. denies that this statement was ficial until Tuesday afternoon. ever made. According to Kevin Shaw, Speech Communications Procedure Defined By Teryl Reynolds screened, Associate Professor faculty committee to review the Speech communication area Sandra Fish said she was search process of the speech coordinator Carolyn Gilbert said charged with actions which communication department. standard procedure for filling wrongfully promoted Murphy's Provost Lois Smith said faculty pos1t1ons has been employment. Fish said she Longin referred the matter to her followed in filling the open refuted the charges at a later because, "He felt he might be Business Suff e~s position in organizational com­ faculty meeting. Murphy and consulted." She said three munication. Fish are married. tenured full-profes~ors from the From Bar Scene Gilbert said normal procedure At the Dec. 2 meeting a School of Communication~. for filling faculty positions is to Health Physical Education and Complaints about students and ployees and rude behavior on the Screening motion was made, first advertise in national Recreation and Humanitic~ and bars downtown are responsible part of students. "I don't want Gilbert said. Motions could to appear like an old man publications. The personnel have been made to screen Sciences have agreed to form a for extra police patrols at night. committee to look into the mat­ In spite of this measure, shaking his cane from the porch committee then screens the other candidates, she said, but they were unnecessary because ter and make a recommendation however, such sentiments per­ steps," said Macksoud. "but in­ dossiers that arrive, and the the other candidates were not to her. She said she will tahc sist. This article is one example, cidents occur often, just at that faculty selects a small group, on campus, not did they have their advice seriously and decide and another, covering other shop which stays open after usually three, to be interviewed . a spokesperson on campus. the matter . points of view, will follow in the hours until 3 a.m., that violate and determines their priority. Part-time instructor Rick "The intent of the motion wac; Gilbert said, "l am di ... turbed next issue. the personal rights of my em­ Murphy said that he was un­ to screen out the Murphy can­ by the interpersonal di fticultie~ By Ron Ginsburg ployees and customers.'' fairly screened from candidacy didacy," Gilbert said. "The surrounding the hiring proce~" Ned Macksoud, owner of Macksoud said, "These for the position. Two motion was necessary as a inthis;ase.l personally welcome Ruloffs and the Collegetown students act differently on cam­ Referendums signed by 31 motion because of the par­ the committee inve~tigating thi ... Bagelry said he is concerned he pus than they do downtown and speech communication studen­ ticipatory behavior of Murphy situation. Any further will have to close his Aurora their actions reflect on the ts express concern about the and Fish, (primarily Fish) in the discussion of the reason~ for the ,street outlet because of problems college and especially on them­ handling of the hiring process personnel and curricular process, screening is inappropriate to ,;,, 1,,,'-"v he has had from a "small selves. These people seem to and the departments' treat­ I discuss in a public forum. nucleus of people, mainly from think that they can grow up and she said. ment of Sandra Fish. Dean of Humanities and "I will welcome the opportur­ l,' LC." become responsible and more i Sciences Thomas Longin said ity to speak to a peer committee Macksoud said the incidents .mature later, · -after they At a faculty meeting on Dec. Murphy asked him to form a about the matter," ~he "aid. include harrassment of em- continued on page 12 2, at which Murphy was Page2 THE ITHACAN _February 12, 1981 · - ITHACAN 1: INQUIRER', EDITORIAL ·- -- -- - - \ Last week an attack was reported on campus. Since the incident was not a rape, however, its perceived seriousness diminished somewhat. What do you think of the complaints of downtown merchant<; and residents about after-hours noise and vandalism? College officials, armed with statistics concerning the scarcity of rape at I. C quell the fears of nervous students and parents, but the fact that dangerous areas and difficult situations exist anywhere dictates the need for· caution. Rape is not the only crime to guard against. Sexual harrassment in other forms is no more pleasant or even more acceptable than rape, nor does an in­ cident need to be sexual in nature to be feared. Students, especially women, should employ caution at all times, regardless of the history of rape on campus, and/. C. should continue to plan lighting for the remaining dark areas of campus. In this way, I. C. can avoid a marred record, and students can avoid harrassment. oy Stuckwell, Management '80 Cathy McCuOey, Philosophy '82 It's definitely happening and Maybe there should be more as been happening for a while_ after hours parties that are held It bothers me that students feel far away from town. the need to get senslessly drunk so often. Abby Gold, Psychology '84 It's that they feel that way and if it is happening it's too bad. Rob Ecker, Economics '82 Students should be more con­ I think downtown totally siderate.
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