INSIDE: special ealilornia Bowl 'B7 section Produced by Volume 34, Number 13 Public Information December 8, 1987 FOCUS EMU and Publications G. Mennen Willia111s to speak at com111ence111ent Former Michigan Governor and University in 1965 where she retired Chief Justice of the graduated magna cum laude. Michigan Supreme Court G. Men­ Sklar was a fellow at the nen Williams will deliver the Radcliffe Institute and the National winter commencement address at Humanities Institute at Yale Univer­ Eastern Michigan University Sun­ sity. She was an associate professor day. Dec. 13. in Bowen Field at UCLA from 1974 to 1981 before House. being named professor of history in Williams abo will receive an 1981. This year. she is serving as a honorary Doctor of Laws degree fellow at UCLA"s Center for Ad­ from the University. as approved by vanced Study in the Behavioral and the EMU Board of Regents at its Social Sciences. reguh1r monthly meeting Dec. 2. Sklar has been a national leader Other honorary degr::c recipients in women·s studies and the reci­ will be Dr. Kathryn Kish Sklar. pient of numerous grants and history professor at the University lcllowships. She recently secured a of California at Los Angeles. who grant to coordinate a natiopal con­ will receive a Doctor of Humanities ference on graduate training in U.S. degree. and Eva Alberta Jes�yc. a women's history for 50 participants poet. composer and actress. who s,heduled for next fall. She pro­ will receive a Doctor of Arts Williams Jessye duced a 45-minute videotape titled degree. ··A Talk with Genora Johnson Williams served as Michigan·s was named chief justice in 1983. Administration. served in the degree. In 1936. he received a Juris Dollinger. a Founder of Industrial f governor from 1949 to 1960. In He retired from that post in General Counsel's Ofice of the Doctorate from the University of Unionism·· and has published 1961 . he was appointed assi�tant January 1987. He also teaches at f OPA in Washington. D.C.. was ex­ Michigan Law School where he numerous articles and book chap­ secretary of state for African afairs Oakland University and the Univer­ ecutive assistant to the U.S. at­ also graduated cum laude and was ters on women·s studies topics. under President John F. Kennedy. sity of Detroil. torney general and served as a member of the Michigan Law Among the journals her work has He served in that post until 1968 In a public service career dating Michigan·s assistant attorney Review. appeared ifl are Signs: Journal of when he was named U.S. am­ back to 1941. Williams was a general. Williams was an officer in the Women in Culture and Society, The bassador to the Philippines. member of the Michigan Liquor Williams. 76. graduated cum U.S. Navy from 1942-46 and Education Digest. The History Wi II iams became a Michigan Control Commission. deputy direc­ laude from Princeton University in retired as a lieutenant commander. Teacher. Graduate Woman, Fem­ Supreme Court justice in 1971 and tor of the Michigan Office of Price 1933 where he earned a bachelor's Sklar. 48. began her teaching inist Studies. American Heritage career at EMU while earning her and Women and Health in Ameri­ doctorate at the University of ca: Historical Readings. Michigan. She taught courses in Sklar served as chairperson of Campus Capsules____ _ Eastern·s History Department and the Committee on Women Histo­ Saturday Tutoring Center EMU Exhibit, Guest Athletics To Hold bc,ame lecturer and assistant pro­ rians of the American Historical Needs Volunteers Speaker Address 'Green and White' Sale fessor at U-M in 1969. Sklar also Association from 1980-83. She also earned a master"s degree from U-M was last year"s vice president of the The Ypsilanti Saturday Tutoring The Athletics Department will Chemistry 'Scaling Up' in 1967 and her bachlor's degree AHA"s Pacific Coast Branch ancl Center, located at Perry School, EMU's Department of Chemistry hold a "Green and White"' sale from Radcliffe College at Harvard continued on page 4 633 Harriet, needs volunteers to is presenting a historical chemistry featuring California Bowl, MAC tutor first through sixth graders in exhibit titled ··scaling Up: Science. champion and other EMU clothing math and reading. Engineering and the American and paraphernalia Tuesday and WINTER COMMENCEMENT The tutoring program is a co­ .. Wednesday. Dec. 8 and 9, from I Chemical Industry now through Sun<l,iy. Dec. n. 1987 operative effort between EMU and Tuesday, Dec. 22. in Room 227 of to 3 p. m. on the second floor of Bowen Picl<l H11u,c the Ypsilanti Public Schools. the Mark Jefferson Science Pray-Harrold Classroom Building. Tutors are asked to commit them­ Building. The same items also are available PJnidpanL, should assemble in 1he Warner Phy,k-al Edu�u1ion Builthng b)' 2:30 p.m. The Pn>ee>sion begin, a1 2:45 p.m. selves for at least two Saturdays Scaling up is the chemistry term to buy at the Athletic Ticket Office from 9:30 a.m. to noon, so the for developing laboratory processes in Bowen Field House. Prc�tdcnt: John W. f\>r1er students are provided continuity. for chemical reaction which can be Festival Of Lessons Grund Marshal: John Jan Jcllcmu The Saturday tutoring program done on a larger scale for use in And Carols Dec. 13 runs until April 1988. M,tr,hab of focuh}: Daryl Halter industry. The 28th Annual Festival of Ridrnru Leinbach Volunteer application forms are The exhibit consists of 12 panels Lessons and Carols will be available in the Teacher Education Man.hals of Gmdualcs: Ch:1rlc, T. Andcrwn each concentrating on an important presented by the EMU Choir Sun­ E. Catherine Day Office. 234 Boone Hall. moment in chemistry's history. The day. Dec. 13. at 8 p. m. in Pease Liralx,1h Eniland For more information, call topics include .. From Test Tube to Rohen Willoughby .. Auditorium. Michael Burton, coordinator of Production Plant . ··Petroleum .. The program will open with Pro­ Speaker: G. MennenWilliam, tutoring, at 7-2412. Cracking and "Penicillin Produc­ Chief J,L,1i�c .. fessor Mary Ida Yost on organ. The Michig:m Supreme Cour1 Faculty May Pick Up tion and World War II. 90-voice University choir, directed Commencement Caps In connection with the exhibit. by Associate Professor Leonard Honorary Degree G. Mennen William, the department will host Dr. John Recipient,: Ka1hryn Kish Sllur and Gowns Dec. 10-11 Riccinto. will sing '"Carol of the EV'st Athcnu Jcs.,yc Heitman of the History Department Faculty members planning to at­ Bells"" arranged by Peter Wilhousky at the University of Dayton Thurs­ Ira M. Whca1lcy tend commencement ceremonies as well as several other works. day. Dec. 10. at 5:15 p.m. who will Interim Dean Sunday, Dec. 13, may pick up their The songs will be interwoven Coll.,gc of Ans aod speak on ..Narrowing the Shirt­ caps and gowns at McKenny Union with Old Testament readings. Sc.:icnt.·�� Losing Gap: How Chemists and Bookstore Thursday, Dec. 10, be­ The audience will be asked to Musk: Ypsilumi Community Band Chemical Engineers Made Scaling tween 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or Fri­ sing along on traditional carols as Up Chemical Reactions Look Easy. Soloi�I: Erne>! BrJndwr day. Dec. II, between 9 a.m. and 3 .. the choir begins and ends the pro­ 1900-1950. Heitman"s talk will be p.m. gram in-a candlelight procession P.1r1icipants will a,,_,cmblc and robe in 1hc following r11<1ms in Warner Phy,ic;,J EcJu,·a· in Room 104 Mark Jefferson. and recession. 1ion Building anti will use 1he followini enimnccs: Retirement Reception For more information. call Dr. To Honor Marge Prosser The Festival of Lessons and FAClfLTY. rob<.• in R,lolll 239. use FRONT cntrun,'\.'. Bert Ramsay at 7-0304 or 7-0106. Carols is adapted from the tradi­ BACHELOR'S DEGREE RECIPIENTS. robe in Room 117. u,c EAST cnlrJnce. A retirement reception will be tional Christmas Eve celebration at HONOlrS STUDENTS. as�mbk in Room Ill, us� EAST cnrmnce. held for Marge Prosser. adminis­ King's College Chapel in Cam­ MASTER"S ANO SPECIALISTS DEGREE RECIPIENTS. rohc in Second Pl<1<>r Gym. trative secretary in the Physical use EAST enir.111c'C. bridge. England. anJ was first held PLATFORM PARTICIPANTS (Presiden1. Rcgcol�, CIC,}. a,,_,;,;n,t,lc,n RtK>m 241. use Plant. Wednesday. Dec. 16. from at EMU in 1960. FRONT �ntr:11wc, 2:30 to 4 p.m. in the Physical Plant The pcrfon11.1,1,-. is free and Conference Room. open 10 the publi,. It will he The dotm; to 80\\\:ll FidJ Houi,cwili open ;ti l:4� p.m. C:111 7-0447 lhr acces.,sund Prosser is retiring from the Uni­ panicipmio11 inform:11ion ror handkappcc.l pct><Jt1'. Puhlk parling will � availut>k in ,Ill followed by a lrec lighting cere­ Unh'l!rsity lots and 1hc parking structure. versity after 23 years of service. mony and reception at Holy Tri11ity The University community is in­ Chapel. vited to attend. 2 Tucsda�. Dt'c. 8. 1987 FOCUS EMU Regents approve contract with EMU may offer UAW Local 1976; PTs get 7°/a raise education doctorate The EMU Board of Regents. at used within 60 days of its accrual pointmenl. the employee will be The EMU Board of Regents. at ing people for jobs in education. It its regular monthly meeting today or be compensated for. at the dis­ returned to bargaining unit ,tatus its regular monthly meeting Dec.
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