STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD AGENDA DATE OF MEETING 7 OCTOBER 2019 TIME OF MEETING 1:00 PM LOCATION CONFERENCE ROOM 3, POLICE HQ, RIPLEY PCC CONTACT MRS LIZ KELLY (0300 122 6007) OFFICER CONSTABULARY SUPT S PONT (0300 122 5440) CONTACT OFFICER PCC H DHINDSA DPCC K GILLOTT CC P GOODMAN DCC R SWANN T/ACC K MEHMET ACC P GIBSON DISTRIBUTION: MR D PEET MR A DALE MR S ALLSOP SUPT. S PONT MRS L KELLY OPCC PERFORMANCE OFFICER PURPOSE OF ITEM SUBJECT REPORT OPEN QUESTIONS MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO ASK QUESTIONS OF THE PCC OR THE CHIEF CONSTABLE. THESE CAN BE PRE-SUBMITTED IN WRITING, BY EMAIL, VIA SOCIAL MEDIA OR CAN BE ASKED ON THE DAY 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONER 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHIEF CONSTABLE MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING 5A SPA – JULY 2019 5B MINUTES – JARAC MAY & JULY 2019 6 REVIEW OF ACTIONS 7 FORWARD PLAN 2 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5 ‘WORKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE, INCLUDING THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN EITHER VICTIMS OF CRIME OR OFFENDERS, TO UNDERSTAND THEIR NEEDS AND PREVENT THEM BECOMING INVOLVED IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES’ 8A STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5 REPORT ASSURANCE DECISION REPORTS 9A CUSTODY VISITING UPDATE DECISION POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER COMMUNITY 9B DECISION ACTION SMALL GRANT AWARDS – ROUND 9 PERFORMANCE ISSUES 10A NONE TO NOTE FINANCE 11A REVISED CAPITAL PROGRAMME DECISION 11B FINANCIAL BRIEFING – END OF JULY 2019 DECISION REPORTS TO NOTE 12A LISTENING TO YOU UPDATE TO NOTE 12B PCC ANNUAL REPORT TO NOTE 12C SPR REPORT TO NOTE 12D HMICFRS DATA INTEGRITY UPDATE TO NOTE 12E JARAC ANNUAL REPORT TO NOTE DECISIONS TAKEN 3 DECISIONS TAKEN BUT NOT YET REPORTED TO 13A TO NOTE THE STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD ANY OTHER BUSINESS AND/OR CLOSING REMARKS NONE 4 AGENDA ITEM 5A STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD 7 OCTOBER 2019 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD MINUTES DATE OF MEETING 15 JULY 2019 TIME OF MEETING 2PM LOCATION CONFERENCE ROOM 3, FORCE HQ, RIPLEY, DERBYSHIRE. In attendance: Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner: PCC Dhindsa, Mr D Peet, Mr A Dale, Mr K Gillott, Mrs E Kelly, Ms D Rimell Constabulary: CC Goodman, DCC Swann, T/ACC Mehmet, ACC Gibson, Mr S Allsop 1 AGENDA ITEM 5A STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD 7 OCTOBER 2019 Agenda Item Decision (including No. Dec No.)/ Action Ask the SPA A number of questions had been submitted prior to the meeting. A note of the full questions and the responses can be found at https://wall.sli.do/event/ttef3iec?section=99b688a0-0df0-48ae-8570-2094c0dda3c4&info_modal_version=default 1. APOLOGIES None 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were received. 3A. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONER The Commissioner announced that he was setting aside a pot of money of up to £5000 for local community groups to bid for up to £500 each to promote hate crime during Hate Crime Awareness week in October. Applications forms will be available to download from the PCC website soon. The Commissioner also announced that he had made £30k available through reinvesting underspends to run a short term enforcement campaign on roads identified by communities which have a speeding problem as identified on the #D383 tour of Derbyshire along with locations identified by the community through the CREST team. The campaign took place in March and April and saw 1,200 vehicles being stopped across Derbyshire. Speeding offences along with drivers using mobile phones, the wearing of no seatbelts and driving without no insurance were also identified. The Commissioner paid tribute to Mr T Neaves who retired on 30 June after 14 years dedicated professional service as the Force Finance Director. PCC Dhindsa praised the work of Mr Neaves for his forethought in planning through the period of financial austerity. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHIEF CONSTABLE The Chief Constable also praised the work of Mr Neaves and he expressed a deep gratitude for 2 AGENDA ITEM 5A STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD 7 OCTOBER 2019 his years of service to the Derbyshire Constabulary. The Chief Constable wished Mr Neaves well in his retirement. The Chief Constable welcomed Mr Simon Allsop as the incoming Joint Finance Director for the Constabulary and Fire Services. The Chief Constable also announced the appointment of a new Strategic Head for Media, Ms D Jordan. Ms Jordan has a rich history in the world of media and he was pleased to welcome her to Derbyshire Constabulary. Finally, with sadness, the Chief Constable announced the death of a former employee; Ch Supt. Harris who had finally passed away following a long battle with illness. Condolences had been sent to family and friends. The Commissioner also expressed his condolences and advised that a letter of condolence had been sent to the family. 5A MINUTES - 20 MAY 2019 MEETING The minutes were noted. 6. REVIEW OF ACTIONS SP3 report May 2019 The PCC had been updated on the Ask Angela Campaign, but he highlighted the need to refresh this campaign and will meet with Force colleagues to ask how this can be revitalised. DPCC Gillott had been updated on the review of partnership working. The Chief Constable advised that a full time officer will be appointed to co-ordinate partnership activities and plans are being agreed. The Commissioner advised that he had been briefed on the learning from the Home Office project into knife crime which he found useful. The Force Management Statement was drafted, sent to the HMICFRS and shared with the Commissioner. DCC Swann advised that she will continue to ensure that there is continuing dialogue with the Commissioner when responses are received. 3 AGENDA ITEM 5A STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD 7 OCTOBER 2019 An update on progress for the data Integrity inspection had been provided and the Chief Constable advised that there is now an increase in recording crime. It was noted that a report will be presented to the meeting of next SPA Board in September. 7. FORWARD PLAN Noted. 8A STRATEGIC PRIORITIY 4 REPORT Mr Peet introduced the presentation which provided an overview of the three Strategic Priority reports relating to Strategic Priority 4, submitted by the OPCC, the Constabulary and Partners. Mr Peet highlighted that Derbyshire had recently received a peer visit from another OPCC area and they were impressed with the partnership element of reporting which provides a third point of triangulation. Supt. G McGill highlighted that the Mental Health Triage Hub (MHTH) had been expanded to include the East Midlands Ambulance Service and to highlight the effectiveness of the hub he provided a case study of a mentally vulnerable individual who can be effectively diverted to the correct care setting. It was noted that there is a commitment from the PCC to invest in this area. The Commissioner To update the advised that he was setting £250k aside for further provision into the MH Triage hub and this Commission of the would also incorporate funds for signposting. The Commissioner asked that he be kept informed recruitment of the on the recruitment of the MHTH to ensure that staff are in place as soon as possible and certainly MHTH to ensure that before March 2020. staff are in place as Supt McGill highlighted the extra support provided by the Liaison and Diversion teams based in soon as possible and the Custody Suites. The team can offer support to mentally vulnerable individuals by offering an certainly before march assessment from an AMHP or a Mental Healthcare Professional to try to ensure they are referred 2020. The to a health based pace of safety. Commissioner also asked to be sent a copy of the JET evaluation when available. 4 AGENDA ITEM 5A STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD 7 OCTOBER 2019 It was noted that the use of applying a Section 136 to detain someone in police custody as a place of safety has been eradicated within Derbyshire – a stark contrast to other police areas. The Commissioner did note however, that if an individual is served a Section 2 and needs to be moved to a health based place of care, the response times can be long before a bed is found. The Commissioner acknowledged that Local Authorities are stretched, but highlighted that this is not correct for those detained and therefore needs to be raised as an issue. ACC Mehmet concurred, stating that these issues can now be raised at the Crisis Care Concordat meetings to try and find a solution to this issue. Internally the Force have promoted Mental Health and well-being with staff within the Force and promoted Blue on the Loo and ALAN (Ask, Listen, Action, Network). DCC Swann was keen to ensure that the Constabulary have a proactive approach to health and well-being for staff. The Commissioner concluded that the reports showed much work ongoing in this area which was positive. He also highlighted that a Mental Health conference had taken place the week previous which had been a success, but he highlighted that there is still much work left to be undertaken. RESOLVED: Direct assurance was gained that this area of business is being managed efficiently and effectively. 9A SPA MEETING DATES 2020 The SPA meeting dates for the remainder of 2019 and 2020 were presented for formal agreement. It was noted that all 2020 dates have been arranged, however, this may change dependent upon the outcome of the PCC elections in May 2020. RESOLVED: The meeting dates were agreed and will be published on the Commissioner’s website. 5 AGENDA ITEM 5A STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ASSURANCE BOARD 7 OCTOBER 2019 11A DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY ACT FUND Mr Dale presented the report to approve the distribution from the Police Property Act Fund 2018/19 including a contribution to Derbyshire Community Foundation (Foundation Derbyshire, also known as ‘DCF’).
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