W T TO B£ ISSUED Twdfth SeriM, VoL HI, No. 14 Wfl RFFFRivcf Friday. Jn^ 3.1998 Audha 12,1920 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Twdfth Lok Sabha) UY ( Vol. Ill contains Nos. 11 to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Shii S. Gopalan Secretary General Lok Sabha Dr. A. K. Pandey Additional Secretary Lol( Sabha Secretariat Shri P.C Bhatt Chief Editor Lol( Sabha Secretariat Shri A. P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Shriniati Kavery Jeswal Assistant Editor [Orioinm. Enqlish PnocEEDMQS iNCLuoEO IN Enolish Version and Original Hindi Proceeoinqs included in Hwdi Version whj. be treated AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.1 CONTENTS Twelfth Series, Vol. Ill, Second Seeelon, 1998/1920 (Sake) No. 14. Friday, July 3. 1998/AsaOta 12, 1920 (Saka) S ubject Columus OBITUARY REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................1-2 ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER....................................................................................................................................2 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS •Starred Questions Nos. 262-281 ...........................................................................................................2-29 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2623-2805 .............................................................................................. 29-272 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA The House may now stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed souls. Friday, July 3, 199a/Asadha 12, 1920 (Saka) 11.03 hrs. The Members then stood in silence for a short while. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock 11.04 hrs. ( Mr. S peaker In the Chair] ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER OBITUARY REFERENCES [English] MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, I have to inform the MR. SPEAKER ; I have to inform the House that as House, with a deep sense of sorrow, to the passing away decided in the Leaders' meeting held today, the House of our esteemed friends, nanr>ely, Sarvashri Chandubhai may sit on Saturday, the 4th July, 1998 in order to provide Deshmukh and E.R. Krishnan. sufficient time for completion of essential Government Business. Shri Chandubhai Deshmukh was a sitting Member of Lok Sabha representing Bharuch parliamentary I hope the House agrees. constituency of Gujarat. Now, the House stands adjourned to meet again He was also a Member of Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh tomorrow, the 4th July, 1998 at 11 a.m. Lok Sabhas representing the same parliamentary constituency. 11.03% hrs. Earlier he was a member of Gujarat Legislative Assembly during 1997-79. He served his home State as WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Cabinet Minister and hold various important portfolios. [English] An able parliamentarian, Shri Deshmukh served on Uniform Banking Regime various Parliamentary Committees during Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Lok Sabhas. *262. DR. MADAN PRASAD JAISWAL : Will the An active political and social worker, Shri Deshmukh Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state : worked for creating awareness among Adivasis with regard to their social oppression and fought relentlessly for their (a) whether Reserve Bank have given enough power cause. to private and Co-operative banks to make seizures and attachments of properties to make recovery to dues to the A man of letters, Shri Deshmukh authored 'Van Devta' banks; (tribal stories) in Gujarati. (b) whether these powers are not given to the Shri Chandubhai Deshmukh passed away on 28 June, Government banks and scheduled banks which act as 1998 at Baroda at the age of 58. hinderance to the recovery of dues as they have to go to recovery tribunals and courts; Shri E.R. Krishnan was a Member of Fifth Lok Sabha representing Salem parliamentary constituency of Tamil Nadu during 1971-77. (c) if so, the reasons for creating anomaly between the Private and Public Sector banks; EarUer he was a member of Tamil Legislative Assembly during 1967-71. (d) whether the Government contemplate to have uniform banking regime in the country; and An able parliamentarian, Shri Krishnan actively participated in the proceedings of the Lok Sabha. (e) if so. the details thereof? A well known social and politbal worker, Shri Krishnan worked hard for upliftment of poor and down-trodden. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI YASHWANT SINHA) : (a) to (c) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has Shri E.R. Krishnan passed away on 13 May, 1997 at reported that under the existing banking laws, public/ Salem, Tam» Nadu, at the age of 75. private sector banks as well as co-operative banks do not have powers for direct seizure, attachment and sale of We deeply mourn the loss of these friends and I am assets of defaulting borrowers to make recovery of dues to sure the House will join me in conveying our condolences the banks. to the bereaved families. Written Answers JULY 3,1998 to Questions (d) and (e) The Recovery of Debts due to Banks and banks. Depositors patronisebanlcsfor a number of reasons Financial Institutions Act 1993 was enacted on 27th August, including the comparative safety of deposits as well as the 1993 to provide for the establishment of Tribunals for the wide variety of services rendered by na^ onalised banks. expenditious adjudication and recovery of debts due to banks and financial institutions. Nine Debts Recovery Marketing and Pricing Poiicy of Coai Tribunals and an Appellate Trbunal have already been set up. Under Section 25 of the Debts Recovery Tribunal Act, *264. SHRI KAMAL NATH: Will the Minister of COAL Recovery Officers have been conferred the powers of be pleased to state ; attachment and sale of movable or immovable property of the defendant. (a) whether there is persistent building up of coal stocks in all the subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd.;, Deposits Attracting Schennes (b) if so, the month-wise increase in Coal stocks vis- *263. COL. SONA RAM CHOUDHARY Will the a-vis production; Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state ; (c) whether this is attributed to ill-conceived marketing (a) whether the functioning of non-bar>king financial and pricing policy of Coal India Ltd.; and companies is adversely affecting the nationalised banks; and (d) if so, the steps proposed to be taken by the Qovemment to streamline the marketing and prksing polfcy? (b) if so, the facts and details thereof and the corrective measures proposed to be taken in this regard? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI YASHWANT COAL (SHRI DILIP RAY): (a) In 1995-96 and 1996-97 the SINHA) : (a) and (b) The role of Non Banking Financial offtake of coal was greater than the production of coal in Companies (NBFCs) in the financial sector is supplementary Coal India as a whole. In the year 1997-98, however, while to the role of banking system in the field of deposit the production was 260.68 million tonnes, the offtake was mobilisation and credit dispensation. The resources slightly less at 260.05 million tonnes. The closing stock mobilised by Non Banking Financial Companies are was 27.5 million tonnes. At the end of May, 1998 the primarily of two types viz. exempted borrowings and closing stock is 25.75 million tonnes. It is therefore not regulated deposits, out of which only regulated deposits correct to state that there is a persistent building up of are similar to bank deposits. stocks in all subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd. Having regard to the size as well as the diversity of (b) The month-wise opening stock, production and functions of nationalised banks, NBFCs do not have a closing stock in the current year in shown in the table significant impact on deposit-taking activities of nationalised below: (Figs. in Lakh tonnes) Compeny April '98 May *98 Opening Production Closing Opening Production Closing Stock Stock Stock Stock ECL 35.91 17.83 30.84 30.84 17.82 28.19 BCCL 59.25 23.38 61.20 61.20 25.26 64.18 CCL 52.04 21.21 46.80 46^0 24.16 45.54 NCL 12.63 24.21 9.30 9.30 25.50 8.72 WCL 22.96 25.71 23.15 23.15 27.31 24.41 SECL 59.88 44.76 57.62 57.62 44.29 54.57 MCL 23.02 35.26 22.90 22.90 34.96 22.07 NEC 9.29 0-94 9.54 9.54 0.50 9.47 CIL 274.98 193.30 261.35 261.35 199.80 257.15 Written Answers 12 ASADHA. 1920 (SAKA) to Questions 6 (c) The CIL has adopted a proactive marketing and THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI YASHWANT pricing policy. SINHA):(a) No Sir. (d) CIL and its subsidiaries have taken several steps (b) A Statement showing the advances of nationalised to innprove marketing of coal. banks to be recovered as on 31.3.97 (latest available) is enclosed. (I) All power stations seeking linkage of coal for (c) and (d) Banks have been advised to forumulate the Ninth Plan have been provided the linkage. loan recovery polk:y, reduce NPAs through recovery and (ii) A Legally Enforceable Contract to mutual negotiate/settlement, set up recovery cells at Head Offrcers, satisfaction has been entered into between CIL take recourse to Debt Recovery Tribunals and keep in view group of companies and the Steel Authority of the list of defaulters/suit filed accounts. Other steps taken India for the supply of coking coal. to recover the NPAs are annual discussion with top executives of the nationalised banks, strengthening of (iii) Linkages to new consumers and enhancement credit management, fixing staff accountability etc. of linkages to existing consumers have been Government had appointed a Committee under the accorded tothe extent of more than 13 M.T. per Chairmanship of Shri Pannir Selvam, Chairman, Indian annum. Banks' Association to go into the causes of NPAs and to (iv) Periodic meetings are held at several places suggest remedial action.
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