THETUFTS DAILY Volume XXXIX, Number 49 \Where You Read It First Friday, November 19,1999 I Students cheat the registration system Freshmen utilize flaws in time- selection monitoring, regster early by DANIEL BARBARIS1 companiedtwo separate freshmen Daily Editorial Board when they attempted to register The second day of registration early in the afternoon. In each in- was atypical one. Seniors, juniors, stance, the freshmen coasted sophomores, and freshmen waited through the process unques- in long lines for their chance to tioned, enrolled in all their classes, pick classes for next semester. and walked out among the juniors Typical, that is, except for the fact and seniors. that no freshmen should be regis- “They never checked my ID or tering until late afternoon on the took any measures to make sure third day, and those are only the that I was registering at the cor- lucky ones. rect time,” said one of the fresh- Due to insufficient safeguards men. “There was one person on the registration process, a num- checking students as they came ber offreshmen registered during in, and she let students in even the day today, and some sopho- when they told her they didn’t Photo by Daniel RodnQues mores and juniors also registered have their e-mails confirming their Retired Tufts professors were honored yesterday at a Professor Emeritus luncheon, before their scheduled times the times.” The e-mails in question were held in the Coolidge Room. past two days. Daily editors ac- - the only security measures in place to check registration times: a self- printed listingofastudent’s regis- EPC requirement proposals ready soon tration time. Supposedlyamanda- tory form, few students were actu- Committee on Curricula readv/ to cooperate to develop proposals ally asked to produce the e-mail, and students were turned away by Curricula in the upcoming weeks. no RACHELRUBENSON or forced to register later for lack of Senior Staff Writer The faculty could be given the The stringency of Tufts’ foun- chance to vote on them as early as one. dation and distribution require- December. Once directed to a computer, ments for the College of Liberal According to Inouye, the EPC the freshmen were able to register Arts has been the source of fre- designed three different options: unimpeded. Thecomputer system quentdiscussion lately, as the Edu- a proposal that maintains the sta.- that registers students lists no cation Policy Committee (EPC) tus quo, another that identifies information butthe student’s name nears completion on a menu of what are viewed as minor prob- and ID number. proposals to alter the graduation lems with the current requiremen1.s “Once you got past the check- criteria. In the midst of these dis- and makes small changes, and a point, the screen listing my name cussions, a debate emerged be- third option, which Inouye de:- had no information on my class tween the EPC and the Committee scribed as “more creative,” which year, my major, or my number of on Curriculaoverwhichgroup has would make more drastic changes. credits; there was no way to tell I the authority to formulate propos- The details of the proposals wasn’tajunior,”thefreshman said. als on changes in requirements. have not yet been released. How- As word got around campus, more Both the EPC and the Commit- ever, according to Ross and and more students began to take tee on Curricula are student-fac- Zandman, much ofthe EPC debate Photo by Kate Cohen advantage of the opportunity to ulty committees made up of pro- focused on reducing the language The Education Policy Committee, after sifting through docu- register in advance. fessors from a wide array of de- requirement and altering the cul- ments pertaining to distribution requirements, is preparing ‘‘I’ve heard from many other freshmen that there were a great partments. Student representa- ture option as well as redefining to pass its recommendationson to the Committee on Curricula. tives, including TCU senators the world civilizations require- numberofpeople whogotwordof Jesse Levey, Erin Ross, and Dan ment. One idea discussed by the a distribution requirement. everyone,” he said. “The discus- the lack ofsecurity in the registra- Zandman, serve as full-voting EPC was replacing the world civi- During the EPC discussions, a sion about what the distribution tion process and just went and members on both committees. lizations requirement with a new dispute between the EPC and the and foundation requirements in registered before their times,” the In ameetingheldMonday,Nov. “world culture and diversity” re- Committee on Curriculaemerged. the LA&J should be, I believe freshman said. quirement. The “world culture and The Committee on Curricula felt should have originated in the Com- Assistant to the Registrar Rita diversity”requirement would man- that it was the proper body to mittee on Curricula instead ofthe Sollitto said the staffwere aware date that students take two formulate proposals on changing EPC.” of the problem and knew of at courses from two ofthree subject requirements. Martin Guterman, Two factors contributed to the least one freshman who had reg- areas - western, non-western, who chairs the Committee on Cur- disagreement over who has the istered at the wrong time. In re- and diversity. ricula, explained that the EPC is authority to change requirements. sponse to the problem, the One drawback to the “world designed to handle issues relating The mission statements of both Registrar’s office plans to seek culture and diversity” proposed Tarts and sciences as well as engi- committees, as set forth by their out students who registered ille- plan is that it would increase re- neering, while the Committee on bylaws, overlap in some areas. gally and eliminate them from the quirements instead of reducing Curricula focuses on issues in- Additionally, until this semester, courses in which they are now them. Toremedythis,theEPCpro- volving the College of Liberal at which point Guterman took over enrolled. “We are deleting them out of L posed allowing courses which Arts and Jackson College (LA&J). ascommitteechair, the Comdittee fulfill the world culture and diver- “Ifmy interpretation is correct, on Curricula had not been inter- their courses and we will notify sity requirementto also be counted then graduation requirements of ested in the issue of graduation them that they will have to regis- - toward completing distribution LA&J are the business of LA&J requirements. ter attheirregulartime,” Sollitto requirements. Currently, a course and belong in the Committee on Guterman said, however, that said, adding that ifthe number of that counts as a foundation re- Curricula,except ifthey’re discuss- there is no tension between the freshmen who registered was quirement cannotbeusedto fulfill ing it in a context that belongs to two committees and said the con- large enough, additional correc- flict was resolved amicably. tive measures might be taken. Photo by Kate Cohen ‘LWehave been in contact - 1 Though the students will be EPC Co-chair Charles Inouye Hip H went to one of their meetings and forced to register again, disci- Ru thechairofEPC cametooneofmy plinary action will not be taken 15, EPC members completed de- meetings. I feel as if we both un- against them. bate on the requirement propos- derstand how things are proceed- While the freshmen will soon als. Now EPC Co-chair Charles ing from this point,”Guterman said. be delet::! from their illega’!y reg- Inouye is in the process of draft- “I’m afraid that whatever I did at istered classes, nothing can be ingareportthatoutlinesthe differ- firstwas interpretedas ‘Hey, I want done about sophomores and jun- . ent cptions and provides the ra- this turf,’ and that’s not the way I iors who registered slightly earlier tionale for changing the gradua- meant it. I wantedtomakesurethat than their appointed times. In ad- tion criteria. The EPC had origi- it came through my committee,” he dition, ifearly registration by fresh- nally hoped to present its propos- said. “I wanted to make sure that in men filled up spots, thus closing b als at theNov. 29 faculty meeting, the future, people bring these is- out certain courses, juniors and but the timetable has been ex- sues to the committee. 1 never in- sophomores who have already tended, and the EPC plans to send registered have no opportunity to the proposals to the Committee on see EPC, page 14 rectify their schedules. 2 THETUFTS DAILY November 19,1999 The Daily Weekend Weather Forecast Today Tomorrow I Sunday Germany seeks role in A Partly Sunny Mostly Cloudy Few Showers reshaping stock trading High: 58 Low: 61 High: 54 NEW YORK -For the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market, the most visible threat born oftechnology has been the Milder air will be with us for some time, possibly through next week. Highs little start-ups that duplicate what they do for a fraction of the cost. on Friday and Saturday will be near 60, slightly cooler with some clouds and But even these aspiring electronic exchanges are dwarfed by a showers on Sunday. There are no major storms or cold air outbreaks in sight, much more ominous rival on the other side of the Atlantic. something which bodes well for Thanksgiving traveling. Check for more on Representatives of Deutsche Boerse Group, the parent of that in Monday’s Daily. Germany’s biggest stock exchange, have been sweeping through Weather forecast by Daily Washington Correspondent Andrew f reedman Wall Street, proposing to install terminals that could ultimately link - US traders to bidders - and blue-chip stocks - overseas. They have talked to Nasdaq about a joint venture. And they have re- quested an exemption from Securities and Exchange Commission rules that bar foreign corporations from trading in the United States.
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