FRIDAY June 3, 1910 4 THE SEATTLE REPUBLICAN People's Savings Bank. Edward C. Neuf elder. Prest. X J. Reekie, Vice Prest. Jos. I. ureenleaf, Caahlar ITEMS MOEE OR LESS INTERESTING Incorporated Dec. ltth, 1889. Commercial davinga and Trust General Bank and Excnaii^e. Maryland being a slave holding WM t»n»'B»S IB »lld P«« puooog \u25a0•»<>O Nearly bbies under one a carriage occupied by the wife to life imprisonment. 300.000 state and Pennsylvania a free year of age every year in the of a local doctor and another The Prussian state railways FED&AL EPAINT die state. At that time the crossing The effort to woman, and had a severe spill, have built a huge tank into which United States. of this line meant freedom to AND through whereupon the young man said: may be run and sealed for save babies must come a car the fugitive slave. WALL PAPER CO. have in- "damn it." The woman had him complete disinfection, both inside the mother. She must The application as made by 1314 First Aye., Arcade Annex M the babies arrested and the justice fined him out, by gas. shopping bat structions when and formalin Randolph drew to Ma- close to the center, and she must have five dollars for using an obscene attention Just outside of the high rents. need care '. Boston's shopping district sub- son and Dixon'sLine all over the We can give you better value for placed in her reach good milk word. It would be rather a pity your money. way, which cost $10,000,000 is country as indicative of a bar of when her own fails. Did we say to fine every American young mile of un- A complete new stock of goods poluted his mouth with the most expensive freedom. now in. must? Yes, must, if we are to man who derground railway in the world. We do satisfactory painting, pa- develop the iHea of true neigh- the naughty, naughty word. pering, kalsomining, etc., at reason* dry in the AMUSEMENTS able prices. borliness. Of the thirty docks large enough bat- Estimates cheerfully furnished OB of the large cities of Eng- world to hold request. "will our descendants eat ? Some Dreadnought type, "Why Leave Home" is land lead the world in the num- tleships of the Girls Use the phones— They will feed themselves, but have i bill the Thea- ber of unkempt, miserable drunk- England and her colonies the new at Seattle Main 2304 Ind. 3913 will they eat?" asks a writer, the United State has ter, to follow Chinatown Charlie, en and depraved women. ten and who has given the art of dining nine. which closes a big week this ev- GILHAM-LYSONS REALTY CO., much time, we don't know, but There has been quite a differ- Loans, Investments, in a rare form, with ening. This new play, one just Insurance. if they try as earnestly as we ence in opinion in the Brother- Chorea stock, H. E. Gilham. J. W. Lyson«. which Ralph Madison, sixteen released to is by Fred have tried and the price of things hood of Locomotive Firemen and Summerfield, and it is one that Main 3044. Ind. 1688. year old son of a wealihy Palo eatable continues to go as it has Engineers regarding the advis- pro- , Alto rancher, was afflicted has has been most successfully MeGraw & Kittinger. gone with us, we believe our de- ability of firemen being liable for duced all over the country by big been cured by electrijity. The Estate will be glad to simply train orders. Some held that the having Real scendants boy dog and road companies. Besides Insurance to fancied he was a and feed themselves. firemen should be allowed periodically more than the usual quota of in- read the orders for their own under this delusion 59 Colman Blk.. Phone Main 696 The graduate from Easter col- and otherwise deported teresting scenes and situations it "personal safety" but the pre- barked story, leges this- year are preparing to himself as a dog. This lasted possesses an interesting AFree Trip to Seattle and Return. vailing sentiment of the Brother- is be at the wear very simple gowns. "Ed- two years when an electric belt one which claimed to Let's Bust the State Dental Trust. hood is that there should be two same time a big moral lesson. _^55Pak% Take a tripto Seattle and let ucation seems to help," says one was made for him and upon the me save you the price ofyour like the Indian, men on a locomotive with coord- The principal feminine role in JuOMMNIP^-^. tripon your dental work. Yon writer. Alas, least syptom of an attack a nurse fi^P "TVvMW save a dollar, I make a dollar of going back to inate responsibility for the safe this new piece in which a great Vfi? and the State Dental Monopoly who is accused turned on the electricity. The KgL-:w> Wbf wil! 'ose two dollars when Ido those girls will soon operation of trains. deal of work has been given, and \u25a0War fj^lWM your dental work. Have your his blanket, shocks have restored him to his T .^jji WW dental work done now while will afford Miss Tyrell, the new 1 -L' JL- the dental war ison. My offices forget those graduating gowns According to a new law in normal condition. it W'tsb\u25a0"". W have been established at 713 by addition- leading woman of Russell & v«^ y'f First Aye., in the Union Block, and atone for them Switzerland a married woman is 1 Bedford, for 18 years. Ido not compete Jackson Younger, a splendid with cheap dentists, but with the high-class dent- bibs and tucks in their evening hug- Drew company, a 8 al entitled to one-third of her Ind., farmer, has an eight year ists forhalf their price. Open evenings until and dresses. However, they will property. chance to display her best abili- Sundays until 4 forpeople whowork. band's old brood mare that has given EDWIN J. BROWN, D.D.S. A very sweet in their simple ties. Why Girls Leave Home Seattle, look grand daughter of Ralph birth to twin mule colts. The in- 713 First Avenue WaslQ The will run all week at the Seattle Read my article in Sunday's and Monday*! dresses after all. Mr. P.-I. Waldo Emerson, Miss Ellen Em- cident is an unusual one. with matinees Sunday, Thursday Times and Star. An recently showed erson, is a nurse in the Younger says that to his know- ex-convict trained and Saturday. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE up Ihe police headquarters and General Hospital ledge this has occurred but once State of Washington, for King County at Massachusetts J. M. Bnyeart, Plaintiff, vs. name of De- said: "I want to go back to pris- in Boston. She also gives health before in this country. I.S3H 3HX AAS fendants, and all persons unknown If you you any, having or claiming an interest on as I was happy there. I have talks before women's clubs and If want a safe which In and to the hereinafter described of the Hall Safe & Lock Co.'s, real property, defendants.—No. friends there and I am home sick similar groups of women. AND DIXON'S Notice and Summons. MASON manufactured by the Herring- State of Washington to the above de- for the place where I have lived LINE Safe Co., for which fendants and each of them: sounds The blow of a baseball on his Hall-Marvin You and each of you, as owners, for twenty years." It know Has No Superior, buy one claimants or holders of an interest or head has made William Miller of estate in and to the hereinafter described like the cry of a hungry soul. we are the sole agents. real property, are hereby notified that Raritan, N. J., lapse from a Dr. The historic Mason and Dixon's the above named plaintiff is the holder Hungry for love and kindness. PURCELL SAFE CO. of several certain delinquent tax certifi- Jekyll, of highest moral rectitude name that was given to by the time come some Line is a Bldg., cates issued the treasurer of the city Perhaps will Hyde kleptoman- Penn- Prefontaine Prefontain of Seattle and tSate of Washington for will into a Mr. with the southern boundaries of King- County, dated August 5, 1908 and day when the ex-convict Place and Yesler Way number for the delinquent taxes the ic instincts. The shock of learn- sylvania about 150 years ago. It years for him envir- 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908. 1909 situ- have thrown around R. L. WHITE, INC., ated in said city of Seattle in ing his reprehensible Hyde traits coincides with 39 degrees 43 min- King County onments, will not only re- Publishers. and State of Wash- which Jekyll side of north lati- Printers and ington, described as follows, to-wlf has effected Dr. utes and 263 seconds Lot 1, Block 6, Rainier move memories of his has been, All Work Guaranteed. addition, Boulevard Millerso his health is imperiled. tude. amount, $60.91; Lot 23 Block but inspire him with a healthy Phone Main 8127. 1320 Arcade Way. 1. South Byron addition, $72.61: Lot 6 He is with the fear that Block 3, Cedar Grove addition, $28 15: seized Except for a distance of 22 Seattle, Washington. North 30 feet Lot 8, Block 40, desire for his future outlook. Seattle Central the lapses may become perman- miles the line was marKed out by addition, $56.86; Lot 13, Block DENNY-RENTON CLAY & 10, Byron addition, $28.73; Lot 4, Block reads of the perfecting of ent.
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