August 2004 Check us out at our web site: TROLLEY LINES www.sdera.org SDERA’s STREETCAR-ON-WHEELS SCORES HOME Inside this issue: RUN AT NATIONAL CITY CAR SHOW!! FUND BEGINS! amounts to hundreds of volun- teer hours, and it shows that we Coronado Belt Line 2 CAN DO! needs your help on Finish-the-Trolley Fund: September 7th We are near the 85% point in terms of “finishing” this street- Car 1043, San Diego 2 car-on-wheels project. It will be “finished” when both the engine Vet, and a huge chal- and transmission are adjusted lenge properly and are dependable; when the instrument cluster Photo spread: our VW 3 Left to right: works; when the all of the seats streetcar’s success- restoration genius Gene Calman, are properly mounted; when the ful Makeover operator/Prez Jim Price, and driver’s seat is repaired; when astonished National City Mayor the “trolley poles” on top of the Nick Inzunza strike proud poses. vehicle are fixed; when the elec- Vintage Trolley res- 4 tro-hydraulic system operates toration: are we up to the doors and steps; when the Mayor Inzunza climbs on around the park said, “This is exactly it? doors are painted properly; and board and says what we need to entertain VIPs and so on. [Gene has THE list!] important visitors. This is really Upcoming August & 4 “This is really hot!” We’re now at a point where we hot!” It was indeed a proud day for September Events for need professional help [literally] By Jim Price SDERA! to get some of these jobs done. [See photo spread on page 3]… Getting the vehicle to the parade So I’m hereby establishing a Secret of our success: 5 “It’s so cute!” “What a classic!” and car show was the direct result of “Finish the Trolley “You had me fooled, I thought it YOU being involved! Herculean efforts by a number of with the goal of col- really was a streetcar on an auto Fund” Here’s how SDERA members, most notably lecting $1000 by September chassis.” These and many other Gene Calman, with additional help 1, 2004. I’m contributing comments of praise were heard from Chuck Bencik, John Dunn, the first $100. Contribute University Ave. Trolley 5 at the National City Automobile Ed Herold, new member Tom whatever you can; it all adds up. feasible; Sprinter is Heritage Days on August 1 as Jenkins, Gary Johnson, Jim Papu- Send a check to SDERA, Box people “oohed” and “aahed” out of the blocks las, Jim Price, Bob Recks, Stuart 89068, San Diego, CA 92138, over our VW Streetcar-on- Rudick, Charles Smith, Mike and specify “Finish the Trolley Wheels. And to top it off, at the Wright and the Madison Hi kids. fund” on the check. Thanks in · Back page: LA thinks end of the day, Mayor Nick [Apologies if anyone’s been omitted]. advance for your help. Inzunza hopped aboard the The “sweat equity” in this vehicle every seaport needs a streetcar, and while taking a ride trolley line! (They do!) JIM ANDERSON SPEARHEADS MAJOR DEPOT UPGRADE San Diego Electric Railway Association If you haven't been to the ble amount of junk, organ- · Jim Price, President Depot for a while, you'll ized upstairs office spaces, · Mike Reading, Vice President moved display cases and scarcely recognize the inte- · Tom Matson-Secretary rior, both upstairs and down- exhibits, and brought stairs. With an almost single- out some of our "interesting" · Richard Hamilton, Treasurer handed effort, Jim Anderson stuff that’s been too long · Directors: Gene Calman, has truly been an "energizer squirreled away in dark cor- Gary Johnson, Paul Pakus bunny" helping us go from a ners. Thanks, Jim Ander- · Chris Higgins, Webmaster “collection of stuff” to a smart, son! Thanks too to George · George Geyer, Bookstore professional looking museum. Geyer; and to Mark Montijo He’s hauled away an incredi- for the SP baggage cart. · Chuck Bencik, Editor Page 2 SDERA TROLLEY LINES Future in doubt for Coronado Belt Line… You can help keep Historic Designation at Sept. 7 Appeal … be there at 10:00 am, 12th Floor, 202 C Street, S.D. This story can fit 150-200 words. You can also research articles or find “filler” articles by accessing One benefit of using your news- the World Wide Web. You can letter as a promotional tool is write about a variety of topics that you can reuse content from but try to keep your articles other marketing materials, such short. as press releases, market studies, and reports. Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used While your main goal of distrib- for your Web site. Microsoft uting a newsletter might be to Publisher offers a simple way to sell your product or service, the convert your newsletter to a key to a successful newsletter is Web publication. So, when making it useful to your readers. you’re finished writing your A great way to add useful con- newsletter, convert it to a Web tent to your newsletter is to site and post it. 0-4-0 Rhode Island tank engine develop and write your own No. 719 on the Coronado articles, or include a calendar of Strand in 1887. Photo: H. R. upcoming events or a special Fitch. Map from Ralph Forty, offer that promotes a new prod- San Diego’s South Bay Interurban uct. “...This designation was made by their From Save Our Heritage Organi- must uphold this designation … in San Diego. Remember the city own Historical zation (SOHO) Reflections News- This council has not upheld any has no legal grounds to de- letter, July 2004: historical designations to date… designate a property, however, Resources Board they do it anyway. This has im- “On September 7th the City of and supported by “The Coronado Railroad served portant ramifications for all fu- San Diego City Council will hear the Hotel Del Coronado and ture designations. We cannot every major an appeal to de-designate this residents of the city, both com- allow this to continue. Please important treasure of San historical muter and tourist. This historic mark your calendar now for Diego’s cultural past. This desig- rail corridor served in WWII, September 7th at 202 C St., organization and nation was made by their own connecting North Island with San San Diego, 12th floor, at 10 Museum in San Historical Resources Board and Diego. It[s historic designation] a.m. You do not have to speak supported by every major his- Diego…” is now threatened by new devel- but it is very important to be torical organization and Museum opment… Legally, the council there for a show of hands.” SDERA Reps Inspect ex-San Diego Car No. 1043 at WRM; Condition probably too far gone for restoration In the mid ’40s, veteran Hoping to bring home a World Car 1043 was built in 1905 for the closed wood and steel cars were Car 1043 made an ex- War II San Diego trolley, SDERA’s New York’s Metropolitan Street scrapped in 1947, except for Car ceptional run on Mission Jim Price, Mike Reading, Railway. Among 20 Brill cars sold 1043, which was sold to WRM Hills Route 3. and Stuart Rudick flew to in 1942 to SDERy by the Third (A.K.A. the Bay Area Electric Railway the Western Railway Mu- Avenue Railway, it filled an ur- Association.) Moved from San Diego seum (WRM) in Suisun gent need as San Diego’s War- to the Bay in 1947, it was thought to City, CA. last month. They time population swelled. The be in running condition. The commit- saw a rare car in need of noisy cars mainly served the 4, 5, tee had hoped to make a deal on the much rehabilitation. Un- 9, and 12 routes, including San 99 year old car. It had been stored fortunately, timing and the Diego’s ferry landing. At 45,000 indoors for the last 10 years. lack of long-term local lbs., with double B-39E1 trucks Pres. Jim Price “much appreciated storage and restoration and two Westinghouse motors, the warm hospitality offered by facilities played decisively they were among the largest chairman Bill Kluver and electric car in a recommendation to trolleys in San Diego: 46’ 11” Superintendent David Johnston.” pass up the opportunity. long, 44 seat capacity. Most of AUGUST 2004 Page 3 High priced labor: Gene, Jim and Gary put their backs into it. “Full Monty” audition? Gene Calman: “Well, at least it runs….” Jim Price bumps, Gary Johnson grinds Photos: Stu Rudick and Chuck Bencik — Lead story on page 1: Jim and Gene: “Copper Clapper” caper? The Goal is Met! — Sez Prez. Getting there was half the fun?????? Scenes from an Extreme Makeover ... Bob Recks and some of his handi- work: window frames and seats “In the Parade:” The goal is met! SDERA’s Streetcar-on-Wheels is in the National City Automobile Heritage Days parade on August 1. At the subse- quent car show, hundreds of people showered compliments on the vehicle Gene in the Driver’s Seat – “It’s so cute!” said one. Photo below by Jim Price Jim Price attends to the details Without Gene Calman’s shop, tools, and experi- ence, we couldn’t have done it! Many, many thanks, Gene! Page 4 SDERA TROLLEY LINES Opinion: Car 1043 has possibilities; but are we up to the challenge? By Stuart Rudick were surprised and somewhat over- whelmed by the immensity of the project. Is it doable? Yes, I think it Recently three of us visited the might be.
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