
'~t Union Bank, ,re rrork hard to eam your tnlst. '' -Henry A. Leslie Presidentand ChiefExecutive Officer Union Bank works closely with many Alabai11a attorneys in the adn1inistrationof tn.1stsand estates. Our investment capabilities have increased dr-amatically in the past yeai· by the adrution of a state-of-the-rut con1puterized system. As Alabaina's largest independent bank, we control all Otu' investment processing with in the Trust Depaitment to assure constai1t attention and complete con.fidentialily for your clients . We invite your questions about Union Bank's trust services. Our eiqJerienced trust officers will be glad to ruscuss any business , financia l or adJninistrative aspect of the se1vices we provide. 11111>11 BAnK & TRUST: ..,&RR> C 60 Commerce Street Montgome1y, Alabaina 36104 (205) 265-8201 TURN DAMAGE into• DOLLAR$ Determinin g Disability and Personal Injur y Dama ge - Medical Evaluation for Trial Lawyers by j. Stanley McQuade LLB., M.D., Ph.D. Many lawyers presently rely on computer services and/or past cases co determine compensation J REW ARD YOUR CLIENT and YOURSELF I with chis modern tool which contains several hundred illustrations. You will be able co explain rhe complexities of Medical Evidence co ultimately achieve TRUE, JU ST, and ADEQUA T E COMPE NSATI ON. -------------------------------------------·ORDER FORM Ple.t$Cent er my order for ~termining Oisabllicy and Perso nal tnjury Damage. as indicuccl below . On cash sales there ts no hand ling charge and The HnrriS()n Company will J>:lYposr:age or freight. Handling charges plus postage or freight will be:added to all other sales..Georgia, Florida, and Mississ.ippi residenu add app licable tax . -Determining 01.5abiliryand PCJ"SOnalInju ry Damage - Mtdical Evaluation for Tria l Lawyen 270410 ••.•••..•••.•..•••.•.•...•.•••••.•.••.••• ............................................................ ........ .......................................................................... .... .... .... .......... $89.95 -8i ll Per!IOnalAccount -8ill Firm Account _Check Enclosed A«o unt tt __________ Firm------ --------------------- Namc------- - - ---- - - -------------------- - - --~ Address------------------- - - -----------------~ Cicy/Statc/Zip ________________________________ ____ _ Dat~--------~ ignatur,e __________________________ 84· 10 THEM HAHIUSONCOMPANY. PUBLISH HRS }110 C rl)s,$tng Park • PO Oox 7SOO• Norc;r0$$, GA J0091·7 SOO r'ubloocd H,moruhly by THE NOVEMBER 1'bc Allblm:i Slate 11,.1,- 1•.o. Rox4156 MontJt()fflcry. AL :15101 f'tionf' (200)21i9151S Ro'*"' A. ll uUuker Editor Carol Ann Snlith Jen Nnwe.LI Associate Edi1or M~naging F..ditor BOARD OF EDITOR S Phillip it Adams.Jr .. Ope:lika• Robcr1r . Denniston, Mobik • Susan S. 0c.rao1a.,.1ootgonk'1)' • PaLtickII. Ctaves..Jr.. Hunts,•ille • Francis II. Mart-.Jr .• Birmins;:· ham • kobcrt H. Kracke, Birmingham • Champ Lyons.Jr .. Mobile • <;ro\·er$. Md.ecd. Birmins;:ham• Kt!ilh B. Norman, Mon1gomery • Robert I_ Pons.Tus­ caloosa • L. Drew Redden,8 irm1ngh:11u• RoinaineS. Scott Ill, Mobile• Julia S1'nc.."Cls,Birmingham • J. l\1ark Whilt. PinsbuJ'gh • Stevt"n I.. \Yi!SC.1· uscaloosa • Rotx-rt G. Esdalc. Ex officio. Monlgomery • J.0. Sen· tell. Emeritus. 1\1ontgomcry OFFICER S \Ynher R. 8)'3~. ~1anigonM:cy• l1tts.1dc:nl James I.. Nonh. Birmingham• Pre:sidcn1-c~t Joe C. Cassady. Enlcrprise • Vicepresident ReginaklT . 11.a.mnt.•r. Monlgomcry • Secret3ry BOARDOFCOMMI SSIONERS lst Cin:uil. Edward P. Tumef',Jr .. Ch,,toin • 2nd Cir, cuit, I'. Rkhard Hartley. Cretn\'1Ue • 3rd Circui1,J , Conn.in Hoos.Ion.Jr.• b:ufaub • 4th Circuit, I Larry W. Gamble.Jr .• Seim<'!• !ith Circuit, Frrd I), Cray, ·rus­ Protection Again s t kfgt't' • 6th Cin;uit. \Valtcr P. Crowoovt'f. TuscaJoo. S<'I• 71h Cin.,'Uit,H . \Yayne Lo\'e.Anniston • 8lh Cir· Intentional Breach of cuh. AJ. Coleman, Decatur • 91h Circui1, \\'illiam I), Scruggs. Jr., FL Payne • 10th Circuit. \V:i.rren 8. Contract Lightfoot, Sirmingh.1m• I hh Circuil. Robert ~1. UiU, Jr .• Florence • 12th Citcuit.Jue C. Cou;..'Gld)' , 1-:ntcrpri­ -p g. 320 se • 13th Cirtuit, Bt..."11M. Harris. Jr., Mc)bilc • 14th Cin.'.Uh.Robert 1'. Wilson, Sr .•Ja."pcr • 15th Circui1, In our complex society, unsatisfac ­ John 8. Scott.Jr .. Mcmtgonll.·ry • 16th Circui,. l.udlC(!I' tory contractua l relation s lrec1uent ly D. ~1ar1in.Cad!iden • 17th Cireui1. Rkh:n·d S. Man· le)'. Oc:m(IIX>.lis• l&h Cin,.'\.lil,Olh·cr 1:.. Head. Colurn­ lead to litigation. The tradi tional breach bi.1nn• 191h Circui1,JohnlloltisJockson.Jr .• Clanton of comracL claim may now be supp le­ • 20th Cin.'Uil,\Y :,de Ra.xii:.')',Oolhan • 21st Circuit, BrooxG. Gal"f'ttl,Brewton • 22nd Cin:uit. llarold Al· mented with tort theories. britton. Andalusia • ZJrd Circuit. Gary C. lluck:tby, HuntS\'iOc• 241hCitl'Uit, 1.. E. Gus.,.Vernon • 2S1h Circuit. NdsClf1Vinson. llamihon • 26th Circul1, Bowen II. Rr.u;..s;cll.Phenix Ci1y • 27th Circuil. Chark.~ R. Hare.Jr .. Alhcrt\'ille • 28th Circuit.J . Oon Fostcr. Foley • 29th Circui1, llucl ~1. Lo\ 'C., Tallade­ ga • 30th Circuil, UJ. lotc.Pherson.Oneorna • 31s.i Circuil, Corman R. Jones. Sheffield• 32nd Circuit. On the Cover John Oavid Knight. Cullman • 33rd Circuil. Edward \V. lb;:wt.•U,Gcnc, •3 • 341h Circ:uit.R~icr IL.Bcdfard, Pictured on the cover is a fall scene Sr., ~u~ ll\•illc • 35lh Circuit. \Yindcll C. Owt.'fts, Monf'be\"illt• 361h Circuit, O.L M.ani n, ~toulton in Scottsboro, Alabama. The photo • 37ch Circuit, rhiltip £ . Adam!!.J r .. Opelika • 381h was taken by Scottsboro attorney John Circuh. John f". f'ru:lor. Stousboro • 39th Cin:uil, William Bruce Sherrill, Ath ens Proctor, a partner in the law firm of Thoma s and Proctor and lhe bar com­ GENERAL INFORMATIO N missioner representing the 38th Judi­ Tht• Al.1b:11n11L .nwy,...r, 1htolfl(U I pubhr111iooof1hrAl.lbi1nri1, cial Circuit. Stntr Rar. tl 11ubh:,JIC'd,ix 1,mc.-,:1 )~r .n 1ht,nl(lnlhu:,fJ11nu ary, t.11111,'.h. ~lay.July. &,, lt>mbrt and ~l!'lnlx-r. Vi....-•11.1nd mnr lui-Mlntl('llPf".",~ rn nr1i(trf he~" Ill\• 1ho!,cuC 1 hc-au· 1h!n., 1'111tllft'l'~,canly IOOM'ilf the>flmnl of l-::diHJ1'5,lllr1ttno(or fl(Qrd ti Ctitln11isslotic!'f1!1lhl· Abbtmu Slat(" K.u, Legal Ass istant s Sub6criJ1h(111.s: Abl1un11S1111r &r mt•n1brr,;nff1\t Thie At11. b;Jm:1 I.UWJ't"r a1o t:"" ,, 1tw.r al'll'lu.'dduo IJ,1yn1t'fll. Non Increas e Productivity ml'ffllll'r ,ub:lntpli11n:1 • fl' $ If. :i )'ctir ,n •he Ul'lilcd Slnta t11btni~,.$!() . 111.imlllri l bepn•piid. Sing l~· ii-1,u<1oa~S:I.plld ll(l!ltll&\' , -pg. 334 Ach't'tl~lnst ta l c,, "'ill be-fut11i!<MIupon ri;,111,:,¢1. Ach't'f1iSiflB'. ropy Kotriv lly ft'\·it'~·cd. but 111.1blicl tlon hc'""n dtit, not TIC" Docs your office need a paralegal? tNl&:lrlly ,mpl)' t'nlk>fM'l!'ll'IU "' arty 1ll'«lul'I I'll' !il:h"ltt offon~. Paralegals can ease the lawyer's burden et'IIP)TIKIU 19tU. ·nlC"A l:1ti;rm~ S!t1r l\iir. AU tlicht, f(Sl'f'\ t.'tl. ISSN(XIQ2-1287 . of work whi le maximiziqg profits. 314 /1lc>1•,11,i/N!rJ 984 1984 ISSUE IN BRIEF Special Thanks A special thanks for contributions to this issue: Roben r. Adams , James W. Cameron.James J. Can er, Leslie McCaffen y, and Charles N. Parnell lfl. Upcoming March 1-2, 1985 Annabe lle's Dilemma Alabama Stale Bar Midyear Meet ing -p g. 336 Montgomery Judge Robert L. Hodges' short story, "Annabell e's Dilemma - A Chri stmas Jul y 25-27 , 1985 Story." is published inside. Thi s story Alabama State Bar wa s runner -up in Th e Alabama Law­ Annual Meeting yer Short Story Contest. Huntsville Th e Tax Reform Act of 1984 Regular Fea tur es -pg . 357 President 's Page . .. ... .. .... 316 Even lawyers who do not specialize Executi ve Director's in the tax field are frequentl y called Report ..... .... .... .. .... 317 upon to counsel with clients on tax Riding the Circuits . .... ..... 325 related matters . Knowledge of the Legislative Wrap -Up .. .... .. 327 change included in the Tax Reform Act Th e Lighter Side of Law ...... 328 is imperati ve if competent legal advice CLE Opportu niUes ...... ... 342 is Lo be rendered. CLE News .... ....... .. ... .. 344 About Members. Among Firms .. .... .. .. ........ .. 346 Making Tradition s at Committee Repon .. ......... 348 Profiles ....... ............... 350 the Law School Recent Decisions .... ........ 352 -pg. 351 Young Lawyers· Section ...... 361 Man y Alabama lawyer s hav e fond Opions of the remembranc es of Mrs. Anna S. Pitts General Counsel .. ..... .... 363 who. as registrar for the University of Disciplinary Report ... .. .. 36ti Alabama School of Law. provided a In Memoriam . .. .......... .. .. 368 base of support for them during their Class ifieds .................... 371 years al law school. Th4!Afaba,,, a f..4wyer 315 c.rresideflt's c.rage BYARS he primar y role of the Ala· t he regulation of lawyers by the Fed· ua l problems and suggested solutions . bama Sta ie Bar is to improve eral Tr ade Commission. Its organiza · On October l, as your president, I T our profession and our system tion has been held out as a model to participated in the opening of courts of justice. Th e viable active state bar those of the othe r areas of the country. ceremony , including the Red Mass con· organization is moving forward at a T he similari ty of problems facing ducted at St. Peter's Catholic Church rapid pace with the identification of lawyers. the legal systems and ~he bar in Montgomery. our problems and a sea rch for solu­ associations in our sister states is In addition to these meetings. we are tions and innovative approaches to the amazing. The exchange of ideas con· dedicated to the idea of taki ng our pro­ needs of our profession , of our legal cerning the problems and especially gram to the grass roots.
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