1893. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1591 table, I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of county of Hamilton and State of Tennessee, in the place of John executive business. W. Stone, removed. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the William Y. C. Hannum, to be postmaster at Maryville, in the consideration of executive business. After fifteen minutes spent county of Blount and State of Tennessee, in the place of James in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 5 o'clock P. Edmondson, removed. ~d 25 minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Wilson G. Harrison, to be postmaster at Milan, in the county Wednesday, September 20, 1893, at 12 o'clock m. of Gibson and State of Tennessee, in the place of Robert F. Hann, removed. Isaac H. Dungan, to be postmaster at Humboldt, in the county NOMINATIONS. of Gibson and State of Tennes£ee, in the place of John B. Cullen, E~recutire nominations received by the Senate Septernbe1· 19,1893. removed. Joel J. Jones, to be postmaster at Fayett-eville, in the county ASSOCIATE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. of Lincoln and State of Tennessee, in the place of Hugh M. William B. Hornblower, of New York, to be associate justice Eakin. removed. of the Supreme Court of the United States, vice Samuel Blatch­ William H. McLemore, to be postmaster at Tullahoma, in the· ford, deceased. county of Coffee and State of Tennessee, in the place of John B. Strong, removed. AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY. Fletcher W. Thomas, to be postmaster at Dyersburg, in the James J. Van Alen, of Rhode Island, to be ambassador extra­ county of Dyer and State of Tennessee, in the place of Peter M. ordinary and plenipotentiary to Italy. Burbank, removed. NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR. CONFIRMATIONS. Assistant Naval Constructor William J. Baxter to be a na>al constructor in the Navy, from August 10, 1893. Executh;e nominations confirmed by the Senate Septernbet 15, 189S. REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE. MINISTER RESIDENT AND CONSUL-GE..l'lffiRAL. Abt·am Frakes, of Dighton, Kans., to be register of the land Henry M. Smythe, of Graham, Va., to be ~inister resident office at \Va Keeney, Kans., vice Lee Monroe, to be removed. and consul-general of the United States t<> Ha1ti. RECEIVER OJ? PUBLIC MONEYS. RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Allen B. Briscoe, of Hutchinson, Kans., to be recei>er of pub­ William H. Co grove, of Roswell, N. Mex., to be receiver of lic moneys at Wa Keeney, Kans., vice Hill P. Wilson, to be re­ public moneys at Roswell, N. Mex. moved. POST~IASTERS. POSTMASTERS. :Michael T. Brady, to be postmaster at Winnebago City, in the James M. Davis, to be postmaster at Cordele, in the county of county of Faribault and State of Minnesota. Dooley and State of Georgia, in the place of Mitchell G. H all, Robert W. Harris, to be postmaster at Union, in the county of removed. Union and State of South Carolina. Henry C. Feltman, to be postmaster at Salem, in the county of Josiah Doar, to be postmaster at Georgetown, in the county of Marion and State of Illinois, in the place of John Cunningham, Georgetown and State of South Carolina. removed. Thomas B. Crews, to be postmaster at Laurens, in the county Willis L. Grimes, to be postmaster at Batavia, in the county of Laurens and State of South Carolina. of K ane and State of Illinois, in the place of James T. McMaster, John Montgomery, to be postmaster at Lake City, in the deceased. county of Wabasha and State of Minnesota. William Hunt, to be postmaster at Oakland, in the county of Henry M. Hunting, to be postmaster at Ada, in the county of Coles and State of Illinois, in the place of Loronzo D. Carter, Norman and State of Minnesota. resigned. Arnolphus R. Gordon, to be postmaster at Warren, in the Alvin Scott, jr., to be postmaster at Naperville, in the county county of Marshall and State of Minnesota. of Dupage and State of Illinois, in the place of Sylvester A. Executive nomination con,ji:nned by the Senate September 19, 1893. Ballou, whose commission expired April I, 1893. T. Kennedy Barnett, to be postmaster at Shelby, in the county POSTMASTER. of Cleveland and State of North Carolina, in the place of Julius John T. Kingston, jr., to be postmast-er at Ashland, in the B. Fortune, resigned. county of Ashland and State of Wisconsin. · John W. Bryan, to be postmaster at Goldsboro, in the county of Wayne and State of North Carolina, in the place of John R. Smith, resigned. Bennett Bunn, to be postmaster at Rocky Mount, in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. county of Edgecombe and State of North Carolina, in the place of W. Lee Person, removed. TUESDAY, BfJ_ptmnber 19, 1893. Lewis C. Hanes, to be postmaster at Lexington, in the county of Davidson and State of North Carolina, in the place of Theo­ The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, dore E. McCrary, removed. Rev._8AMUEL W. HADDAWAY. Israel P. Hunt, to be postmaster at Bismarck, in the county The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday waa read and ap­ of Burleigh and State of North Dakota, in the place of Horace proved. P. Bogue, resigned. The Speaker laid before the House the following Senate reso­ Patrick W. McGillic, to be postmaster at Mandan, in the lutions: county of Morton and State of North Dakota, in the place of IN THE SE1'!.A.TE OF THE UZ..~ED ST.A.TES, September 16, 1893. Resolved, That the Senate lias heard with profound sorrow of the death of Andrew E. Thor berg, resigned. Leland Stanford, late a Senator from the State of California. Josiah J. Long, to be ·postmaster at Minot, in the county of Resolved, That as a. mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the Ward and State of North Dakota, in the place of William E. business of the Senate be now suspended, that his associates may be enabled to pay proper tribute to his high character and distinguished public services. Mansfield, removed. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions George C. Casler, to be postmaster of Hill City, in the county to the House of Representatives. of Pennington and State of South Dakota, in the place of Joseph Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the Senattl do now adjourn. Hare, removed. The SPEAKER. These resolutions will lie upon the table William A. Dawley, to be postmaster at Sturgis, in the county until some gentleman calls them up. of Meade and State of South Dakota, in the place of WilliamS. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Chase, removed. Henry C. Hamilton, t<> be postmaster at Britton, in the county By unanimous consent ieave of absence was granted as follows: of Marshall and State of South Dakota, in the place of John W. To Mr. JoY, for five da-ys on account of important business. Banbury, whose commission expired March 23,1893. To Mr. BARTLETT, for two weeks on account of sickness. Mrs. Bertha Wood, to be postmaster at Custer, in the county WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS. of Custer and State of South Dakota, in the place of Cyrus W. Mr. COBB of Missouri, by unanimous consent, obtained leave Hitchcock, removed. to withdraw from the files of the House, without leaving copies, Oscar M~ Quigley, to be postmaster at Parker, in the county the petition of sundry cities and towns by the boss painters and of Turner and State of South Dakot3., in the place of John J. Cut­ journeymen favoring the passage of the bill (H. R. gD76) of the ter, whose commission expired March 19, 1893. Fifty-second, Congress regulating the sale of paints, white lead, Thomas J. Dement, to be postmaster at Chattanooga, in the colors, and linseed oil. ' 1592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. SEPTEMBER 19, VIOLENCE IN THE CHEROKEE STRIP. adoption of this motion. [The question was put.] The noes Mr. FLYNN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the seem to have it. present consideration of the resolution which I send to the desk. Mr. FITCH. I ask for the yeas and nays on this motion. The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read, after which the The yeas and nays were ordered. Chair will ask if there be objection. The question was takenj and there were-yeas 0, nays 172, The resolution was re::td, as follows: not voting 181; as follows: Whereas the Associated and Metropolitan Press, tor the past tew days, YEAS-0. has contained news of the burning off ot all vegetation and the killing ot va­ NAYS-172. rious homesteaders by the United :::ltates troops in the Cherokee Strip: There­ Abbott, Cooper, Fla. Hutcheson, Pence, tore, Alderson, Cooper, Tex. Ik:irt, Pendleton, Tex. Be it resolved, That the Secretary of War is hereby requested to furnish to Alexander, Cornish, Johnson, Ohio Pendleton, w. Va the House of Representatives any information he may possess touching said Allen, Covert, K em, Pi_gott, acts, and that he be further requested to inform this body by what author­ Arnold,· Cox, Kilgore, Price, ity the said United States troops were acting. Bailey, Crain, Kribbs, Rayner, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present considera­ Barnes, Crawford, Kyle, Reilly, Barwig, Cummings, Lane, Richards, Ohio. tion of this resolution? Bell, Colo. Daniels, Latimer, Richardson, Tenn. Mr. TUCKER. I object. Bell, Tex. Davey, Lawson, Ritchie, Mr. OATES. I hope my friend will withdraw his objection Beltzhoover, Davis. Lester, Robbins, Berry, De Armond, Livingston, Robertson, La. so as to give the gentleman offering the resolution an opportu­ Black,Ga.
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