| Mathematics | UDC 629.735.33.015.075 Zhelonkin M. V. Semiempirical simulation of contemporary fighter planes engaging in dogfight in order to estimate the possibility of using supermanoeuvrability modes The paper presents investigation results concerning employing supermanoeuvrability modes in dogfight. We selected one of the standard manoeuvres and demonstrated the efficiency of using it. Keywords: features, supermanoeuvrability, dogfight, semi-empirical simulation, tactical employment, Split S manoeuvre. Introduction of attack, which lead to intense deceleration of Fighter aviation is mostly used for dogfighting the aircraft and to a decrease in energy height, and one of the main tasks of preparation for en- therefore a Split S manoeuvre will compensate gaging enemy air targets is the training of flight such a decrease to some extent. personnel in operating fighter aircraft weapons in Thus, in order to evaluate the efficiency of order to achieve the best performance to destroy supermanoeuvrability modes, we have selected enemy aircraft during dogfighting in various a Split S manoeuvre. Fig. 1 shows the aircraft weather and operational conditions when acting flight path when making the manoeuvre. solo or as part of an aircraft group. Modern 4++ The most important parameter that defines and 5th generation fighters are able to fly in a su- tolerable conditions for making a Split S man- permanoeuvrability mode, i.e. at angles of attack oeuvre is minimum altitude loss during the ma- beyond stall while maintaining balanced control. noeuvre, which depends on the entry speed and That is why flight personnel need to be properly altitude, as well as on the current g-load and air- trained in order to use all the aircraft capabilities. craft engine operation mode. Description of Split S manoeuvre The current g-load has a decisive effect Based on the combat manoeuvre performance upon the attitude loss when executing a Split S. analysis [1] during close air-to-air combat with The minimum altitude loss when executing a Split an evading target, particular attention has been S is achieved when the pilot makes a manoeuvre at paid to a Split S manoeuvre employed by pilots to a maximum admissible g-load in terms of the an- quickly change the direction of flight by making gle of attack. This allows to use full potential of a 180° roll while descending and accelerating the supermanoeuvrability mode, which enables (or maintaining) the flight speed. A Split S ma- flights at higher angles of attack (over 30°). noeuvre is used as a defensive manoeuvre per- When making a Split S at speeds of up to formed for evading an enemy fighter attack or 900 km/h and with aircraft engines running at making missile evasive and anti-aircraft defence idle, the minimum altitude loss when executing manoeuvres. As this manoeuvre is performed in a Split S will not depend on the entry speed be- a nose dive mode, it allows to reduce consumption cause while the speed is increased, the available of specific mechanical energy (energy height) g-value increases proportionally. when making attitude manoeuvres [2], with re- At a higher flight altitude, the minimum al- gard to ascending manoeuvres or manoeuvres in titude loss when executing a Split S decreases due the horizontal plane. Since flight in a superma- to a decrease in the available g-load. In order to noeuvrability mode is carried out at high angles maintain satisfactory values of aircraft manoeuv- rability characteristics, the maximum altitude for executing a Split S is limited to 9 km. An increase | ISSN 2542-0542 Journal of “Almaz – Antey” Air and Space Defence Corporation | No. 1, 2018 Antey” | ISSN 2542-0542 Journal of “Almaz – © Zhelonkin М. V., 2018 100 | ISSN 2542-0542 Journal of “Almaz – Antey” Air and Space Defence Corporation | No. 1, 2018 Fig. 1. Aircraft flight path when executing Split S manoeuvre of the indicated entry speed over 900 km/h may km lead to a spike in the altitude loss due to an exces- sive increase in the flight speed in the descending segment of the manoeuvre path until the aircraft reaches the transonic region; that is why, in order to make a safe manoeuvre, limitations have been introduced for maximum speed Vmax and mini- mum flight altitude Hmin (Fig. 2). The minimum manoeuvre entry speed limit Vmin is the bounda- ry of the region where the aircraft has sufficient km/h controllability at all the phases of manoeuvre Fig. 2. Area of Split S manoeuvre execution execution. in supermanoeuvrability mode Split S manoeuvre technique A Split S manoeuvre in the supermanoeuvrability order to reach the desired g-load (angle of at- mode is executed as follows. Before entry in the tack). Further, the pilot should maintain the se- Split S, the pilot selects the predetermined power lected angle of attack (g-load) until the maximum rating, speed, and altitude. To make a 180° roll speed value in a lower descending segment of the around the longitudinal axis, the pilot should manoeuvre path is reached (see Fig. 1). At instru- V 400 push the roll stick forward for t = 2...3 s, and ment flight speed of пр = km/h at high without maintaining the aircraft in the inverted angles of attack (α > 35°), the pilot should push the control stick forward and decrease the angle position, pull up the control stick for t = 2...3 s in | Mathematics 101 | Mathematics | of attack down to values allowing to fly within at a certain distance (within a certain range) from the operational speed region. This allows to save each other, flying at different initial altitudes and the minimum amount of specific mechanical flight speeds. energy required to continue dogfighting. To make Based on semi-realistic simulation of dog- the aircraft follow the selected flight path while fight with manoeuvres (Split S), we managed to executing the Split S manoeuvre, the current determine the areas (Figs. 4, 5) where the target g-load shall not exceed the values shown in aircraft evaded the attack and took a more favour- Fig. 3. km km/h Fig. 3. Selected g-load when executing Split S manoeuvre: km/h – H = 2 km; – H = 5 km; – H = 9 km Fig. 4. Area of effective Split S manoeuvre execution in supermanoeuvrability mode with the distance of 1000 m between both aircrafts Semi-realistic simulation using a dogfight km simulation system Taking into account the specified limitations, we simulated a dogfight episode using a dogfight simulation system (DFSS) [3], when the attacking aircraft had no option to enter the supermanoeuv- rability mode [4, 5], but the aircraft being at- tacked (target aircraft) did. Simulation conditions: • initial distance between both aircrafts: 200...1000 m; km/h • initial flight speed: 500... 900 km/h; Fig. 5. Area of effective Split S manoeuvre execution • ascending target: 0...200 m; in supermanoeuvrability mode with the distance of 500 m between both aircrafts • descending target: 0...200 m • flight altitude: 2000...9000 m; able attitude (Fig. 6). • lateral offset of attacking aircraft: ±300 m. Analysing the resulted areas (see Figs. 4, 5), During experiment, the target aircraft exe- we may conclude that a decrease in the distance cuted the Split S manoeuvre along its flight path between both aircrafts (from 1000 to 200 m) nar- (see Fig. 1) while the attacking aircraft was to lock rows the area where a defensive Split S manoeuvre on its target (in the area of a collimation head-up can be used effectively. During semi-realistic display). At the beginning of simulation, the tar- simu lation we estimated the effect of lateral off- get aircraft and the attacking aircraft were located set, descending and ascending of the attacking | ISSN 2542-0542 Journal of “Almaz – Antey” Air and Space Defence Corporation | No. 1, 2018 Antey” | ISSN 2542-0542 Journal of “Almaz – 102 | ISSN 2542-0542 Journal of “Almaz – Antey” Air and Space Defence Corporation | No. 1, 2018 m Bibliography 1. Arapov G. E., Zhelnin V. N., Zhelonkin V. I., Zhelonkin M. V., Tkachenko O. I. Rezhimy sverkh- manevrennosti v blizhnem vozdushnom boyu // Sbornik nauchnykh statey po materialam III Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Akademicheskiye Zhukovskiye chteniya”. 2016. S. 3. (Russian) 2. Zhelnin Yu. N. Ustoychivost’, upravlyaemost’ samoleta pri dinamicheskom vykhode na bol’shiye zakriticheskie ugly ataki // TVF. 1994, No. 1–2. S. 59–66. (Russian) m 3. Arapov G. E., Dubov Yu. B., Zhelnin V. N., Fig. 6. 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S. 36. (Russian) shows how the efficiency of a defensive Split S 5. Zhelonkin M. V. Metodika provedeniya eksperi- manoeuvre can be enhanced in the supermanoeuv- menta na pilotazhnom stende dlya ortabotki variantov rability modes. We have determined speed regions informatsionno-intellektual’noy podderzhki letchika where aircraft being attacked can evade enemy // XXVI nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya po attack and take a more favourable attitude in close aerodinamike.
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