WT SP MoinngnpH IIMRMQipiRIPi tmmmm m AL The DtC 13 1 19419455 Pittsb h Catholic Officia^ Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 lOOth YEAR—No. 1 PITTSBURGH PA., THURSDAY, THURSDAY, MARCH IS, 1943 TWO DOLLARS Pit TEAR SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS Chaplain Shortage Named by President Of Gravest Concern, Family Prayer Uaged Cardinal Hinsley Bishop Hurley Says By Pontiff For Relief Dies; Outstanding St. Augustine. Fla.. Mar. 16. (jp — M<>st Rov. Joseph P. Hurley English Prelate Bishop of St. Augustine, speaking From World's Sorrows at a pre-i^enten conference of his A fed Leader of Church Feile clergy, asserted there are not To Recover From Receat nearly enough Catholic chaplains Vatican City, Mar. 15. (NC) — Taking "Prayer" for in the Army and Navy and de- his subject last Saturday, when he delivered his tradi- Heart Attacks clared the situation already is the tional discourse to the pastors and Lenten preachers of London, Mar. IT. — His Emin- cause of "gravest concern." the churches of the City of Rome, His Holiness Pope ence Arthur Cardinal Hinsley, He told his clergy that many I Pius XII emphasized their duty to preach the return of Archbishop of Westminster since of the large camps in'Florida are Sunday as the Lord's Day of Prayer, devout assistance 1935. died this morning at hia without priests and in many others at Mass* as the center of Christian life, frequent recep- home in Huntlngford, Herts, at the number of chaplains is wholly the age of 79. Stricken with a inadequate. Down here in the tion of the Sacraments, and the formation of groups of heart attack two weeks ago ho Southland," the Bishop said, "we men and women to receive Holy Communion monthly had rallied for a few days and have not the personnel nor have for their own sanctification and the sanctification of hope for his recovery was held. we the financial resources to cope others. with the immense number of sol-! Pope Pius urged a reawakening | and Lenten preachers to teach the The first World War saw tha future Cardinal a pastor in Lon- diers and syilors in our camps. ! of the faithful to the pious prac- conviction that prayer is ,a duty don. The second World War saw Even if we had as many priests ' tice of family prayers, stressing! and also an obligation and honor him Archbishop of Westminster as the great northern dioceses, it | their special need today, when ] ennobling man. He said prayer and one of Britain's great • na« would still be impossible for us martial fidelity and the virtue, holds first place in man's co- tional figures. In the Intervening to give the service men that con- faith and innocence of children ! operation with the work of salva- stant religious attention which years, this son of a Yorkshire Rev. Raymond A. McGowan, a the most precious possessions of, tion, and that without prayer no carpenter had headed his coun- can be given by a commissioned one would be able long to observe priest of the Diocese of St. Jos- a family — are so endangered. try's national college in Rome, chaplain." the law of God. eph, and Assistant Director of the The Holy Father concluded with had served with distinction in the "It is no small matter when Department of Social Action, Na- an exhortation to priests to give i Referring to those who seem to diplomatic service of the Holy tens of thousands of Catholic boys tional Catholic Welfare Confer- the example of prayer before the be Christians on Sunday, but who See, had tyecome a Prinee of tha are becoming lax in the practice ence, who has been named by tabernacle, and declared that self-1 give no evidence of their religion Church. Now he was the confidant of their Faith because they nev- President Roosevelt to a commit- abnegation, penance and charity | or Christianity the rest of the of Britain's Prime Minister, and er see a priest." the Bishop said. tee of eight to advise him on pro- to neighbor are dispositions as- ] week, Pope Pius said this is the the King himself showed anxious "Nor can we shrug it off when posed amendments to the Organic solicitude when he was taken 10. hundreds of our Catholic boys are; suring praying well. effect of the laicism of public life, Law of Puerto Rico. Universal It is almost aa if Cardinal Hins« (Continued on Lost Page, Col. 1)1 Recalling the tradition of pray- against which the Church has Press photo. (N.C.WXJ.) ley has lived two lives. The first er that has been associated with always been opposed. will be remembered for the quiet the City of Rome from the ear- This state is impossible for those and scholarly attainment ef soM Atlantic Charter, Church Teachings liest days of Christianity, Pope i for whom prayer has become sec i&Mnmiifr'^If«*l1~tliip»iifcrt Iheir dailjf ~ Agree, Archbishop Spellman Says in modern times, prayer is increas- Holiness declared. They ingly excluded from public life; act according to the aiWB In Address Broadcast from Algiers that there is a separation of re-1 Divine Law In all circuMMtMt«, energising ligious practice from civil, pro- constituting an elevating fermant darkest for the renewel of the wtrld te Algiers. Mar. 14. (It — Objec- fessional and social life. imagination lÉWfÈ your fellow Americans In your ; tives outlined in the Atlantic supreme faith in victory." His Holiness urged the pastors the spirit of Christ world. v Protestant cfcéHïftel3 Charter are the "natural rights Some Illusion» synagogues in Englsnd prayed for of man," agree with "the tradi- The soldiers and sailors were Pittsburgh Priest f his recovery as he lay seriously Uonal teaching of the Church and told their fellow Americans may ill. Only a few weeks before, whoa are in accord with the Christian have some illusion regarding the Made Monsignori Oxford University had conferred cost of victory, and the Arch- life and the Christmas allocutions the honorary degree Doctor of bishop continued: Rev. Walter S. Carroll, priest of of His Holiness Pope Pius XII," Civil Laws upon him. the Univer- "But it is not illusion to you. the Pittsburgh Diocese who has Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman. sity's Public Orator had said: *T You know full well and full seri- been stationed since 1940 at the present to you therefore the most .Archbishop of New York and Mil- ously the cost. For part of the Vatican, attached to the office of (Continued on Last Page. CsL « iary Vicar of the United States price of this precious victory al- the Papal Secretariate of State, Ir"- . J " Armed Forces, declared here to- ready has been paid. It is true has been named a Private Cham- day in a radio address. that all Americans both indivi- berlain to His Holiness Pope Pius Membership Drive dually and collectively must bear XII, with the title of Very Rever- The Archbishop's address was this cost But yours is the greater end Monsignor, a message receiv- directed to the American soldiers To Be Discussed and harder portion, though those ed from the Vatican last week and sailors in North Africa. He you love and those who loVe you reveals. ssserted that the war aims and By Holy Name Men bear with you something of the the peace aims of the United Msgr. Carroll, son of Mrs. W. J. pain, the honor and 4he glory." Carroll, of Frankstown Road, has States are strictly "defensive Quarterly Meeting Sun Jay. •gainst alien, totalitarian world two brothers in the priesthood- Very Rev. Msgr. Howard J. Car- Will Hear Reports «I orders," and in a broader sense Two More Magazines , represent the peace aims of "all roll. assistant general secretary Committee Heads feedom-loving people." Barred from Mails as of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, who also "You are the sacred instruments 'Salaciously Inclined' Plans for furthering the holds the honorary dignity of j •f the triumph of our cause," membership campaign 'of Washington. Mar. 1. (IC> — Sec- Papal Chamberlain, and Rev. Cole- Archbishop Spellman told the sol- man F. Carroll, formerly assistant the Holy Name Society, now diers and sailors; "you are the ond-class mailing privileges of two at St. Scholastica's, Aspinwall, who | under way throughout the example to Americans in the publications, "Judge" and "Close- is now taking post-graduate stu- ! diocese, will be dismissed homeland, not alone in the firm Up", have been revoked, it has dies at Catholic University of j at the meeting of thé Dio- belief in the justice of our strug- been announced here by Post- America. Washington. I MSGR. WALTER CARROLL cesan Union of the society, gle because we were treacherously master General Frank C. Walker, on the ground that both, in one to be held next Sunday, Mar. plotted against and attacked by a 21, at 3:00 o'clock, in the Combination of aggressor nations, or more of ther recent issues, hut you are also an example to published material and pictures basement auditorium of SU which appealed to the salaciously 'Firsts' and 'Oldests' Mary's of Mercy Church» inclined. Third Ave. and Ferry St. St. Joseph's Hospital In Diocesan and Pre-Diocesan History The campaign^ which opened oa Civilian Defense Ash Wednesday and will close aa To Dedicate Addition | The Diocese of Pittsburgh (Diocesis Pittsburgensis) the second Sunday of May, aim* On Patron's Feast Day Notice was erected by a decree of the Holy See dat^d August 7, to enlist in the society every maa 1843, and will therefore celebrate its centenary during not now affiliated with it and all the present year.
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