Politics Abroad Adam !Ishtar& A LETTER FROM SOWETO here is a dog in Snake Park, a settlement on people like my friends the Sello family, who, despite the outskirts of Soweto, called De Klerk. He is a living cramped in a one-room tin shack in a dusty white dog. Well, he would be white if he could shed settlement, can turn out their children every morning the fine brown dust of this place. In the evenings immaculately dressed in their school uniforms and when the gates are being locked you can hear a Zulu eager to learn. But when I try to analyze the voice hurling the name at the darkening shacks: "De prospects for transformation of the major institutions Klerk, De Klerk, Woza, De Klerk!" Come, De of state and economic power, I find it hard not to Klerk. During the day, De Klerk roams the streets of despair. Snake Park with the pack. But at night's fall, the Generally speaking, the situation here is volatile canine state president belongs in the yard. His and will probably become more so as the election mission is clear: guard the house. The house, a tin approaches. A small group of men with guns can cause a lot of trouble. As the endemic violence of and asbestos shack, is a butcher's shop. the past few years and the events surrounding the De Klerk the dog and the butcher shop in Snake assassination of Chris Hani demonstrate, there is no Park belong to Mr. Dladla. When discussing shortage either of trigger-happy men or of guns. If politics, Dladla is fond of saying: "Government is a the people of South Africa are ever to succeed in crook." Although Dladla is a staunch supporter of creating a civilized political sphere, they will have to the African National Congress (ANC), and fully devise policies to deal with these men and their expects its victory in the elections next April, weapons. This will not be easy, given the legacy of whatever happens in the future, his dog De Klerk, apartheid. For it will eventually require a new along with half a dozen other canine security agents, government, most likely with Nelson Mandela as will remain at his post. For while many people have president, calling on armed forces commanded great expectations that one day "The People Shall mostly by Afrikaners to suppress people on the white Govern," it is hard to see how, when that day right wing (whom those commanders consider their dawns, the mess created under the name "apartheid" brother Boers) while also calling on the same forces can easily be cleaned up. It is harder still to see how to suppress black militants (whom many in the ANC justice might be secured for the poor and oppressed see as brothers). in South Africa given the massive incompetence and corruption of public institutions. And as St. Augustine once noted, "Without justice what is "The Fight" government but a great robbery?" At the memorial service for Chris Hani, Commu- Most of the young activists I know in Soweto are nist party secretary-general assassinated last April, locked into forms of politics that are hardly ANC President Nelson Mandela exhorted his appropriate, nor are they equipped with the skills followers not to live in the past but to build for the necessary, for the task of building a new state. The future. On an everyday basis millions of people predominant metaphor of political action here is the across the country are doing just that. There is a "fight." And there is no shortage of people, mostly tremendous strength and resilience in people like young and male, for whom fighting—in all its those with whom I stay in the Mapetla Extension form—is second nature. Fewer know how to build or district of Soweto. They have managed to build a harness angry energies into creative solutions. thriving community in the face of the harsh Nowhere is this more evident than in the schools and conditions of apartheid. I am constantly inspired by colleges of Soweto where the limited opportunities FALL • 1993 • 419 Politics Abroad for advancement are constantly squandered in the issue. I joined them because I've known them all for name of one "struggle" or other. For one example, a long time. I was happy to be included, but had no some of the boys at Mapetla Tswana High School, intention of showing my white face at the thug's nicknamed the "Nicaragua School of Socialism" door demanding retribution. regularly hit "targets" in the form of delivery At five o'clock we gathered at Vusi's house. Vusi vehicles. Sometimes they just stone vans, other days (not his real name) is a young man in his early they might hijack a vehicle and burn it in the twenties whom I met a couple of years ago when he schoolyard, provoking fights with the police and was active in the war against the Inkatha members at reliving the glory days of umzabalazo (the struggle). the Merafe Hostel in Mapetla. Along with several Such "revolutionary actions" succeed in canceling others, he is serving a suspended sentence for the classes and drying up supplies of milk and bread to murder of a thug who was raping girls in the area. the neighborhood for a few days. They beat the offender to death with shovels after he The mothers of Soweto know the consequences of raped Vusi's cousin. fighting too well. It is upon their shoulders that the Vusi is a family man. He is living with his heaviest burdens fall when the bodies have to be mother, his girlfriend, and their baby, trying to make healed or buried; and it is all too easy for simple a living sewing clothes. When we arrived he was disputes or misunderstandings to become violent working with an old Singer hand winder, hemming a feuds. When people are in dispute, the mother of the pair of blue jeans. They live in one of the two-room family I stay with, MaMfete, strives to sit them houses of Phiri district of Soweto. Four comrades down to talk, to work out a solution to their are already there when we arrive. The young man problems. She will gather the antagonists in her with the thug problem is smoking a huge joint. kitchen and listen to their explanations. When No-one else joins him, though the fag-ends of everyone has been heard, MaMfete will speak, cigarettes are passed from hand to hand before they quietly analyzing the accounts and pointing out the die. various "mistakes" (her term) which have been We had some difficulty getting the story straight. made. Generally, people will then acknowledge It seems that the aggrieved comrade, let's call him what they have done and make amends. But if they cannot talk in a civil and respectful manner—like Mathatha, was involved in a complicated domestic Mandla (the name means "Power"), who, brimming dispute with his stepsister and stepfather. Mathatha's with righteous indignation one afternoon in October, mother, who usually sides with her son, had on this lashed the back of his girlfriend with an electrical occasion backed the others. His name had been cable to punish her for talking to another man — taken off the Lodger's Certificate, which means he MaMfete will settle for peace without justice. won't be able to inherit the house when his mother "There is no justice in this place," MaMfete told me dies, nor even stay on as a lodger. The details, on that occasion. There is rarely any point in going though, are murky. The thug who stabbed him is his to the police, for they are mostly vicious, corrupt, stepsister's boyfriend. What kind of dispute they had and incompetent; nothing can be done. And seeking was never made clear. But it was clear that Mathatha justice by private means can be a dicey business, felt exposed on the streets because two of his friends especially when angry young men are involved. had recently left the country for training in the ANC Some months back, some "comrades" and I were military wing (the Umkhonto We Sizwe.) The ANC engaged in such dicey "justice" —we tried to find a was, and probably still is, recruiting and training way to "discipline" (a favorite South African word) such volunteers as conventional soldiers in expecta- a thug in the Mapetla district of Soweto near where I tion of the eventual integration of Umkhonto with the stay. South Africa is one of the few places left on the South African Defense Force. planet where the appellation "comrade" is mutually Vusi suggested that the correct procedure to pleasing. In Soweto it is loosely used to identify follow before disarming and disciplining the thug members and supporters of "progressive" organiza- was to inform the secretary of the Civic Association tions,—that is, not Inkatha, the Zulu nationalists led and speak to Mathatha's mother. But Mathatha by Chief Buthelezi— and to distinguish political objected. He did not want anyone speaking to his activists from criminals. The criminals are known as mother. The facts were simple, he argued. He had "thugs" or "tstotsis." Sometimes they carry the been stabbed by that thug, who was part of a group name with pride. In this instance, a comrade friend of six or seven thugs. They have only one gun, a of ours had been stabbed by a local thug. So some 9mm pistol, and the first priority, Vusi now argued, young activists convened a meeting to discuss the was to disarm them.
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