1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECO'RD-SENATE 4343 to the Committee on Appropriations, and By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legisla­ ence to endorsement of H. R. 1639; to the ordered to be printed. ture of the Territory of Hawa11 memorializing Committee on the Judiciary. 630. A letter from the Comptroller General the President and the Congress of the United 415. Also, petition of the board of trustees of the United States transmitting report on States to provide for the exploration, investi­ of the National Petroleum Association, peti­ the survey of the accounting system of the gation, development, and maintenance of the tioning consideration of their resolutions with Federal Public Housing .Authority for the fisl.ling resources and the development of the reference to taxation of cooperatives, tax­ years ended June 30, 1945, and June 30, 1946 high-seas fishing industry of the Territories ation of reclaimed oil, and taxation of lubri­ (H. Doc. No. 229); to the Committee on Ex­ and island possession of the United States cating oil; to the Committee on Ways and penditures in the E..'xecutive Departments, and in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean Means. · ordered to be printed. and intervening seas; to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS SENATE Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports Under clause· 1 of rule XXII, private THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 of committees were delivered to the bills and resolutions were introduced and Clerk for printing and reference to the severally referred as follows: <Legislative day of Monday, April 21, proper calendar, as follows: By Mr. HEFFERNAN: 1947) ' Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: Commit­ H. R. 3274. A bill for t~e relief of Joseph H. tee on Veterans' Affairs. · H. R. 2181 A bill Dowd; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Sen2.te met at 11 o'clock a. m., on relating to institutional on-farm training for . By Mr. JUDD: the expiration of the recess. veterans; with amendments (Rept. No. 327). H. R. 3275. A bill to confer a classified The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, Referred to the Committee of the Whole civil-service status upon certain special-de­ D. D., offered the following prayer: House on the State of the Union. livery messengers in the post office at Minne­ apolis, Minn.; to the Committee on Post Our Father, we would not weary Thee Office and Civil Service. in always asking for something. This PUBLIC BILLS AND RE..'SOLUTIONS By Mr. KLEIN: morning we would pray that Thou Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public H. R. 3276. A bill for the relief of Benedict wouldst take something from us. Take bills and resolutions were introduced and Kleitsch; to the Committee on the Judiciary. out of our .hearts any bitterness that By Mr. MARCANTONIO: Ues there, any resentment that . curdles severally referred as follows: H. R. 3277. A bill for the ~elief of Mrs. By Mr. BRDPHY: Catherine Maurice; to the Committee on the and corrodes our peace. Take away the H. R. 3264. A bill to amend the Federal­ Judiciary. stubborn pride that keeps us from apol­ Aid Highway Act of 1944, approved December ogy and confessing fault and makes 20, 1944, and for other purposes; to the Com­ us unwilling to open our hearts to one mittee on Public Works. PETITIONS, ETC. another. For if our hearts are closed By Mr. DIRKSEN: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions to our colleagues, they are not open to H. R. 3265. A bill to amend the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, relat­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Thee. ing to actions for civil liabilities for violation and referred as ·follows: We ask Thy mercy in Jesus' name. of the Emergency Price Control Act; to the 405. By Mr. HARLESS of Arizona: Petition Amen. Committee on Banking and Currency. of the Arizona State Legislature, relating to By Mr. FARRINGTON: lasting peace; to th") Committee on Foreign DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT H. R. 3266. A blii to authorize the issuance Affairs. PRO TEMPORE of certain public improvement bonds by the 406. Also, petition of the Arizona State The Chief Clerk read the following Territory of Hawaii; to. the Committee on Legislature, requesting Congress to support letter: Public Lands. certain legislation beneficial to veterans and UNITED STATES SENATE, By Mr. GROSS: others; to the Committee on Veterans' Af­ H. R. 3267. A bill to provide for the con­ fairs. · · PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, struction of a country home for the Presi­ 407. Also, petition of the Arizona State Washington, D. C., May 1, 1947. dent in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Legislature, requesting Congress to create To the Senate: and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Petrified Forest National Park; to the Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Public Works. Committee on Public Lands. I appoint JoHN W. BRICKER, a Senator from By Mr. HAYS: 408. By Mr. MURDOCK: Petition of the the State of Ohio, to perform the duties of H. R. 3268. A bill to repeal section 13b of State Legislature of Arizona, relating to the Chair during my absence . • the Federal Reserve Act, to amend section 13 lasting world peace; to the Committee on A. H. VANDENBERG, of the said act. and for other purposes; to Foreign Affairs. President pro tempore. the Committee on Banking and currency. 409. Also, petition· of the State Legislature Mr. BRICKER thereupon took the By Mr. HORAN: of Arizona, requesting Congress to create chair as Acting President pr? tempore. H. R. 3269. A bill to fix the amount of an the Petrified Forest National Park; to the annual payment by the United States to the Committee on Public Lands. THE JOURNAL government of the District of Columbia; to 410. Also, memorial of the State Legislature the Committee on the District of Columbia. of Arizona, pertaining to legislation bene­ On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by By Mr. McCORMACK (by request): ficial to veterans and others; to the Commit­ unanimous consent, the reading of the H. R. 3270. A bill relating to the promo­ tee on Veterans' Affairs. Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday, tion of certain officers and former officers of 411. By Mrs. SMITH of Maine: Memorial of April 30, 1947, was dispensed with, and the Army of the United States; to the Com­ the Senate and House of Representatives in the Journal was approved. mittee on Armed Services. the State of Maine to the Honorable Clinton By Mr. KEE: P. Anderson, United States Secretary of Agri­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT­ H. R. 3271. A bill to provide for reimburs­ culture, petitioning against the order of April APPROVAL OF BILLS ing Summers County, W. Va., for the lQSS of 9 for further reduction in milk prices because A message in writing from the Presi­ tax revenue by reason of the acquisition .of of the increase in cost of milk production due land by the United States for the Bluestone to advances in feed prices in the State; to dent of the United States was communi­ Reservoir project; to the Committee on Pub­ the Committee on Agriculture. cated to-the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of lic Lands. 412. By Mr. THOMASON: Petition of El his secretaries, and he announced that on By Mr. DOLLIVER: Paso Post, No. 36, American Legion, urging April 30, 1947, the President had ap­ H. R. 3272. A bill relating to· the computa­ that Public, 663, Seventy-ninth Congress, be proved and signed the following acts: tion of length of service, for promotion pur­ amended ·to extend the time in which veter­ S. 547. An act to provide for annual and poses of certain employees who are trans­ ans who have lost their limbs may apply for sick leave for rural letter carriers; and ferred from one position to another within an automobile to be furnished them by the S. 736. An act authorizing the Commis­ the postal service; to the Committee on Post Government; to the Committee on Veterans' sioners of the District of Columbia to estab­ Office and Civil Service. Affairs. lish daylight-saving time in the District of By Mr. JUDD: 413. By Mr. WOLCOTT: Petition of 24 resi­ Columbia during 1947. H. R. 3273. A bill to prohibit discrimina­ dents of St. Clair County, Mich., expressing tion in employment because of race, religion, interest in proposed legislation which seeks MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE color, national origin, or ancestry; to the to prohibit the transportation of alcoholic­ A message from the House of Repre­ Committee on Education and Labor. beverage advertising in interstate commerce and over the radio; to the Committee on In­ sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its terstate Commerce. reading clerks, announced that the MEMORIALS 414. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the House had agreed to the report of the Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memorials Tulsa County Bar Association, petitioning committee of conference on the. dis­ were presented and referred as follows:. consideration of their resolution with refer· agreeing votes of the two Houses on 4344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 1 · the amendments of the Senate to the MEETING OF SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE 1ng Congress to oppose the recommen­ bill <H. R. · 2849) making appropria­ COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC dation of the Secretary of the Interior tions to supply deficiencies in certain WELFARE that all federally owned mineral land be appropriations for the fiscal year ending Mr. TAFT. Mr. President, I ask kept in permanent Federal ownership. June 30, 1947, and for other purposes, unanimous consent that the subcom- Also a joint resolution of the Legisla­ and that the House had receded from its .
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