487 THE USE-SPECIFIC AND SOCIAL-TOPOGRAPHICAL DIFFERENCES IN THE COMPOSITION OF ANIMAL SPECIES FOUND IN THE ROMAN CITY OF AUGUSTA RAURICA (SWITZERLAND) Peter LEHMANN* and Guido BREUER* Summary Résumé Zusammenfassung The Roman colonial city of Augusta Utilisation spécifique et différences Hinweise zur Tiernutzung und zu sozio­ Raurica ( around 15 BC to the 4th centu­ socio-topographiques dans la composi­ topo graphisc he n Unterschieden im ry) is used to illustrate the possibility of tion du spectre de faune de la cité Tierartenspektrum aus der romischen a social-topographical and use-specific romaine d'Augusta Raurica (Suisse). Stadt Augusta Raurica (Schweiz). division based on the findings of animal La cité coloniale romaine d'Augusta Am Beispiel der romischen Kolonie­ bones. ln particular, the most recent Raurica (environ 15 av. J-C. jusqu'au stadt Augusta Raurica ( ca. 15. v. Chr. - osteological findings from the excava­ 4e siècle) sert à illustrer la possibilité 3.14. Jh. n. Chr.) wird die Moglichkeit tions of insulae 1 and 2 ( Kastelen, 1991- d'une division socio-topographique et einer sozialtopographischen und nut­ 93) are presented and their place within de l'utilisation des espèces à partir des zungsspezifischen Gliederung anhand the overall evolution of Augusta Raurica restes osseux animaux. En particulier, von Tierknochenfunden diskutiert. lm is analyzed; specifically an early Roman les découvertes ostéologiques les plus besonderen werden die neuesten osteolo­ complex (AD 20-70) as well as a later récentes issues des fouilles des insulae 1 gischen Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen Roman complex (AD 270-320) are con­ et 2 (Kastelen, 1991-1993) sont présen­ der Insulae 1 und 2 (Kastelen, 1991-93) cerned. A typical pattern of distribution tées et leur place dans l'évolution glo­ vorgestellt und ihre Stellung innerhalb showed complexes containing a large bale d'Augusta Raurica est analysée. der Augster Gesamtentwicklung unter­ proportion of pigs ( combined with a Sont concernés plus précisément un sucht; es handelt sich im speziellen um high proportion of poultry and wild ani­ complexe romain ancien (20-70 ap. einen frühromischen (20-70 n. Chr.) mais) on one hand and a small amount J.-C.) et un complexe romain récent sowie einen spiitromischen Komplex of cattle on the other which indicates (270-320 ap. J.-C.). Un modèle typique (270-320 n. Chr.). Über typische Vertei­ better residential sections and with it the de distribution révèle des ensembles lungsmuster konnen Fundkomplexe mit socially more privileged groups of the contenant une large proportion de porcs hohen Schweine-, Geflügel- und Wild­ population. Areas with more cattle sug­ (ainsi qu'un fort pourcentage de basse­ tieranteilen einerseits und geringen Rin­ gest sections with mixed functions ( resi­ cour et d'animaux sauvages) d'une part, de ranteilen andererseits den guten dential/small trade/handcraft) or areas et une faible proportion de bovins Wohnlagen und damit den sozial besser with a more public character ( e.g. tav­ d'autre part, ce qui désigne des zones gestellten Bevolkerungsgruppen zugewie­ erns ). Cattle were primarily used as résidentielles, et donc des groupes de sen werden. ErhOhte Rinderanteile spre­ working animais and provided inferior populations socialement privilégiés. Les chen für Quartiere mit gemischter Funk­ quality meat, as opposed to pigs which aires contenant davantage de bovins tion (Wohnen/Handwerk) oder Areale were often slaughtered in the earlier suggèrent des zones à fonctions mixtes mit eher offentlichem Charakter (z.B. stages of growth. Information from (résidences, petit commerce, artisanat) Tabernen). Wegen ihrer primiiren Nut­ books on Roman eating habits confirms ou des zones à caractère public zung als Arbeitstiere liefern Rinder - im a preference for pork. Over time, (tavernes, par exemple). Les bovins Vergleich mit den hiiufig in jüngeren changes in the spectrum of animal étant utilisés principalement comme Altersstadien geschlachteten Schweinen - species can be seen. These may have bêtes de somme; par comparaison avec eine schlechtere Fleischqualitiit. Hinwei­ been related to the political and eco­ les porcs qui étaient souvent abattus se in den Schriftquellen über romische nomic situation of the individual times. dans les premiers stades de leur crois­ Essgewohnheiten bestiitigen die Bevorzu­ sance, ils fournissent une qualité de gung von Schweinefleisch. In der zeitli­ viande inférieure. La littérature concer­ chen Entwicklung lassen sich Veriinde­ nant les habitudes alimentaires rungen im Tierartenspektrum feststellen. romaines confirme une préférence pour Sie dürften im Zusammenhang mit der le porc. Au cours du temps, on observe jeweiligen politischen und wirtschaftli­ des changements dans les spectres ani­ chen Situation stehen. maux. Cela peut être lié à la situation économique ou politique de ces époques. * Labor. für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Osteologie, Petersgraben 9-11, 4051 Base!, Switzerland. ANTHROPOZOOLOGICA. 1997. N° 25. 26 488 Key Words Mots clés Schlüsselworte Roman, Domesticated animais, Romain, Animaux domestiques, Os Romisch, Haustiere, Tierknochen, Animal bones, Nutrition, Social topo­ animaux, Alimentation, Topographie Erndhrung, Sozialtopographie. graphy. sociale. Introduction therefore are not known, we had to work with the number The Roman colonial city of Augusta Raurica is used to of fragments. illustrate to what extent specific use and social-topographi­ cal differences can be shown from animal bone material. The Augusta Raurica settlement This presentation is based on excavations which began Around 15 BC, Augusta Raurica was established as in the mid 50's. Thanks to many years of osteological iden­ the oldest Roman colony on the Rhine in the area known tification work by E. Schmid and extensive analysis of the today as Switzerland (fig. 1). It was a trade and industrial results by J. Schibler, a wealth of information is available center and had a population estimated at 10,000 to 20,000 about Augusta Raurica (Schibler and Furger, 1988). Over people during its prime period in the second century. Its the past five years, these have been expanded mostly by location on the trunk road to Italy made it an important S. Deschler-Erb (1991 a, b, 1992), a contribution which crossroad (Furger, 1987). today provides us with some 60,000 dated findings of bone The city was well planned from the time of its found­ fragments for our work - including the most recent excava­ ing and was laid out in such a way that its roads crossed at tions in the area of insulae 1 and 2. Due to the fact that right-angles (fig. 2). These so-called insulae (numbered l most of the excavation sites are quite old and bone weights to 53) formed areas with residential districts, stores, work­ shops for craftsmen and the offices of merchants. In the second century, a part of the city developed at the river port on the Rhine with many trade settlements, warehouses and craftsmen's districts. At the end of the third century, Augusta Raurica was destroyed through repeated attacks and plundering by the Alemannians, a Teutonic tribe . In its place, a fortified castellum was built on the bank of the river Rhine in the fourth century. Besides the civil popu­ lation, a military garnison was also stationed there to defend the territorial border of the Roman Empire, which, once again, had been pushed back to the Rhine at that time. Provinzgrenzen Excavations of insulae 1 Limes and 2 (Kastelen) Site location The basis for the following Fig. 1: Augusta Rauri ca, location of the illustrations are the results of city in the Roman Empire. excavations conducted between ANTHROPOZOOLOG/CA. 1997. N' 25. 26 Section. IV-. Postpa laeolithic Europe I 489 ~ Rhine sta Raurica, l~yo~ t plan with Fig. 2: Augu . of the sites. pos1t1on Lower city Eastern Outskirts 0 0 100 200 West Gat{'~~~'.:!__ _____ ANTHR OPOZOOLOGICA. 1997. N' 25. 26 490 % % 4,5 4,5 Equids Equids 4 D 4 D 3,5 3,5 3 3 2,5 2,5 2 2 1,5 1,5 1 1 0,5 0,5 0 0 2nct 2nct % % 6 D Wild animais 6 D Wild animais 5 • Poultry 5 • 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 2nd 2nct % % 100 100 D Cattle (C) 90 D Sheep/goat (S/G) 90 80 • Pig(P) 80 c 70 70 60 60 50 50 SIG 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 lst 2nct Century Century Fig. 3: Augusta Raurica, excavations insulae 1 and 2 : Fig. 4: Augusta Raurica, ail relevant sites : percentage percentage of the most important animal species in the of the most important animal species from the first to first and in the third and fourth centuries. the third and fourth centuries. ANTHROPOZOOWGICA, 1997, N' 25, 26 Section IV- Postpalaeolithic Europe 1 491 1991 and 1993 in the areas of insulae 1 and 2. The excava­ Data for the third and fourth centuries is not very tion site covers an area of almost 700 square meters. One impressive. Only some 400 bone findings are documented half of the site is atop the so-called Kastelenplateau, while for this time from a fortress (castellum) which was occu­ the other half is on the plateau' s north slope (Schwarz, pied mainly by the military. The bones were spread over 1992). This plateau is set on a prominent, spur-like eleva­ various site complexes. tion in the Upper City of Augst. lt is renown as an attrac­ When comparing results of the excavation of Kastelen tive topographical site with panoramic view. with the overall development in Augusta Raurica, we can Toward the close of the third century and the outset of see that these fit well with the early Roman period (wooden the fourth, fortifications protected the Kastelenplateau and building era). By contrast, in the third and fourth centuries, its buildings. clear differences become apparent, e.g. great differences in Osteologically, two settlement phases were analyzed: the proportions of equid, pigs and poultry.
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