I^yi?j^ ms. •feg-v,. : t'l'i, ' .'I'rf ' ; !,-.tT -,% ' t.y-' ^/^o- AVOOLHOPE NAT ^ -r. ' ' ': .: :«--. CEPHALASPIS A (SI 'I'liis Phntojiraph is presented to the RALISTS' FIELD CLUB '^-'.«^-^E^!r: TEEOLEPIS. (Harley.) P-AGE 2<0.) b. in part, by J. £. Lee, Esq., and Dr. Bull. J Uo : TRANSACTIONS IF THE >p I WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. (ESTABLISHED MDCCCLI.) 1 s e 8. "Hope oy—Hope ever." HEREFORD PRIXTEI. AT THE " TIMKS " OFFICE, MAVLORD STREET MDCCCLXIX. TABLE OF CONTENTS. -©D(0- THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE YEAR 1868. Officeks, JLembees, and Eules. P^ses »•-»"!• Eetiring Addkess of the President „ -, pages 1-31 fllEKTiNa The Hampton CorBx , 3.-The Cor^^tones^ of Silurian FossUs at Wicton, by Dr. BuU^ The Cullough 8 The Herefordshire and Monmouthshire by Dr. ^ 18 -The Camp ot Mole Cricket, 16.-The Japan Silkworm, Species of Hyies Eisbury, by FlaveU Edmunds, Esq., 19. -The inus, by Dn Chapman, 26. P^ses 32-64 Thk Cbumlin Viaduct and Ponttpool Meeting Bevan, Esq., F.G.S 35.- The South Wales Co.al Field by G. P. 47.—The 1 light ot Mr Adams' Fossils, 46.—Microscopic Lamp, 48.-Ma8on Wasps and their sidt bTja«- liauki'i' Esq., M.A., bO. Parasitic Bees, by Elmes Y. Steele, Esq., pages 65-97 The Penwyllt and Scwd Hen Ehyd Meeting Symonds F.G.S., The Geology of the District, by the KfT-.^- S- by Dr. Bull, 80. &c., 6S\—The Elm Tree in Herefordshire, pages 98-152 The Ludlow Meeting for Titterstone Clee Hill, &c Hill, by the Rev. J. D. Geolo^cal Address on the Titterstone Clee and Development of Lftolche, F.G.S., 102.-The Eeproduction F.L.S., I13.-The Animals, bv the Rev. W. Houghton MA., PlantB, by Lucerne Dodder, 122.—Our Native Food-producing Fishes, by Thos Blashm Esq V.P.. 123. -The Air Bladder of from Woolhope, Lloyd, Esq.,^i33.-Palxontological Notes S 144.-Note8 on the Onuy by thi Rev. P^ B. BrocUe, F.G.S., 148. River Section, by J. W. Salter, Esq., F.G.S., page8l53-183 The Hereford Meeting fob Woolhope M.A., 158.-A Botanical British Snakes, by the Rev. Thos. Phillipps 164. -Herefordshire Roman by ill. B. M. Watkins, StroU revduUnn mric- Roads, by James Davis, Esq., W8.-Jasniinum Salter, Esq., 173. -Geology of the Usk District, by J. W. Mi, 178.-Xylophagous Beetles, F.G.S., 174.-P<f>vT/o<u« tuwinus, by Dr. Chapman, 180. pages 184-22o The Foray among the Funguses, from Hereford by Dr. Bull Funguses at the Royal Horticultural Society, '^°^Edible by Dr. 193.-mustrations of EcUble Funguses of Herefordshire, 196.—Why we should not eat Funguses, by the Kev J. JJ. BuU Smith, Latouche, 204. -Spores of Fungi, by WorthingtonG. Fungi, by Edwin Lees, Esq F L.S., 210.—Fairy Rings and their Esq.", F.L.S., 211. [ The Annual Meeting TABLE OF CONTENTS, CONTINUED. The Annual Meeting pages 22C-27C Meteorology for 18C8 and Tables, by E. J. Isbell, Ewj., 228.— Fossils, illustrated, 2;i!). —New and rare Fungi, by WortUiiigton G. Smith, Esq., illustrated, 24.5.— Early WiUrFlowers of 18(i!l, by Messrs. Southall and "Watkins, 247. —Alluvial Deposits of Jvivers, by the Kev. J. D. Latouche, F.G.S., 249.—The Remarkable Trees of Whitfield, 255. —Serjeant Hoskyns, 2.57 and 272.—Herefordshire Forges, 270. Financial Statement of the Club for 1868. List of Officees and the Field-days appointed fob 1869. ILLUSTRATIONS. Ceplialaspis Asterolepis Frontispiece. "Wharton To face page 1 Hylesinus and its Wood Sculptmings, with description between pages 26-27 Odyuenis Spinipes, with description ,, 60-61 The Kiugsacre Elm To face page 80 Grotesque Wych Elms ,, 82 The Holm Lacey Elm „ 86 TheTrevilElm „ 90 Sketch in colours of Cuscuta Hassiaca ,, 122 Forms of Swimming Bladders ,, 140 Sketch in colours of Agaricus Gambosus „ 197 Ditto Coprinus Comatus „ 200 Ditto Agaricus Kubescens „ 202 Spores of Fungi ,, 210 Forms of Fairy Rings ,, 224 Fossil Sketches—No. 4 Stylonurus Symondsii ,, 239 Ditto No. 5 Homalonotus Johannis „ 241 Ditto No. 6H. Delphinocephalus&H.Cylindricu3 „ 242 Sketch in colours of Laetarius Controversus u 245 Ditto Agaricus (Entoloma) Jubatus, and Hy- grophorus Calyptrseformis ,, 246 The Cedar of Lebanon, Whitfield ,, 255 The Maidenhair Tree ,, ., 264 The Silver Fii- „ , , 267 : OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1868. President DR. M'CULLOUGH, Abergavenny. Vice-Presidents i Chandos Wren Hosktns, Esq., M.P., Harewood, Ross. Rev. H. CooPEK Key, M.A., Stretton Rectory, Hereford. James Rankin, Esq., M.A., Bryngwyn, Hereford. T. Blashill, Esq., 10, Old Jewry Chambers, London. Central Committee: Dr. Bull, Hereford. Timothy Cueley, Esq., C.E., F.G.S., Hereford. John Lloyd, Esq., Huntington Court, Hereford. Honorary Secretary i Rev. George H. Cornewall, Moccas Rectory, Hereford. Treasurer and Assistant-Secretary: Mr. A. Thomson, King Street, Hereford. LIST OF HONORARY MEMBERS. Sir W. Jardine, Bart., F.R.S., &c., &c., Jardine Hall, Dumfriessliire. Sii- Charles Lyell, Bart., M.A., F.R.S., &c., London. Sir Roderick J. Murchison, Bart., F.R.S., &c., 16, Belgrave Square, London. George Bentham, Esq., President of the Linnean Society, &c., London. Rev. P. B. Brodie, M.A., F.G.S., Rowington Vicarage, Warwick. J. E. Davies, Esq., F.G.S., London. Flavell Edmunds, Esq., Hereford. "W". Henry Fitton, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S.. &c. Dr. H. B. Geinitz, Professor of Geology, &c., Dresden. Edwin Lees, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., &c., Worcester. Professor John Lindley, Ph. D., F.R.S., &e., London. R. M. Lingwood, Esq., F.G.S., &c., Cowley House, Exeter. Professor W. Melville, Queen's College, Galway, Ireland. Professor John Phillips, F.R.S., F.G.S., St. Slary's Lodge, York. Rev. W. H. Purchas, Falkner Street, Gloucester. J, W. Salter, Esq., F.G.S., &c., London. Rev. Professor A. Sedgwick, B.D., F.R.S., &c., University, Cambridge. Sir W. v. Guise, Bart., F.G.S., &c., Elmore Court, Gloucester, President of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. W. H. Paine, Esq., Stroud, Honorary Secretary of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club. Rev. W. S. Symonds, F.G.S., Pendock Rectory, Tewkesbury, President of the Malvern Naturalists' Field Club. Rev. R. P. Hill, Brocmesberrow Rectory, Ledbury, Hon. Secretary. The President of the Warwickshire Naturalists' Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the O-swestry and Welshpool Naturalists' Field Club. The President, Curator, and Hon. Secretary of the Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society and Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Severn Valley Field Club. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Caradoc Field Club, Shropshire. The President and Hon. Secretary of the Worcestershire Naturalist Club. ORDINARY MEMBERS, 1868. Adams, W., Esq. Jones, Macheu, Rev. J. Edward. Allen, B. Haigh, Esq. Jones, Thomas, Rev. W., M.A. Ai-kwright, J. H., Esq. Jukes, Rev. J. H., M.A. Arinitage, Arthur, Esq. Key, Rev. H. Cooper, M.A. Banks, R. W., Esq. Lane, BIr. Tlieophilus. Banks, Wni., Esq. Lee, John Edward, Esq., F.G.S., &c. Baylisa, Mr. Philip, (dec.) Lightbody, R., Esq. Beavan, Kev. T. M. Llanwarne, Thos., Esq. BlasJiill, Thomas, Esq. Lloyd, Mr. Jas. W. Bodenhani, C. De la Barre, Esq. Lloyd, John, Esq. Bonnor, W. J., Esq. Martin, C G. Esq. Broiighton, F., Esq. M'CuUough, D. M., Esq., M.D. Bull, H. G., Esq., M.D. Merewether. Rev. F., B.C.L. Cam, Thomas, Esq. Morris, J. G., Esq. Capel, Rev. Bury. Newton, M., Esq. Capper-, Rev. D. P. Owen, Evan, Esq. Capper, R. H., Esq. Owen, Rev. E. J. Clark, Rev. Samuel Palin, Rev. Edward. Clive, G.,,Esq., M.P, Pateshall, Evan, Esq. Cocking, G., Esq. Phillipps, Rev. Thos., M.A. Collins, Phillips, Mr. Wm. J. S , Esq. Colvin, Colonel, C.B. Phillott, Rev. H. W., M.A. Cornewall, Rev. Sir G. H., Bart. Pitt, BIr. John H. Crouch, Rev. J. F., B.D. Poole, Rev. Wm., M.A. Curley, T., Esq., C.E., F.G.S. Purchas, Alfred, Esq. Davies, Isaac, Esq., C.E. Rankin, James, Esq. Davies, James, Esq. Raven, Rev. John. Davies, Rev. James, M.A. Reaveley, Rev. F. Fenwick, S.C.L. DLxon, Rev. R., M.A. Salwey, Humphrey, Esq. Downing, Mr. J. B. Scudamore, Colonel. Du Buisson, Rev. E., M.A. Shellard, O., Esq. Dunibleton, H , Esq. Smith, Rev. C, M.A. Eld, Rev. F. J., M.A. Smith, J. E , Esq. Evans, E. M., Esq. Southall, Mr. H. Feilden, Lieutenant-Colonel. Stanhope, Rev. B. L S., BLA. Fowle, Rev. W. C, M.A. Stanhope, Rev. W. P. S., BI.A. Fowler, J. T. Owen, Esq. Steele, Elmes Y., Esq. Garrold, T. W., Esq. Stillingflcet, Rev. H. J. W., BLA. Gray, Rev. Arthur, M.A. Styles, R. H. P., Esq. Greenhow, R. Esq. Thirwall, Rev. T. J. Hanbury, Rev. J. Capel, M.A. Thompson, BIr. Arthur. Harrison, D. R., Esq. Tweed, Ruv. H. W., BI.A. Hereford, Viscount. Vaughan, Jas., Esq. Hereford, Richard, Esq. Weare, Rev. T. W., BI.A. Hereford, Captain. West, Rev. Thos., BI.A. Hereford, Rev. R., M.A. Westropp, Rev. C. J., B A. Hcrnanian, Rev. J. W. D., M.A. Williams, Captain. BIr. Hill, Rev. n. T , M A. With, G. Hd.^kvns, CUaudos "Wren, Esq., M.P. Wood, J. H., Esq. Hvisbands, E. T., Esq. Woodhouse, Rev. Thos., BI..ii. I-.bcll, E. J., Esq. Wynne, N. S., Esq. Jenkins, H. J,, Esq, NEW MEMBERS ELECTED DURING THE YEAR 1868. HONOBABT MEMBER. G. Phillips Bevan, Esq., F.G.S., 4, Suffolk Sqaar«, Cheltenham. ORDINABT UEMBEBS, Adams, Mr. Thomas, Kempson, F. R,, Esq. Andrews, Mr. John. Lambe, John, Esq. Aston, William, Esq. Merriman, J. Jones, Esq. Bowen, J. Mortimer, Esq. Robinson, Rev.
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