ARTISTIC1 TURNS AIQ2015tyt.indd 1 15-12-10 10:52 2 3 4 ART INQUIRY Recherches sur les arts Volume XVII (XXVI) Artistic Turns Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe Societas Scientiarum Lodziensis 90-505 Łódź, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 11, tel. (+48 42) 665 54 59 fax (+48 42) 665 54 64 Sales office (+48 42) 665 54 48, http://sklep.ltn.lodz.pl, www.ltn.lodz.pl, e-mail: [email protected] Editorial board of ŁTN: Krystyna Czyżewska, Edward Karasiński, Wanda M. Krajewska (Editor-in-Chief), Henryk C. Piekarski, Jan Szymczak Editorial board: Roy Ascott, Sean Cubitt, Bohdan Dziemidok, Erkki Huhtamo, Ryszard Hunger, Krystyna Juszyńska, Małgorzata Leyko, Robert C. Morgan, Wanda Nowakowska (chair) Ewelina Nurczyńska-Fidelska, Krystyna Wilkoszewska, Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska Editor-in-Chief: Grzegorz Sztabiński Editors: Andrzej Bartczak, Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Krzysztof Stefański Editors of the volume: Grzegorz Sztabiński, Paulina Sztabińska Language Editors: Alina Kwiatkowska, Andrew Tomlinson Editorial Associate: Paulina Sztabińska Reviewer: Lechosław Lameński Cover: Grzegorz Laszuk Graphic design: Tomasz Budziarek Edited with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Indexed by CEEOL, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, CEJSH, ERIH Plus, Index Copernicus and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Full- text articles are available online at www.ceeol.com and www.ibuk.pl. Copyright by Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Łódź 2015 ISSN 1641-9278 Print: 2K Łódź Sp. z o.o., ul. Płocka 53/45, www.2k.com.pl, [email protected] The journal is originally a printed publication Wersja drukowana stanowi pierwotną wersję czasopisma Circulation: 200 egz. 5 CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................... 7 ROMAN KUBICKI The existential contexts of the so-called turns in the humanities ......................... 9 TERESA PĘKALA Change, break, crisis, or fulguration – what is a turn in art? ................................ 21 GRZEGORZ SZTABIŃSKI Empathetic turn in the reflection on art ................................................................. 37 IWONA LORENC “Theoretical turn” in post-avant-garde art and the aesthetics of de-differentiation ...................................................................................................... 59 PIOTR SCHOLLENBERGER Nominalist re-turn in contemporary art .................................................................. 69 RAFAŁ CZEKAJ Aesthetics and the political turn in art ................................................................... 83 KONRAD CHMIELECKI From visual culture to visual communication. The pictorial and iconic turn in contemporary culture ......................................... 93 SIDEY MYOO Art absorbed by the Web .......................................................................................... 115 PAULINA SZTABIŃSKA The performative turn in the visual arts. The art of Paul Klee ............................. 129 KAZIMIERZ PIOTROWSKI The linguistic turn in Conceptualism and after ............................................................... 145 RAFAŁ SOLEWSKI Is it just a metaphysical turn? .................................................................................. 167 TOMASZ SZCZEPANEK The art of failure – the victory of the losers ........................................................... 181 6 EWA KUBIAK The “linguistic turn” and twentieth-century possibilities of conducting research on old architecture. Perception and reception of architectural pieces in South America ........................................................................................... 195 ANETA PAWŁOWSKA African contemporary art and the curatorial turn .......................................................... 219 BŁAŻEJ CIARKOWSKI The post-colonial turn and the modernist architecture in Africa ......................... 239 JULIA SOWIŃSKA-HEIM A post-socialist city: a “turn” in shaping the architectural image of a city at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The case of Łódź ................................ 251 MAŁGORZATA OLSZA Telling images? The self-reflexive turn in contemporary American graphic novels ......................................................................................................................... 273 DOMINIKA ŁARIONOW, MAGDALENA RASZEWSKA From painted decoration to the screen. The turn in stage illusion in the late 20th and early 21st century ....................................................................................... 291 MAGDALENA SAMBORSKA Intolerable ugliness. A turn in European fashion as a result of confrontation with Japanese aesthetics ........................................................................................... 309 AGNIESZKA ŚWIĘTOSŁAWSKA Emigration as an artistic turning point – Ignacy Szczedrowski, Konstanty Kukiewicz and Tadeusz Gorecki at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg ........................................................................................................ 321 IRMINA GADOWSKA In search of spirituality. Religious reorientation or radical assimilation? The case of Marek Szwarc ....................................................................................... 347 JAKUB PETRI The artistic turn in graffiti practice: Szwedzki vs Mona Tusz ....................................... 371 Notes on contributors ............................................................................................... 389 7 INTRODUCTION Artistic Turns The concept of a „turn” has attracted the interest of the representatives of different disciplines of the humanities engaged in the studies of culture for a number of years. Much has been written on the performative turn, interpretative turn, postcolonial turn, translational turn, spatial turn, iconic turn etc. Is art just one of the areas in which those turns occur, or can one talk about the unique character of artistic turns? We would like to look into this issue not only with regard to the current cultural scene, but also taking into account the earlier cultural periods. We propose a broad understanding of the concept of a „turn”. It can be employed in the general reflection on culture, but it can also be used with reference to some specific aspects of art, e.g. when talking of a certain kind of stylistic change, or a sudden modification of the creative stance of a particular artist. We are presenting papers concerning the broadly conceived cultural and artistic „shocks”, disruption of accepted orders, as well as papers discussing concrete cases of creative work proceeding in leaps and bounds, through successive turns. Grzegorz Sztabiński Paulina Sztabińska 8 WPROWADZENIE Zwroty artystyczne Kategoria „zwrotu” w badaniach nad kulturą od kilkunastu lat wywołuje zain- teresowanie u przedstawicieli różnych dziedzin humanistyki. Pisano wiele na temat performative turn, interpretative turn, postcolonial turn, translational turn, spatial turn, iconic turn itp. Czy sztuka jest tylko jednym z obszarów, na któ- rych owe zwroty dokonują się, czy też można mówić zwrocie artystycznym, jako szczególnej odmianie? Sugerujemy rozważenie tego zagadnienia nie tylko w odniesieniu do obecnego stanu kultury, a również przy wzięciu pod uwagę wcześniejszych okresów dziejów. Proponujemy wzięcie pod uwagę szerokiego sposobu rozumienia pojęcia „zwrot”. Może ono być przedmiotem rozważań o zasięgu ogólnokulturowym, ale można również odnieść je do określonej dziedziny sztuki, np. zachodzącej w niej przemiany stylistycznej, czy wreszcie nagłej modyfikacji postawy twór- czej określonego artysty. Prezentujemy więc z jednej strony na artykuły doty- czące problematyki szeroko pojętych „wstrząsów” kulturowych i artystycznych, „zmącenia” zakładanych porządków, jak teksty omawiające konkretne przypad- ki twórczości jawiącej się jako działalność meandryczna, przebiegająca drogą kolejnych turns. Grzegorz Sztabiński Paulina Sztabińska Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts 2015, vol. XVII ISSN 1641-92789 Roman Kubicki Institute of Philosophy Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań [email protected] THE EXISTENTIAL CONTEXTS OF THE SO-CALLED TURNS IN THE HUMANITIES Abstract: The starting point for my research is the famous statement of Leszek Kołakowski: “(...) in all the universe man cannot find a well so deep that, leaning over it, he does not discover at the bottom his own face.” I believe that no matter which of the turns we are dealing with, it is only our own face that, in fact, each of them has to offer to us. I ask about this face in the performative, iconic and posthumanist turns. Keywords: man, culture, science, face, freedom, turns in the humanities Introduction The question: “If we say the same thing differently, do we say the same thing, or something else?” still provokes many emotions and controversy, at least within the broadly-defined humanities. Sometimes the answer can be found in a somewhat paradoxical statement: to say the same thing differently means to say more. The statement is paradoxical since it implies that to say the same thing means to say less. If we want to avoid the paradox, this statement must take the following form: to say the same thing differently means to say less or more. When we say the same thing differently, we never say the same thing. The opponents of this belief are convinced that the statements formulated in completely different eras can be compared without limitation, and the logical relationships between them as well as their mutual
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