Fordham Meets Jinx, N. Y. U. Tonight Page 5 Vol. 20 New York, N. Y., February 16,1940 No. 17 State Clubs Threatened By Four Plays to Be Presented By Mimes Aroused Student Council In Annual Varsity One-Ad Contest Brooklyn-Long Island Aggregation First to Feel Wrath of RAM Staffers Sweep Playwriting Field as Entries of Dugan, Ford, Cotter, White Are Revitalized Student Representatives Selected by Board of Judges After Three Weeks of Deliberation The long dormant Student Coun- THE PLAYWRIGHTS1 COMPANY With the selection of four one-act cil exploded three of their six-inch plays to be presented at Fordham guns into the faces of the studen Sophs Vote To Hop on the fifteenth of March, the Mimes body at the last meeting on Tues- and Mummers swing into another day, February 13, by altering '42 Decisively Favors stretch of feverish activity, in an twelve-year-old tradition, stabiliz- effort to surpass the precedent of suc- ing student • dances, establishing Spring Dance cess established by the recent varsity special Student Council Fund, and production. taking the first steps towards thi The Sophomore Class of the col- Following three weeks of delibera- tion on the part of Mr. William abolishment of state clubs. lege last Thursday overwhelmingly voted in favor of holding a Sopho- Trivett, S.J., Mimes moderator, and A motion was made by Richard L. Mr. Emmet Layery, director of Ford- Breen, '40, to have those student or- more Hop this Spring. ham's Dramatic Seminar, as well as ganizations which are represented in Informed by the Student Council the advice of qualified members of the Student Council contribute, an- of the new ruling which makes the the Faculty, the following plays were approval of eighty-five per cent of chosen: "The Gentleman From Ava- the class necessary before any so- R. A. Whita, '42 F. P. Ford, '41 J. T. Dugan, J. V. Cotter, '42 lon," by John T. Dugan, '41, second cial affair may be held, the repre- prize winner in last year's varsity sentatives met on Wednesday and contest; "Equation Unsolved" by received the ballots which were dis- Frank P. Ford, '41; "The O'Neill," by tributed and returned the following Joseph V. Cotter, 42, winner of the day. Peter F. Callery, president of Forum Signs Band Maroon Conducts 1939 Freshman contest, and "Times the class, announced that those fa- to Think," by Richard White, '42, voring the dance, as shown in the winner of second prize in last year's balloting, far exceeded the needed For St. Patrick Popularity Poll' Freshman plays. eighty-five per cent. Several weeks ago, application Informal Because of his excellent work in was made to the Student Council Yearbook Introduces First the directing of the Varsity Show for a date, and May 17 was the final Preference Questionnaire Mr. Albert McCleery has been re- Prominent Metropolitan tained as the head of a student di- selection agreed upon. Next Week rectorial staff, consisting of the au- Orchestra Secured for thors, on whom the main burden W. N. Wallaet, '40 J. Ci«y, '40 of direction will fall. This is in ac- Spring Dance "The Maroon, beginning next nually, three dollars to the Student cordance with the Mimes policy of Council; and those organizations Ram's Rhetoric week, will distribute a series of 'Pop- encouraging student responsibility which come under the jurisdiction of Endeavoring to make this year's ularity Polls' to determine Senior as much as possible, in all produc- the Council, to contribute one dol- Business Forum informal a mem- preferences," announced John J tions. The members of the staff have Reaches Philly not yet been chosen. lar annually. This fund is then to be orable occasion, Robert W. Stanford, Emerich, '40, editor-in-chief of the Work on the actual staging of the known as the Student Council Fund. '40, dance committee chairman, has yearbook. Approval by the Council was re- Two major victories were scored announced the signing of "The Es- plays has already begun. Casting served on this motion and the mer- over two outstanding Jesuit Colleges quires," a rpopular twelve piece or- The first of these polls will be con- will be completed by Monday, and its of the motions will be discussed by the Council of Debate last week- chestra. The fourth annual St. Pat-cerned with matters of a more or less a full schedule of rehearsals posted at the next meeting of the Council. end, when Thomas A. Reynolds and rick's Day affair will be held on Sat- by the end of the week. George J. Guess of Senior triumphed general interest. It will, when the Harry C. Schnibbe, '40, presented urday, March 16th, in the Marble returns are all in, indicate the Mr. Trivett revealed that the aim a motion, conceived jointly by Wes- over Holy Cross last Friday and won Room of Keating Hall. of the author-directed vehicles was ley N. Wallace, '40, and Schnibbe, to a decision over Boston College on the "The Esquires," featuring a thoughts of the coming graduates on to foster a coherent and unified dra- have, in the future, all dates for stu- following Monday. The radio debate smoother swing, and the vocal ren- current events, such as politics, matic program for this year and suc- dent organizations made stabile and with Boston University, slated for the dition of lovely Jeanne Shine, are whether or not the various wars go- ceeding years. Under the able tu- Saturday afternoon of the trip, was that these dates should be added to prominent in metropolitan college ing on at present are justified, and telage of Mr. McCleery, the student non-decision. directors will learn the principles of the present academic calendar. In- and club circles. They have just other similar contemporary topics. (Contlnued on page 8) The trip of this week-end, although completed engagements at Colum- the fine art of manipulating man- limited to the relatively short bounds bia, St. Peter's and St. Elizabeth's. There will also be several less seri- power to produce the best possible of Philadelphia, has two formidable Stanford also announced that an ous questions to discover the opin- dramatic effect. opponents in its itinerary. Last night elaborate favor is being prepared for ions of the Seniors as to their favor- Town Hall Concert John J. Emerich and Francis J. Van distribution. Last year an attractive ite "glamour" girls and boys, best- Damm of Senior met St. Joseph's with bracelet was given as a souvenior to liked diversions, drinks and dance- a negative case on the question, "Re- all the girls present. This proved so bands, among others. Fordham Site of Songs Announced solved: That the principle of the successful that the committee has de- Francis A. Auleta, '40, business Reciprocal Trade Pacts should be- cided to repeat this policy, and prom- manager of the Maroon, stated that Youth Congress By Choristers come a permanent part of our foreign ises an even more popular gift. in addition to questions such as those policy. Tonight they will advocate The dance committee has ex- already mentioned, there will be a A concert possibly unsurpassed in military and naval protection of pressed an enthusiastic desire to number of "different" angles to the 500 Catholic Delegates to the history of the Fordham Univer- American interests in the Orient over make the March 16th affair the finest questionnaire, the nature of which Discuss "Dimensions of sity Glee Club, was promised last Philadelphia airwaves, opposing the in the history of the Forum. "Last will not be disclosed until the actual night to all those attending the an- (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) release of the poll to the students. Democracy" nual Concert, when Donald Slattery, '40, made public the majority of the More than five hundred repre- numbers to be included in the Town sentatives from thirty-one Catholic Hall programme. The affair will be Colleges of New England and the held the night of March 5. Middle Atlantic States will convene The opening number of the night First Fordham "Thought" Out Today at Fordham on Sunchiy, February 25, will be a stirring ballad entitled to di.scu.sH "The Dimensions of De- "Courage" composed by Bruno Huhn Fordham's newest step in the way titled "The Pope, the President, and mocracy." The meeting will be under and arranged by Walllngford Hicg- Pence" and written by Wilfred Par- the auspices of the National Sodality if literary publications will be re- of Our Lady, of which the Hev. Dan- Ker. Another number in a similar leased today from the office of Fa- sons, the first editor of the first issue vein will be "The Vagabond" by of Thought in 1020, and another on iel A. Lord, S.J., of St. Louis is the Robert Louis Stevenson nrvd set tother Gerald O. Walsh, S.J., In tho director. Graduate School, In the fium of the Jesuit Quarlercentury, tile au- music by J. B, Wells. thor of which, Ht. Hi'V, M.sgr. Peter Students from the following col- The religious numbers t» bo fea-Thought, now a Kordham Univer- leges ii;ivr already made reserva- sity Quarterly, (Sulldiiy, wrote the first article in tured this year include "Adoniimts Thought In 10211. tion,-;: llo.ston College., Murymnuint College, Na/iiivlh Cull,-)..., UdydilT, —I" arranged by Jiwopli M, AHUIII TlimiKht, formerly II quarterly America in liir Dust and "Ilnoc Dies" n two-pnrt chums f Hrli'iiivs mill lotti'i'fi, wnrt ii(lii|iti'il Maryw I, timid Cuunsi-I, New Ho- An (litIcli- mi tin1 Aliii'l'inin I'nliry di't ID musk' by JIIWIIHM flu HUH, The iy tin' Kiirilhiuri (Irndiiiiti' School 1'hi'lle, SI.
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