BE:R 19, 1941 .. ~ lankin Hawklet3, Blue, Fair. Win, Loee tn Two Tilts IOWA: l'aIr &e JIUil7 dotIb &ad " Rites Here Yeeterda:r w-" tedU. wIDd _&II &e Bee Stories on Pace , aoa&llweat n·1I .... &edaJ'. ~nday , alII· J 0 U1 a Cily', Mornin, NeW1'paper kin, 78, 102 S. IOWA CITY, IOWA SAlJ'URDA Y,' SEPT~MBER 20, 1941 he home of he~ rIVE CE:NTS VOLUME XLI NUMBER 305 Rankin, 1114 E. clock yesterdal' lort illness. Ixhaustlon were IS of her death I away from, h~ day evenlnll alld or several hours ,undo She had lealth for 1011\8 ,B. M. Baruch New York Education Head Lin", County Grand Jury Returns Ilr county, Mo., Reds Admit .Germans Reach Ie was married Strong. Statement Against Strikers n 1884. Fot the A~ks Ceiling lived in Cedar CEDAR RAPrr>s (AP) - A 3. Advised that SheriU Jim One Gate of Ukrainian Capital ~jly. Price Level Lin~ county grand jury Friday Smith of Linn county be placed by five children afternoon termed ' the Monday in charge of such organization Iowa City, Ar~ night mob violence attendant with wa; Howard E., Would Put Ceiling the Wilson and Company produce with general control over all Linn county peace o{ficers. I, Georgia Slo­ Ov~r Structure Of plant strike "shameful and shock­ aaim ~nf~ct Armies Striking East Paul C., New ' ing" and listed Live recommenda­ 4. That the board of supervisors leveral brothen Prices, Wages, Rents tions against recu rrence of such authorize the sherltt to employ a scene. At lellst a dozen men such additional deputies as are At. LenJngr~d . At Industrial Region II services have .WASHtlItGTON (AP) - Ber- were hurt Monday night when necessary to prevent recurrence of sunciy after- pard M. Baruch, the man who ran strikers stormed the plant and strike riots. Stdl UndeCIded BERLIN (AP)-Tbe ITBDd German Ukrainian offensive al in Oakland this country's war industrial mo­ ousted 14 non,sU'iklng employes. dy is at Beck- bilization, appealed to congress The ... jury made the following 5. That the grand jUry's investi­ smashing with a terrib1e momentum throulh broken Russia~ recommendations to Judge John gation into th~ facts of the rlot is ~rday to lose no time in en­ Report Heavy Lo Se8 resistance, has occupIed the provincial capital, Kiev, reached acting legislation which would put T. Moffitt: continued until the next meeting and overrun Poltava,.2oo miles to the east, and is triking to­ •' 'celling over the entire struc­ 1. That all necessary steps be of the grand lury in November. Inflicted on 3 Nazi ward Kharkov, 80 mllea beyond in the heart of the industrial take/"! to arrest lind prosecute riot The grand jury's report, one of IUt~prlces , wages and rents. SS Battalions in North Donets basin, the high command announced In a triumphant .The tall, whlte·halred New leaders. the most forceful ever l'eturned In 2. Demanded organization to Li nn county, charged the police chain of bulletin8 last night. York flnanCier Who was chairman MOSCOW, Saturday (AP)­ This series of spectacular successes. which by German ac­ or'the war industries board during· prevent repetition of the "dis­ department with being "negligent" The Red army WIIS reported to­ the World war, told the house graceful acts comm i ttcd." in connection with the riot. counts appeared to lay the ' greatest surviving Soviet war binking committee that "the dan- day li,hting desperately to stem plants in the whole of the south open to imminent peril, was I etc of an inflationary price rise a German tide sweeping through eportedfr-om Adolf Hitler's Is imminent" and I! not taken Home Builders IJames Porter the Ukra me and Russia admitted eastern headquarter which firmly in hand In time, "may get the troops were hard pressed at also put total German casual. beyond the possibility of controL G i v e n Priority Interpreting OUR I C Lin ' the ancient Ukrainian capital of ties to the end of August at The committee has had price­ In Defense Areas •• eman, 402,865 against Russian losses control legislation under consider­ Kiev. War News of more than 8,600,000 to date. allon since Aug. 4, including a . Electrocuted The bitter fighting extended Klev, a cHy oj 846,293, U1e third JIIOnth-long recess period, and WASHINGTON (AP)-Builders from the Arctic tQ the Black sea even after Baruch's testimony, Fall of Kiev TerriIic lar,est in the Soviet Union and Hy and YOllr­ of homes costing less than $6,000 next in Importance to Moscow and lOme members expressed belief L' hI, P Co was "particularly fierce at KJev," !I! HowT lu. in 275 des.ignated defense areas Blow to Crumbling tIi~re would be at !east six more Ig ower nlpany I was 1111 the Soviet communique Lenln,rad or lhe three toP German v&lk out with were given first call yesterday on objectives , fell during the morn­ ~ of public hearings. copper, zinc, eleciricsl supplies, Employee Killed While told of the titanic struggle swir1r­ Rus ian Resistance rallY we beth lng, It was stated, alter Its last ,Baruch criticized the pending hardware 811d other materials :....-------------.:Iatron' fortifications on the we t ~ tn-between bill . as ."piece-meal" because in­ Installing Street Light ing about that city. needed fOr construction. By KtRKE L. S~SON oonk of the Dnieper rIver had been t rentnr your It.ea.d of providiOl lor the over­ 'Heavy Losses' The government priorities or­ James Porter, 34, 711 E. Jef­ The fall of Kiev, oUicial1y an- smashed by violent nazi char,es. v YOUr famll, t\I I!rice ceiling which he advo­ In the lar north near the Arctic der will make it more diUicult ferson. a lineman for the Iown nounced by Hitler's headquarters, Swaatlka Above Kiev '. Wbat could cated, it would merely authorize port of Murmansk the communi­ DEAN GEORGE STODDARD to obtain building materials in City Light and Power company, Is a staggering blow to Russia. Last nilht, the swastika flew the president to establish such other areas or for other types of was electrocuted yesterday after­ que said "heavy losses" were In­ ceil\np for prices which get out homes, defense Officials said. noon aboqt 3;30 while he was in­ flicted "on three German SS bat­ It lends vivid coloring, it con- from Ill! ancient towers, said the o~ line. It would not cover wages high command, a!ter intermittent * * * * * * Oonald M. Nelson, defense sta\)ing a street light near the talions (Hitler's elite guard) and llrmed, to Berlin assertions that assaults upon Its gales since early and it specifically stipulates that corner of Court and College two Alpine chnsseurs regiments." DO ceiling would be fixed for fa rm Prof. George Stoddard Named priorities director, said that the Red army resistance Is swiftly in July. order would apply to 200,000 pri­ court. The 136th and 137th Alpine commodities at less than 110 per regiments suffered 3,000 ca5ual­ crumbling frOm the Moscow front All this was accompanied, Hii· cent of the parity price. vately-financed homes and to According to Iowa City police, ler's headquarters declared, by the Head of New York University Porter wa~. almost Instantly killed ties, including 3,000 dead, the all the way to the Black sea, 24c "The bill before this committee 100,000 to be buill by govern­ fatal encirclement of lou.r Red ment agencies. Quotas have been when his body came into con­ communique said and Identified In the li,ht of the bitter re­ armies 8bout 125 mlle. to the east will not stop in.flation," Baruch tact with two e)ectric lines. Other sistance of both Leningrad and aid. "It may allll88D the degree worked out for each of the areas the S5 battlilions as the "fuehrer," of Kiev-armles ot unstated siz Dean of SUI Graduate College Will Take New workmen Immediately shut oft the Od~811B, of. inflation that we will have." but they were not disclosed. "German," lIJ1d "Death," under cloee siege for (but presUmably numbering as ~~ 21c Clashing with viewpoints ex­ PositioJ~ of Commissioner of Education current in the lines and lowered Russian dispatches pictured the weeks. the quick faU of Kiev is many a:s 500,000 men) which were ptessed by several members on a Porter's \:!.ody to th ground where contlicl for 1I>ningrad still raging almost unbelievable. It tndicates tudity cut to pIece IIIImQer of phases of the problem, On July ,"1. 942 H, Morge~tha~ Jr. they attempted to revive him by indecisively, with the Red army Poltava, a railway city ot 88.000 use of artificial resperation. position improving somewhat on sian army and civilian morale. IIaruch said he tavored a single Police and firemen, both called where Peter the Great defeated lb. 32c administrator for the proposed Prof. George D. Stoddard, deanfprofessor in child psychology, Examiues Automobile the central 1ront and at belen- That the city was in grave Charles of Sweden more than two Jlv,r, instead of the board advo­ of the university gradullte college, Stoddard has also been director of immediately, used an inhalator guered Odessa. danger was clearly indicated by yesterday announced acceptance of the Iowa Child research station Unit Production Work and oxygen equipment to no avail. centuries .,0, was the furthermost . lb. 19c cat~ by some of the legislators, Po Itlon at Kiev 'Grave' Moscow even before the Gerll\lUls the presidency of the University for 11 years. During 1938-39 he Police at first thought that Por­ point .epclflcaily reported reach­ and then asserted that Leon Hen­ But it was at Kiev that the proclaimed U1at it had been -en­ ed in an advance which the Ger­ derson, present head of the office of the State of New York and the was head of the university psy- DETROIT (AP)-Henry Mor- ter had grabbed a live wire which IPOsition of the Russian forces was clrcled by nazi north a.nd south I : lbs.
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