
S5438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2001 MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE The enrolled bill was signed subse- Ms. SNOWE, Mr. SPECTER, Ms. STABE- NOW, Mr. TORRICELLI, and Mr. At 12:51 p.m., a message from the quently by the President pro tempore (Mr. THURMOND). WELLSTONE): House of Representatives, delivered by S. 924. A bill to provide reliable officers, Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, f technology, education, community prosecu- announced that the House has agreed tors, and training in our neighborhoods; to to the amendment of the Senate to the MEASURES REFERRED the Committee on the Judiciary. bill (H.R. 1696) to expedite the con- The following bills were read the first By Mr. WELLSTONE: struction of the World War II memorial and the second times by unanimous S. 925. A bill to amend the title XVIII of consent, and referred as indicated: the Social Security Act to provide a pre- in the District of Columbia. scription benefit program for all medicare The message also announced that the H.R. 495. An act to designate the Federal beneficiaries; to the Committee on Finance. House has passed the following bills, in building located in Charlotte Amalie, St. By Mr. HARKIN (for himself, Mr. which it requests the concurrence of Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, as the HELMS, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. HOLLINGS, the Senate: ‘‘Ron de Lugo Federal Building’’; to the and Mrs. FEINSTEIN): Committee on Environment and Public H.R. 495. an act to designate the Federal S. 926. A bill to prohibit the importation of Works. building located in Charlotte Amalie, St. any article that is produced, manufactured, H.R. 1801. An act to designate the United Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, as the or grown in Burma; to the Committee on En- States courthouse located at 501 West 10th ‘‘Ron de Lugo Federal Building.’’ vironment and Public Works. Street in Fort Worth, Texas, as the ‘‘Eldon H.R. 1801. An act to designate the United By Mr. CORZINE: B. Mahon United States Courthouse’’; to the S. 927. A bill to amend title 23, United States courthouse located at 501 West 10th Committee on Environment and Public States Code, to provide for a prohibition on Street in Fort Worth, Texas, as the ‘‘Eldon Works. use of mobile telephones while operating a B. Mahon United States Courthouse.’’ motor vehicle; to the Committee on Environ- H.R. 1885. An act to expand the class of The following concurrent resolution ment and Public Works. beneficiaries who may apply for adjustment was read and referred as indicated: By Mr. JEFFORDS (for himself, Mr. of status under section 245(i) of the Immigra- H. Con. Res. 109. Concurrent resolution KENNEDY, and Mr. FEINGOLD): tion and Nationality Act by extending the honoring the services and sacrifices of the S. 928. A bill to amend the Age Discrimina- deadline for classification petition and labor United States merchant marine; to the Com- tion in Employment Act of 1967 to require, as certification filings, and for other purposes. mittee on the Judiciary. a condition of receipt or use of Federal finan- The message further announced that f cial assistance, that States waive immunity the House has agreed to the following to suit for certain violations of that Act, and concurrent resolutions, in which it re- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF to affirm the availability of certain suits for quests the concurrence of the Senate: COMMITTEE injunctive relief to ensure compliance with that Act; to the Committee on Health, Edu- H. Con. Res. 56. Concurrent resolution ex- The following executive reports of cation, Labor, and Pensions. pressing the sense of the Congress regarding committee were submitted: By Mr. HUTCHINSON: National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. By Mr. LUGAR for the committee on Agri- S. 929. A bill to amend the National Labor H. Con. Res. 76. Concurrent resolution au- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Relations Act to preserve charitable giving; thorizing the use of the East Front of the Lou Gallegos, of New Mexico, to be an As- to the Committee on Health, Education, Capitol Grounds for performances sponsored sistant Secretary of Agriculture. Labor, and Pensions. by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Per- Mary Kirtley Waters, of Virginia, to be an By Mr. MCCAIN: forming Arts. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. S. 930. A bill to authorize the Secretary of H. Con. Res. 79. Concurrent resolution au- Eric M. Bost, of Texas, to be Under Sec- the Interior to set aside up to $2 per person thorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for retary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, from park entrance fees or assess up to $2 per the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. and Consumer Services. person visiting the Grand Canyon National H. Con. Res. 87. Concurrent resolution Au- William T. Hawks, of Mississippi, to be Park to secure bonds for capital improve- thorizing the 2001 District of Columbia Spe- Under Secretary of Agriculture for Mar- ments, and for other purposes; to the Com- cial Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run keting and Regulatory Programs. mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. to be run through the Capitol Grounds. J. B. Penn, of Arkansas, to be Under Sec- By Mr. CLELAND: H. Con. Res. 109. Concurrent resolution retary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign S. 931. A bill to require certain information honoring the services and sacrifices of the Agricultural Services. from the President before certain deploy- United States merchant marine. ments of the Armed Forces, and for other The message also announced that (The above nominations were re- purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- pursuant to section 1092(b) of the Floyd ported with the recommendation that tions. D. Spence National Defense Authoriza- they be confirmed subject to the nomi- By Mr. HARKIN (for himself, Mr. tion Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public nees’ commitment to respond to re- SMITH of Oregon, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. Law 106–398), the Speaker has ap- quests to appear and testify before any DASCHLE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. DORGAN, Mr. DAYTON, Mrs. CLIN- pointed the following members on the duly constituted committee of the Sen- ate.) TON, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. KENNEDY, part of the House of Representatives to Mr. KOHL, Mr. KERRY, Mr. SARBANES, the Commission on the Future of the f Mr. WELLSTONE, Mr. DURBIN, and United States Aerospace Industry: Mr. Mrs. BOXER): INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND F. Whitten Peters of Washington, D.C. S. 932. A bill to amend the Food Security JOINT RESOLUTIONS and Mrs. Tillie Fowler of Jacksonville, Act of 1985 to establish the conservation se- Florida. The following bills and joint resolu- curity program; to the Committee on Agri- The message further announced that tions were introduced, read the first culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. and second times by unanimous con- By Mr. JEFFORDS (for himself, Mrs. pursuant to the Congressional Award CLINTON, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Act (2 U.S.C. 801), as amended by Pub- sent, and referred as indicated: and Mr. SCHUMER): lic Law 106–533, the Speaker has ap- By Mr. BIDEN (for himself, Mr. AKAKA, S. 933. A bill to amend the Federal Power pointed the following Members of the Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. BAYH, Mr. BINGA- Act to encourage the development and de- House of Representatives to the Con- MAN, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BREAUX, Mr. ployment of innovative and efficient energy gressional Recognition for Excellence BYRD, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. CARNA- technologies; to the Committee on Energy in Arts Education Awards Board: Mr. HAN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. CLELAND, Mrs. and Natural Resources. CLINTON, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. CORZINE, By Mr. BURNS (for himself and Mr. MCKEON of California and Mrs. BIGGERT Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. DAYTON, Mr. DODD, BAUCUS): of Illinois. Mr. DORGAN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. S. 934. A bill to require the Secretary of ENROLLED BILL SIGNED EDWARDS, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. GRA- the Interior to construct the Rocky Boy’s At 5:10 p.m., a message from the HAM, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. North Central Montana Regional Water Sys- House of Representatives, delivered by INOUYE, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. JOHNSON, tem in the State of Montana, to offer to Mr. Hays, one of its reading clerks, an- Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. KERRY, Mr. KOHL, enter into an agreement with the Chippewa Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, Cree Tribe to plan, design, construct, oper- nounced that the Speaker has signed Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mrs. LINCOLN, Ms. ate, maintain and replace the Rocky Boy’s the following enrolled bill: MIKULSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. NELSON Rural Water System, and to provide assist- H.R. 1696. An act to expedite the construc- of Florida, Mr. NELSON of Nebraska, ance to the North Central Montana Regional tion of the World War II memorial in the Mr. REED, Mr. REID, Mr. ROCKE- Water Authority for the planning, design, District of Columbia. FELLER, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. SCHUMER, and construction of the noncore system, and VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:48 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY May 22, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5439 for other purposes; to the Committee on In- governmental organizations with re- added as cosponsors of S. 627, a bill to dian Affairs. spect to the provision of assistance amend the Internal Revenue Code of By Mrs. BOXER: under part I of the Foreign Assistance 1986 to allow individuals a deduction S.J. Res. 14. A joint resolution providing Act of 1961. for qualified long-term care insurance for congressional disapproval of the rule sub- mitted by the Environmental Protection S.
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