Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Fall 10-22-1971 Volume 7 - Issue 5 - Friday, October 22, 1971 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 7 - Issue 5 - Friday, October 22, 1971" (1971). The Rose Thorn Archive. 1030. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/1030 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ANYONE HAVING ACCESS TO THE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS COPIES OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL OR USE THE MATERIAL FOR DIRECT OR INDIRECT COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE WITHOUT DETERMINING THAT SUCH ACT OR ACTS WILL NOT INFRINGE THE COPYRIGHT RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. ANY REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PARTY THAT DOES SO. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Thorn Archive by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. filt FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1 971 OLUME 7, NUMBER 5 ROSE HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA ADULT F ROSH RIIIT HONORS 250 by Doug Hileman EDUCATION: Homecoming activities this year rwo hundred and fifty students the University of Illinois. A grad- University of Michigan; and sop- include several events sponsored VARIETY THAT'S IN TUNE .1.e recognized for academic ex- uate student in organic chemistry homoi es William Lipp, Indianap- by the freshmen. WITH THE TIME ilence and campus leadership and pharmacology at Indiana Uni- olis, and Robert Klim, North Frosh started transporting rail- Jring the annual Fall Honors versity, Bloomington, Shutske was Plainfield, N. J., (North Plain- Adult education and the need to road ties from an abandoned mine at Rose-Hulman In- unable to be in attendance at the field High School). mvocation stay abreast of the latest informa- Sunday, October 17. The plan for itute of Technology Tuesday. convocation. Dean M. Ford, a senior from Montpelier (Montpelier High tion and techniques in one's field the bonfire is unique. As viewed f Highlight of the convocation Lawrence A. Hawley, a senior are providing a new challenge for from above, the design will be that a as the presentation of class from Danville, Ind. (Community School) won the Cummins Com- the nation's educational institu- of the Rose symbol: a central member of each High School), received the Analy- pany Award as the outstanding wards to the tions. square with right isosceles trian- ass attaining the highest aca- tical Chemistry Award sponsored senior mechanical engineer, while Kenneth B. Brown, Jr., Browns- According to "Personal Busi- gles at each corner of the square. J LI mic by the Analytical Division of the standing. ness," a McGraw-Hill publication, The design is by Ed Rau. The Bloomington American Chemical Society. The town (Brownstown Central) was n James H. Graham, more than 368,000 American adults triangles ar2 to be approximately award is a 15-month subscription the recepient of the Mueller Com- ildgewood High School) senior in —many with advanced degrees and the square will the "Journal of Analytical pany Award which goes annually six feet high, and Lactrical engineering and presi- to some with none—returned to the tradi- Chemistry." to the outstanding junior in me- be a tower topped by the Tit of the student body, received classroom this fall to pursue con- The bonfire will Joel V. Sanders, a senior me- chn,i,n1 vin,erinp• tional outhouse. third consecutive class honor tinuing education courses specifi- square. It is chanical engineering major from Mark M. Campbell, South Bend be about eighty feet th the presentation of the see- cally structured to their needs. 1,000 ties, Edinburg (Edinburg High School) (J. W. Riley High School), was expected to use nearly d Carl Wischmeyer Award for For the most part diplomas and allowed. was the recipient of the E. A. named the outstanding senior in the maximum ie highest grade point average transcripts are not required, and MacLean Award given annually to physics. Recipient of the junior planned a ter three years at Rose-Hulman. credit hours and grades take a The freshmen have the outstanding student in mechan- award, Campbell was chosen to do mean, The gold medal honors the late back seat. Sessions are short and guarding system to keep the ics courses at Rose-Hulman. The advanced research with members upperclassmen from Lrl Wischmeyer, chairman of me- relatively inexpensive—a n d more nasty, ugly award honors the late Dr. Mac- of the faculty over the summer. the day, anical engineering, acting presi- importantly, courses are precisely destroying it. During Lean, professor and chairman of The junior level physics award by sec- nt and a member of the faculty to the point. frosh will be guarding it ✓ civil engineering at the Institute went to Pan' C. Schmidtke, Gene- that schedules 47 years prior to his retire- It is in this atmosphere that tion numbers so for 27 years prior to his retire- va, Ill (Hinsdale Twp. High conflict. At ant in 1955. Graham achieved Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech- with classes will not ment in 1962. School). turn guard- e honor with a 3.896 average nology operates its Continuing night dorms will take ✓ The mathematics department Three seniors were honored by all work undertaken at the Education Series. Course mate- ing it. honored seniors William A. Ode- the Rose-Hulman Army R.O.T.C. stitute. rial covered by the instruction is fey, Des Plaines, Ill. (Elk Grove detachment as Distinguished Mili- At the Wesleyan game, Dr. Lo- Gary R. Kelm, a junior chemical determined by local and national High School) and Dale Willman, tary Students, an award which gan will drive Rosie around the gineering major from Terre interests, and to this end Irvin P. Marion (Marion High School) recognizes outstanding leadership track. The freshmen are consid- aute (Garfield High School), was Hooper, Director of Continuing with Certificates of Merit as the qualities and class rank both aca- ering renting a live elephant to e recipient of the sterling silver Education, works closely with local outstanding senior mathematici- demically and with the R.O.T.C. supplement the festivities. ;ogart Award presented annually industry in ascertaining the kinds ans. The junior award went to class. Selected for the honor were the student with the highest of short courses that would he William B, Lipp, Indianapolis Glen R. Lash, Terre Haute (Hon- averaze after the sopho- beneficial to area engineers and it ore (Arlington High School). ey Creek), David G. Rogers, Erie, year. The award, which technical personnel. STUDENT WIVES tonors the late Pa. (Harborcreek High School) Paul N. Bogart, Dr. William Swift, professor of Courses offered since the pro- by S. W. Sedgwick 4airman and Fred W. Schwing, Cincinnati of the Board of Man- mathematics at Wabash College, gram began last year have ranged ers (Colerian High School). for more than 30 years, Crawfordsville, presented Dr. from computer utilization to pol- The officers of the Student ,ent to Recognized as two-year R.O. Kelm for a perfect 4.0 Herbert Bailey, chairman of lution control, as well as a popu- Wives Club are: ,'ade point T.C. scholarship winners were ju- average. mathematics, and rfiembers of lar science offering entitled "As- ;' niors Mark E. Byers, Rushville, Mrs. Ron Wine, President. Sophomore Robert S. Smith, Rose-Hulman champion mathe- tronomy for Fun" in which the obinson, and J. Elmer Stone, North Syra- Mrs. Ron Huhn, Vice President. Ill., won the bronze matics team with a publication for demand for enrollment was more emingway cuse, N. Y. (Liverpool High Mrs. Ron Loyd, Secretary. medal as the top man winning the 1971 small college than three times as great as the s freshman School). A three-year R.O.T.C. Mrs. Kevin Murphy, Treasurer. year. Smith, who is competition. Members of the team limited enrollment of 25 persons ,iajoring in scholarship went to sophomore Jo- chemical engineering, were Thomas A. Dehne, North- would permit. They took office last February mpleted the seph G. Nesbitt, Santa Paula, freshman year with brook, Ill. (Glenbrook North High Rose-Hulman's continuing edu- and will hold office until next 4.0 average. Calif. School), a recent 4.0 graduate at- cation series has looked at the June. Herbert T. Phi Gamma Delta fraternity Young, Vincennes tending graduate school at the computer in a number of areas, Ancoln won the Inter-Fraternity Scholar- The main purpose of the club High School), w a s first offering a course in comput- arded the Chas. ship Trophy for the fifth consec- is to help the student wives get Pfizer Co., Inc, PHYSICISTS er utilization for business and in- ward as the utive quarter with a 2.757 cumu- to know one another better. outstanding chemi- —a play, by Friedrich Durren- dustry. The college also has of- 1 engineering lative average. The all-mens' av- senior. The hon- matt, will be performed at Rose- fered a programming course and The Wives Club is in charge of 1.1 includes a cash erage for the 1970-71 academic award and Etc- Hulman November 12 and 13.
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