leo M0 S I N T ERN A T ION ALe 0 U N elL 0 N M0 N U MEN T SAN D SIT E S CON S, ElL I N T ERN A T ION A L DES M0 N U MEN T SET DES SIT E S leo M0 S 7 5 RUE D U TEMPLE 7 5 0 0 3 PARI S TEL: 2 7 7. 3 5 7 6 LIS'IE DU PA'I'RIMJINE MJNDIAL W' 194 A) IDENTIFICATION A) IDENTIFICATION Bien propose : Timgad Ndn'l.i.nation : Timgad Lieu: Wilaya de Batna, naira de Batna, Location : Wilaya of Batna, naira of Batna, - camtune de Timgad Timgad corrmune Etat partie: Algerie State party : Algeria Date : 30 Decembre 1981 Date : ~certber 30, 1981 - -.' B) REXX)MMANDA.TION DE L' ICOMJS B)ICQM)S RECOMMENDATION Que le bien culturel propose soit 'Ihat the proposed cultural property be inscrit sur la Liste du, Patrirroine inscribed on the World Heritage List. fundial. C) JUSTIFICATION 'C) JUSTIFICATION Dans un site rrontagneux d'une grande '='i:r7'~sad, situated to the north of the beaute, au norddu 'massif de 1 'Aures , rassif of the l\'ures in FJ. rountainous, site Timgad offre l' exenple acheve d I tIDe colo- of rxee.t ~:)9aut:!, is a consurt'!'ate exarple nie militaire rOITE.ine Cre8e ex nihilo. of c. Rar:cm T"ilita.r'il colony created ex nihi- La Colonia Marciana Traiana; 'l.1laIriUgadi 10. ' , .. fut fond&' en 'lOa Ap.J .C. par 'Trajan, -'IheCOIOriia l'areie.naTraiana 'Ihar1U~ probable:rrent p:)'Ur servir de carrpe:rrent a was fomded in 100 a.d. bY Trajan, p -­ la 3erm Legion Auguste gut, par la suite, blyas an encanptent for the 3rd Augustan fut cantonnee a Lambese. ' legion which, thereafter, was qnart:ered at I.e plan, d 'une grande rlgueur, illust:re Lanbaesis. les princ:ipe s de 1 I urbanisne rarrain a sori Its plan I laid out with great precision, apogee: dans' une enceinte carree de 355m illustrates Ibrran'uman planning at its de c6te, une grille orthogonale carman~ height. Inscribed in a square enceinte ' par le decumanus, dans Ie prolongerrent :rreasuring 355:rreters on each side, an o~ de la voie rnilitaire de 'll1eveste a LaIrbe-- genal grid, based on the decumanus, follO""l se,et le cardo, dans l'axe nord-sud, wing the extension of the military route i determine toute, une serle d I insulae de fram ''Theveste' to Larrbaesis and on the proportions regulieres dont lereseau ne car-do, detenniningthenorth-south axis, s' interrorrpt, au sud, que pour laisser describes a network of insulae of regular place aux grands edifices publics: 1e 'proportions which is interrupted only to Forum et ses annexes (BasiliqlE et Curie)l, the south· in order to provide space for les temples f un thea:tre d' une capacite i large public buildings : the Forum and its de 3. 500 places, un marche -et desthenre~. annexes (the Basilica and the Curia), tern- I - 2 - Dans Ie secteur oord-est,· se confor.rrent pIes, a theatre with a 3,500 seating capa.- au plan res ilats, d I autres thel.i1eS et city, a rca.rket and baths. In the north- une bibliotb.6quepubligtE ouvrent sur 1e east-sector, other baths and a public li- cardo. brary, in keeping with the plan of the net- La croissance rapide ·de la cite abeu.,.. work of' insulae, open into thecardo. tit, des Ie milieu du IIesiecle, a faire By the-middle- of the 2th centm:y, the ra­ eclater Ie cadre etroit- de la fondation pid grcmth of the city had ruptured the primi tive. TiIrgad -s I agrandi t hors des na.rrcM' confines of its original foundation. mmparts, et au. mepris duprincipe essen- ~'spread'beyond·theperiIreters of the tiel d'm trace'orthogonal'nord-sud ./est-ra:mparts; 'and in defiance of the essential ouest, quelques edifices publics· majeurs prtncipleof the north-south/ east~t se rencont.tent -dans 'les quartiers- neufs orthogonal' layout. Several major public de l' ouest et dusud : Capitole, t:eIrples, buildings are found.. in the 'IlE!Irl quarters to rrarches, themes.~ La plupart datent de the west· and to the south : the Capitolium, I' eJ:XXIUe des. :8eve.msl: oft l~ villeconnut tenples,- ma:rket;s. anEl baths. ~t of these son age d"or dont'tEmoignent ause;.i d'im- buildings date .from :the Severan period when rrenses residences' priv€es;came lamai- the'city"enjoyed its Golden Age which is son de Sertius ou lanaison de 1 'Henna- further attested to by :i.Jmense private re- phrodi te. sidential buildings, like the House of Ser- Colonie forte et prospere, Ti.m:radse tius or the House of Hannapmxlite. devait de donner' tIDe :irTe.ge saisissante A strong and afflu:mt colony, Tirrgad must. de la granes ur .ranaine en· terre numide. have served as a c:::c:Itpelling image of the les edifices;· entie:t:enen-t;. construits en grandeur'of-Rcme-on Nlmidiarr soil. '!he buil­ pierre, ontete~t .restaures ,au· d±ngs"constructed.en.t.::b:ely of stone, were cours de l' errpire:--l' arc de Trajan au fmquent:ly res~, during, the course of milieu du lIe sieele, la porte est en 146, the Hrrpire': the arch of' Trajan in the mid­ la porte ouest (dite porte de Lanbese) 2nd century, the rrain gate in 146, the wes­ sous Marc-Aurele. res rues' ont etepavees tern gate' (known as the Gate of Larrbaesis) de grandesdalles rectangulaires en ca:1- under Marcus Aurelius. 'lhe streets were caire et un soin particulier a eM, appor- paved with large .rectangular slabs! pf lirresto- te aux amenagerrentseclilitaires, c::om:re ne and, as attes.ted to by the 14 baths which en te:rroignent les-- 14their.rYes· reperes jus--' nay still be seen today, particular atten­ qu' a ce jour .les naisons, de clinensions lion was paid 'to-the ,', disposition of public variees, 'brillent par leur scnptueux~d~ ·conveniences.nte houses, of vru:ying size, cor derrosaiqoe destine 'a pallier I"abo- . sparld.ed "under-their decor of stmptuous sence des rrarbres precieux~rrosaics, whicil'were intended to offset the A I' epoque chr8tieRne, Ti.Irgad fut Ie absewe of'precious rnam1es. siege d 'un e~che qui fut celebre ,.3, la ,; During the Christian period, T:l.m:Jad was fin du IVe siecle,lorsque 1'~Optat a-bishopr.tc, which. becane renowned at the­ devint Ie IXlrte-parole des' heretiques do-end 'of'the'4th centmy,when the bishop Op­ natistes. Sa basilique a ete identifiee tat-beea:rre ·the;~ spokesrren for the l):)natist dans Ie faubourg ouest, ainsi que Ie bap- 'heresYi [tsbasilica has 'been identified in tiste:re dont-'les rrosaIqaessont intactes. the western subw:b, as well as the baptis­ D'autres eglises paleo-chr8tiennes set:r:ywith its rrosaics .. intact. other early trouvent au nord-ouest et au sud-ouest. Christian churches are located to the north- Apres l'invasion vandalede 430, Timgad west and-to the south-west. fut d8truite, a la fin du Ve sieele, par .After· the' \bJldal invasion of 430, Ti.m:rad les rrontagnards de 1 I Aw:es.La ,re~te was· €les~ by nontagnards of the Aures byzantine rendit quelque activite a'la at the" end 'of-the 5th century • '!he city SCM cite, defendue par- una .forteresse cons- 'arevival of -activity after the Byzantine truite en 5.39, au sud, en :renployant des reconqt:est. It was defended by a fortress blocs arraches aux rronments romains. constructed to the' south in 539 which re- L'invasion arabe ruina definitiverrent eR'ployed blocks extracted from R:t:tml rronu- 'Ihamugadi qui cessa d'~tre habit8e des Ie rrents.'Ihe Arab'invasion wrought the de£i- VIIIe sieele. nitive ruin of 'Iharnugadi, which ceased to - 3 - L I aspect de cette viLle norte n' a ete be inhabited after. the 8th centw:y. que partielleTrent altereia une date re- 'Ihe appearance of. this. dead city has cente, par la construction de blocs d' only recently been partially altered by habitations dans la zone nord. the construc±ton of blocks of living En recorrmandant l'inscription de Tim- accarrodations in the northern zone. gad sur la Liste duPatrirroine fundial, Witrr~i.ts recar:mendation that 'I'i.Irgad be au tit:re des criteres II, III et IV, inscribed' on the World Heritage List (ba- l'ICOM)S insiste, confor.mement aux con- sed on· criterla II, III and IV), ICOM)5, clusions du raPl?Ort de l'UNESCO datecJe in keeping with the conclusions of the 1970, sur la neoessite de definir une 1970 report of UNESCO, stresses the ne- vaste zone non aedificandi afin de pre- oess1.ty·that a broad zonenonaedifican­ server I' aspect, rrais aussi les reserves .. di be defined which would preserve not arch§ologiques d'un des sites najeurs only the overall character, but also de la colonisation ronaine. the archaeological reserves, of ~af the major sites of Rarran colonization. ICOMOS, PariSi Mai 1982 #.17-! -::~ .. ~.~. .. ." . ....,.... t· "\ TIMGAD > '.;"' • ••• .... ." ., -.~ , .' .\.. .r­ ./ .
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