CELEBRATINGCELEBRATING 8787 YEARSYEARS OFOF SERVICE!SERVICE! Vol. 87, No.38 • 50¢ A NEWSPAPER OF RECORD Thursday, September 26, 2019 INSIDE Illegal Roadside Sign Blitz Board of Education Hyattsville Pushback approves funding for In a meeting on Sept. 16, the Hyattsville City Council discussed many projects, including a redesign FY 2021-2026 CIP of a Sunoco gas station and a bus High Point High School in 2022 and stop improvement plan as part of a By Jessica Ricks the construction of a new Northern larger plan for the county. Each of @jessica_ricks25 these projects received pushback Area high school in 2023. from councilmembers. UPPER MARLBORO — The Other projects scheduled to oc- Prince George’s County Public cur later down the line include addi- Page 5 Schools (PGCPS) Board of Educa- tions to Cooper Lane Elementary tion approved their Capital Improve- School, Beacon Heights Elementary ment Program (CIP) for fiscal years School and Bladensburg Elementary 2021-2026 and discussed the results School, HVAC modernization to of the county’s Maryland Compre- schools such as Robert Goddard hensive Assessment Program Montessori and Central High School (MCAP) test results at their meeting and open space pod conversion pro- on Sept. 19. jects for schools such as Indian The CIP lays out school con- Queen Elementary School and Largo struction, renovation and moderniza- High School. tion projects within the school system The CIP also includes asbestos over the next six years. The FY 2021- abatement projects, stadium up- 2026 CIP includes nine major school grades, repairs for fire alarms and hy- ‘1 Henry IV’ construction projects to begin over drant and security upgrades. the next few years totaling $943.7 During a public hearing on the Check out Mark Dreison- million. CIP the week before, one of the needs stok’s review this week. These projects include a re- speakers listed was that of turf fields placement of William Wirt Middle at several county high schools, partic- Page 7 School, a new Glenridge Area Mid- ularly at Largo High School. The FY dle School and a replacement of 2021 to 2026 CIP lists new turf fields Cherokee Lane Elementary School as part of stadium upgrades in the set to begin before the end of 2019, a works for Frederick Douglass, Cross- PHOTO BY JOSÉ UMAÑA renovation and addition to the land, Surrattsville, Central and other To crack down on illegal signs posted throughout the roadways in Prince William S. Schmidt Outdoor Educa- high schools. DuVal will receive sta- George’s County, the Department of Permitting, Inspections, and tion Center starting in 2020, a new dium upgrades. Enforcement (DPIE) began its two-day “Sign Blitz” on Sept. 23-24 to Suitland High School and Interna- remove as much as 5,000 advertisements throughout the county. Story on tional High School at Langley Park coming in 2021, a replacement of See BOE, Page 4 Many residents oppose the removal of historic designations at public hearing Town of Upper Marlboro. The reso- who works in the historic preserva- William Beanes, who was instru- By Jessica Ricks lution was proposed by County tion section within the planning de- mental in the creation of the Star- @jessica_ricks25 Eagles Soar Councilmembers Sydney Harrison partment, the two sites were desig- Spangled Banner. UPPER MARLBORO — The (District 9) and Derrick Leon Davis nated in the county’s 2010 Historic While the cemetery would re- National Christian Acade- Prince George’s County Council sit- (District 6) and discussed by the full Site Plan. main, all protection for the primary my’s football squad dominated ting at the District Council and the council before their August recess. The Old Marlboro Primary school and high school would be re- Riverdale Baptist School 43-6 on Prince George’s County Planning The council saw the need to School was built in 1896, Gross said moved, Gross said. Sept. 20 in Upper Marlboro. Board held a joint public hearing on reevaluate the designation of the his- in an overview of the amendment at Additionally, any proposal to al- their minor amendment to remove toric sites and the Zoning Ordinance the start of the hearing, and func- ter the two school buildings or con- Page 20 the historical designations of the Old establishes a process where the coun- tioned as a school until the high struct a new building would be sub- Marlboro Primary School and Old cil can initiate certain minor amend- school was built in 1921. After that, ject to review by the Historic Preser- Marlboro High School on Sept. 17 ments to an approved functional it served as a residence for the high vation Commission unless the where an overwhelming amount of master plan, according to the resolu- school principal. The high school of- environmental setting of the ceme- people were opposed to the change. tion. Following approval, the archi- ficially closed its doors in the early tery is revised to exclude the part of The amendment would remove tectural plan would be adjusted to in- 1970s. the property where the school build- the historical designation of the two corporate the historic character of the The cemetery located on the site ings currently stand. schools which are located on 6.7 Town of Upper Marlboro. will remain a site of national impor- acres of land on Elm Street in the According to Thomas Gross, tance as it contains the remains of Dr. See Historic, Page 4 2 THE PRINCE GEORGE’S SENTINEL SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 OPINION The Prince George’s Sentinel, The Roberts’ Court: The Undoing of America published weekly by Berlyn Inc., is a community newspaper covering Even though the court, in its rul- called for some restrictions on predominantly African American Prince George’s County, Maryland. It By Paul K. Schwartz is a newspaper of record. Our offices ing, also stated that the right to bear speech-related spending based on cor- counties. are located at 9458 Lanham-Severn @PKSpaul Road, Suite 203, Seabrook, MD 20706. arms is not unlimited and that guns porate identity. It also overruled por- There is absolutely no doubt that Sold for 50¢ per single copy, subscrip- tions to The Prince George’s Sentinel When you think of all of the is- and gun ownership would continue to tions of McConnell v. FEC from 2003 changing and reducing voting loca- can be obtained at these rates: $31.50 sues facing this country that need to be regulated, the damage was done, which also placed some restrictions tions reduces voter turnout of minori- per year, $26.20 for senior citizens. Higher rates apply outside MD/VA/DC. be addressed, what are just a few that and the floodgates were open. on corporate spending on electioneer- ty voters. That is precisely the goal of (ISSN 1041-262x, USPS 444-840) immediately come to mind? It was the very first Supreme ing communications. Republican legislators. Court case, in the history of the In effect, the Citizens United rul- Massive turnout benefits De- Bernard Kapiloff Supreme Court, to decide that the ing served to free both labor unions mocrats, and low turnout benefits Re- PUBLISHER EMERITUS Second Amendment protects an indi- and corporations to spend money on publicans. Add this to cuts to early Paul’s View Lynn G. Kapiloff vidual’s right to keep and bear arms election-related communications and voting, purges of voter rolls and impo- CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ By for self-defense and is not connected to advocate for the election or defeat sition of strict voter ID laws and the directly to membership in a state mili- of candidates directly. Corporations impact on voter turnout is monumen- PUBLISHER [email protected] Paul K. Schwartz tia as noted explicitly in the wording are not people. If they were, there tal. Once again, thank you Roberts’ of the Second Amendment. would be no purpose for people to in- Court for the dismantling of our Mark Kapiloff Moreover, in its ruling, the court corporate to protect their assets. Re- democracy...NOT! Gun control in the wake of the ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER struck down provisions of the gardless the floodgates were opened! Still not frustrated enough? Let [email protected] rampage of mass shootings? Taking Firearms Control Regulations Act of Thank you Roberts’ Court for en- us jump to partisan gerrymandering big money out of politics so that 1975 as unconstitutional deciding abling corporations and lobbyists to and its impact on representation in every citizen’s voice is as loud with that handguns are “arms” for the pur- undermine the voice of the Congress thanks to this same Roberts’ EDITORIAL our elected representatives as the poses of the Second Amendment and people...NOT! Court. views of big money lobbyists? En- that the Regulations Act was an un- Are you frustrated yet? Let’s take In a very recent Supreme Court hancing voting rights rather than sup- constitutional ban. a look at voting rights or, instead, the case, the court had the opportunity to Daniel Kucin Jr. pressing them? Ensuring that voting So be it, but how did this ruling suppression thereof. fix the attack on our democracy EXECUTIVE EDITOR districts represent the residents of a pave the way for unlimited access to The Shelby County v. Holder known as partisan gerrymandering. [email protected] particular geographic area and are not military assault weapons? case of 2013 involved the constitution- Not surprisingly, the court chose to José Umaña subject to partisan gerrymandering so Are you concerned about money ality of two provisions of the Voting exacerbate the problem rather than CITY EDITOR that rather than citizens choosing in politics? Look no further than the Rights Act of 1965, specifically, Sec- address it.
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