THE VOLUME XXII. NO 4 PLYMOUTH, MICH., Xocal Correspondence PERRINSVILLE. After Alleged Trust. Quo warraato proceedings have been IF YOU ARE TROUBLED Mr. and Mrs. 0. Rocker and Mr. and started in the supreme court by the at­ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rocker and Julius torney general’s department to oust the Rocker of Detroit! visited Mr. and Mrs. National Biscuit Co., a foreign corpora­ with a Cough, Cold. Bronchitis, F\ T neuer over Sunday. tion doing business in this state,because or th:.t miserable Hoarseness, Mrl and Mrs. J. Edwards and Mr. and of the failure of this corporation to file Mrs. Arthur Hanchett and children vis­ an annual report with the secretary of get a bottle of ited with Mrs. Wilkinson and daughter state. The company has been refused a last Synday. franchise by the state department, the Mrsi Wra. Johnson and children visit­ last report not containing a list of the ed her! sister, Mrs. Milroy, at Redford stockholders, as is required by law. last Sunday. The department will have the backing Mr. I and Mrs. Charlie Tapps and of the people in this fight, as it will in daughter and Mr. Lewis of Northville, a measure determine whether this busi­ P U R E W A T E R and Mr. ai$ Mrs. O. T. Richards and ness organization is bigger than the PRICE IS CENTS. childrep visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Tait state and can defy her laws. for the remainder of last Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and chil­ New Style Auto License Tags. Every bottle of Mo-s Pine is war? dren of Denton visited Mr. and Mrs. ranted to give satisfaction or your YOUR. LIFE. W m . Fox the first of tjhe week. The secretary of state’s department money refunded. has decided upon the style of automo­ That's what we offer you in the Carl'and Lizzie The^ier and Miss Ma­ ta Rocker were in Wayne last week bile license tag, which Michigan owners of cars must have on their machines af­ ** T hursday. t /W m. Schunk. took a business trip to ter January 1. Each automobile owner Pinckney’s Pharmacy •Detroit last week Wednesday. is given two tags upon the payment of “ Ellis Water Purifier the license fee of Mr. and Mrs. Gleason and family of This little instrument has attachments for / Detroit have moved on the farm which There are three sizes of tags, which are made of metal, and have a white any style of fancet. It is made of solid brass, heavily nickel they recently bought of Wm. Wurts. plated? and there is simply no wear-out to it. It is simple in background with the number of the construction,r a_ child- t- : u can— operate ifit, ,-otyet it removes . the last. ,rves- The pleasant purgat ive effect experi- lieense in black. Also the number 1910 enced by all who u'e se Cham berlain’s and the state seal are placed upon the tige of impurity from the water, and costs but a single dollar. Stomach and Liver 1 Tablets, and the V i a d o l l a r inThl B A N K Tc it nnt wnrth investie'atinc? Come in and let us demonstrate tag. The tags are manufactured by a Is"it not worth investigating? Come in healthy condition of t tie body and mind Chicago company and the state will to you what it will do. Take----- one home and use it a monthi it which they create, mi kes one feel joy- P - is w o r t h t v o in you don’t wish to keep it, bring it back and we 11 refund your ful. Sold by Beyer I’harm acy. enter into a contract for $30,000. y money. THE HOUSE PIKE’S PEAK. Yeggg at Whitmore Lake." The postoffice at Whitmore Lake was fijwk and a d o l l a r saved THE WOLVERINE DRUG CO. Mrs. Agnes Krumm of Plymouth vis- broken into about 2 o’clock Tuesday Detroit Daily Papers on sale. ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles morning and robbed of $60 in cash and ^ ^ ^ ^ A DOLLAR. MADE W right and family Sunday. $275 worth of stam ps. This is the sec­ •Phone No. 5. Mrs. Bamum was a Detroit visitor ond time in'about a year this same little last Saturday and Sunday. office has suffered, though before but M A Norton of Perrinsville visited about half the present loss was sus­ MrsHfummingsIrsPCui Tuesday. tained. Wher Postmaster John Pray J. H. KIM BLE, Ph. B., M. D. Mts. H. Stephenson and Mrs. Bertha reached the jifice in the morning he Parmalee were callers at H. K latt’s Sat­ found the front door unlocked and the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. urday. door of the safe blown off. Monday afternoon two strange men were seen LIVONIA CENTER. back of the ice house, but later they O ffic e a t * Office, 2 Ri*s* ’Phone No. 5, i Residence, 3l Rings disappeared. A sledge hammer, pick •‘THE WOLVERINE.*1 There will be a box social at the spa­ and an ax were found in the postoffice cious home of M r. and M rs. O tto Me- that later were identified as the property low, Sr., on the F. M. Briggs farm Sat­ of the ice house. urday evening, O ct. 16. Proceeds to go to the German church at Livonia Cen­ Chamberlain’8 Cough Remedy has ter. become famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when Mrs. Lou Krumm and son Floyd was in need. contains ho harmful sub­ Your Chance Yet! a Center caller Tuesday. stance jand always gives prompt relief. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Millard visited Sold by Beyer Pharmacy. If you cam $10.0A) a year and spend $11,000 you will fall behind. If you earn at David Wolfram's Sunday. ten dollars a week and save part of it you will get ahead—and there is no other SCHOOL NOTES. \ B ut it w ill not last long. Mrs. Minnie Cort visited Mrs. John way to do so. Let your money grow. We will pay you three per cent interest on the money you deposit in our Baze, Sr., Saturday and Sunday. [Printed as written by Pupils.—Ed.] bank and compound the interest every si:: months. A cold wave struck us Tuesday that It is reported that ope of the pupils made us think winter had arrived. of the fifth grade had a “discussion” of Price Place Subdivision Lots, The many friends of. Julius Wolgast the brain. me piumouiti united savings bank are sorry to hear of his having his limb The 5th grade pupils are having some injured and trust he will not be long interesting lessons about wasps and at 80c to $2.80 a foot front, conjoined to the house aiid the use of have collected several nests. crutches. 1 The English Lit. class have just fin­ Charley Wolfram visited his wife at ished their readings from Chaucer. Eloise on Sunday and reports her about Miss Williams was absent Friday af­ North Side Market/ the same—no improvement at all. ternoon And Marjorie Tra'vis took her Are Real Bargains! Will Panko^v and Hal C. Peck were place ajs teacher of the seventh grade. Northville callers Saturday night. TODD BROS. Mrs. Mary Austin and son Irving re­ The sixth grade boys* had manual 5 CLOSE IN! TERMS EASY! turned home Monday from a visit with training Tuesday and the girls learned Perry and- Hatfry Austin at Northville. to hemstitch. CLEAR TITLE! Miss Lorette Millard of Detroit visit­ The Sophomores had their annual F R E S i O" / \ ‘ .1! ed at D. Wolfram’s the past week. meeting last Thursday. The following They are selling! Don't delay and later wish you; hadn't. officers were elected; Pres. Hazel Sly, SMOKED & DRIED Call upstairs, in Hoops block, or see P. W. Voorhiesj It is in time of sudden mishap or ac­ Vice Pres., Carl Geigler, Sec’y and cident that Chamberlain’s Liniment can Treas., Gittins. be relied upon to take the place of the i1 ’^P h e following is a list of names of the family doctor, who cannot always be1 o , EATS1 found at the moment. ■ Then; it is that pupils receiving prizes for their draw­ w. h ; r a m p t o n Chamberlain’s Liniment is never found ings at the State fair in September: W E SOLICIT YOUR TRADE wanting. In cases of sprains, cut8t Executor C. Wesley Pried Estate wounds and bruises Chamberlain’s Lin­ 1st Prize—Irene Cable,Joseph Tessman, iment takes out the soreness and drives Carmen McIntyre, Fred Micol, Sidney Wt- are ready to cater to your wants for away the pain. Sold by Beyer Phar­ Hemenway, Clara Gayde, Walter macy. anything in our line and guarantee satis­ Schaufele and Egbert Isbell. 2nd faction in all respects. Resolutions. Prize—Lena Schrock, Seeley Thomas, Clarence Willsie, Merritt Crumbde, Orders Called for and Delivered. ’Phone 12 JUST ARRIVED! As the leaves of Autumn fall, after Irene Cable, Etoile Cook, Evelyn Ma- contributing to the beauty and whole someness ofr nature; so *has Sister ■■Mary cumber, Fred Micol, Roy Streng, Eg­ A NEW STOCK OF Smith, after a life of usefulness and bert Isbell, Frank Schaufele, Irene love in the social and family! relations [Cable, Sidney Hemenway and Joseph in which she lived. [Tessman. * Spending a life of singular beauty and amiability, she will be missed by The football team was unable to se­ T H E .
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