~J~-"~ < 'R~pft)ciufud~frcmfthe' tJriClassifleCI'/ Declassifie'.dHoldings of the National Archives UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Yellowstone National Park ··' Yellowstone Park, Wyo. .•.'t:,":.' I 456 Postoffice Bldg, Denver, Colorado. February 17, 195i. The Director National Park Service Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Director: In accordance with your letter of December 26 I visited the Sand Dunes area in the San _Luis Valley, leaving here last Thursday and returning on Sunday. The Sand Dunes proved to be an interesting area and the report will include a recommendation that a national monument be established. At Alamosa Mr. E.L.Stoller of San Luis, Colorado, spoke to me about Old Fort Garland, which was the first military post in Colorado and was established under the name of Fort Massachusetts in 1858. Some three years ago the Fort Garland Historical Association was organized and pur­ chased the site, v1hich was then in private ownership, for $0;000. The fort includes five buildings in quite good preservation. The Fort Garland His­ torical Association has expended about $2,.000 in the maintenance of the buildings, but a considerably larger sum will be required in the near future, since the roofs need replacement. The buildings are constructed of adobe bricks and if not protected will deteriorate rapidly. Mr. Stoller says the association, of which he is secretary, is unable to carry on the maintenance of these buildings and that they will have to drop the proposition or turn it over to some other agency. A representative of the War Department visited the fort last fall and Mr. Stoller says that he recommended the creation of a national monument under the National Park Service. I suggested to Mr. Stoller that he write to you in order to as­ certain whether or not it is the sort of thing that the Park Service would be interested in. I visited Fort Garland with Mr. Stoller and secured .. enough data for a report on the fort in case you wish to have additional data. Ver-~ truly yours Roger W. Toll Superintendent. ·~ ' IN ANSWERING REF'ER TO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE \, WASHINGTON \i. -· 1· I \ ·t·:~~.! ·" ,_.:. I . f'\ } J --~ ·. I \ L~-· ".) '·· .. "' ) fl \LF . Mr. Roger W. Toll, i_k_....rr~{ : (~·f·· / 456 Post Office Building, '~t. ,./ Denver, Colorado. · ·" ...,,,{" ./ ...: DJ ~', ·~· ... r /' /j .. ' Dear Mr. Toll: /~ ""'"; . l ~ ~ ; This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of F~bruary 17, 1951, referring to your investigation of the Sand Dunes proposed National Monument and also in reference to Fort Garland. You stated.that Mr. E. L. Stoller of San Luis, Colorado, might write to us in reference to taking over Fort Garland and that you would submit a report on this fort if we desired it. We have not heard from Mr. Stoller, but since you have secured enough data to submit a ·report we would appreciate it if you would submit your reporton Fort Garland so as to have it in the files in case we need it for reference. s~;:cer~\Y yoUrS~ ~· .... ;: '· I) / .'! •.• -! .fl . •.-1': I, / i..-·· l-· .... v ~ ..J') ·--· ~ .... ' ! '··~ HLB-bib kAssociate Director. ., ~5'.''f ::R~prbauce&trorrdhe uilclassifieal~Declassified'Holdings ofthe-Nafional·Archives, ·· ,·~ Officers and Directors Administrative Sta1f JOHN EVANS, President . S~· HISTORICAL SOcriJ LEROY R. HAFEN HENRY SWA.."'l, 1st Vice-Pres. Historian and Curator ROBERT S. EWSON, 2ntl Vice-Pre1. ~ -~ EDGAR C. McMECHEN STEPHEN H. HART, Secretary (I) Curator of Archaeblogy L R. KENDRICK, Treasurer HERBERT 0. BRAYER LEVETTEJ.DAVIDSON Archivist COLIN B. GOODYKOONTZ VIRGIL V. PETERSON W. S. JACKSON . OF COLORADO AssociaJe Archivist CALDWELL MARTIN Esta!Jlislml hy Act of the Second General Assem!Jly. 1879 GOV. JOHN C. VIVIAN, Ex-Officio JAMES ROSE HARVEY All collections belong to the State· LEROY R. HAFEN, Executive Director Assistant Curator of History PUBLISHER OF COLORADO MAGAZINE FRANCES SHEA Librarian Regional Vice-Presidents State Museum, Denver, Colorado CHARLES H. LECKENBY, February 17, 1945 Steamboat Springs District 1. Comprising the Counties of Grand, Moffa.t and Routt . F. W. STOVER, ,~~- ,./l/~ FortColHtis Mr. Herbert District 2. Counties of KaJ~~ {!,,//_;;;,> Jackson and La.rimer Chief, Divisi~f Historic Sites OLIVER M. ·DICKERSON, Greele"J National Park Service District ~r. Counties of Adams, .oo.orga.n and Weld Merchandise Mart A. M. BIGGERSTAFF, Chicago 54, Illinois Sterling District 4, Counties of Logan, Philllps, Sedgwlch, · Dear Mr. Kahler: Washington and Yuma CARL W. FULGHUM, Glenwood Springs 'When Mr. Rogers of the Yellowstone National Park District 5, Counties of Eagle, Garfield. Pitkin was in my office yesterday, he informed me that you and Rio Blanco are now in _charge of the Division of Historic Site~. JOHN HARVEY, Lead11iHe It has been a long time since I had the pleasure of District 6. Counties of Chaffee, La.ke, Park talking to you in New Mexico, and I am happy to know and Summit where you are now located. I understand my good A. A. PADDOCK, friend Ronald Lee is stationed somewhere overseas Bouider District 7. Counties of now. Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Jefferson EDWIN A. BEMIS, In connection with the work of the State Histor­ · Littleton District 8. Counties of ical Society of Colorado, Mr. John Evans, president Arapahoe, Douglas and Elbert of the Society (and president of the First National GEORGE L. ANDERSON, Bank: of Denver), has asked me to write to you and Colorado Springs District 9. Counties of ascertain if you anticipate coming to Denver any time Cheyenne, El Paso, Kit Carson, Lincoln and Teller in the near future. This Society is about to take LOIS B. BORLAND, over old Ft. __g~-+~d in the· San Luis Valley, which Gumiison District 10. Counties of you will remember was headquarters for Kit Carson Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Mesa..t. Montrose, Ouray during the Ute Indian troubles. Plans are now being and i'San Miguel made for the reconstruction of this fronti.er post and A. W. McHENDRIE, before any active program is undertaken I have sug­ Pueblo District 11. Counties of gested that we obtain the expert advise of your divi­ Custer, Fremont a.nd Pueblo sion. At our board of directors meeting yesterday FRED M. BETZ,· Mr. Evans requested that I write you and see if you Laniar •· District 12. Counties of could stop and see him during any forthcoming trip Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers you might make to the Rocky Mountain Region. MRS. W. N. SEARCY, Durango· District 13. Counties of The Society is very anxious to do an excellant Archuleta, Dolores, La. Plata, Montezuma and job of restoration on Ft. Garland but in view of the San Juan many things which Ronny Lee used to tell me about FRANK~C. SPENCER, Monte Vista District 14. Counties of Alamosa, Conejos, Costll~ Mineral, Rio Grande and Saguache MRS. R. A. JUSTIN, Trinidad District 16. Counties of Huerfano and La.a Animas ~f ( '· .., Repto.duce'd!tr0m the \Ji'lclas~jflecf/ Declassifiea Holdings ·of the National Archives. · · .. ,·~ Ollicers and Directors Administrative Staif JOHN EVANS, President LEROY R. HAFEN HENRY SWA..~, 1st Vice-Pres. Historian and Curator ROBERT S. ELLISON, 2nd Vice·Pre1. EDGAR C. McMECHEN STEPHEN H. HART, Secretary Curator of A.rcluzeology L. R. KENDRICK, Treasurer HERBERT 0. BRAYER~ LEVETTE J. DAVIDSON Archivist COLIN B. GOODYKOONTZ VIRGll. V. PETERSON W. S. JACKSON OF COLOR.ADO A.1sociate Archivist CALDWELL MARTIN Bstahlis/Jed by A.ct of tile Second General Assembly, 1879 GOV. JOHN C. VIVIAN, Ex-Officio JAMES ROSE HARVEY All colleaions belong to the State LEROY R. HAFEN, Executit1e Director Assistant Curator of History PUBLISHER OF COLORADO MAGAZINE FRANCES SHEA Librarian Regional Vice-Presidents State Museum, Denver, Colorado CHARLES H. LECKENBY, Steamboat 8pringa District 1. Comprising the Counties of Grand, Moffat and Routt as far as restorations are concerned, it might be well F. W. STOVER, FortOoZHns for our people to .. get together with you and discuss District 2. Counties of Jackson and Larimer the matter. OLIVER :M. DICKERSON, GreeZe'JI District ~z. Counties ot Adams, morgan and Weld A. M. BIGGERSTAFF, Btermio District 4 Counties of Logan, Phillips, Seclgwlch, Washington and Yuma CARL W. FULGHUM, Glenwood Bpringa District 5, Counties of Eagle, Garfield, Pitkin and Rio Blanco HOB:nh JOHN HARVEY, Leadvmo District 6. Counties of Chaffee, Lake, Park and Summit . A. A. P ADDOC.K, Bou1der District 7. Counties of Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Jefferson EDWIN A. BEMIS, Littleton District 8. Counties of Arapahoe, Douglas and Elbert GEORGE L. ANDERSON, OoZorado Bpringa District 9. Counties of Cheyenne, El Paso, Kit Carson, Lincoln and Teller LOIS B. BORLAND, GunniBon District 10. Counties of Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Mesa.t Montrose, Ouray and i::san Miguel A. W. McHENDRIE, PuebZo District 11. Counties of Custer, Fremont and Pueblo FRED M. BETZ, ·Lamar •· District 12. Counties of Baca Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers MRS. W. N. SEARCY, Durango District 13. Counties of Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma and San Juan FRANK Q. SPENCER, Monte.. Viata District 14. Counties of Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande and Saguache MRS. R. A. JUSTIN, Tritiidad District 16. Counties of Huerfano and Las Anlma.s ~ ,, :/l~~pf~t·~d;!i'i:iiri'th~ tlncla~smeCI '/,'Declassifiea:Holdings· of the National Archives ' UNITED STATES J?EPARTfy1ENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CHICAGO,. fLLINOIS ADDRESS ONLY THE DIRECTOR, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE H· .Ber.'bltJ't· o._. Bra.Jar$; State Arehl~n~ !he ~ta.te: Bls'bari'oal Boolet)t ot flolora-do• . Sta-·ilu81JUD9 »eawr. Colorado • ... ~- -tbe.~ 1l.1*m'8 of tar •. Kahl.er-., X aa ·repl)'ing ·to JO• 1-"9r •~ ~ri: l'f J.".eo;r4fng .. ·i;-· '1fopo-4. r-estonttm of old bi:i Ga.rlmd bt ;CO~ •·· .mmler baa.
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