EEELLLVVVEEETTTHHHAAAMMM HHHEEEAAATTTHHH EEELLLVVVEEETTTHHHAAAMMM HHHEEEAAATTTHHH PPPPaaaarrrriiiisssshhhh CCCCoooouuuunnnncccciiiillll MINUTES OF THE MEETING held at Elvetham Heath Community Centre on Tuesday 14th September 2010 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT Cllr Marilyn Robson (MR) Elvetham Heath PC Cllr Stefan Wojciechowski (SW) Elvetham Heath PC Cllr David Hammond (DH) Elvetham Heath PC Cllr Sara Esdale (SE) Elvetham Heath PC Jan Hyatt (JH) Clerk Elvetham Heath PC ALSO PRESENT Cllr Stephen Parker Hart District Council (HDC) Cllr Sharyn Wheale (7.40pm) Hampshire County Council (HCC) Mr Richard Taylor - Fleet Community Responder SE Ambulance Service Public Session Mr Richard Taylor of the ambulance service gave a brief report on his role as a local community responder. The service is looking for volunteers on the Heath. MR suggested putting a message on the forum and in the church newsletter. 70/10 Apologies for Absence None 71/10 Declarations of Interest None 72/10 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of 14 July were agreed as an accurate record. Review of actions – see below 73/10 Booking System Pilot Scheme – to receive an update presentation and agree to permanent use DH gave a presentation about the pilot scheme. This has been running successfully with positive feedback from users and the staff. It was agreed that the system should be used permanently. MR thanked DH for all his work in developing the system and running the pilot. 74/10 Contract Tendering • To agree to tender for the grounds maintenance contract separately from Hart District Council MR summarised the current arrangement with HDC whose existing contract has one year to run. She reported that HDC is considering going into Page 1 of 4 2010 09 14 Elvetham Heath Minutes partnership with Basingstoke and Deane for the next 7 years and needs to know by the end of September whether the new parishes would like to be included. After considerable discussion it was agreed that EHPC would ask to have its part of the contract ‘bolted-on’ to the HDC tender document and that EHPC be provided with a copy of that ‘bolt-on’ tender document. EHPC will also tender independently and explore the option of a joint contract with Fleet Town Council and/or Church Crookham Parish Council. Without sight of the re-tender document from HDC it is impossible to make a decision. MR and JH will report this to the September HDC Environmental Promotions MR/JH Management Team meeting. • To agree to establish a standard tendering process In addition to the grounds maintenance contract, there will be other contracts which will have to be retendered later this year, e.g cleaning and litter picking. It was therefore agreed to establish a standard procedure. The JH Clerk was asked to source the HALC best practice. 75/10 Traffic Management in Wintney Street – to agree the council’s position on the proposals for the traffic management outside the school The district and county councillors summarised the background. There are 2 options: 1. To use bollards and stop-up the road 2. To use speed tables County Cllr Wheale confirmed that the school would prefer the bollards although this is not included in its current travel plan. District Cllr Parker had consulted the residents of the street and of those who responded (42.5%) the majority had opted for the stopping-up of the road. The parish council agreed that bollards were its preferred option for the traffic management in Wintney Street. Cllr Wheale also highlighted the issue of the bollards in Mount Street which have caused access issues. The parish council agreed to look into using a combination JH lock on the bollards to enable access by the emergency services. 76/10 Tennis Court SW had circulated a report prior to the meeting looking at the tennis provision as a whole and considering issues such as local marketplace, pricing, marketing, access and security. Councillors agreed to consider this outside of the meeting. To consider measure to prevent unauthorised access/damage It was agreed that the local PCSO would be asked to occasionally patrol near the JH courts. The goals will be secured as they suffer damage from being moved. NB. At 8.45pm Cllr Wheale left the meeting 77/10 Community Centre • To receive an update report on the extension DH reported that building work should start on 20 th September as all the necessary consents had been received. Little Elves have formed themselves into a limited company so are now happy to take on the 25 year lease. Draft heads of term have been agreed and the full lease has to be organised by the end of the year. The head lease with Beazer Homes will need amending. The Clerk will request that the solicitors highlight the relevant clauses which need to be JH changed. The registration of the community centre and other assets needs to be JH transferred to EHPC asap. EHPC will need a copy of the builders insurance. JH Page 2 of 4 2010 09 14 Elvetham Heath Minutes • To consider the future marketing of the Playworld space It was agreed that once the new facility is built, Playworld will need to become a multi-purpose room. It will require redecoration and be brought up to a similar standard as the new room. Notice boards which can be disguised or turned will be investigated. JH 78/10 Finance • To review the payment of accounts for July and August The Clerk presented the cheque payments for the previous 2 months (see attached). • To agree to short-term investment of commuted sums The Clerk reported that the commuted sums had been transferred by HDC and were currently sitting in the bank account. Some work is required to model how the money will need to be used but until that work is complete, the money should be invested. It was agreed that the Clerk should seek advice and invest the sums for 3 months. 79/10 Clerk’s Report • .There is standards training scheduled for 23 rd September – MR & SW to attend • Meeting with HDC planners regarding the Local Development Framework – a date is being sought that will suit the 3 local parishes, likely to be 11 th October. MR & SW will try to attend • Parish Planning Forum run by HDC is being rescheduled but was due to take place on 6th October. MR & JH will try to attend depending upon new date. • EPMT meeting to discuss grounds maintenance issues takes place on 24 th September – JH & MR to attend • 11 October at 5.30pm there is a briefing about the review of District Council ward boundaries, if anyone would like to attend. • The TV licence needs to be renewed if the council believes it is necessary. It does not cover any user groups eg Schools Out and Little Elves. It was agreed not to renew. • The football league which has a new booking at the courts has asked to advertise with a banner on the courts. It was agreed to allow them to do so for 2 weeks but they must check that planning permission is not required. 80/10 Chairman’s Report • The Car show was very successful raising around £4k for charity • MR & JH attended the photocall for the Green Flag Award. HDC is now applying for planning permission to erect 2 flagpoles at the entrances to the nature reserve. • National Play Day event in August was well attended. • Children’s Centre – building work has started and is scheduled for completion in December. MR is attending a meeting regarding naming and a board meeting on 23 September. 81/10 Information to report • DH – asked about having a Christmas tree in the village square. The Clerk will contact Nick Scregg regarding the electricity supply. JH • MR – the update newsletter should be ready to distribute in plenty of time for the photo exhibition on 2 nd October. Invitations have been sent directly to local district councillors, county councillors and others. • MR – the What’s On leaflet is ready for printing. MR will seek quotes. Page 3 of 4 2010 09 14 Elvetham Heath Minutes 82/10 Planning Consideration of Planning applications: • 10/01614/HOU – 63 East Hundreds: Conversion of loft with Velux window. No Objection • 10/01928/HOU – 6 Choseley Drive: Erection of conservatory to rear No Objection • 10/01874/HOU – 18 Stockbridge Road: Erection of conservatory to rear No Objection • 10/01743/HOU – 12 Ravelin Close: Conversion of garage to a bedroom and workshop, including installation of window in the rear elevation and erection of rear conservatory No Objection Comment: there is concern that the parking provision may be inadequate. To Review the weekly lists: Reference: 10/01352/HOU Address: Lavender Lodge 7 Ibworth Lane Fleet Hampshire GU51 1AU Proposal : Erection of orangery to rear of property (partially retrospective). Decision: Grant Permission Reference: 10/01260/HOU Address: 33 Upper Mount Street Fleet Hampshire GU51 1BW Proposal : Erection of a rear conservatory Decision: Grant Permission Reference: 10/01259/HOU Address: 44 Marrow Meade Fleet Hampshire GU51 1JJ Proposal : Erection of a rear conservatory Decision: Grant Permission Reference: 10/01293/HOU Address: 1 Chineham Close Fleet Hampshire GU51 1BE Proposal : Retrospective - Conversion of part of existing double garage into a personal training room. Internal works only. Decision: Grant Permission There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.20pm Signed……………………………………... Date………………………………….. Date ACTIONS 08/06/10 SLA re litter picking – to be chased and more detail sought JH 13/07/10 Completed 08/06/10 Organise new bollard for football pitch JH 14/09/10 Ongoing 13/07/10 Work on financial reporting model JH 14/09/10 Ongoing 14/09/10 Tendering – report decision to EPMT MR/JH Seek best practice JH 14/09/10 Investigate possibility of combination locks for bollards JH 14/09/10 Contact PCSO re tennis courts JH 14/09/10 Community Centre – lease with Beazer Homes JH Register land with Land Registry JH Seek copy of builder’s insurance JH 14/09/10 Contact Nick Scregg re: village square electricity JH 14/09/10 Research notice boards JH Page 4 of 4 2010 09 14 Elvetham Heath Minutes .
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