Published by Students of New College, Sarasota, Florida May 16, 1968 Then Left a t t he Dining Room ... Faculty Defines Adequate Work First-year students must obtain will result in RAP unless normal satisfactory evaluations in three academic involvement is shown or four c ours e s or tutorials each especially in work preparatory t~ term or formally I.Uldertake work the es:am that was failed. equivalent to this in order to re­ ---Failure of acomprehensive m:am ill good academic standing, exam offered at the end of the the faculty voted yesterday. first year can result in suspension In approving a set of procedures or dismissal, and will at least re­ ,under which academic review can sult in RAP unless the student has take place, the fxulty voted that shown normal academic involve­ first-yearstudents must show "nor­ ment. mal academic involvement" as an ---If there is deficiency in two "academic obligation." different obli~ations or two com­ According to the motion passed prehensives, ' it will take some by the fa::ulty, "normal ac<rlemic very convincing evidence of prog­ involvement ts considered to be ress to show why dismissal or at the obtammg of satisfactory eval­ least suspension is not indicated." uations in three courses, seminars, In any case, RAP will occur I.Ultil or tutorials each term or work deficiencies arc made up. alent t o t hi s which is known to ---If there is deficiency in three faculty members. 11 obligations or three comprehen­ Other "academic obligatic.ns" of sives, dismissal will result unless first-year students include a satis­ failures were CalSed by extenu­ factory Independent Study Project ating circumstances beyond the and a satisfactory performance on student's control. thecomprehensive examm:tion ill The ARC may confer RAP onto each of the academic divisions. a student without faculty approval. Previou; to the faculty action, A recommendation of dismissal, course work had not been formally however, is subject to a faculty declared to be a requirement for vote. Second-year student Mimi Donnay ponders the little absurdities ot life as she contemplates her Triumph. good academic standing for any One faculty source, in comment­ The car was conveyed mto the snack bar mysteriously early Monday morning. Onlookers commented that the New Co 11 e g e student. However, ing on the motion, emphasized that car looked right at home there, and there were rmnors the administration plannedtotum the facility into an the s t u d e n t 1 s course record was "normal academic inv olvement" auto agency. Miss Donnay, incidentally, received a parking ticket for her car's indiscretion. (See story on frequently examined by the Aca­ was m cant t o be an average in­ security, below. ) demic Review Committee if any volvement, and that the minimwn requirement, such as the ISP or work required was any work ap­ Comprehensive Exam, was not P:r<>:'edby a faculty memb er as suf­ successfully met. fiCient. In the same motion, the faculty In other words, according to this y delineated the policies that will faculty member, considerable lat­ Stu nts M "gen er ally" be followed by the itude is still permitted in the form­ Academic Review Committee. ing of a student's academic pro­ They are: gram, and RAP will notn ecessar­ - - -Students who have undertaken ily result if a student fails to un­ Dorms for Summer much less than the normal aca... dertake three or four-courses each demic involvement will be inter­ term. viewed by the bo:rd, or otherwise The motion, he emph::sized, was belongings. The problem was dis­ illform.ed that such behavior may All personal belongings must be The Student Executive Commit­ primarily the result of student and cussed at some length at the SEC result in the failll.re of required ex­ faculty pressure to delineate pro­ removed from student dormitory tee is organizing a box collection meeting last night. aminations. The student's parents cedures already followed. rooms this summer, the Dean of from local stores to pack student may be notified in some cases, In other business , the faculty Students' Office announced today. but no action beyond waming will voted the senior seminar will be During previous summers, stu­ be taken unless the student is continuedpext ye :r. Considerable dents have been allowed to leave judged un satisfactory in one or discussion preceded the vote. their possessions in rooms. This more of the three obligations. It was voted a summer ISP can is no longer possible, Assist ant SEC Discusses ---Failure to show at least a min-­ consist of any project approved by Dean of Students Arthur M.Miller imal academic involvement will the ISP coordinator. announced, because "this summer result iU Restriction of Academic A $50 contingency fee will be is along one under the new calen­ Privileges (RAP) for at least a due at the end of the first week in dar, and the Business Office must term. Under RAP, a student must June from students planning to re­ t: Car Security respond to its agreements with attend c 1 asses, submit papers, turn next year. In addition, a $10 Board of Trustees." pre-registration fee is due May 26. According to CharlesHarra, New etc. A student on RAP may not be away from campus on the four-year The deadline for ~ents declar­ College Comptroller, the:·admin­ satisfaction from the Dean of Stu­ Security, especially safety of option without the approval of the ing for the four-year option was istration has pledged the Trustees cars in the parking lot, was dis­ dents' Office with the ineffective­ set at April!. The four-year op­ that it will find remunerative use ness of the Pet Control Commis- ARC. cussed by the Student Executive ---Unsatisfactory participation in tion will not be granted if the dec­ for the dormitories whenever pos­ Committee at its meeting last sion. may resort in dismissal. If favo~ laration is made later than one full sible. The rooms must be totally night. able evaluations were received term before the student's projected cleared so that summer occupants The subject was brought up by The SEC unanimously approved during the term, however, the stu­ leave of absence. could move in as soon as a possible SEC Secretary Mimi Donnay, the work grant program that would dent may be permitted to remain A Committee on Interdisciplin­ deal is closed. whose car was placed in thes nack set up student managers and a stu­ tmtil the ISP is made satisfactory. ary Programs was formed. Mem­ Dr. Miller noted that limited bar early Monday morning. dent supervisory board next year. - --A late ISP may result in a post­ bers of the comm:ittee arc Assoc­ space for on-cam pus storage of It was reported at the meeting The plan must b approved by poned due date with the student on iate Professor of Psychology Dr. personal belongings will be open that the p roc t o r will check the President John Elmendorf before it RAP until the project is found to David Gorfein, Associate Professor to students. Possessions may be parking lot more often. This, can become operable for next year. be satisfactory. of Literature Dr. D a v i d Dykstra, stored, during hours to be an­ plus the installation of new lights Second year representative Ivan ---F a i 1 u r e of a comprehensive and Independent Study Coordina­ notmced, ill the following areas: in the parking lot will hopefully Saxby was appointed chairman of exam offered during the first year tor James Feeney. H-5 and H-SA, the language lab, prevent further incidents. the House Committee. the small dining room of Hamil­ ton Center, and the ground floor of the ban. Entering Class Profile The entire topic of a West Cam­ Dorm Plans pus proctor and greater security on the East Campus caused some Display Set discussion at the meeting. Ac­ Given By Admissions cording to Assistant Dean of Stu­ whodecidenotto attend New Col­ class before," both in verbal and Plans for student fa::ilities to be dents Arthur M . Miller, the large As of yesterday afternoon, 136 lege after visiting the campus. He math, by a margin of te;1 to fif­ constructed on the West Campus in-coming class, and a number of students were "set" to become said that this year the retention of will be displayed in an open house students living off campus will pro­ members of the class of 1971 and teen points. those who visited the campus as on Thursday, May 23. duce 11 lots of swarming next year," to begin their studies at New Col­ On the application forms, the prospectives was higher than ever Students, faculty and other inter­ callingfor better security on cam­ 11 lege next September. new class e x p r e s s e d an even before, but that it still was not ested persons may view prelimina­ pus. It is expected that the new class, spread" of interest in.the th:ee d.i­ more than half of those visiting . ry plans for the "instant camous" when f illed, will total over 150 Norwine said this problem was complex from 2 to 5 pm in the pri­ visions. The boy-gtrl rat1o will students, drawn from about 35 be approximately that of the four du to several! actors: the prospec­ vate dining room. It was suggested that Bob Ritchie, states. tives, often accomp:nied by their Preliminary £1.oor plans of basic Head of the S;rasota Security Pa­ preceding classes, three to two.
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