BABY GRAND CAPTURES "THE ILCHESTER" FEATURE . LAUREL A HANDICAP, AT (Van Duhiii, U-M. ItHl Miss An CbwvkU. 1*4; BOWLING RESULTS? LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. Vontalas, 101 (BooMe). 1.7#. 4.4*; vira. 1*1 Ford. HOW THEY RAN AT LAUREL | LOUISVILLE RESULTS. British ItoM. 10* (Kadsrisl. 10 M if* Crystal 11^, Tim*. 1:47. Cot C». Grace Dau*h- -an. Ill; Saddle Mac, 114 . Rsl*) Track Put HIRALO LEAGUE rtnt Race.Purse >1.200; claim¬ First Race.Honor Man. HO (Sco- ertr. Doyle, Mlllersbura Yellow. *01; Jmtas. ui; FruH Cake. 1*L ^3 Clear, Uio I Agate. ing; handicap; 2-year-olds and up¬ ble). (.((, tie, ||«; Ban, of Kllu- Bio#som. Penwell. Old Faithful. W. Third Raoe.TSe' Boston Bellini FIRST RACK.Six aad oa.-h.lf Purae, 77 »l «»«.*. ¦.. H 10; ward; i mil*. Q. McClintock and 1166 furlsaga. It.MO. Fat t-raarolda, Daapar... <.)TflM'Wtlrao* Callahan. 102; Mil*. b«thtown. 1*7 (Burke). » 70, 4.00; Dantsls also ran. 1 1-14 claiming. Start good; won anally; Place mu. Weit to poot at 1:47; DC MtM... 81 . TT KJ Dasle, 101; Courtship, 101; Belgian Murray, in (BariMi). 4.M. Time, Hsrxlioap. 1-ysar-olde aM <11 1 S3 Winner Mk. f. by Colin.Miaa Kingston. Trained ur J. F. Schorr. Value to ItlfiUrt 87 10# lot Omw... 90 80 Queen. lot; Whit* aur. Locarno, r Ralco. II*; .Naddam. lid; third, $150. Time, 24 S-5. :49, lrti 2-8. Allai.... 04 99 it lot 101; Louis 1:11 1-0. Twinkle Blue, Mr ^ ^94|B.CIoiiaar. A, 110; War Bplrlt, lit; Blackl* Koee. La Dernlere. Lady Morrow. l«e. Ill; Buaarland. lit; Wt. St. * H % Fin. Jeekey. Daw. Hi. Hidden Miaa Colin, lit K r 3* !. Rutwell Totals. 339 947 3ts|Mil Tot*la.ToUla. 991*91 tit373 t»93* Diana, Tennllle, Blalxe. Empire City Entries. Escarpolstta. 1*1. "?£ Pl.it BraalarsDan Second Jewel. Lou Wldrid*« and Judre . Ntf 10 i» 1* 2' CalistQC* .S CottUetti 8.75 M Rao*.Pur** 11.200; claim¬ Mace.The Hartadale Hlaksa, #) Early Bird 9 4* 4» 3% 12.1 Daawh'ty 104 !M lOO Orttaa.... 71 » ing; for 2-year-old*; 1 mile. *80101. Pryor aleo ran Fourth Wins Event as 4 5* K! W WT) tWjr»f... tti TOto 87 First The 14,000 added: 1 year-olds ; aboat 4 Jumping Little Annie 5% 4» Co«ey v. 28.85 Summers "Zn 101; .Bam frank. 101; Plunalla, 191: Second ltace.Black Betty, 111 Race.Clalmln*; Maple- Swift Cricket 111 3 3" 8% 5" Morrin 8.00 Naiiait 100 Tt §4ir84, Barbar .... M Ng n, wood PnrM: Kal Ban*. It*. Emotion. T»n 1011011 W.CIauaar1 111 it Charllne. lOi: Flying Prince. 102; (Burke). t.M, 1.40. t.ir. Evenln* »-yeer-okls; f«r- Accidents Incapaci¬ Orrie 103 IS s* 8k $% ClemenU lh.90 Morgan 04W ltl Flncaitl*, 100; North Stories. £10. l.M; Clinch 10*: Penitent, 1*4; Runatsit. 11*; My tThriller I 11* T% 7% 7* f« 15.88 Towtr, 10C; Ill (Barnes). lon*s: Bald. 1H: Lucky Girl. Irish Brtcadler 11*. Dit»olute 7 IS Tatala *990 Spods. 104; Daniel Boooe. 100; Play. 1*7; vt% H* C. 1S.S0 "Totala. 880 999 305) 132 s«, Melum. 100. 1*1;. simple Simon. Ill; Brush Boy. Fifth Race.Claiming; the Baches tate Leaders. tTovt de Suite. A 5 7* 8« 9k tiarDourne Breviers wo* ao roll-off .Time. 1:14 1-S. Uml^era, Tidy. and .Tla game; . l«t; and 1 mils THestlem 108 IS 10* 11% 10* 10% Allen v Third Race Pur*e claim¬ and aleo ran. .Dolly Vardan. 1*4 : Miracle Man. Parse; lysar-otds up; l tl.tofe, .Vale Ambush 1 .Antoinette. 10*: Lord Tricolette ............ 100 8* 10% 11% II4 8. Lowe... mm B1XHM. ing; 2-year-old* and up; 1 1-14 Third 110 (Greg¬ liS; Red Tom, 1*1; Citation. fur-Ions: By RAT HELGR9BX. 10M o 9* IS 18 IS* Rowan Race.Ale*, Jr., 1M: Herbert. Diomsdss. 114- Bosttlsfe Hyperbole J. 24.70 Bwoad National. Dlatrlct National. miles. 'Rama. 100: Seacourt, 101: ory). Id. 10, 16.10, 4.10; Lady Long¬ Glen Bells, 1M; F. 1*7: tSwagger * 11 *2% 12% 12% 13 93 73 Lyddaue.. 83 83 II Klrtle. 101: Delhi Chief. »*; Cans, 114; Hendrte. 1*7; Raby Grand. J. K. L. Rom' good Keena 88 Petriarch, 101: *Tulsa. 106; Locu*t fellow. 184 (Parke); l'l. *.»0; Ex- Maid. 1M 'Last Firsts tFleld Two-dollnr mutuels paid.Miaa Oolin. $8-00, $3.80, $3.10; Cnlletogn. 88.90. lnpr 108 OS 00 Chtldraas. 105 81 8D Leave*. 101; Wild Or- horter. !.»0. Time. : Girl. 101; Jarkstone. .Rockport. IN: Boiarty. IN. little 3-year-old, captured the Knrly Bird. 80.00. MUs Colin forced a fast shook off 04 00 88 Flower, 101; 104 (Field*). 101; : 85.50; pace, Cnlintoga when Marlon. 78 05 I-aagley... 00 .nd, 111; Cheer Leader. Ill; Fri*. 1:14 4-0. Toney Lady and Oeur- Martaret White. lpi: Castanet. MrGee. 114 ; Tan lad. 114 Oialtsorer. pHcheater Handicap for all ages at ready and wee under alight restraint at the tinlnh. Caliatogn showed good apeed but Prleea.... 04 84 78 RoMasoa.. 00 101 In Ul. 10*; Pastoral. 10*; 'Swift Grass. 114; Orderly, 114; .Qoean Blonde, quit when challenged. Early Bird outlaeted Little Ammie. Latter went forwardly. Each 04 83 85 Morgan.. 100 100 lot mand aleo ran. 1*4. 1**. L»ix feature at Laurel yes¬ Swift Cricket In final teat. Orrie Fourth Race.Purse Pen- . Distinction. Ill 1M; Cots d*Or, furlongs, quit dropped back after beate. Scratched.High 0.. |1,400; Fourth ttaoe Second The Broadwsy Purse; Grand was coupled Plow Steel. Totala. 458 tM 438 Totals. 487 453 480 dennis Club Handicap: 2-year-olds (Howard). Ut LM, I.l»i American Race.Bellini A Iron Sixth Race.The terday. Baby itnd upward: 7 1.10. 100; quln Purse l-year-olils and up; ( fur- 1 year-olds 1 mile Beach Star. 1*7; with Motor as the Ross entry SECOND RACE.About two mltee. Pume. for 4-year-olda and The furlongs. Ace High, Ace. 110 (Mooney), Vonss; Hard Cop I 1IU7M $2,000. np. WASHINGTON-CENTENNIAL. »ft: B"llet Proof. 102; Lady Madcap, Planet. 104 (Wclner), J.10. Time. Ouess. 1*0; Turnabout. Frigate. 11*; Squaw Mas. 111. and was a favorite in the Helny Steeplecheae. Stlrt food; won driving; place eaeily. Went to poet at Appreatires. I Wardaaa. 102; Muf¬ 101: Esqaire, 101: Two Pair. 1M .Apprentice allowance claimed. slight 2:17; off at 2.18. Winner b. g. 4. by Danger Rock.Smlrr. Trained by J. 112 04 in» Kinburn, 101: Westwood. lit; 1:1T 1-5. Marcella Boy. MlM Star [ machines. Step Walter J. Vntoe to winner. >1.400, aecond. third. Time. 4:00. Preader.. 78 73 HOIFeatoa... Choo Choo, 114: Miss Jemima. 110: fin* and Bettina also ran. Court. 104; Major Parke. 114 Weather clear; track fast Ughtly. 8400; $208. jFonrteoa joaapa.) (ioodtng.. 73 82 OSiHollatrd... 83 03 Mo of Salmon's Wt. PP i% Kin. Jockey. WlBoswell... TO 83 nj Bit White, 111; Brookholt. 112. Fifth Rao*.Marlorie Hines. 110 [' 1-year-old ttlly. dropped MMBBMBBr m. mm 1% Straight. Boawall.. TO 74 Fifth into the place hole while H. P. 142 2 1% 2I# 1» 1» B. Kleege*.... 8.85 Durall 75 78 801 Stewart.. 80 81 80 Race.Purs* tl.100: the Jef- (Barnes), #.(#. 4.40. 1.10; Dr. Clark. Whitney's Ararat what Jim Coffroth 141 8 2* 2* 1* 2» 2" P. Brady 10 80 Brown.... 00 118 115181mpaon... 8t 8t 08 fersontown Handicap; 2-year-olds: 11! (Field*). 1*0. 1.70; Qlnser. 110 grabb«d nathryn Harlan 142 7 8* 5»« 3" 8" 8»* U. WHllama... 80.30 4 furloi.gs. 1:40. Blancne r wa» left of the purse. Billy Dunn. 100; Lord (Scobie), 1.(0. Time, The Bryan O. Lynn 187 1 8 7 *8 41* V r. ntacer 7.80 Totala. 3M 443 438! Tatala. 431 447 482 Allen, 102; tBIt of Black. 110: tBet Mac. Humphrey, Sands of ^toasure, winner was clocked in 1:12 D«n Dlnan 147 4 7,# 8'* 5»* 5 J. Russell 79.00, Mosle. aleo ran. flat, equaling the best time of the Valspar 147 5 4* 4* 4l Broke down Cbeyne 8.70 ' COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. 114; Casey. 110: Brsedelhate. OarJeellnK and Firebrand « 117; Fair Phantom. 123. tE. R. Sixth Ra^e.MMs Crestwood. 100 meeting, which dp to yesterday Baronet IIS 8 8* Fell S. Veitch 8.85 Carry Ira Cream. Tka Hacht Co. Fly Caat, was held by Careful. Sea Bryn .»'142 5 » Loet rider A. Sima 1.40 08 OS 04'HofaB. 02 104 08 Bradley entry. (Welner). 10 «0. (.00. 0.M-, Alaop Bixtft Race . Red Wlng- The ultimate victory of the Ross Two-dollar matuelA paid.BhoaL $18.70. $5 80. $4.70; Jim Coffroth. It.so. Hall 02 81 OSIDar 101 83 7T Purse 11.200: claim¬ 104 (Parke). ».(0. (.00; Haynes 1921 Demonstrator $1500 ing: 8.(0. Time. entry was never in doubt after the Kathryn Harlan. $10.40 Shoal taken back off the early py» and feaclng well W Wll ma 71 l.-Tgr»oa. 88 104 08 3-year-e)ds and upwards; t fleld. Ill (Kederls). / up. with a rush and stood a Jir Coffroth In drive. 80 88 81 furlongs. 'Miss 1:111-1. Marimba. Bartered half mile hard drive- gamely and outlaatea final Pleeger.. .. 01 MlMU'el*.. Petite. 00: *Joe Opulent. post was reached, when Latter went to the front when 01 04 D'Amour.
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