CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTIETH CONGRESS. S~OOND SESSION. SENATE. The credentials of CARROLL S. PAGE, chosen by the Jegislature of the State of Vermont a Senator from that State for the un­ MoNDAY, December 7, 1908. expired portion of the term of the late Senator Redfield Proc­ tor, ending March 3, 1911, were read and ordered to be filed. The first .Monday in December being the day prescribed by Mr. DILLINGHAM. Mr. PAGE is present in the Chamber the Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting and prepared to take the oath of office. of COngress, the second session of the Sixtieth Congress com­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect from Vermont menced this day. will present himself at the Vice-President's desk and take the The Senate assembled in its Chamber at-the Capitol. oath prescribed by law. · The Vice-President (Mr. CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS) called the Mr. PAGE was escQrted to the Vice-President's desk by Mr. Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. DILLINGHAM, and the oath prescribed by law having been ad­ PRAYER. ministered to him. he took his seat in ~e Senate. CALLING OF THE ROLL. -..._ The Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale, offered the following The VICE-PRESiDENT. The Secretary will call the roll of ,_ prayer: . the Senate. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His 1·ighteousness. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators * * * * * * answered to their names: T!~e kingdom of Go_d is within you. Aldrich Davis Hopkins Penrose Ankeny Depew · Johnston Perkins * * * * • * Bacon Dick Kean Piles Because ye are sons of God, God sent forth the spirit of His Bailey Dillingham Knox Platt Son in1o you1· hearts, crying Abba Father. Bankhead Dixon La Follette Rayner Borah Dolliver Lodge Richardson * * * * * * * Boume du Pont Long Scott I must be about my Father's business. Bt·andegee Elkins McCreary Simmons Father of life, Father of love, Thy servants in this Congress Briggs Flint McCumber Smith, Md. Brown Foraker McEnery • Smith, Mich. meet again to do our Father's will, to enter into this service of Burkett Foster McLaurin Smoot Thine, which is perfect freedom. And we have Thy strength for Burnham l!'razier Martin Stephenson our weakness; we have Thy light for our darlmess; we have Burrows Frye Milton Sutherland Carter Fulton Money Taliaferro .Thy wisdom for our direction. Clapp Gallinger Nelson Taylor Help Thy servants, Father, in every hour of every day in Clark, Wyo. Gamble Newlands Teller every day of every month, that this winter may be blessed to Clay Gore Nixon Warner Crane Guggenheim Overman Warren this land ; that we may see Thy kingdom come, the reign of God Culberson Hale Owen Wetmore establish itself in the world. Cullom Hemenway Page We remember before Thee, Thy servants, whom Thou hast Curtis Heyburn Paynter called to higher and larger service. They are with Thee as The VICE-PRESIDENT. Eighty-two Senators have an­ Thou art with them. swered to their names. A quorum of the Senate is present. Father, may every example of pattiotism, of purity, of truth, SENATORS PRESENT. of justice, of unselfishness be reflected in the liYes of Thy serv­ ants who are here, that this may be a gathering together of By States the Senators present were as follows: Thine own children in our Father's work, ready to go about our Alabama-John H. Bankhead and Joseph F. Johnston. Father's business; that this Nation may lift up what has fallen A 1·ka.nsas-Jefferson Davis. down; that this Nation may feed the hungry and the thirsty; Oalifoi•nia-Frank P. Flint and George C. Perkins. that this Nation may make the Light of this world more clear Colomdo-Simon Guggenheim and Henry M. Teller. and more true for those who come after us. Connecticut-Frank B. Brandegee. D elaware-Hem·y Here is our ~rayer. And for this Congress, Father, that Thou A. du Pont and Harry H. Richardson. wilt bless us as Thou hast blessed our fathers. We ask it in Florida-William H. Milton and James P. Taliaferro. Christ Jesus. Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon and Alexander S. Clay. Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Idaho-William E. Borah and Weldon B. Heyburn. kingdom come, Thy will be done n earth as it is dqne in Ill·inois-Shelby M. Cullom and Albert J. Hopkins. Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our Indiana-James A. Hemenway. trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead Iotoa-Jonathan P. Dolliver. us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is Kansas-Charles Curtis and Chester I. Long. the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Kentucky-James B. McCreary and T. H. Paynter. Amen. Louisiana-Murphy J. Foster and Samuel D. McEnery. SENATOR FROM VERMONT. Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. Ma1·yland-Isidor Rayner and John Walter Smith. .Mr. DILLINGHAM. Mr. President, I present the creden­ Massachusetts-Winthrop Murray Crane and Henry Cabot tials of Ron. CARROLL S. PAGE, who has been chosen by the Lodge. legislature of Vermont a Senator of the United States to fill Michigan-Julius C. Burrows and William Alden Smith. the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. Redfield Proctor. Minnesota-Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelson. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The credentials will be read by the Mississip-pi-Anselm J. McLaurin and H. D. Money. Secretary. Missouri-William Warner. 1 1 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 7, Montana-Thomas H. Carter and Joseph M. Dixon. guidance. Receiving with unfeigned love and gratitude all Nebrasltia-Norris Brown and Elmer J. Burkett. that has come down to us out of the past which makes for the Nevada-Francis G. Newlands and GeorgeS. Nixon. larger life and lligher civilization, yet we realize that our work New Hampshi1·e-Henry E. Burnham and Jacob H. Gallinger. is not done; hence we most fervently pray for a larger, clearer New Jm·sey-Frank 0. Briggs and John Kean. vision that we may go forward with unfaltering footsteps, high New York-Chauncey l\L Depew and Thomas C. Platt. ideals, and unswerving integrity to the tasks before us, that we No1·th Oarolina-Lee S. Overman and F. M. Simmons. may add somewhat to the sum of human happiness and thus Not·th Dakota-Porter J. McCumber. fulfill the law of Christ. Ohio-Charles Dick and Joseph B. Foraker. Be Thou a living presence, we beseech Thee, moving in the Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. minds and hearts of all our people, that good citizenship may Oregon--Charles W. Fulton and Jonathan Bourne. more and more obtain. Safeguard every home throughout our Pennsylvania-Philander Chase Knox and Boies Penrose. land, fill them each with love and affection, that peace and Rhode Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and George Peabody Wet-: righteousness may dwell therein. more. Inspire these Thy servants, the repre entatives of the people, South Dakota-Robert J. Gamble. that they may hold fast to the traditions of our fathers and Tennessee-James B. Frazier and Robert L. ~uylor. leave behind them a record worthy of emulation. Texas-Joseph W. Bailey and Charles A. Culberson. Strengthen, support, and guide the Speaker of this House in Utah-Reed Smoot and George Sutherland. his arduous duties, that with justice and equity he may guide Vermont-William P. Dillingham and CarrollS. Page. to the highest po sible results. Virginia-Thomas S. 1\Iartin. Protect the President of these United States from violence Washington--Levi Ankeny and Samuel H. Piles. and give to him and his advisers light from on high, that the West Virginia-Stephen B. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. ship of state may be guided with unerring preci ion through all Wisconsin--Robert 1ti. La Follette and Isaac Stephenson. the storms that may arise to a safe and peaceful harbor. Wy01ning-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren. Quicken the minds of our judiciary, that their judgments NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. may "be true and righteous altogether," that thus working together with Thee as a people we may hasten the coming. of Mr. HALE submitted the following resolution; which was Thy kingdom in all the earth. In the spirit of the Lord Jesus considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Christ. Amen. Resolvea, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives The SPEAKER directed the Clerk to call the roll by States that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to business. to ascertain the presence of a quorum, when the following-named Members responded : NOTIFICATION TO THE P~ESIDENT. ALABA:liA. George W. Taylor. Richmond P. Hobson. Mr. ALDRICH submitted the following resolution; which Henry D. Clayton. John L. Burnett. was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : W. B. Craig. William Richardson. Resolvea, That a committee consisting of three Senators be appointed J. Thomas Heflin. Oscar W. Underwood. to jpin sucli committee as may be appointed by the House of Repre­ ARKANSAS. sen1atives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform Robert Bruce Macon. Charles C. Reid. / him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is Stephen Brundidge, jr. Joseph T. Robinson. - ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. John C. Floyd. Robert M. Wallace. The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed as the committee 1\Ir. Ben Cravens. ALDRICH, Mr. GALLINGER, and 1\Ir. TELLER. CALIFORNIA. W. F. Englebright. Everts A. Hayes. HOUR OF MEETING.
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